Spooky2 Reviews
Spooky2 is one of the most comprehensive Rife systems on the market, featuring plasma, contact, remote, PEMF and cold laser treatment modes to effectively treat serious illnesses like cancer and Lyme disease as well as detoxify heavy metals and clear Morgellons. Quantum entanglement allows frequency entrainment to transmit healing frequencies directly into DNA, helping reduce […]
Read MoreSpooky2 Plasma Tube
The Spooky2 Plasma Tube is a phanotron coil similar to those used by Dr. Rife for his 100% successful cancer clinical trials. It can be connected to any SSQ-2F generator and transmit frequencies through its high power contact output. Compatible with all frequency generators, it can be used for an array of purposes such as […]
Read MoreSpooky2 Videos
Spooky2 is one of the world’s most advanced and versatile Rife systems. Utilizing scalar waves and the principle of quantum entanglement, it transmits frequencies directly through your body via contact (TENS pads or coils on skin), imprinted holographic stickers or remotely. Together, these databases make up one of the world’s largest frequency libraries. Spooky2 Pulse […]
Read MoreRife Machine For Sale – Spooky2
Spooky2 takes Rife to a whole new level, with enhanced contact and plasma abilities as well as a powerful frequency generator equipped with high power contact output specifically designed to narrowcast DNA. This signal processor connects directly to a generator’s Out 1 and Out 2 outputs, processing them for specific uses. For instance, it can […]
Read MoreSpooky2 Home – The New Rife System
Spooky2 Home is the world’s most advanced Rife system, designed since 2013 by an international team of electronics engineers, technical designers and software developers. It is intuitive, foolproof and powerful. Spooky2 can typically help treat acute conditions like flu or sore throat in just hours, while more serious or chronic diseases could require longer treatments. […]
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