Wave Genetics Laser
Gene wave control based on this concept has resulted in some remarkable experiments, such as the successful regeneration of a dog tooth by capturing DNA information patterns and transmitting them directly to cells. Studies have also demonstrated that mode profile, optical spectrum and automatic mode-locking operation can all be genetically optimized – something with significant […]
Read MoreWave Genome Reviews
Wave genome is an emerging field of biology and medicine that studies genetic systems as holographic, soliton and fractal quantum biocomputers with consciousness components. According to this research, 97% of DNA can be affected by electromagnetic and acoustic waves, potentially leading to reverse mutations, curing diseases, and increasing life span significantly. 1. Molecular Biology Molecular […]
Read MoreSlow Motion Waves of Jumping Genes in the Human Genome
Action movies often employ slow motion to give audiences an unobstructed view of a dramatic fight scene or blowout, while geneticists also employ this technique when studying “jumping genes”, which move independently across genomes or complete sets of instructions. Alu elements (LINE-1 and its relatives) are present throughout our genomes as relics from viruses that […]
Read MoreWave Genetics Wiki
What is wave genetics? Wave genetics is an emerging theory that proposes that our DNA communicates through electromagnetic waves to influence gene expression. Although not widely accepted by scientists, research is underway to further examine its ramifications – including an apparent “illusory force” between people when holding hands without touching. This phenomenon could account for […]
Read MoreWave Genome Irene Caesar
Irene Caesar, Ph.D, the President of Wave Genome LLC delivered the address “REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF BIOSYSTEMS VIA MASTERING THE WAVE OPTICS IN CHROMOSOMES” during BIT’s 1st World Congress of Biomedical Engineering from November 9-11 2017. WAVE GENOME LLC launched the Digitized Biohologram of an embryonic stem cell in December 2017. This can be purchased with […]
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