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May 8, 2024|Editor

What is a Quantum Healer?

what is a quantum healer

Quantum healing is based on the principle that changes to consciousness can bring about profound physical healing, first popularized by spiritual guru Deepak Chopra with his book Quantum Healing published in 1989.

Quantum Touch therapists believe they can boost life-force energy using resonance and entrainment principles to amplify it; this energy is commonly known as “chi”.

Quantum Healer

Quantum healing is an energy medicine method developed by Deepak Chopra that utilizes quantum physics to heal the body. Based on his beliefs that consciousness change can result in healing for body-mind integration, quantum healing has seen immense success since its introduction into medical practice.

Quantum healing sessions begin by creating an energy field using light and sound. This energy is then directed toward helping patients recover on all fronts: physical, emotional, psychological. Healers believe that healing progress is speeded up when healer and patient are in balance and harmony.

Quantum healers believe that everything in this universe is interconnected. Their theory revolves around subatomic vibrations which affect other objects even without direct physical contact; this phenomenon is known as entrainment and it has been observed across scientific fields such as chemistry, neurology, biology, and medicine.

Quantum healing seeks to balance your body’s energies and enhance their flow through your body, in order to relieve pain, reduce stress levels and strengthen immunity. It may also help reconnect you with spiritual self while rebalancing energy balance in life; some individuals have experienced healing benefits of quantum healing therapy including reduced back pain, migraines and headaches.

If you want to become a quantum healer, several schools provide training programs. Some include both traditional instruction and hands-on experience while others focus solely on hands-on learning; many courses come complete with certification exams at the end. Though you may find these courses challenging, completing them could prove worth your while if becoming certified quantum healers is your goal.

Quantum healers can provide invaluable assistance with various ailments, from backache to emotional breakdowns. Trained in using crystals and other tools to facilitate the healing process, these healers use crystals and tools such as TENS machines to clear negative energy that accumulates within your body while helping relieve headaches by balancing brain chemistry that causes them.

Energy Healer

Energies can become blocked and out of balance, creating pain or mental issues such as chronic illnesses, anxiety and depression that threaten physical wellbeing. Energy healing provides an holistic solution that addresses all three areas – body, mind and spirit.

An energy healer employs techniques such as Reiki, Kinesiology, Regression and Empathy to heal others. They may also utilize channeling and intuitive guidance. Their practice is non-religious in nature based on quantum physics and has proven successful at relieving stress while strengthening immunity as well as alleviating physical symptoms like chronic pain, insomnia and headaches.

At each session, a healer creates an energy field around their client to facilitate the flow of life-force energy. This technique relies on resonance and entrainment principles – this means two objects vibrating at different speeds begin vibrating at equal rates when brought close together – which forms the cornerstone of quantum healing.

Energy healers believe that an individual’s energy is connected to everything in the universe – including other people, living things and nonliving entities alike. This connection is known as universal life force or energy flow (chi, prana or ki). Energy healers hold that this force drives all life forms together and that its influence on reality (law of attraction) can be as tangible as gravity itself.

Energy healers use crystals to facilitate healing. Placing them on various parts of the body, these crystals emit light that travels throughout it and positively influences it, helping people release toxins and heal on a spiritual level. Although energy healing should not replace traditional medicine, it can serve as a complementary therapy. Emotions are an integral part of human experience – not being able to feel your emotions is harmful; feeling them is key in order to truly evolve spiritually and heal on an inner soul level.

Quantum Touch Healer

Energy healing is an ancient and effective form of physical medicine used by shamans and monks for millennia to restore balance to body, mind, and spirit. There are various energy healing techniques, but two of the most widely practiced are Yoga and Qi Gong; these practices not only reduce pain and inflammation but can also help balance emotions. If you want to learn quantum touch healing there are various online courses that will equip you with all of the skills you need.

Quantum touch is a simple yet profound technique involving breathing and body-awareness exercises to raise your energy levels, unlock extraordinary healing possibilities and facilitate hands-on and distance healing. With Quantum touch you can boost both hands-on healing as well as distant healing techniques such as Reiki. Plus it makes an excellent supplement!

Energy healing may seem like an alternative form of pseudoscience to traditional medical practitioners, yet it can provide substantial help for people suffering from chronic illnesses or those experiencing stress and anxiety, two common contributors to headaches.

