Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

April 10, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Therapy Florida

Bioresonance Therapy is a noninvasive and gentle treatment using electromagnetic frequencies to promote balance and harmony within the body. The therapy acknowledges the interconnectivity of various aspects of health and seeks to address root causes rather than symptoms.

Seek out a licensed practitioner and approach this alternative treatment method with an open mind, considering it as part of a more traditional therapy approach.

Sunlighten Sauna

Remember the ROY G. BIV effect when using a prism to divide white light into its constituent colors? Well, infrared is just below red on the visible spectrum, and Sunlight saunas aim to harness its healing powers by using this invisible light source directly instead of simply heating the air; this creates a deeper sweat at cellular level where most toxins reside.

Infrared rays can also be absorbed by blood and tissues, improving circulation and detoxifying cells resulting in purified skin, improved oxygenation to muscles (which helps athletes recover faster), better heart health and detoxification of harmful heavy metals, drug residues and hormone disruptors.

With cutting-edge infrared technology, we are able to customize saunas specifically to your space and lifestyle. Relax after an intense workout or speed up detoxification – whatever it may be – the mPulse Smart Sauna is your solution. Offering customized wellness programs tailored specifically for you, this sauna makes self-care simpler than ever before!

mPulse saunas go beyond far infrared heat therapy by including built-in chromotherapy that uses light from visible spectrum colors believed to resonate with different energy points within your body, creating an experience that can greatly benefit both mental and spiritual wellness as well as physical well-being.

The mPulse Smart Sauna comes equipped with built-in audio that connects directly to your smartphone for music, podcasts and videos. Fully customizable to meet your personal wellness needs with features like an easy-to-use control panel, recessed stereo speakers and a mobile app that enables remote monitoring of progress from anywhere, it also folds in half for easier transportation and requires only 120V 20A dedicated outlets to operate – made with medical grade, clinically-backed Solocarbon heaters tested against stringent safety standards that adhere to strict electrical safety requirements that adhere to strict electrical safety standards during production standards for reliable operation and manufacturing quality assurance.

Foot Detox

Ionic foot detox is a contemporary energy therapy that works to balance your natural energy system. This therapy works by adding a programmable mixture of positive and negative ions into the water in which your feet are immersed; positive ions attract and neutralize negative toxins found in tissues, while negative ones get expelled through their 2,000 pores from your feet into the environment.

Foot detox sessions allow you to relax while your toxins are being extracted from your body. These toxins may come from unhealthy eating habits or environmental pollution, and build up in organs such as your liver and kidneys, among others. Popular among fitness and wellness spas as well as some health and weight loss centers.

IonCleanse Detox Foot Bath is an effective therapeutic treatment that helps your body rid itself of heavy metals, toxins, blood clot material and other potentially hazardous substances that accumulate over time. The device produces an abundance of hydrogen ions which then flood through your feet into your system – acting as powerful antioxidants against heavy metals while quelling inflammatory free radicals; in turn helping livers and kidneys restore function so they can begin processing accumulated toxins more efficiently.

Your ionic foot detox session typically lasts approximately 30 minutes. At the conclusion of treatment, you’ll notice that the water has changed hue – this indicates that ions from the foot bath water have bound with any toxins expelled from your body during treatment and have created bonds to bond them to what remains in the footbath water.

Foot detoxes may be a popular form of detoxification, yet there’s little scientific proof they actually work. Anecdotal evidence suggests they could improve sleep and ease stress relief, so before beginning any type of detox program (including ionic foot detoxes), always consult with your physician first and seek their advice first. They may recommend other healthy ways to reduce your toxic load such as cutting down on foods high in added sugars and increasing fiber consumption; doing this will keep toxins under control and reduce future health concerns.


