Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

April 6, 2024
Quantum Manifestation Meditation

Quantum manifestation is a meditation technique that combines quantum physics principles with mindfulness and setting an intention. This practice believes that focused intention can alter physical reality. Imagine standing before a window that shines with white light and walking through it into another reality aligned with your desired outcomes. Set Your Intention Quantum manifestation meditation […]

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March 16, 2024
Quantum Manifestation Reviews

Quantum manifestation is an effective means of manifesting abundance, financial prosperity, better health and stronger relationships by tapping into quantum energy which exists at higher vibrational frequencies. Visualization techniques and affirmations can be effective ways of tapping into this energy source, but managing the transition phase – whereby a different frequency becomes your new normal […]

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March 10, 2024
Quantum Manifestation and Marina Jacobi

Quantum manifestation is a practice and path taught through Marina Jacobi’s teachings, designed to address and end the slavistic money system forced upon humanity, in favor of one that benefits all equally – its goal being “do good, receive good!” It’s the natural magic of doing good for others unselfishly while reaping rewards unselfishly! The […]

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March 10, 2024
How to Master Quantum Manifestation

Realizing your dreams requires a quantum shift that includes both vibrational and consciousness changes, so to effectively manifest your goals it’s crucial that you take advantage of the bridging phase, an important period in which you transition into your new reality. This video offers strategies for accessing the quantum realm through coherent brain waves, clear […]

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February 12, 2024
Quantum Manifestation Code Review

The Quantum Manifestation Code is an educational program that will show you how to attract abundance into your life using Law of Attraction principles and quantum science facts. Grabovoi numbers and sacred codes may also help manifest your intentions more successfully. Utilizing the quantum manifestation code, you can align your energy with that of the […]

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