If you’re uncertain if quantum healing is right for you, it is essential to find a practitioner with appropriate qualifications and experience. A skilled practitioner will be able to identify any blockages to your energy flow while guiding you on a journey toward self-healing.

Quantum healing has become an effective solution to help alleviate various conditions, from depression and anxiety, to manifesting your fullest potential as an integrated being. Practitioners employ various healing modalities – meditation, visualization and physical contact are among them – in order to utilize quantum healing‘s potential and assist their patients.

Quantum Touch is the leading energy healing method. This holistic health system combines energy healing principles with those of quantum physics to teach people how to access their own personal “chi” or universal life force and use it for healing as well as wellness promotion and transformation on multiple levels.

Reiki Healer

Reiki, originally devised in Japan in the early 1900s by a Buddhist monk, is an energy healing technique using universal life force energy to balance and restore an individual’s energetic field. Reiki practitioners use their hands to transmit this healing energy directly into patients’ physical, mental and emotional states.

During a session, your healer will move their hands over your body while you may experience heat or tingling sensations; some people also report visions or memories during sessions. Reiki energy has the ability to relieve pain while improving overall health by treating its cause instead of only its symptoms.

Energy healing works by clearing away negative energy that has built up in your body, relieving tension, relieving stress, and improving wellness by balancing your energy system. Practitioners may use crystals or other tools during sessions as these may increase the power of healing energy; Reiki energy may even be used remotely for distance healing.

Quantum touch is an energy healing practice rooted in quantum physics that uses breathing techniques, entrainment (when two energy sources meet at their highest potential level), and resonance to promote holistic wellbeing. Quantum touch can help you become an efficient healer as well as boost both physical and mental wellness.

Quantum healing sessions can address various conditions and imbalances of the body-mind connection. It can help unblock chakra energy fields and aura energies to remove negative energies causing disease; reconnect you to your soul or higher self; improve ability to manifest what you desire in life.

Quantum healing is a noninvasive alternative to traditional medicine based on the principle that everything is connected. Simply changing one aspect of your health – be it diet, exercise, mental or emotional health status or the way you interact with people – will impact all other areas of life; this phenomenon is known as law of attraction.

May 8, 2024|Editor

Biohacking Treatments

biohacking treatments

Interested in elevating your wellness regime beyond good sleep, healthy diet and regular exercise? Biohacking may be right for you.

Biohacking treatments include eliminating foods that cause reactions through an elimination diet and taking supplements to enhance cognitive function or even slow biological aging. At SourceMD, we also offer science-led IV drip therapies and booster shots.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy is an innovative biohack designed to activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms at a cellular level. Breathing pure oxygen in an enclosed hyperbaric chamber or softshell chamber allows your body to absorb up to three times more oxygen than usual – significantly improving oxygen utilization and mitochondrial health, both key elements in our overall well-being.

Ozone therapy uses extra oxygen molecules to bind with pathogenic bacteria and kill it while helping good bacteria flourish, making ozone treatment an excellent way to combat infections and boost the immune system. Furthermore, its improved blood flow helps ease chronic pain relief while strengthening detoxification pathways in the body.

Ozone therapy not only boosts immunity but can be used to heal injuries and speed wound healing. Studies have revealed it’s potential in stimulating new capillaries formation while simultaneously encouraging clotting and decreasing inflammation – it may even help treat diabetes by providing better glucose control with less need for insulin treatment!

There are two primary categories of ozone treatments: systemic and local. Systemic options may include blood therapies, rectal ozone enemas, and topical applications of ozonated water or oil; local ones include techniques such as limb bagging or injections into sinus cavities with prolozone protocol, among others. It’s wise to start out slowly as taking too much ozone can sometimes trigger the Herxheimer reaction – an immune response in which too much pathogen killing at once triggers an immune response that produces endotoxins which causes discomfort for several days afterward.


Biohacking has been made popular by celebrities and social media influencers as an attempt to optimize health and performance while improving wellbeing and boosting well-being. Although biohacking may appear trendy, scientific evidence backs its use.

Biohacking refers to incremental changes that gradually enhance health through various means, such as diet modification, sleep cycle adjustment or vitamin drip therapy. Research-backed therapies such as these have proven successful at strengthening immune systems, decreasing inflammation levels and even helping protect against certain diseases.

