Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 9, 2024|Editor

Fuel Your Energy, Improve Sleep, and Boost Mood With a Light Therapy Lamp

Recharge your energy, improve sleep and boost mood with a light therapy lamp that mimics natural sunlight. Our UV free lamps help protect both eyes and skin while offering adjustable settings to provide maximum comfort and effectiveness.

Light therapy has proven itself effective at treating SAD, jet lag, shift work and other light deprivation related conditions; however, as with many therapies it works best when administered appropriately.

How to get the most out of your therapy lamp

Light therapy lamps can help your body reset its natural circadian rhythm and enhance mood and energy levels. Light therapy lamps also regulate sleep hormones while raising serotonin levels – both essential for optimal functioning – helping regulate serotonin production as well as enhancing concentration and focus. Therapy lamps can especially come in handy during seasons that lack sunlight, but they may also benefit people suffering from seasonal affective disorder or those having trouble adapting to time changes.

The ideal therapy lamps possess at least 10,000 lux and provide a full spectrum of bright white light (the color scale for measuring brightness in Kelvin); warmer hues tend to promote comfort while cooler tones promote alertness. Furthermore, UV-free models should be preferred because prolonged exposure to harmful UV rays can damage eyes and skin over time; furthermore they should be simple and portable enough for daily use in any situation.

As you get started with therapy lamps, smaller lamps may be best. They’ll fit easier into your schedule and cost less than larger models – one reviewer even says this particular model “perfectly sized for home offices,” even looking like an iPad! You can select from various color options to match the decor of your space while the one-hour countdown timer helps prevent you from losing track of time when using therapy lamps!

Keep it close

People often make the mistake of sitting too far from their light therapy lamp, making it ineffective in treating SAD symptoms. To get the most from it, the device should be placed at eye level and directed directly at your eyes, like sunlight would do. Sitting too far down will decrease how much LUX reaches them thereby rendering its use ineffective for treating SAD symptoms.

If you are experiencing symptoms associated with SAD such as difficulty waking up in the morning, fatigue, social withdrawal and weight gain, light therapy should be an integral component of your treatment plan. Light therapy can realign your circadian rhythm, stimulate serotonin production and improve sleep habits; but, it should not be considered a permanent solution; further treatments should still be sought to manage specific symptoms of your SAD condition.

Light therapy may also be effective against the discomfort caused by diabetes, including low-level laser therapy (LLLT) which works by stimulating cells with proteins that prevent nerve impulses and alleviate discomfort, according to The Cleveland Clinic.

Integrate light therapy into your daily routine by practicing it before work or school and adhering to recommended treatment times. Over time, you’ll discover which times work best for your specific symptoms. Also keeping a diary of both physical and emotional feelings will keep you motivated throughout therapy sessions.

Have it at the right angle

Light therapy lamps simulate sunlight to mimic its benefits for treating conditions like seasonal depression, insomnia and jet lag. These lights emit far greater LUX (light intensity) than standard lamps and should be used daily for 20-30 minutes each morning to stimulate production of serotonin and melatonin by tricking your hypothalamus into producing it naturally.

Step one in treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD) involves finding the ideal lamp. For severe SAD cases, you will require a larger medical-grade lamp while mild or moderate symptoms can be treated using smaller wellness grade lamps. Furthermore, keep your living space in mind when making this selection; small bedrooms may need smaller models than larger living rooms.

An essential factor is deciding the angle at which you place light in your room. Many individuals use light therapy lamps with their heads angled away from them, which prevents direct sunlight from falling directly onto their eyes. To achieve optimal results, place your lamp directly in front of your face at an appropriate height that allows light to reach all parts of your eyes.

Some individuals may experience side effects from using light therapy lamps, including headaches, dizziness and eye strain. These symptoms typically begin at the start of treatment but should subside within days; if they persist afterward, reduce daily exposure time or move further away from the lamp.

Use it consistently with ample treatment times

Light therapy is an excellent way to rebalance your circadian rhythm, increase serotonin production, and energize yourself. However, light therapy should not replace exercise, good sleep habits, healthy diet and socialization; and should be used on a consistent basis – studies show daily sessions between 30-60 minutes may help boost both mood and energy levels.

Start treatment sessions soon after awakening, within an hour after mimicking natural sunlight rays. This encourages your brain to stop producing sleep hormones (melatonin) and start producing wakefulness hormones instead.

At minimum, an effective light should produce 10,000 lux of bright white light. UVB components should be avoided as prolonged exposure can damage skin. Furthermore, bulbs will eventually weaken over time; replacing them regularly is highly advised.

If you experience side effects like headaches and irritability during light therapy sessions, try shortening session length or moving further away from the light source. Consult with your physician regarding whether light therapy lamps would benefit your specific situation; particularly if you suffer from macular degeneration or take medications such as tetracycline that can increase photosensitivity. Getting your physician’s endorsement could also assist when applying for reimbursement through insurance companies; they may require proof that it was medically necessary and effective.

