Biophoton Therapy Device
Biophotons produce light that has no specific energy spectrum. Yet their emission can be found throughout living organisms and provide some form of communication or data transmission. This information can be tied back to biological processes like germination and has also been connected with pulsed electric fields generated by Reiki systems.
Read MoreBiophotonic Therapy and Medical Ozone
Biophotonic Therapy for Weight Loss Biophotonic Therapy and Medical Ozone have long been recognized for their healing potential; however, they’re most effective when integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan involving testing, nutrition, hormone optimization, detoxification, and other therapeutic techniques. Together they are especially adept at attacking viruses, bacteria, fungus and pain while improving circulation, relieving […]
Read MoreBiophoton Therapy for Lyme Disease
This invention provides a novel energy therapy to augment the body’s natural self-healing process. While conventional drugs usually work by killing pathogens or suppressing cancer cells or reducing inflammation, the subtle energy of scalar waves recharges bioenergy fields without adverse side effects or adverse interactions. What is Biophoton Therapy? Biophoton Therapy is a noninvasive energy-based […]
Read MoreBiophoton Light Therapy Brings HOPE to People Who Feel They Have No Choice But to Accept Their Condition
Biophoton light therapy (BPT) can provide significant relief for many illnesses that have been deemed incurable, offering hope to those who feel helpless against their circumstances. Recent research has demonstrated the efficacy of low-intensity light therapy (LILT) on improving cell health and survival by increasing ATP production and decreasing oxidative stress levels. This paper makes […]
Read MoreHALO Biophotonic Therapy
HALO light therapy delivers healing frequencies through photons (particles that transport energy electromagnetic waves) produced from various filters to deep tissue layers beneath the skin, stimulating or soothing as needed to create a healthier you! Violet light passes through vials that contain botanical extracts containing harmonic vibrational resonance. The HALO system may structure water molecules […]
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