The Superhuman Clinic in California offers biohacks that can help you feel and perform your best. Cold therapy, which exposes patients to freezing temperatures for several minutes, is one of the most effective treatments. Cold therapy helps relieve pain while increasing circulation; another method, called Ozone therapy, uses ozone gas to destroy viruses, bacteria and yeast while strengthening immunity and decreasing oxidative stress in the body.

Biohacking involves three main approaches: nutrigenomics, DIY biology and grinder. Nutrigenomics examines how diet affects genes over time to impact health in an overall sense – such as helping you lose weight or decreasing risk factors for genetic disease. DIY biology includes taking supplements like nootropics for cognition improvement or anti-ageing such as senolytics to optimize health; but be wary when undertaking these attempts as some could lead to severe side effects.

Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has quickly become a staple of bio hacking communities across the globe. These advanced setups involve inhaling pure oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure for various purposes – improving recovery from illness, improving athletic performance and cognitive enhancement among others. Many members of bio hacking circles view HBOT not simply as a trendy health trend but as an essential tool to achieve peak performance.

HBOT can also be an effective solution to treat difficult-to-treat bacterial infections, making them more manageable with conventional medicine. By subjecting bacteria to high doses of oxygen during an HBOT session, their toxic substances can be neutralized, rendering them harmless. Furthermore, this treatment strengthens white blood cells’ abilities to identify and eradicate threats more efficiently than before.

HBOT offers many cellular benefits, from increasing ATP (the energy currency of cells) production to increasing vascularity to reduce swelling and promote healing, to up-regulating immunity systems and fighting oxidative stress by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine production while increasing antioxidant activity.

HBOT can help reduce inflammation associated with conditions like COPD and chronic sinusitis. Furthermore, it can enhance endurance during training sessions while speeding recovery from injuries or intense workouts. If you’re interested in using it for fitness purposes then another form known as EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy) might also provide benefits: this technique combines regular physical activity with the delivery of pure oxygen through a mask placed over your muscles that instantly provides energy boosts and even inflammation reduction – making this therapy popular with athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike!


HOCATT is the ultimate wellness and biohacking system to detoxify and stimulate immunity naturally. Combining carbonic acid, steam, photon light therapy, ozone gas, and oxygen into its treatment protocol, HOCATT works on all major systems in the body to promote vitality or hasten recovery after surgery.

At each session, patients sit comfortably in a special sauna-like machine. A three-minute cycle of carbonic acid (CA) moistens the skin while simultaneously dilatation pores and increasing lymphatic system blood flow. Ozone mixes with CA to form hydrogen peroxide that cells absorb into their bloodstreams; then further oxidized by bacteria, viruses, yeast mold and parasites before helping the immune system release enzymes for fighting infection and healing.

Each treatment session lasts 30 minutes and leaves patients feeling revitalized and revitalized afterward. Most healthy clients typically require sessions every few months for optimal health and performance; those battling chronic illnesses may require more frequent sessions.

Before engaging in HOCATT therapy, the most crucial thing is hydrating. Exposure to gasses like ozone can be harmful if your body is dehydrated; post session it’s recommended drinking 8 oz more of water as replenishment.

HOCATT is an invaluable asset to any wellness program, providing increased energy, better sleep patterns, and strengthening immunity. Athletic performance may benefit by decreasing buildup of lactic acid while simultaneously improving muscle repair; skin appearance could be improved through cell turnover promotion and decreased signs of aging – just a few benefits that make HOCATT such an incredible addition!


Root cause analysis is at the core of biohacking, and identifying any sources of inflammation or oxidative stress as triggers is one step toward finding solutions. In practice this could mean making adjustments to diet or taking supplements to support natural bodily processes; or perhaps intermittent fasting techniques might help encourage autophagy – our body’s natural self-cleaning mechanism.

Supplements are a central element of biohacking, with numerous options available. Nootropics – or smart drugs – are often preferred among biohackers as a means to improve cognitive function and mental clarity. Nootropics come both naturally or synthetically produced; popular options include gotu kola and water hyssop as an example. Finding appropriate supplements should always be your goal!

Anti-aging supplements, in addition to nootropics, may assist with cognitive function and memory. Examples include resveratrol – which has been proven to decrease senescence markers – omega-3 fatty acids magnesium and exercise are all excellent anti-ageing aids.