Biofeedback is a mind-body technique designed to teach individuals to control bodily processes that normally happen unknowingly. Sensors attached to your skin or held in your hands monitor processes such as heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension during a biofeedback session. Results are displayed on a computer monitor, and you’re taught to alter processes based on what’s shown there. Once learned, biofeedback techniques can be practiced at home using those learned in professional sessions. Biofeedback therapy can be used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches, high blood pressure and urinary incontinence – as well as helping athletes and performers enhance performance. A typical session typically lasts less than an hour and typically results can be seen within 10 sessions. Biofeedback sessions are offered by physical therapy clinics, medical centers and hospitals and it may be costly without health insurance; some health plans cover it however.

Biofeedback sessions typically work by measuring physiological functions and then translating that data into visual, auditory or haptic signals for use as training to address health issues. A therapist can help determine which of these feedback options would best meet the needs of their client’s condition.

Your therapist may place sensors in your head, wrists or hands depending on your specific health issue. In general, these sensors measure physiological signals such as heart rate or muscle activity before providing real-time audiovisual feedback in the form of video games, music or images on a monitor to provide real-time monitoring and reward yourself when positive changes have taken place.

Biofeedback therapy can be an invaluable asset in treating insomnia, migraine headaches and back pain. Through biofeedback training, individuals learn how to manipulate their own responses to stress – for instance lowering blood pressure or relaxing muscles – eventually becoming independent enough to perform these functions on their own.

The autonomic nervous system controls our response to perceived threats; under stress, the sympathetic nervous system reduces blood flow to extremities while increasing it to major muscles so we can escape or fight off predators. With biofeedback training, patients can recognize when their sympathetic nervous system has kicked in and take steps to calm it, such as internally raising hand temperature to alleviate anxiety symptoms.

April 9, 2024|Editor

Neck Vibration Therapy

Neck pain is an increasingly prevalent affliction that can have a significant impact on our daily lives. It may result from poor posture, overuse or an injury.

Utilizing a vibration plate can help ease neck pain by encouraging relaxation and relieving tension, as well as improving blood flow which in turn promotes healing while decreasing inflammation.

Reflex muscle stimulation

Vibration therapy is a noninvasive technique used to stimulate sensory nerves in skin and muscles. Combined with other treatments like massage or physiotherapy, vibration therapy can strengthen muscles while decreasing pain levels significantly. Individuals experiencing neck, shoulder, or muscle strain pain may find relief with vibration therapy; furthermore it can provide relief for trigger points – knots found deep within muscle fibers that cause refer pain to other parts of their bodies.

Unilateral Spatial Neglect (USN), an increasingly prevalent issue following stroke, requires specific rehabilitation methods in order to improve recovery. One “bottom-up” approach seeks to alter body perception using visual, vestibular and mechanical manipulation [1,2]. Another form of proprioceptive treatment that can easily be integrated into rehabilitation sessions without needing patient cooperation is Neck Mus Vibration (NMV).

Recent research demonstrated that NMV therapy effectively improved left side USN by directly stimulating neck muscles. It reduced neck disability, enhanced arm matching acuity, improved cervical joint position sense and increased pressure pain threshold threshold in ipsilesional neck muscles.

This study examined the effects of Neuromodulatory Vessel Stimulation (NMV) combined with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on ipsilesional posterior parietal cortex of patients diagnosed with USN. Both NMV and tDCS interventions were applied during occupational therapy sessions over 3 weeks.

The results of the study demonstrated that NMV can bring immediate and long-term benefits for USN. More specifically, it has increased self-reported neck disability improvement rates as well as pressure pain sensitivity reduction rates.

Neck muscle vibration (NMV) is an inexpensive and clinically effective treatment for unilateral spatial neglect (USN). It increases neck mobility, improves arm-matching acuity, elevates cervical joint position sense and decreases pressure pain threshold in ipsilateral neck muscles – without needing the cooperation of participants – thus making NMV an attractive addition to current USN rehabilitation practices. Further research should also examine its integration into standard rehabilitation practice; additionally it would be important to evaluate its underlying neural mechanisms.

