Remote Energy Healing
Remote Healing Sessions provide similar benefits and energies as Intuitive Phone Sessions without your being physically present. Sessions usually last 30-60 minutes and can include yourself or you and 1 pet. Scientific theories like quantum entanglement suggest that all forms of energy can be transmitted regardless of physical distance – this helps explain why remote […]
Read MoreHow to Do Remote Healing
Scientific advancement, spiritual practices and technology all combine to bring us comfort, convenience and healing in our daily lives – remote energy healing being no different. Quantum healing uses quantum physics principles to transmit energy and intentions across physical distances, acting like a Wi-Fi router sending energy directly to clients. 1. Set Your Intention Distance […]
Read MoreLong Distance Healing and Spiritual Guidance
Delia facilitates long-distance healing sessions through dialogue between herself and the physical body to discover its needs, such as fascia release, hormone balancing or emotional support, to enable it to heal itself. New York City is a tightly wound city, where anxiety often builds to comic heights. But with the coronavirus pandemic’s recent outbreak, that […]
Read MoreRemote Shamanic Healing
No matter the skepticism, it is possible for a shaman to perform healing ceremonies without actually being in close proximity with those they pray for – it all depends on them and their true intent for doing so. At a remote or distant session, the shaman travels into alternate realities to perform healing similar to […]
Read MoreWhat is Remote Spiritual Healing?
Remote energy healing sessions use universal life force to clear, revitalize and heal. Practitioners utilize visualization and intention to forge a strong energetic link that transcends physical distance. Quantum physics research supports the notion that energy healing can be effective without an actual healer being present; yet what exactly happens during a session? Benefits Remote […]
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