Eating, exercising and sleeping properly are also foundations of biohacking. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts can reduce risk factors for chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes; adequate rest and reduced blue light exposure help improve immunity while improving overall well-being; biohackers utilize various detoxification strategies such as sauna sessions, red light therapy sessions and cold immersion bathing as part of their practices; these may be supplemented by science-led IV drip therapies or booster shots to complete their program.

May 8, 2024|Editor

Spooky2 Biofeedback Scan – Discover the Best Frequencies to Use With Rife

spooky2 biofeedback scan

No matter your profession or interest in alternative healing solutions, the Spooky2 system provides an appealing entryway into frequency healing technology.

Generator circuitry sends out frequencies which stress, injure, or kill pathogens before recording changes in electrical signal to detect these hits. The scanner then correlates these stresses with its frequency database in what’s known as reverse lookup.

What is a Biofeedback Scan?

Biofeedback is a training program with the purpose of teaching people to control involuntary physiological processes – both mental and physical. Biofeedback devices provide powerful yet simple means of doing just that, making bioscans easy and painless; simply put your hand in a hand cradle while scanning runs – this allows the device to communicate with your natural energy field to read responses; during the process you won’t feel anything; rather advanced software shows you exactly what frequencies your body reacts to from each scan frequency inputted by scanner.

Bioscans measure your body’s response to various frequencies. While it doesn’t diagnose or treat, bioscans can provide invaluable insights into how stress impacts you; for example, by detecting viral, bacterial, fungi, nutritional deficiencies, vitamin levels, hormone levels or food sensitivities.

Bioscans involve inflicting a frequency sweep onto the body via either a non-damped cardiac monitor (GX) or sample digitizer (Spooky2 Pulse), and this signal causes it to “scream”, or react, as measured by stress events recorded by your scanner. Your scanner then correlates each event to its specific frequency cause by noting its appearance in your scan results list.

Every object emits its own vibrational frequency – like its own fingerprint. Biofeedback software can scan for millions of these frequencies to locate any that resonate with your own energy field, like fingerprints. Unfortunately, biofeedback may miss some potentially dangerous frequencies due to stealth strategies employed by pathogens that try to escape detection by your immune system – while loud screamers might get hit and eliminated, more serious organisms might remain undetected due to all the other bacteria being killed simultaneously.

How Does a Biofeedback Scan Work?

Biofeedback scans provide an electro-dermal reading of energy frequencies within your body and compare these against vitamins, neurotransmitters, hormones, foods and other substances to pinpoint imbalances that might be occurring energetically in your system. While biofeedback readings cannot replace medical advice given by physicians, they provide extremely close correlations to physical, spiritual and emotional ailments experienced by many people.

Biofeedback is a form of training which teaches people how to control what are usually involuntary functions such as brain activity. Studies of rt-fMRI biofeedback have demonstrated that individuals can learn to alter region-specific brain activity using this practice (Caria et al, 2007; deCharms et al 2004; Hamilton 2011 and McCaig 2009).

The Spooky2 scan utilizes your body’s electromagnetic field to identify any patterns in its energy flow, taking advantage of your unique morphogenic field’s frequency before comparing it against its database and displaying results on screen when there is a match; once detected, data about any problem frequencies will be saved so they can be addressed later.

Spooky2 offers an innovative diagnostic tool, Reverse Lookup, for combatting pathogens. Simply run a frequency through your scalar generator, and it will return a list of any organisms which have died as a result of being exposed to that particular frequency – giving you a chance to use those frequencies on other spooky2 devices to completely eradicate any remaining pathogens and their offspring.

Dr. Debbie recommends doing a biofeedback scan each month until a patient feels their function has been restored and balanced, or for up to six months thereafter. Patients can arrange an appointment by calling or emailing IHS office and asking to be added to the bio-feedback scan schedule. Once the bio-feedback scan is complete an IHS staff member will send the patient their ROF document and Recommended Supplement Schedule via email; at that point the Patient can either order products online through IHS website, or call/email the IHS office with list of products needed so an invoice can be created specifically for them.

What is a Biofeedback Scan with Spooky2?

Spooky2 biofeedback scans allow you to identify the optimal frequencies to use with your Rife device. Rife frequency technology suggests that specific pathogens resonate with and are destroyed by specific frequencies; Rife machines sweep various frequencies through your body while recording any stress responses as they occur and correlate those stressors to specific frequencies which caused them. They then construct programs using those frequencies in order to eliminate or neutralize problems identified during their scans.