Improved blood flow

Vibration therapy not only reduces tension but also boosts blood flow and stimulates lymphatic drainage to speed up healing, promote a healthier recovery process and ease pain by breaking up scar tissue accumulation around muscles, ligaments and joints. It may even prevent further injuries by relieving pain-causing tension.

Vibration has also been shown to improve the function of the peripheral vascular system, which relays and distributes arterial blood throughout the body and returns venous blood back to its source through involuntary contraction of skeletal muscles; vibration has been found to enhance this process by speeding up their contraction rate.

Studies have been performed using oxygen saturation measurement as a quantitative means to gauge the improvement in blood circulation caused by neck vibration therapy. Results demonstrate that an increase in oxygen saturation rate indicates muscle perfusion, an indicator of improved circulation. For elderly and physically weak patients unable to participate in daily exercises, neck vibration therapy provides an easy, natural way of improving circulation without exertion or effort on their part.

Researchers conducted studies to measure the effects of neck vibration therapy. To do so, they constructed a model of head-neck oscillations combined with a computational blood flow and vibration model, and generated virtual head-neck vibration data for various degrees of carotid artery blockage. A computer vision algorithm then allowed researchers to compare virtual with real head-neck vibration captured on video footage and showed that this model has the ability to accurately estimate severity of carotid artery blockage. The results demonstrate this potential.

Twenty-eight patients suffering from chronic nonspecific neck pain were randomly divided into either a vibration group – which received 10 self-applied sessions of low frequency vibration therapy in the upper trapezius and levator scapulae trigger points – or a control group, who did not receive any treatment; then assessed after first, fifth, and tenth sessions reassessments were completed; these results demonstrated how vibration therapy significantly reduced self-reported neck pain, disability and pressure pain sensitivity in this population

Reduced tension

Vibration therapy is an easy and non-invasive way to ease tension in your neck and back. It increases muscle flexibility while strengthening ligaments that hold your spine together – all which reduce strain on vertebrae. Vibration therapy may also provide relief from physical activities like weightlifting or sports.

Neck pain may be caused by poor posture, injury or overuse. Chronic muscle injury may result in scar tissue formation that entraps and inhibits muscles’ performance, slowing your recovery process significantly. Vibration therapy aims to break down this scar tissue while simultaneously improving microcirculation to accelerate healing timeframe.

Vibration therapy has also been proven effective against certain injuries, such as spastic colon and fibromyalgia. Some studies even show it to help prevent muscle atrophy and osteoporosis; however, additional research must be completed in order to confirm these results.

While most studies on vibration therapy show positive results on muscle function, physical performance, patient mobility and balancing, bone density and pain perception, some series have produced different conclusions. This could be attributed to differences in devices (directionality (horizontal displacement, side-to-side displacement or vertical), amplitudes (displacements that create gravitational forces less than or equal 15g) or frequencies (5-90 Hz).

Vibration therapy offers many advantages for those suffering from spatial neglect, including not needing their cooperation for beneficial effects to be realized. A recent study demonstrated this point with neck muscle vibration alone producing lasting amelioration through daily 20-minute sessions on left posterior neck muscles over 10 consecutive days – this being particularly effective against impaired attention capacity issues that contribute to spatial neglect.

Researchers found that vibration treatment led to significant improvements in cervical position sense and arm-matching acuity, along with increases in pressure pain thresholds at stimulated places and decreases distally; improvements were stable during follow-up testing and led to an increase in both femoral neck bone density as well as lumbar spinal bone density.

Strengthened muscles

Vibration therapy allows your muscles to experience an overall body movement which stimulates muscle contraction. Furthermore, increased blood flow increases tissue healing time and decreases inflammation levels for faster healing times and reduced inflammation levels.

