Bioresonance Body Scan
Every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies emit electromagnetic waves or frequencies which when disturbed indicate potential health problems. Bioresonance body scans can help identify these issues and offer resources to achieve and maintain wellness in both body and mind. Achieving and maintaining wellness are key ingredients of happiness in life. Non-invasive Bioresonance scans […]
Read MoreHow Does Bioresonance Testing Work?
Bioresonance is an innocuous and painless method for testing allergies and sensitivities using frequencies. First established in Germany, its popularity has since spread worldwide. Your hair frequency is then compared with that of various items such as food to determine its response level. This entire process typically takes no more than 60 minutes and will […]
Read MoreIs Bioresonance Hair Testing Accurate?
Bioresonance testing has become a widely utilized noninvasive process due to its effectiveness and cost efficiency. It works by searching for imbalances in energy wavelengths that may exist, thus counteracting bad frequencies and restoring equilibrium. However, this test should not be seen as a replacement for ELISA blood tests in diagnosing food allergies and should […]
Read MoreWhat is Bioresonance Therapy?
Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive testing and treatment technique. It detects disharmonic frequencies in the body and eliminates them for holistic therapies to address pathological toxins or stress relief. Increase healthy waves while sending back inverted ones that cancel out harmful frequencies for allergy therapy success. Biofeedback Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to increase healthy […]
Read MoreBioresonance For Allergies
Allergies are an increasingly prevalent problem that affects many individuals. While some allergies can be harmless, others can lead to anaphylaxis which could prove life threatening. One way bioresonance can help with allergies is through its German technology that scans your body to detect imbalances and then changes frequencies accordingly to correct them, thus helping […]
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