Spooky2 offers four methods of biofeedback scanning. The Pulse Scan can be used for scanning an entire body by monitoring changes in heart rate to track how your body responds to each frequency scan frequency; an increase in heart rate indicates a sympathetic resonance with one frequency that stresses out your system, recorded by Spooky2, and saved for later use as part of Rife devices.

Spooky2 offers both a TENS Scan and Sample Digitizer Scan that require generators compatible with these accessories. While TENS scan is more flexible as it can be used remotely, plasma, or contact mode; sample digitizer scan allows the user to move freely during scan sessions which makes them much more suitable for those who find sitting still too uncomfortable for long.

The Sample Digitizer Scan is compatible with both new genx and standard scalar generators and represents one of the most advanced biofeedback scans, as it allows users to detect pathogens within biological samples such as urine, saliva and blood. Unlike TENS or Pulse Scan systems which only detect changes in electrical signal frequency by scanning samples directly for changes, this advanced biofeedback scanner detects pathogens directly by recording any electrical changes produced from them and recording changes directly to produce its electrical signal output directly.

Reverse Lookup can help identify new pathogens not yet listed in the database, often because of biowarfare lab engineering or mutation that alters their frequency enough for new frequencies to be necessary in combatting them.

How to Do a Biofeedback Scan with Spooky2

Spooky2 biofeedback scans expose your body to a range of frequencies that alter electric field pressure, altering skin conductivity and heart rate, as well as skin conductance and heart rate. Spooky2 detects these field changes and records them for later analysis – this allows us to match stress events to their respective frequencies (known as hits in Rife terminology). Once complete, the frequency list saved from your scan can help address imbalanced energy frequencies later.

Spooky2 searches its database for frequencies to devitalize pathogens when hits are identified, an process known as Reverse Lookup. If no results come back during Reverse Lookup, that indicates either it was created specifically in biowarfare laboratories and has never been dealt with, or existing pathogens that have evolved to resist Rife frequencies are now resistant to their devitalizing frequencies.

Spooky2 makes biofeedback scans easy: simply connect the Sample Digitizer to Out 1 of one generator of GenX and place your DNA sample inside. Open the control tab, click generator button, tick “Overwrite Generator”, start generator, runtime channel button will turn green – simple as that!

May 8, 2024|Editor

The Best Biohacking Gadgets

These biohacking gadgets provide innovative solutions to everyday health challenges. When assessing these devices, make sure their accuracy, user friendliness and seamless connectivity are top priority.

These tools are specifically designed to support biohackers in their quest for longevity. From neurofeedback to cold water immersion, you are sure to find something here to maximize wellness and achieve longevity.

2. Fitness and Health Trackers

There are various biohacking devices designed to make life simpler or track metrics that matter, from blue light blocking glasses to brainwave monitors that read your mindwaves.

Fitness and health trackers are essential tools for biohacking because they help optimize body functions. Trackers such as Oura Ring, Fitbit Sense 2, and Biostrap are among the most widely-used trackers.

Many biohackers are interested in tracking their sleep habits as many individuals don’t get enough quality restful slumber, leading to fatigue, lack of focus and poor cognitive function. Oura Ring is a bite-sized wearable device capable of tracking various biometrics to establish better sleeping habits.

Neurofeedback is another emerging technology being employed by biohackers. It works by monitoring brainwaves and rewarding healthy brain activity, and has been shown to effectively treat conditions like ADHD, anxiety and depression while improving mental performance and increasing mood. Another option available to biohackers is BioCharger which emits various frequencies to aid relaxation and detoxification – like having your own sauna blanket at home but from your own living room!

3. Sensate 2

Sensate 2 was designed to calm nervous systems during times of pandemics, controversies, and social-media bickering, promising “instant calm for an anxious mind.” The palm-sized pebble-like device sits comfortably on your chest while emitting low-frequency infrasound vibrations through skin and bones to tone the vagus nerve (a neural superhighway connecting brain and gut) in order to regulate stress response and ease anxiety. It can even be customized through its app for maximum personalization!

As with other biohacking tools, this gadget works best when combined with an overall wellness regime. The company suggests adding deep breathing exercises, meditation and mindfulness into your sessions for maximum effect; consistent use has shown positive effects in terms of mood enhancement and better sleep quality for users after months of regular usage.