Vibration therapy is an excellent way to restore the soft tissues in your neck and back to their original state of functioning after injury or trauma has affected them. Scar tissue adhering to soft tissues restricting range of motion can create pain; vibration therapy loosens tightened tissues in spine joints by breaking adhesions up, decreasing stiffness and increasing flexibility.

Sitting for extended periods of time can result in poor posture, tight shoulders, shoulder pain and related symptoms such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). RSI pain occurs because the muscles, ligaments and discs don’t get stretched enough during daily activity – vibration therapy offers a non-invasive, drug free solution to reduce this type of strain on your body and help protect you against future injury to the area.

Vibrations generated from a power plate will stimulate your muscles and ease aching joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves. They may also relieve tightness in your back and neck by helping relax tight muscles. Furthermore, vibrations increase oxygen delivery to muscles, thus speeding recovery after workouts much quicker.

Mile High Spine & Pain Center utilizes Power Plate equipment as part of our vibration therapy services, and when you step on it your entire body vibrates rapidly in response to vibrations emitted by this machine, allowing muscles to contract and relax quickly while also aiding recovery times. Professional athletes use similar methods of increasing performance and speeding recovery times with this method of therapy.

April 9, 2024|Editor

Can You Reverse Aging Hands?

Hands are one of the first areas that reveal signs of aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, brittle nails and age spots that make hands appear older than they actually are.

Changes in hands occur due to both biological processes and external factors like sun exposure and lifestyle choices like smoking or poor hand skin care practices. However, there are ways to reverse the signs of aging on hands.

1. Retinoids

Retinoids, which are vitamin A derivatives, act as skin rejuvenating agents. Retinoids stimulate collagen production within the skin to decrease fine lines and wrinkles while simultaneously speeding up cell turnover to remove dead skin cells. Retinoids also decrease pigmentation (darkening of skin tone) as well as lighten dark spots; additionally they may even prevent new dark spots by blocking melanosome transfer to skin surfaces.

Retinoids are frequently prescribed to treat acne, rosacea, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions as well as some cancers, scarring and sun damage. Furthermore, retinoids have an impactful way of neutralizing free radicals which cause damage to our cells through free radical damage – in turn protecting us against further oxidative stress on our skins.

There are different kinds of retinoids. The first generation are natural retinoids such as retinol, retinal, and tretinoic acid and have the closest structure and function to vitamin A; however, these first-generation retinoids also tend to have more toxic side effects compared with second and third-generation products.

The second generation of synthetic retinoids offers improved stability, penetration, and tolerability; their specific structural design binds more efficiently with retinoic acid receptors; they have less side effects than first-generation products like etretinate, isotretinoin and acitretin; furthermore there are third generation products such as adapalene and bexarotene that incorporate structural modifications that increase both tolerability and efficacy while treating more conditions than their predecessors.

2. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels, commonly employed to improve facial complexion, can also be utilized on hands to resurface their skin. They are effective at diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, volume loss and skin laxity on hands.

A superficial peel employs mild acids such as alpha hydroxy acids to exfoliate and refresh the outer layer of skin, making this treatment suitable for individuals who are experiencing minor wrinkles and age spots. This treatment may be especially useful for hands with wrinkles or age spots.

Medium-depth peels such as glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels can effectively lighten age spots while improving crepy skin on hands. Furthermore, these treatments work particularly well for individuals with ethnic skin types.

Deeper chemical peels may address more significant signs of hand aging, but they carry an increased risk for complications. Before opting for this procedure, it’s wise to meet with a dermatologist first so they can provide advice about minimizing side effects and complications.

Peels performed by qualified professionals tend to be safe for all skin types; however, there may be temporary darkening or lightening of skin color – particularly among individuals with darker complexions. Furthermore, there may be the reactivation of cold sores for individuals prone to them.

Reversing signs of aging on hands is possible through various treatments, including dermal fillers for volume loss, Fraxel lasers, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments to even skin tone and texture, and sclerotherapy to remove visible veins and bones. When combined with daily application of Retinol products, these options can make your hands appear younger and healthier.

