Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 10, 2024
Dr Irene Caesar Talks About Remote Management of Biosystems by Bioholography

Dr. Irene Caesar, President of WAVE GENOME LLC, addressed “REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF BIOSYSTEMS BY BIOHOLOGRAPHY” at BIT’s 9th World Gene Convention-2018. Her theory, which incorporates DNA fractal representations, human verbal expression/speech patterns and wave genome theory explains how genetic collapse may be prevented! PERSONAL BIOHOLOGRAPHIC DRUGS DIGITAL PHARMACY WAVE GENOME LLC’s first pharmaceutical products produced […]

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June 13, 2024
Wave Genetics in Frogs and Salamanders

Gariaev and his team took a novel approach to genetic engineering by modulating sound and light waves with pure linguistic frequencies using sound and light waves modulated with pure language frequencies to rescript DNA. Their experiment proved highly successful as they transformed frog embryos into salamander embryos, repaired damaged chromosomes and even reprogrammed DNA; all […]

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June 12, 2024
Restore Your Health Using the Matrix by Dr Garyaev

Early on when beginning to use both Universal Matrix and Individual Matrix, some people may experience temporary exacerbations as part of healing adjustment and detoxification processes. This is a normal part of healing adjustment and detoxification processes and should subside quickly with continued usage of either type. Linguistic Wave Genetics information medicine helps the body […]

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June 6, 2024
Peter Petrovich Garyaev

Gariaeva has published three monographs on linguistic-wave genetics that have drawn praise from both prominent physicists at Moscow State University and Lebedev Physical Institute as well as from foreign researchers. His central thesis was: Hereditary information can be transmitted not only through biological cells but also via subtle energy fields that can be read with […]

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June 6, 2024
What is an Invisible Force?

FIG. 5 depicts a device for combatting Varroa ticks and their larvae 2, composed of an optical range with frequency-destructors and parazitarnogo diapazon, converted into a parametrically coupled radiovolnovo spektr. This spectrometer has genetic features adapted specifically to biological objects scanned during its operation. This unique way of administering photons to DNA causes its helicity […]

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