Scientific evidence supporting this technology may be limited, yet its premise remains intriguing. Scientists believe that vagus nerve plays an essential role in regulating cortisol (the primary stress hormone in our bodies) levels and encouraging relaxation; ultimately improving overall wellbeing.

While the concept behind Sensate may be unique, its technology itself isn’t. Sound therapy has long been used to alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation; techniques like humming, singing and breathwork practices are common methods. Sensate’s infrasound vibrations mimic these vocal exercises by stimulating parasympathetic nervous system activity in order to relax abdominal wall muscles and induce relaxation responses in its users.

6. Sauna Blanket

These devices allow for various health benefits such as detoxing, skin rejuvenation support, recovery aids and mood enhancers while simultaneously burning calories. Red light therapy for instance reportedly exposes your body to low-wavelength red light that charges cells and enhances blood circulation, while cryotherapy involves jumping into freezing temperatures for several minutes at a time.

There’s also an increasing selection of at-home glucose monitors that make checking blood sugar and insulin levels easy, while keeping an eye on their changes when eating food. Furthermore, wearable devices track metrics in your body such as heart rate variability (HRV), respiration and movement.

The Oura Ring tracks several biohacking signals and provides insights such as how deep your sleep was or if your recovery goals are on track. Furthermore, this stylish ring provides recommendations on improving sleep, activity and other biohacking metrics.

The Hydragun HeatPod Sauna Blanket was engineered to be effective, featuring features like medical-grade magnetic therapy, carbon fiber heating element, and 96 jade and tourmaline stones to disperse infrared heat. With an easily assembled carry bag for transport and setup/use/cleanup. GGR’s Lindsay reviewed this blanket against relevant methodologies and awarded five stars across eight key metrics such as footprint/portability/delivery/setup, ease of use/ease of setup/takedown, durability construction comfort features/special features.

May 8, 2024|Editor

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy

amino neuro frequency therapy does it work

ANF Therapy involves applying ANF Discs – frequency emitting wearable discs-patches – directly onto your skin for therapeutic use. They’re made from NASA patented material developed originally to monitor astronaut health, but now have applications mirroring and releasing neuro frequencies.

These frequencies are picked up by your nervous system and set into motion a healing and regulatory process that works effectively and quickly, improving nervous system signaling directly at a cellular level for faster and longer lasting results.

What is Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF) is an emerging therapy that has proven particularly successful at relieving pain. ANF achieves this by targeting invisible inflammation which has been implicated as the source of many chronic illnesses and auto immune conditions, rather than through medications; ANF works through nervous system signals to control frequencies.

ANF uses frequency-emitting discs placed on the body that emit neuro frequencies into your neurons, inducing self-healing and self-regulating processes at a cellular level to help alleviate pain, optimize muscle groups, produce hormones, generate antibodies and increase strength and endurance.

Danish researchers have developed a non-invasive technique which has proven successful at significantly decreasing visits to doctors or chiropractors and is already being utilized by professional athletes, including some NFL players. Their treatment does not involve surgery, medication or chemical injections – making it both safe and non-invasive.

ANF therapy utilizes a specific frequency to stimulate cells oscillation and promote normal function. It has the power to target and remove toxins and waste products within cells while stimulating vital enzymatic reactions within them for proper body functioning.

Studies have demonstrated that stress and negative emotions can trigger many unconscious body functions, such as inflammation. ANF Therapy has proven itself capable of correcting this imbalance by rebalancing the autonomic nervous system.

Stressed individuals send signals that cause their cells to overreact, leading to inflammation that may not be visible but which still has serious repercussions for health, such as contributing to autoimmune diseases, chronic infections and cardiovascular disease. ANF can address this invisible inflammation by restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system (ANS), thus increasing healing capabilities within your body – in turn alleviating pain relief, muscle/joint issues, anxiety/ADD/ADHD issues fatigue thyroid disorders blood pressure issues allergies among other symptoms.

How does Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy work?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is an innovative new way of treating inflammation that takes an alternative approach than traditional therapies. Using noninvasive, drug-free techniques, it targets inflammation at its source cellular level to promote healing and decrease discomfort.

At an ANF therapy session, patients wear an ANF disc attached to their skin that contains frequencies sent into the body by internal heat and activated by cells located throughout the nervous system for use as self-healing mechanisms. Furthermore, ANF therapy improves signal transmission at a cellular level by correcting signals that may not be transmitted properly in order to speed healing faster and provide more effective treatments.