3. Intense Pulsed Light

As we age, people become concerned with facial lines and wrinkles as well as gray hair appearing, but hands often also exhibit signs of wear such as thin skin, sun spots, discoloration and visible veins. Some solutions for these problems may include dermal fillers, laser skin resurfacing, IPL photofacials or even sclerotherapy treatments.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is another non-invasive treatment option to improve the look of aging hands. IPL works by emitting a broad spectrum of incoherent, pulsed polychromatic light that can be used for cosmetic treatment of vascular lesions, hyperpigmentation and sun damage as well as breaking capillaries minimization and improving mild rhytids.

An IPL photofacial begins by covering the patient in a cooling gel and protecting them with goggles before light energy is transmitted through a handpiece that gently slides over their treatment area. Once converted to thermal energy, this light zaps away abnormal cells while leaving behind healthy tissue; additionally it encourages new collagen and elastin production for plumped skin with reduced fine lines and crepiness.

IPL photofacial treatments can also help reduce liver spots on hands caused by sun exposure and the natural aging process. Light energy transmitted via handpiece breaks apart areas of discoloration before stimulating collagen and elastin production for increased skin healing, helping it rebuild itself into healthier and younger-looking tissue.

IPL therapy can also reduce the appearance of age spots, freckles and scars while targeting unhealthy tissues to cause broken capillaries to collapse and fade away from view.

4. Fat Injections

Fat injections use healthy, naturally-occurring fat extracted from the patient’s own body to restore volume and vitality in their hands. Plastic surgeons extract it using small incisions and cannula from areas such as the thighs, abdomen or buttocks before cleaning it before injecting into areas that require enhancement. Although the procedure requires minor surgery and recovery time, the long-lasting results produced make this technique worth trying compared to injectable treatments that last only several months.

Dr. Gabriele Miotto of Atlanta Cosmetic Surgery and Expert Injector performs autologous fat hand rejuvenation treatment through minimally invasive means in her office. First she extracts fat cells with liposuction from other areas (usually the tummy or inner thighs) then purifies and processes them at her location with the use of a centrifuge before injecting the processed lipids through tiny incisions without scars into the back of the hand for infusion.

Dr. Miotto’s hand fat transfer differs from conventional fillers in that it utilizes natural body fat from each individual patient to reduce any risks of an allergic reaction and promote natural collagen production and anti-aging benefits. Furthermore, this procedure stimulates natural production of more anti-aging properties by the body over time.

Due to our bodies’ natural tendency for resorption, not all of the fat transferred to hands will survive resorption. Dr. Miotto’s injection of slightly more than necessary helps account for this loss; patients usually require two sessions for best results. Swelling and bruising may occur following hand fat transfer procedures; these side effects usually subside over time with cold compresses and enzyme preparations such as serratiopeptidase helping reduce any side effects more rapidly.

5. Fillers

Hands can be one of the first areas to reveal signs of aging, with skin becoming wrinkled and wrinkled tendons protruding, sunspots forming and wrinkled tendons protrusion resulting in a “skeletonized” look which makes concealing age-related concerns with makeup difficult. Dermal fillers offer one solution by increasing volume while diminishing veins and tendons prominence.

Fillers provide a quick, non-invasive, and effective treatment option for combatting hand aging. Injections of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can restore lost volume to give hands a youthful appearance again. For best results, injection sites should be clearly labeled by medical professionals before being numbed with topical anesthetic cream prior to each injection session; procedures typically last around 30 minutes with patients driving themselves home immediately afterwards.

Your practitioner will select a dermal filler suitable to your aesthetic goals based on its opacity; there are various choices such as hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm and Restylane as well as calcium hydroxylapatite fillers like Radiesse that have opaque properties to hide veins and tendons.

