Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 15, 2024|Editor

Find a Scio Therapy Near Me

Scio therapy offers an effective and safe way to ease emotional distress. If you are dealing with depression, anxiety, or relationship difficulties, an experienced Scio therapist may be able to assist.

Stress is widely recognized by both the American Medical Association (AMA) and US National Institutes of Health as one of the primary contributors to all diseases; which highlights why Scio biofeedback is such an invaluable asset.


Counseling is a form of therapy in which individuals discuss their emotions and feelings with a trained professional. Counselling can help individuals address mental health issues such as anxiety and depression as well as relationship troubles, substance abuse issues or life changes. Local charities or social services usually specialize in specific areas such as bereavement support or family guidance – these organizations do not need a referral from your GP in order to make use of their services.

Scio licensed counselors provide various forms of therapy, such as psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches. Additionally, they can provide individual, group and couples counseling for children, adolescents, adults and seniors of all ages – some even offer online therapy! Whether it is emotional support you require or improving quality of life enhancement – finding a good therapist is important and the right counselor can make all the difference on your journey.

The SCIO connects with your body, to identify which energy imbalances are having the biggest impact on personal health: physical, mental and emotional. The machine measures your subtle reactions to thousands of biological, psychological and medical items presented as electro-magnetic signals; then ranks these responses accordingly so your practitioner can zero in on those most critical imbalances.

Every organ in the body has a particular frequency (vibration). When this vibration is altered by toxins, parasites or other factors, its full potential cannot be realized. SCIO can detect and correct these energy disturbances to bring equilibrium back to the body.

The Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System is at the forefront of energetic medicine, offering us access to our bodies’ electric communication pathways and subtly tapping into their subtle energies for assessment and clearing purposes. Furthermore, this cutting-edge system can address any blockages to vital life force flow that may cause any number of ailments in addition to being an invaluable way to monitor our well being over time.


Psychotherapy is a type of mental health counseling that can assist individuals in dealing with various mental health concerns, from depression and anxiety to addiction and trauma. Finding an individual therapist to meet each client’s unique needs – for instance specializing in trauma therapy, sexual abuse counseling or bipolar disorder is important – is crucial.

SCIO therapy requires practitioners to attach non-invasive headband and wrist straps around a patient’s body that emit energy signals that the body responds to, which are then measured and reported back on by the SCIO computer program. Unhealthy tissues respond differently than healthy ones, enabling the SCIO to detect illness or infection at its energetic core.

The SCIO represents cutting-edge energetic medicine, capable of detecting stressors impacting physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. With an impressive database of over 9000 test frequencies that are scanned against your body like virus scans on computers – it identifies imbalances before providing a detailed report on overall state of health; then can suggest natural therapies designed to balance any imbalanced frequencies that may exist.

Providers may use electrodermal screening and other biofeedback modalities such as EEG biofeedback to address imbalances of their clients. These methods help alleviate stress while improving energy flow in the body for long-term change and lead to happier lives with more lasting changes.

Scio therapy near me can assist clients in working through various issues, from life transitions to inner child exploration and depression or anxiety. A good Scio therapist near me will offer support, validation and tools that will help manage the situation better. BetterHelp’s verified therapists offer sessions via video call, text and phone therapy sessions; additionally they may also offer worksheets or journaling features to keep clients on track with their treatment plan.


If you’re experiencing mental illness, seeking professional assistance could be of great assistance. Psychiatrists specialize in treating depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety and can also provide management of symptoms to help cope with life’s challenges; they may recommend an individualized treatment plan just for you. Psychologists, social workers and therapists all can work as part of a treatment team alongside psychiatrists as part of a multi-disciplinary treatment team approach to wellness.

Therapists provide various forms of therapy, including psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches. Additionally, they can help address any underlying issues which could be contributing to your problems. It is important to choose a therapist with adequate credentials and experience – an undergrad degree in psychology or master’s in counseling or marriage and family therapy would be ideal; other considerations might include finding one who accepts your insurance and understanding their fee structure before setting up a session.