ANF therapy has no negative side effects and uses no chemicals or drugs, making this treatment safe and effective for anyone wanting to reduce pain while improving overall health.

ANF Therapy is an innovative new technique employed by chiropractors, physical therapists and massage therapists to assist their patients in alleviating inflammation issues. ANF Therapy works on the principle that your nervous system transmits signals throughout your body via neurons; these signals control all bodily functions as well as providing immunity. If these signals become misdirected or weakened due to stress or environmental factors then ANF Therapy works to restore them by transmitting specific frequencies through your nervous system – helping restore health to all parts of the body.

What sets ANF apart is its combination of cutting-edge technology and holistic treatment methods in treating inflammation. ANF’s natural and noninvasive solutions help alleviate pain caused by many conditions and conditions, giving relief from inflammation in a noninvasive fashion.

ANF therapy uses thin circular discs applied directly to the skin that transmit neuro frequencies directly into neurons in the body, stimulating them to start their own self-healing and self-regulating processes. ANF can be used to treat pain, fatigue and stress symptoms as well as improving performance by increasing energy levels and strengthening immunity systems.

How long do the Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy discs last?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is an innovative holistic solution to manage pain and inflammation. The therapy uses wearable discs that hold electrical charges at specific frequencies for total body wellness; NASA designed these discs made from carbonized metal with neuro frequencies to aid the body in self-healing and regulation.

These discs can be worn directly on the skin and activated by body heat to send neuro frequencies directly to neurons in your nervous system, stimulating electro molecules within neurons to trigger healing and self-regulating processes in the nervous system. Furthermore, these discs help with signaling at cellular level for more effective and long-term results.

Non-invasive electroacupuncture treatment is an invaluable complement to other modalities and movement therapies, providing relief for pain, pulse rate, lactic acid accumulation in muscles, stomach issues, stress, cramps and cramping; in addition to improving quality of sleep, blood circulation, hormone production, immune function and lymphatic drainage systems. Furthermore, electroacupuncture helps normalise anything not functioning optimally to decrease inflammation, pain and oxidative stress levels.

Amino neuro frequency therapy offers an alternative solution to traditional injections for herniated discs that often fail to seal tears and can releak out from where they were administered; by decreasing inflammatory markers in your nervous system and thus treating their source directly, amino neuro frequency therapy offers more efficient ways of relieving herniated disc symptoms and hernias altogether.

At our office, we begin by screening you through a questionnaire and performing a hands on assessment in order to pinpoint the source of your discomfort. It is essential to remember that symptoms often just manifest themselves elsewhere in your body – that’s why our main priority is finding its source first.

Once we have identified your source of discomfort, we will apply discs to areas of concern on your body. It is essential to remain hydrated throughout this process as the detoxifying effects can sometimes be uncomfortable; however, you can easily stop detox by taking off the discs if necessary; to do this more easily though, take one glass of water every hour and a half after having meals to ensure optimal results.

Are there any side effects to Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

amino neuro frequency therapy works differently from painkillers by directly targeting their root causes of discomfort. Therapy sessions consist of small discs that transmit a weak electromagnetic field into your body through skin contact, activated by body heat. They work to reinforce any weak frequencies within your system to normalize system functions – perfect for relieving pain in any part of the body and have proven successful for many different conditions.

ANF Therapy uses thin circular discs made from carbonized metal that are applied directly to your skin and activated by natural body heat, emitting neuro frequencies picked up by neurons within your body and helping initiate the self-healing process. They can be used on any part of your back, neck, shoulders, knees, ankles and feet that is inflamed or injured – they even work without interfering with any medications being taken and is perfectly safe!

As soon as ANF Therapy discs are activated, they immediately go to work on your body to reduce inflammation, optimize muscle groups and organs for production of hormones and antibodies production, strength endurance, mental focus improvement. You may notice pain shifting around in response to ANF Therapy disc activation; this is a good sign as this indicates your body releasing toxins and healing itself.

After your session, detox symptoms such as headaches, nausea and fatigue may arise due to your body releasing toxins that have been stored therein for too long. It is recommended to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water during this time and take any ibuprofen or naproxen medication prescribed if necessary; once finished with treatment you should no longer experience further detox symptoms and your pain or inflammation should have subsided considerably.