Once injected into the skin, fillers are quickly absorbed and begin their work by smoothing out its texture, diminishing vein prominence, and minimizing signs of aging. They may even encourage collagen production for added skin health benefits.

As there are various medspas that offer filler services, it’s essential that you select one with experienced medical professionals that have an in-depth knowledge of hand anatomy and its subtleties. Furthermore, for your own safety and the best possible results it is advised that injections be conducted under sterile conditions in a doctor’s office setting.

April 9, 2024|Editor

Spooky2 Help

If you are new to Spooky2 and need assistance getting started, we offer initial and follow-up coaching sessions as a great way to become acquainted with its machinery and get answers to any queries that arise.

Spooky2 draws its inspiration from Royal Raymond Rife’s discovery that specific frequencies could disrupt cancer viruses and pathogens by sending them into vibration, transmitted via plasma tube discharge current.

How do I use Spooky2?

Spooky2 is a frequency device designed to increase energy levels, reduce pain and inflammation, improve mental clarity and boost general wellbeing. Millions of people across the globe have used Spooky2 for treating various conditions while improving their quality of life – it truly stands as the most comprehensive frequency healing system currently available.

Spooky 2 works by transmitting frequencies that reset cellular communication networks to increase metabolism and circulation, restore natural healing abilities by correcting imbalances within your body, and correct imbalances through its unique scalar field that penetrates deep into tissues of your body.

Spooky2 requires two distinct cables from its generator to the Central: one must go into its Input port while another can connect directly with its Modulation port.

Once this step is complete, you can begin choosing programs specifically tailored to meet your unique needs. With over 30,000 programs to select from ranging from immunity enhancement to pain relief solutions and more available in our database, program selection shouldn’t be difficult or time consuming. The process for program selection should also be straightforward.

Spooky2 stands out from other scalar devices with its Rife modulation capabilities, enabling you to transmit the original frequencies discovered and studied by Royal Rife himself – something no other scalar device can accomplish.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is a new accessory that adds audio frequencies to its scalar transmission, enabling you to enjoy relaxing music and meditative beats that provide restorative benefits for the entire body.

What is Spooky2?

Spooky2 software enables the simultaneous control of up to 126 Rife generators simultaneously, offering access to an extensive library of set frequencies which can be played back through Rife machines – these include mortal oscillator rates for cancer viruses as well as frequencies that provide support and healing of specific organs or systems of the body, detoxification and spiritual awakening, among many others.

Royal Raymond Rife was an exceptional scientist who made an important discovery. He demonstrated how certain electromagnetic frequencies could effectively eradicate disease-causing micro-organisms while at the same time benefitting humans – something later confirmed by other scientists and which now forms the basis of frequency healing modalities.

Rife Machine was initially devised with the understanding that human bodies are electrical and responsive to electromagnetic waves, yet today there has been much advancement of this device, enabling its usage in remote, contact, plasma mode delivery of Rife frequencies. The Spooky2 Rife Machine uses similar principles and technology as Royal Rife’s original invention; however it now allows remote, contact, plasma mode and radiofrequency mode of Rife frequency delivery for improved health outcomes.

Spooky2 Phanatron Tube uses an alternating electric current to ionize inert gas, turning some of its particles into plasma (the fifth matter state) and producing electromagnetic fields which penetrate deeply into our bodies.

Frequency healing works when its frequencies match those of disease-causing germs’ resonance, so they start vibrating at an identical frequency until eventually shattering. This process, known as frequency entrainment, helps eliminate disease-causing organisms while restoring normal cell functions; hence its efficacy as frequency healing.

How do I program my Spooky2?

Spooky2 offers many uses. From Rife machines that produce superior colloidal silver, to killing bugs and mold in your home. Furthermore, it can function as a Clark Zapper or Spectrum Zapper; even helping you create your own cold laser!