Scio therapists can assist in pinpointing the source of your difficulty and providing much-needed support in times of hardship. Additionally, they can teach coping techniques and alter negative thought patterns; and can even assist in dealing with family or relationship issues and various conditions such as anxiety and mood disorders. Many therapists utilize psychodynamic techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), family and couples therapy modalities as therapy methods.

The SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System) is an advanced biofeedback device with over 9000 substances and illnesses included in its database of test frequencies, making it capable of scanning your body for these frequencies, identifying any imbalances within your energy field, then providing solutions tailored specifically for you based on this analysis. Your practitioner then evaluates these results to see if they meet with their expectations.

Scio therapists can assist in managing complex emotional challenges and building healthy relationships, as well as adapting to life changes, managing self-esteem issues and increasing confidence. These professionals are available both in person and online and some specialize in specific areas like addiction or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In some instances they can even help overcome depression or other forms of mental illness.


Therapists are licensed mental health professionals that offer support, guidance and counseling services for people experiencing emotional difficulties. Therapists may assist clients with addiction issues, relationship conflicts and depression as well as stress and anxiety management. Psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and marriage and family counseling may all be used by therapists as effective forms of treatment to overcome such challenges.

Some therapists provide sliding scale counseling, which takes income into account and charges only what their client can afford for each session. This makes scio therapy more accessible to more people. Furthermore, some online therapists are available so as to accommodate people with limited mobility or transportation issues.

SCIO biofeedback therapy uses non-invasive headband and wrist straps to transmit energy signals into the body, where unhealthy tissues respond differently from healthy tissues; this allows the SCIO program to detect imbalances before sending frequencies back out to heal naturally – this process is known as vibrational medicine or energy healing.

The Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System (SCIO) is an innovative new technology that measures bioenergy in your body to detect imbalances. Once identified, vibrational medicine or energy healing frequencies can then be transmitted outward to heal naturally – this technique has proven highly successful at treating cancer, autoimmune diseases and other chronic illnesses.

SCIO stands apart from traditional medicines by targeting its root cause of the issue – such as toxins or parasites contributing to symptoms you are experiencing – as opposed to just masking symptoms with medication. SCIO may help improve overall wellness by decreasing stress levels and improving sleep quality.

BetterHelp makes it easy to locate a SCIO therapist near you by connecting you with verified therapists online or over the phone. These experts can assist with life transitions, inner child exploration and managing mood disorders or negative thinking patterns; as well as supporting you during difficult relationship times or helping resolve marital conflicts.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Zapper Instructions by Hulda Clark

Clark, an alternative health practitioner, claims her device known as a “zapper” can cure diseases by killing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Constructed using a cheap 9V battery with a 555 timer circuit and copper handles or electrodes as electrodes, the zapper works by emitting frequencies which match up with those produced by pathogens and killing them off quickly and efficiently.


A zapper is a handheld electric pulse generator that emits mild electric pulses and wavelengths into the body to combat what Hulda Clark termed the primary cause of health concerns: parasites. It emits frequencies which kill parasites by changing their polarity within static electrical fields while at the same time not harming beneficial bacteria or damaging other organs – many users report increased energy after regular usage.

Utilizing the zapper is easy and quick – simply plug it in and turn it on! There are various preset frequencies you can choose from as well as an hour timer which automatically shuts it off after continuous zapping has finished. Professional-grade zappers also boast additional features, such as activating white blood cells which hunt and destroy invaders on their own.

As part of your own zapper build, it is critical not to short out the positive battery terminal. Doing so may damage or halt proper function of the chip inside, so a protective tape covering should be placed over this terminal before beginning work on it. An alternative would be using a battery connector with two wires coming off that snaps onto your battery (5 packs can be found for $1 at Radio Shack).

After building, it is also recommended that an oscilloscope be used to conduct tests on your zapper to ensure it does not generate negative voltage. You may find this service available at local electronics shops that specialize in fixing TVs, stereos and other electronics – typically for just a few dollars more than retail price.

Some zapper users opt for frequencies other than 30K; many feel that frequencies like 5000 and 10K penetrate more deeply, providing better relief of general ailments. Others report their zappers still work just as effectively at 30K; it all boils down to personal choice.

