Healy Remote Healing
Healy is a patent and FDA cleared class 2 medical device for pain relief. Additionally, Healy contains non-medical frequencies to balance your bioenergetic field and activate your natural self-healing ability. Healy can scan both your aura and chakras – the energy centers in your body – with over 10 million frequency programs to select from. […]
Read MoreReiki Remote Healing
Reiki healing energy has the ability to travel across time and space, enabling it to flow between practitioner and recipient regardless of physical distance separating them. This form of remote healing is known. Typically, sessions are conducted via phone or an online platform such as Zoom. Clients usually lie down for the entirety of their […]
Read MoreWhat is Remote Healing For People?
Distance healing works on the foundations of energy and intention. Through quantum entanglement, which allows healing energy to spread over long distances, distance healing enables its practitioners to provide treatment remotely. During a session, people may experience warm glows in certain parts of their bodies or tingling sensations, along with feelings of lightness or heaviness […]
Read MoreShamanic Energy Transfer Remote Healing
Shamans go beyond clearing and healing energy fields by performing extractions to remove misplaced or negative energies, including any leftover from an injury such as spraining or even receiving a heart transplant. Remote healing sessions with shamans utilize energy transfer for an energetic healing session without physically present clients, also known as Reiki healing. Energy […]
Read MoreHow Does Remote Energy Healing Work?
Energy healing is an invaluable practice that can transform lives. Additionally, it can reduce stress and anxiety – and anyone can use this practice regardless of where they reside in the world. Therapeutic touch works by clearing away energy blockages and encouraging positive energy flows within the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. It’s based […]
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