Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 6, 2024
What is an Invisible Force?

FIG. 5 depicts a device for combatting Varroa ticks and their larvae 2, composed of an optical range with frequency-destructors and parazitarnogo diapazon, converted into a parametrically coupled radiovolnovo spektr. This spectrometer has genetic features adapted specifically to biological objects scanned during its operation. This unique way of administering photons to DNA causes its helicity […]

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May 16, 2024
Healing With Light

Applying laser beams to project holographic information of healthy organs and tissues onto unhealthy ones has proven highly successful in healing patients – this work of Russian biophysicist Gariaev being one such example of this process. The traditional paradigm of molecular genetics neglects quantum optical and wave linguistic principles presented by Dr. Lupton; these new […]

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May 16, 2024
The DNA Phantom Effect

Poponin conducted experiments that appeared to corroborate ancient metaphysical claims about how human DNA and emotions impact physical reality through subtle energies – an effect he termed the DNA Phantom Effect. After emptying out a tube and measuring its content, he observed the photon distribution within it and found them scattered uniformly across its interior […]

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May 9, 2024
The DNA Phantom

Scientist Peter Gariaev discovered that physical DNA can maintain wave/field memory. When his DNA was placed into a test tube, it attracted and organized light that should have been random – even after its removal from its source. The light continued its organized state even when removed. Gariaev is among the few scientists who have […]

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May 8, 2024
Gariaev Frog Salamander

Dr. Peter Gariaev claimed he could use light waves to reprogram DNA genetic patterns on frog embryos into salamanders without the need for surgery or drugs! This amazing feat could even be accomplished without needing to perform surgeries or administer medicines! Gariaev asserted that, since DNA contains both wave and particle properties and is linguistic […]

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