Be wary when bringing the zapper near pacemakers or devices that detect AC currents, as this could disrupt their operation. Zappers emit DC pulses that could be mistaken as AC by these devices and trigger unwanted defibrillation pulses. Furthermore, it is advised not to hold your zapper against your body while turning it on as this may result in discomfort and even pain.


Dr Hulda Clark developed the Zapper as part of her research on alternative health, to eliminate parasites and toxins. When used alongside natural cleansing programs, this device is believed to aid overall wellbeing.

A zapper consists of a battery-operated pulse generator circuit that produces low-voltage square wave output, two copper handles or electrodes which can be held by a user and placed onto different areas of their body that need treating, an on/off switch and reset button, as well as an on/off switch and reset button.

A zapper can be constructed out of any number of materials, but for best results choose something durable yet lightweight. A metal case is ideal, though plastic will work just as well; additionally, its easy cleanup should make cleaning up easier; since its uses include handling food or beverages.

When purchasing a zapper, ensure it has been independently certified by an independent lab. This will ensure it meets manufacturer specifications regarding voltage and pulse duration as well as any negative output voltage; an oscilloscope can help confirm this fact.

The Zapper can do more than eliminate parasites and toxins; it is thought to provide other benefits as well, including increasing energy levels and improving digestion. Many have also reported reduced stress levels after using a Zapper; however, such claims have yet to be verified by scientific studies and should be discussed with a licensed health care provider before being made definitively true.


Electrodes made of copper are generally hand-held cylinders or plates designed for skin placement. To stay safe, avoid placing these electrodes near open wounds, abrasions, rashes or eczema as this may not be recommended. Furthermore, pregnant women, epileptic patients or those with pacemakers should never use a zapper device.

A Zapper is an electromedical device developed through the research of Dr. Hulda Clark and others that uses low current of pulsed DC to kill parasites in the body such as worms, bacteria, viruses and fungi. Furthermore, some research indicates that Zapper therapy may also cure chronic illnesses such as cancer.

Dr Clark employed a sophisticated device for her experiments, but later published instructions for creating a simpler device. A zapper can be built for around $20 using parts available at electronics stores or Home Depot and built from a standard 555 timer chip with some resistors and capacitors; for optimal performance it would be wiser to opt for one with sharper square waves that drain battery faster. A CMOS version would produce sharper square waves while draining more slowly.

Before connecting the circuit to any body, it is a good idea to test it using an oscilloscope. Testing an oscilloscope is straightforward and most electronic repair shops will offer loaner scopes at a nominal fee. Once confirmed, attach the zapper directly onto its target body.

Most zappers are programmed to run three 7-minute programs each day with 20-minute breaks between sessions, in order to target larger parasites in the body and also eliminate free bacteria, viruses and fungi from free circulation. This approach ensures optimal effectiveness.

If a person experiences an energy imbalance, zappers can help restore equilibrium by encouraging cells to regenerate faster and improve cell nutrition. Zapping has been reported to bring positive side effects such as improved mood and energy levels; regular usage for at least a month should clear most chronic pathogens from your system.

Making a zapper requires using a kit with all necessary components and instructions with diagrams, though anyone can build their own from scratch with some extra work. Radio Shack carries many parts needed; however, sometimes purchasing one from a manufacturer can be easier.

Wrist Straps

These conductive wristbands are an ideal way to stimulate both hands and feet. As they’re hospital grade, you can rest easy knowing they will last over time while offering maximum comfort – plus, being 100% sterile ensures any bacteria or fungal contamination will quickly be eradicated!

Wrist bands make an excellent alternative to copper pipes or EKG pads that can become dry and uncomfortable during extended zapping sessions, as well as ESD straps sold by finer electronics or computer stores (not Radio Shack), which only sell inferior ones. To use one, simply place two pads of salt water between the plate on the underside of each band and your skin for optimal use.

Hulda Clark recommends performing a 7 minute on and 20 minute off cycle in order to kill larger parasites like worms, then another 7 minutes to eliminate bacteria and viruses that have come loose in your system. Furthermore, she suggests switching hand positions every other day: right hand on left foot one day then left hand on right foot the following. After this sequence is completed for optimal results alternating hands back every other day until complete recovery has taken place.

