Metatron Medical Device
This device utilizes light-wave resonance to scan and identify the functional state of the body, as well as detect any slowly developing abnormal conditions ranging from entire organs or tissues, cells, nuclei or DNA helix to ultrastructures. Metatron, developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, features world-class software that can quickly scan patients without producing […]
Read MoreMetatron – A Non-Invasive Diagnostic Medical Device
Metatron is a non-invasive diagnostic device designed to rapidly scan organs of your body for function changes and provide detailed results with high levels of accuracy. Easily used, Metatron delivers results quickly. The METATRON NLS Scan allows patients to play an active role in their healthcare journey by identifying energetic imbalances or disturbances that could […]
Read MoreMetatron NLS Scan
The METATRON NLS Scan detects energetic disturbances that could potentially have an adverse impact on health, such as environmental and emotional stressors, toxins or pathogens. By correcting imbalances detected, patients can improve overall health outcomes. Three-dimensional scanning detects gradually developing abnormal conditions in tissues, cells, chromosomes and DNA helixes over time. Furthermore, it automatically pinpoints […]
Read MoreMetatron NLS Scan
The METATRON NLS Scan identifies imbalances that could contribute to health issues, providing information that allows you to pinpoint their sources and implement targeted interventions to treat them. Contrary to X-rays, CT scans and MRIs, this non-invasive device does not require fields of high intensity for imaging. Healthcare professionals as well as patients can both […]
Read MoreMetatron Device
The Metatron device uses electromagnetic waves to read and decipher information. It can even detect preexisting health issues before clients notice them, sending reverse frequencies back out in order to correct imbalances and restore health. Enoch-Metatron motifs served both narrative and exegetical functions in medieval Ashkenazi milieu, legitimizing interpretive creativity while stimulating kabbalistic hermeneutical processes. […]
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