Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 8, 2024
The Benefits of Distant Healing

Unwittingly or not, we all provide distant healing to others through well wishes, prayers, or positive thinking. Studies have proven that energy flows wherever thought goes and this can have both physical and emotional benefits. This article presents a pragmatic within-subjects pilot study of Reiki Medic-Care, an intervention providing free distance healing to National Health […]

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May 11, 2024
Prayer and Distant Healing Intention

Prayer and distant healing intention are non-traditional therapies used for treating stress, pain, depression and other conditions. Other techniques may include guided imagery, mantra meditation, Qi Gong training or Reiki therapy. Distance healing operates under the principle of quantum entanglement, which suggests that energy does not reside solely within physical borders. Energetic Connection Distance healing […]

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April 13, 2024
Healing Through Distant Prayer

Religious traditions frequently involve prayers for healing. Scientists have attempted to examine these claims using various methodologies; while some have demonstrated evidence of healing, other have not. Oral Roberts famously used the phrase, “There is no distance in prayer” to describe a collapsing of physical space during his healing prayer performances, with this overt theological […]

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April 7, 2024
Reiki Distant Animal Healing

Reiki distant animal healing is an energy healing modality that allows an animal to receive treatment even though the healer isn’t physically in contact with it. It can serve as an adjunct or replacement treatment, depending on your needs. Animal Communication + Reiki sessions can assist with specific health, food or behavior issues for your […]

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March 16, 2024
John of God Distant Healing

People visit Joao De Faria De Texeira, more commonly known as John of God, at his healing center in Brazil seeking remedies that traditional medicine has failed to address. Many miracles have been credited to this spiritual healer and those that work through him. John of God incorporates entities that provide distant healing services as […]

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