For those wishing to zap both hands and feet simultaneously, we offer the quadruped port which connects both left and right hand bands allowing two people to zap simultaneously at a clinic or doctor’s office. At the same price as single wrist or foot wrist bands it comes equipped with an RCA cable making attaching wrist/foot straps easier.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Metatron Hunter 4025

Metatron Hunter 4025 is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic device that utilizes light wave resonance technology to scan the body and identify slowly developing abnormal conditions within molecules, chromosomes, DNA helixes and even organs before providing treatment options.

With its advanced technology and user-friendly interface, HealthTrace Pro stands out as an indispensable resource for medical professionals and health-minded individuals. Additionally, its key advantages set it apart from competitors:

High Accuracy

The Hunter 4025 is a non-invasive health assessment device, providing accurate and reliable assessments. Equipped with powerful bioresonance technology that delivers a holistic view of body energy fields and can identify areas of imbalance, you can trust in this unique device’s accuracy as backed by years of research and development.

The Hunter is an advanced non-invasive scan device that utilizes light wave resonance to evaluate body energy. With its safe and easy design, its use offers a painless experience for patients. The hunter can identify and assess conditions within tissues, cells, chromosomes and DNA helix in addition to tracking gradual formation of abnormal conditions over time and pinpoint their root causes.

A body composition analysis device should be part of any health improvement strategy. It can help identify the sources of many common conditions and diseases such as allergies, insomnia and joint and muscle problems as well as detect parasites or harmful microorganisms in your system – this information enables customized treatment plans tailored specifically to address their root cause.

Metatron hunter 4025 nls system is an innovative computerized diagnostic medical device with world-class software designed to non-invasively scan patients without harm, providing valuable information in minutes. Based on spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields within biological objects, it has become one of the greatest accomplishments of modern natural science.

This non-invasive scanning system can be utilized by physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, doctors and nurses, integrative medicine/CAM program directors as well as practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and complementary therapies to assess the efficacy of homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplements and botanical medicines.

Metatron Hunter is an advanced noninvasive scanner that employs light wave resonance technology to assess and diagnose your energetic field and identify its root causes of disease. Its patented design makes it safe and effective; while its sensitive system enables identification and analysis of conditions in tissues, cells, chromosomes, DNA helixes, molecules as well as parasites viruses or bacteria in your body.

Non-Invasive Procedure

Hunter 4025 is an effective non-invasive way of monitoring and diagnosing your health without painful procedures. Utilizing bioresonance scanning technology, this innovative system offers detailed yet reliable results for all body systems simultaneously, creating 3D images for easy interpretation on-screen. Furthermore, its user-friendly interface makes navigating this device a simple process for anyone.

Metatron hunter 4025 NLS is an advanced diagnostic system capable of deciphering information extracted from electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies, providing insight into disease causes and health trends that might otherwise remain hidden from view. It can scan up to 1432 organs and tissues on a cellular level for accurate diagnosis of any condition in the body.

The hardware-software system developed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics allows for selective amplification and decoding of signals barely distinguishable against statistical fluctuations, before visualizing this data on a computer screen as virtual organ models with different colors.

META therapy uses a specially tailored software program to exert therapeutic impact on damaged structures and aid in their recovery processes in the body, eliminating causes of infection while stimulating tissue regeneration. META therapy has been successfully used to treat fatigue, sleep disorders, depressions, headaches psychosomatic illnesses allergies eczema and neurodermatitis among other conditions.

META therapists can utilize the Hunter 4025 equipment to conduct daily remedial treatments for those suffering from chronic-degenerative illnesses, autoimmune disease and other health conditions. Sessions involve light and sound therapies which improve quality of life as well as treating psychological or emotional disturbances such as fear, anxiety, stress and anger.

The Hunter 4025 system can identify the source of human body disorders and provide appropriate treatments. Furthermore, it can monitor gradual formation of abnormal conditions at tissue, cell, chromosomal DNA helix or molecular levels; identify severity of disease states; and provide adequate management options.