Spooky2 features an advanced biofeedback system. This works by sending frequencies into your body in order to stress, injure, or kill pathogens – when this happens, the computer registers the event and correlates it to its exact frequency (known in Rife terms as “hitting”). Once assembled into a program for application by you directly.

How do I customize my Spooky2?

Spooky2 allows you to use various accessories for applying frequencies through contact mode, including silver gloves, socks, bands, internal electrodes and hand cylinders. In addition, cold laser and PEMF frequencies may also be used. Spooky2 also comes equipped with GeneratorX which enables biofeedback scans within minutes; during these scans the generator applies frequencies while monitoring how each one stresses, injures or kills pathogens.

What are the benefits of using Spooky2?

Spooky2 offers many health benefits that have been attested by testimonials. People using it regularly experience significant enhancements in quality of life – this includes improved sleep and energy levels. Spooky2 also serves as an indispensable tool for practitioners of holistic healing and wellness practices, making treatments available to clients with various needs.

Spooky2 stands out as an innovative solution by enabling users to customize frequencies based on their individual needs, providing more tailored treatments and increasing efficiency over conventional therapies. Spooky2 features a vast library of frequency programs specifically targeted at pathogens (viruses, bacteria, protozoa protozoa fungi helminths etc) as well as body systems and organs that need healing.

The scalar field created by the generator can be used to transmit healing frequencies throughout the body to promote relaxation, increase energy levels, and accelerate recovery from illness or injury. You can strengthen it further by placing medications, crystals, or essential oils onto the input coil of the generator. Furthermore, its informational capabilities allow it to carry details for cells such as fighting infections, encouraging spiritual awakening and more.

Spooky2 stands out as an innovative scalar signal therapy system because of its ability to incorporate Rife modulation. This feature makes any treatment session even more effective by more efficiently delivering Rife’s original frequencies, potentially increasing effectiveness and potency for treating disease and increasing immunity. A proprietary algorithm powers this advanced scalar technology.

April 9, 2024|Editor

Metatron Device

The Metatron device uses electromagnetic waves to read and decipher information. It can even detect preexisting health issues before clients notice them, sending reverse frequencies back out in order to correct imbalances and restore health.

Enoch-Metatron motifs served both narrative and exegetical functions in medieval Ashkenazi milieu, legitimizing interpretive creativity while stimulating kabbalistic hermeneutical processes.

It is a non-linear health screening system

Metatron is an NLS health screening system that utilizes non-invasive biofeedback technology to monitor stress levels in the body. Designed to identify imbalances based on energy information, and then encourage users to improve their health through diet, herbal or nutritional supplementation, Metatron has been thoroughly tested and is considered safe when used under professional guidance. It reads electromagnetic impulses produced by your body before processing this data into readable computer screen output that displays color-coded graphic displays showing where stressors exist in the body as well as which areas this imbalance affect.

This system detects potential pathological processes that could lead to future health issues, by analyzing electromagnetic signals from cells all the way down to DNA levels. It can accurately determine character, origin and degree of potentially harmful processes as well as predict their future dynamics – providing a significant advantage over traditional medical diagnostics.

This non-invasive and risk-free procedure uses subtle electromagnetic signals to assess homeostasis or organ health in the body. This device can detect early signs of disease onset while providing recommendations on how to avoid further health complications – making it ideal for health maintenance centers, athletes and independent therapists alike.

It also provides an exclusive function: it can quickly detect where tumors or heritable diseases have emerged, and pinpoint their genetic roots in just seconds by analyzing cytological cuts, chromosome sets and even DNA fragments.

This NLS health screening system can evaluate the state of the heart, lungs, joints, blood vessels and fatigue as well as identify any possible sources. Furthermore, it helps prevent new symptoms by balancing cell frequencies and developing various remedies – perfect for use by various health professionals such as naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists or herbalists.

