Radiesthesia and Radionics
Radiesthetie practitioners must devote much time and energy to researching symptoms and performing diagnostic exams in order to detect all disease conditions not evident from traditional testing procedures. He or she must ensure that no essential diseases go undetected. Guyon Richards was one of the pioneers in medical radiesthesia in this country. His innovative work […]
Read MoreRadiesthesia Tools – Tune Into the Subtle Vibrations of Energy
Tune into the subtle vibrations of energy to gain insight, guidance and healing. Radiesthetists (or dowsers) employ this method of divination and energy healing with special tools used for divination or energy healing. Make spiritual discovery simpler with our radiesthesia pendulum, designed for ease of use and versatility. Ideal for dowsing, meditation, chakra balancing and […]
Read MoreRadiesthesia (Dowsing)
Dowsing (radiesthesia) involves tapping into energetic vibrations to gain insights and guidance from them. Dowsers often utilize pendulums or rods as tools to identify subtle energy fields. This book provides an excellent introduction to radiesthesia. It covers its history, theories behind what’s occurring, and methods for honing dowsing abilities. It is a form of divination […]
Read MoreRadiesthesia PDF – What is Radiesthesia?
Radiesthesia is a practice that uses energetic vibrations for insight, guidance, and healing. Practitioners known as dowsers use various tools to tune into these energies to achieve resonance with them. All living bodies produce an aura or radiate aesthetic color unique to it that differs from its visual color; although, sometimes congruent with it. Definition […]
Read MoreWhat Is Dowsing Or Radiesthesia?
Dowsing or Radiesthesia is an ancient art and science which employs divining tools such as pendulums to detect subtle energies within a physical space, including herbal remedies or underground water sources in foreign lands. Jesuit missionaries were known to employ this practice for finding such resources quickly. At home or the workplace, radiesthesia can also […]
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