Comprehensive Health Insights

Hunter 4025 is an innovative health analysis device that uses nonlinear scanning technology to detect imbalances within your body and provide accurate and painless health assessments. Furthermore, this device offers insight into your energy field state – helping identify potential sources of illness while leading you towards wellness.

Non-Linear System (NLS) analysis is an advanced form of health analysis using quantum physics and bioresonance technology. It works by assessing electromagnetic signals emitted by organs and cells of your body – this allows NLS to assess over 800 factors related to your overall wellbeing.

Your results provide an accurate and reliable assessment of your health, giving you control of it and giving your holistic wellness practice a boost. An invaluable tool, it enables you to understand how your body needs care while augmenting it with additional information and insight into itself.

Hunter 4025 stands apart from other health analysis devices by not employing harmful chemicals or requiring any invasive procedures for analysis. As it’s entirely safe for all ages and conditions, making it the perfect choice for healthcare practitioners, fitness enthusiasts and individuals alike. Furthermore, traditional medical treatments can benefit greatly from having this device as it can identify the root cause of an issue more effectively and develop more targeted treatment plans.

One of the main advantages of health analysis devices like these is that they quickly produce results. This allows you to take immediate steps and improve your condition quickly while making more informed decisions regarding future wellness needs.

Many have found great advantage in using the Metatron Hunter 4025 Precio in their lives, due to its health analysis device providing them with a holistic view of their wellness and an array of solutions for overcoming various problems. We will explore some of the ways this powerful technology has assisted people in leading more optimal lives – from uncovering hidden imbalances to preventing disease – as we examine all aspects of its contribution towards improved wellness and health.

Quick Results

Hunter is an innovative device that utilizes bio-resonance or NLS scanning technology to assess and monitor the functional status of human bodies. This device detects abnormalities at tissue, cell, nucleus, chromosome, DNA helix, ultrastructure and molecular levels and offers solutions.

The NLS System Hunter 4025 with Metapathia GR software offers multidimensional virtual scanning, which automatically localizes tumor and hereditary disease sites at genome level and uncovers their causes by passing through histological cuts, cytological cuts, separate chromosomes and ultimately fragments of DNA helix. This represents an unprecedented advance in NLS systems development.

This innovative tool is suitable for health-minded individuals, physicians and healthcare professionals such as naturopaths, osteopaths, physiotherapists, yoga instructors, massage therapists, nutritionists, acupuncturists and other holistic practitioners as well as fitness enthusiasts looking to enhance their overall well-being. With its user-friendly interface and fast results delivery process.

March 15, 2024|Editor

What is Quantum Level Healing?

Quantum level healing is an energy healing technique that operates at the cellular level, using various techniques, including quantum touch, to clear away blockages and promote wellness. It is available both online and at special healing centers.

Emotional difficulties can interfere with quantum flow and cause physical pain at a cellular level. For example, harboring anger will lower energy frequencies in your system and produce low energetic frequencies that lead to physical discomfort.

It is based on the principles of quantum physics

Quantum healing is a cutting-edge holistic wellness approach that integrates mind, body and energy. It posits that imbalanced energetic structures contribute to physical ailments and emotional distress, and that these imbalances can be addressed with energy healing techniques. This innovative form of holistic healthcare has quickly gained the interest of many individuals.

Quantum healing draws upon principles of quantum physics to explore energy and matter at microscopic levels, extrapolating these principles to human healing by suggesting that manipulating quantum processes could influence health in an indirect manner. While this idea is certainly appealing, many scientists remain skeptic.

Quantum healing sessions typically start by setting their intention consciously for each session, connecting to the universal quantum field, which then entangles them with photons that come from light years away – creating what many refer to as unity consciousness or feeling one with nature.

This vibration can often be experienced as feelings of peace, happiness and well-being – an experience which can alter the way you perceive reality and interact with other people as well as enhance your ability to solve problems and make decisions.