It is a biofeedback system

Metatron is a nonlinear medical device designed to detect and prevent disease by decoding electromagnetic waves released by our bodies, such as DNA. Additionally, it can predict future health dynamics. Hospitals, research centers, athletes, dietitians and independent therapists frequently utilize Metatron to improve overall health; additionally, many home users choose it to help increase overall wellbeing.

The system employs magnetic inductors to scan a client’s body and assess functional and dysfunctional changes to EM fields around their body, without producing high-intensity radiation and without needing physical contact between patient and system. Data generated is recorded onto a computer model which displays results using colored codes.

Metatron’s greatest strength lies in its ability to identify emotional factors behind a person’s illness. A person’s emotional state often plays an integral role in susceptibility to disease; by pinpointing these root causes, Metatron can help release any trapped subconscious emotions and restore balance to the body.

At an NLS device diagnostic session, each organ’s frequency is read and compared against an optimal value set by software. If one or more frequencies of any particular organ fall below their respective optimal values, traditional biofeedback methods can be employed to increase them; or the information can even be printed directly onto liquid carriers like water or homeopathic remedies to treat specific ailments.

The Metatron Blue Opal differs from traditional devices in that it does not produce strong magnetic fields or radioactive materials, instead using biofeedback and acoustic techniques to evaluate client’s bodies. It can identify any imbalance in their bodies as well as provide comprehensive analysis on health. Furthermore, the device can identify its cause while offering recommendations for future naturopathic treatment plans.

It is a stress management system

Metatron is a completely non-invasive alternative to CT scans, MRIs or X-rays; it measures electromagnetic wave emissions from your body before decoding and displaying them on a computer screen. Software then interprets this data and correlates it with various organ conditions as well as detect predisposition to specific diseases for more accurate prediction of future health dynamics.

Each living organism emits electromagnetic impulses that are specific to itself. Each electromagnetic impulse has its own frequency that depends on the physiologic state of an organism. The Metatron device recognizes these electromagnetic impulses and aligns them with organ frequencies of its client being examined, providing information about both underlying cause and extent.

The device utilizes a patented hardware-software system to produce an exceptionally precise bioresonance scanner. This non-harmful bioresonance scanner provides valuable information within minutes without any adverse side effects and detects existing conditions as well as premonitoring diseases up to three or five years before symptoms appear.

All living cells produce electromagnetic waves which define their normal functioning. When these waves are altered by factors like pollution, infection, stress or emotional issues they produce aberrant electromagnetic fluctuations which reach the nervous system of humans via nerve pathways and reach the brain via its neural pathway. To detect such issues the Metatron scanner reads biological immulsions produced by organs and compares them with its database for comparison purposes.

It is a health assessment system

Living organisms produce electromagnetic waves whose frequency depends on their physiological state. A computer records these frequencies, which are then displayed on a 3D model of organ or body part. Software analyses these frequencies further, using color codes to indicate imbalance and stress. Using this information gathered by software, you can correct imbalances and improve health by correcting these irregularities.

Non-invasive equipment uses magnetic sensors to interface with the subcortical brain, the source of all information about ongoing processes in an organism. This data is then converted to digital signals by Blue Opal hardware and software system and decoded using Non-Linear NLS Diagnostics; enabling precise identification of harmful processes which may become problematic over time.

Health assessments allow us to accurately gauge our bodies’ homeostasis, identify pathological processes even before symptoms present themselves, and roughly forecast future health dynamics through recording and analyzing electromagnetic waves produced by organs within your body.

Assessing organ health, tracking changes in cellular activity and tracking progress over time are all integral parts of holistic healthcare and wellness. With the software’s assistance you will also see how your healing journey is progressing over time.

The Metatron device is an incredible non-invasive solution to pinpointing the source of health issues such as obesity, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Additionally, this unique technology detects parasites, viruses and bacteria present in your body while also assessing emotional stress or toxic burden. Furthermore, its program predicts how your immune system will respond to certain stressors, offering feedback that helps identify best coping methods – making this technology truly extraordinary!