Many practitioners utilize mindfulness practices during sessions to foster relaxation and a positive mindset for clients, including meditation, visualizing, and affirmations. These techniques can help align energy fields between client and healer more directly for an enriched healing experience and reduce any negative ego issues or unconscious patterns that hinder the healing process.

Quantum healing also incorporates non-locality, which states that particles can instantly connect across long distances. This allows practitioners to send healing energy remotely or even work on past events – challenging our traditional understanding of cause and effect while tapping into an individual’s latent healing power.

Quantum healing sessions begin by both practitioner and client consciously setting their intentions for the session. This connects them with the universal quantum field, creating a bond that transcends space and time – helping your unconscious mind release attachments to negative experiences that prevent healing itself.

It is offered through specialized healing centers

Are You Struggling with Chronic Illness or Seeking Peace? Quantum Healing Can Be the Answer Whether you are living with chronic illness, seeking peace or simply looking to find inner calmness, Quantum Healing provides an effective approach. Combining ancient practices with modern science, this new approach to wellness embraces the idea that all beings are interconnected via energy flows; employing quantum physics principles to promote holistic healing techniques for optimal results.

Quantum healing addresses the roots of disease. Each physical and emotional issue has an energetic component which can be altered through focused attention on mind-body connections. Practitioners use various techniques to restore body energies to their proper balance, eliminate blockages and enable the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Quantum healing is an innovative form of meditation designed to connect you with the universe. It involves focusing on your breath and using thought power to alter physical reality; simultaneously helping release negative emotions such as anger or fear while also providing solutions for addiction issues by targeting their root causes.

Each cell in our bodies releases photons that resonate at certain frequencies and become quantum entangled with one another – similar to how particles can remain intertwined even though separated by large distances. Quantum healing rebalances these energy fields, supporting natural body processes while strengthening self-healing mechanisms.

Quantum healing techniques are increasingly being adopted as part of health and wellbeing regimens by an increasing number of individuals, many who remain skeptical. Others however have come to embrace this holistic and natural method for healing their bodyminds. Quantum healers believe that our bodies are projections of consciousness, with our thoughts having direct bearing on reality – thus beginning all diseases with mental issues in the mind itself.

Quantum healing draws many to it as its focus on energetic aspects of health is an effective solution to modern world’s stress and anxiety levels. Furthermore, quantum healing supports other forms of wellness such as diet change, exercise routine and cultivating meaningful relationships.

It is offered online

Quantum healing is an innovative form of holistic health care that uses non-physical energies that can travel over distance to help heal body, mind, and soul. It works by encouraging energy flow within the body to increase detoxification processes. Quantum level healing has proven itself effective for cancer, depression, anxiety as well as emotional trauma, with long distance transmission possible using non-physical healing energy sources like quantum level healing techniques.

Quantum level healing rests on the belief that tiny particles appear and disappear randomly from reality, colliding to create energy, which then transforms into matter which makes up our universe. When these energies become blocked in some way, illness or disease can arise in the body.

Quantum healing is a revolutionary new healing approach based on the belief that all things are interdependent, treating disease at its source rather than just masking symptoms. Furthermore, quantum healing allows people to connect with themselves and higher spirits more deeply than traditional medicine which treats patients using pharmaceuticals drugs alone.

The online version of this course includes live streaming video and audio through any computer, tablet, or mobile phone allowing participants to participate from the comfort of their own homes or offices. Each session builds upon one another to provide a holistic understanding of quantum healing‘s practices, tools, and principles.

In this course, you will gain the skills to read your clients on a quantum level and work with their energy fields to bring peace, love, and harmony into their lives. Hypnosis, EFT, and astrology will be utilized to assist your client on their healing journey; additionally future timelines may also be employed instead of past lives for treatment purposes.

It is effective

Quantum healing differs from western medicine in that it focuses on treating symptoms rather than their source, while western medicine tends to focus more on symptoms than causes. Quantum healing works by awakening your inner healer and helping release negative patterns which keep us stuck in an uncomfortable state, helping your body become healthier so you can live an enjoyable and fulfilling life free from various diseases.

Quantum healing also benefits emotional and spiritual bodies by targeting the energetic frequency that generates your personal experience of reality. Since each part of your physical, mental and emotional being contributes directly to its own sense of well-being, healing all three is essential for total soul health.

Healing begins by clearing away old energy that has built up in your body, such as tension and stress. Practitioners then help your body reclaim its own ability to restore itself by employing energy healing and visualization techniques; through this process you also learn how to focus your life-force energy and increase the flow of your personal power, or Chi.

Many individuals turn to holistic healing because it provides a comprehensive approach to health and well-being. Recognizing that all parts of the body are connected, energetic therapies allow your body to heal itself by relieving discomfort and restoring equilibrium – helping reduce discomfort while returning balance back into your life.

This technique is a unique energy healing approach that combines traditional Reiki practices and quantum theory, and its effectiveness has been verified through numerous scientific studies and clinical trials. These trials have demonstrated its ability to alleviate symptoms like anxiety, depression and fatigue.

Cyndi will guide you in connecting to both your personal quantum intelligence field and that of the Universe, while strengthening intuition, chakra-based powers, and accessing absolute scalar waves.

Quantum healing is also a fantastic way to release old traumas and memories that have become stuck within your psyche, which could potentially be harmful to your health and cause various illnesses. With regular practice of quantum healing, your consciousness can become saturated with pure energy – helping remove memories that would otherwise remain stuck within you and enable you to enjoy an overall healthier lifestyle.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance For Allergies

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy used to relieve allergy symptoms and eliminate toxins. This safe solution does not cause side effects.

All matter, both living and nonliving, vibrates at different frequencies. BICOM detects these oscillations and counteracts them accordingly to restore balance to your body’s system.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is an extended condition that affects all aspects of the nasal cavity. Symptoms may include green or yellow mucus dripping from your nose and down into the back of the throat – postnasal drip; pressure in your head and face; painful nasal passages; achy ears and eyes; runny noses and coughing. Some individuals also report having headaches, feelings of fullness in their head/face/jaws/shoulders/necks as well as pressure in those areas.

Bioresonance therapy stands out from many allergy treatments by its ability to alleviate symptoms without creating side effects. Furthermore, it can identify and treat sinus infections effectively depending on an individual’s circumstances; hence the number of sessions may differ according to each person’s needs.

Bioresonance therapy is an energetic treatment that analyzes your body’s frequency patterns to detect any imbalances and invert disharmonious frequencies to promote healing. Mora NovaTM device used in bioresonance evaluation analyzes oscillated body frequencies against harmonic ones stored within it; then provides tailored therapy treatments until your body regains healthy patterns.

Allergies are a widespread condition that often manifests with multiple symptoms ranging from itchy ears and runny nose, to rashes and asthma attacks. But these can often be relieved through taking the appropriate steps and medications.

An 48-year-old fireman with dust allergies was struggling with respiratory problems and tried inhalers but was unhappy with their results. To his relief, after consulting a bio resonance therapist who quickly identified that his allergy was to birch pollen. Following two sessions of treatment he was able to discontinue taking his inhaler altogether and his symptoms completely vanished.

Lifestyle changes may also help, such as keeping the house tidy and avoiding contact with allergens. Rest, water intake, and exercise should also be prioritized for effective allergy relief. To experience bioresonance therapy as a potential treatment method, book an online session or call our team of specialists now!


Anaphylaxis is an extreme allergic reaction that affects respiratory and circulatory systems, potentially becoming fatal if not addressed immediately. There are ways to avoid anaphylaxis; such as keeping emergency medications like chewable antihistamines and injectable epinephrine on hand, wearing medical alert bracelets/necklaces and avoiding trigger substances which cause reactions.

Bioresonance therapy has quickly become an alternative form of allergy treatment in recent years, such as homeopathy and acupuncture. Bioresonance operates by tuning into your body’s complex frequency composition; detecting imbalances within this framework and correcting them accordingly.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an invaluable solution to digestive issues and immune deficiencies, including leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut occurs when the small intestine lining becomes damaged, allowing undigested food particles, toxic waste and bacteria into your blood stream and leading to inflammation across your body. Through bioresonance diagnosis and correction of its root causes, bioresonance can provide relief from symptoms like bloating, gas and chronic diarrhea.

Anaphylaxis can be caused by various substances, including food, insect stings, medications and bee venom. It can also be the result of heart disease or abnormally large accumulations of certain white blood cells called mastocytosis; your risk increases significantly if you’ve previously experienced allergic reactions or suffer from asthma or another condition which compromises immune regulation in the body.

An allergic reaction can range in severity from mild to severe and include swelling, hives, itching, rashes and respiratory difficulties. It is particularly important for those who have had previous anaphylactic reactions to carry emergency medicines like chewable antihistamines and injectable anaesthetic.

Numerous studies have revealed the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy in treating allergies, often eliminating or significantly reducing their need for medication relief. Furthermore, it often costs less than alternative treatments and can often be completed within just several sessions.

Food allergies

Food allergies are an unpleasant, often dangerous issue that can be difficult to treat. To reduce food allergy risk, the only effective solution is avoiding foods your body identifies as threats; such as those that trigger runny noses and sore joints to anaphylaxis attacks which may even result in coma or death if left untreated quickly. Supplements which strengthen immune systems will also be important for managing symptoms related to food allergies as will bioresonance tests which help pinpoint which items your body has an allergy against.

Since many allergy sufferers are looking for effective alternatives to conventional medication, many allergy sufferers have turned to bioresonance therapy for relief. Although bioresonance is an alternative form of medicine that has not undergone rigorous scientific scrutiny like homeopathy and acupuncture have, this therapy has proven highly effective while being safe. Furthermore, its cost effectiveness makes it an attractive solution.

Bioresonance for allergies is a painless and noninvasive procedure that involves placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a device known as the BICOM optima device, which analyzes energy wavelengths within your body and detects and counteracts unhealthy frequencies – this machine also serves to identify healthy frequencies that counteract unhealthy ones – in addition to treating allergies it can detect other health conditions including inflammation diseases or metabolic disorders.

It can also detect drugs and chemicals causing health issues, including drugs and chemicals used for treatments; as well as identify which medication is triggering your symptoms. Contrary to traditional allergy tests which focus on inhalation allergens such as dust mites, animal hair and pollen; this technique can identify specific substances responsible for allergic reactions in an instantaneous fashion.

Bioresonance therapy may not always provide a complete cure for allergies; sometimes the cause lies deeper within such as parasites or Candida, and these must also be addressed before the bioresonance therapy works effectively. A therapist experienced in bioresonance can identify any issues and treat them so you can return to leading a normal life again.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormones in our bodies control all organs and structures, including our skin. If there is an imbalance of hormones within our system, this can result in many symptoms; such as allergies, asthma attacks, rheumatic complaints and nervous disorders. A successful bio resonance treatment may help restore balance to body’s hormone levels.

Electrodes are applied directly to the skin and connected to a BICOM machine for detection and counteracting unhealthy frequencies with healthy ones, including any food intolerances such as wheat or gluten allergy, which will allow therapists to provide personalized diet recommendations designed to overcome such intolerances and enhance overall health.

Bioresonance therapy sessions have the power to relieve symptoms for individuals who cannot drink alcohol, are allergic to printer’s ink, are sensitive to flowering plants or have breathing issues when working with preserved wood. Furthermore, this method may also provide relief for premenstrual pains, irregular periods and hot flushes common during menopause in women.

Allergies can be caused by anything our immune systems perceives as being detrimental to our health, including some food we consider safe. According to the Food Allergy Research And Resource Program, up to 4% of people suffer from food allergies; their reactions may be uncomfortable or even life-threatening. Bioresonance therapy may help manage or even eradicate allergies by uncovering offending substances and training the body to recognize them as harmless.

Electromagnetic pollution, commonly referred to as geopathy or electro smog, is another major source of illness and may contribute to allergies, rheumatic symptoms and nervous disorders. Studies have also demonstrated how prolonged exposure can lead to hormonal imbalances and even cancer; bioresonance sessions may help counteract its negative effects by restoring body’s electromagnetic field back into balance and neutralizing their negative impacts.