Incorporate other treatment methods

Light therapy lamps have become more and more popular over time, yet this form of treatment has long been around. Light therapy lamps can effectively regulate circadian rhythms and treat mood disorders.

Bright light from lamps stimulates intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in the brain, signaling to the hypothalamus to promote wakefulness and suppress production of melatonin at night – this may help alleviate seasonal affective disorder (SAD), nonseasonal depression and dementia symptom. Light therapy may also help relieve jet lag symptoms.

Light therapy works best when practiced first thing in the morning to reset one’s circadian rhythm and promote wakefulness, however if clients cannot use their lamp at this time due to scheduling conflicts they may still benefit by using it at other times during the day before 2:00 p.m as light therapy after that point could actually alter one’s biological clock in an adverse fashion, leading to sleep disturbances and manic episodes for those living with bipolar disorder.

Light therapy alone may not provide all of the health benefits desired, however when combined with other healthy lifestyle practices like regular exercise, balanced nutrition, good sleep hygiene and stress management it can provide even greater results faster. Combining light therapy with additional treatments such as these could accelerate results faster.

Keep track of any side effects

Therapy lamps (or light boxes), also referred to as light therapy devices, can be an effective and straightforward solution for seasonal affective disorder sufferers. They consist of portable, bright white LED lights designed to simulate sunlight in order to reset your natural circadian rhythm and restore it with natural daylight patterns. Most therapy lamps emit up to 10,000 lux (lumens per square meter), the minimum amount necessary for optimal effect; no prescription is usually required and they can typically be found for an affordable cost or reimbursed through your flexible spending account or health reimbursement arrangement.

First thing in the morning is often best when using your lamp, as that’s when your body needs it most. While results may take several days or weeks to appear, it’s important to stay aware of your feelings so you can tweak sessions or incorporate other therapies as necessary in order to optimize its benefits.

Some users of light therapy devices may experience side effects when using them, including irritability or eyestrain. To remedy these, simply reduce how long you spend looking at your device or increase its distance from you face. Should dizziness arise after taking your eye away from its source, sitting up gradually after withdrawing can help ease symptoms quickly.

March 9, 2024|Editor

What is the Spooky2 Generator?

Spooky2 generator is an advanced Rife machine capable of performing numerous functions. Featuring a frequency range from 5MHz and multiple waveforms built-in, as well as two outputs to connect it with radionics devices via presets like general radionics preset and plant growth preset, it offers plenty of capabilities.

The Phanatron tube for Spooky2 plasma generators is made from durable borosilicate glass that can withstand extreme temperatures and electrical discharge without shattering or shattering under pressure.

It is a Rife machine

Spooky2 is an advanced frequency generator capable of creating precise alternating electric current waveforms with 20 preset waveforms and computer control. Additionally, its software includes all known Rife frequencies as well as being capable of creating its own frequencies – making this device a powerful healing device.

Royal Raymond Rife devised an ingenious way of weakening or killing pathogenic microorganisms with frequencies in the early 1900s. These frequencies were transmitted directly to pathogens to produce destructive resonances within their constituent chemicals that caused severe structural stress on its molecules – much like when an opera singer sings an uninterrupted note at a certain frequency, shattering glass with her voice.

Rife discovered that virtually every pathological microorganism resonated with an electromagnetic frequency that it could be disabled or destroyed by. He collected hundreds of these frequencies – now known as mortal oscillatory rates – as mortal oscillatory rates. Furthermore, Rife’s discoveries led him to the understanding that certain electromagnetic frequencies could directly improve human health.

Spooky2 utilizes a plasm Phanatron tube to transmit frequencies required for therapy, sealed in durable borosilicate glass for added durability and high voltages. An alternating current running through it ionizes part of its inert gas content, turning into plasma; an advanced fifth state where particles no longer bind together but instead exist as free electrons or ions.

The electromagnetic waves produced by a plasma tube are then transmitted into the body and used to reach parasitic pathogens that cannot be reached with other cleansing methods, as well as strengthen immunity. Furthermore, these waves may help strengthen your immune system as a whole.

It is a plasma tube

The Plasma Tube is at the core of Spooky2 generator and offers an efficient method for dispensing frequencies into the body. Alternating currents that power it produce electromagnetic fields that can be measured using either a TriField Model 100XE frequency meter or electroscope, with field strength being dependent upon voltage amplitude; at close range this field strength may reach 1000V per meter! While not posing any health risk to people wearing metal jewelry this high level of electromagnetic energy may still cause discomfort for sensitive individuals or those wearing sensitive skin conditions or metal jewelry wearers who feel discomfort due to contact with electromagnetic energy exposure.

A plasma tube is an advanced Rife machine that applies Royal Rife’s original frequencies without using carrier waves or modulation, and also produces many harmonics of its carrier wave, providing multiple medical applications. Its compact size makes it easier to use than standard Rife machines while its design makes it portable – perfect for transmitting frequencies to various parts of the body. The Plasma Tube comes in multiple sizes that enable transmission.

Plasma tubes are powered by two identical power supplies that connect directly into input jacks on a generator. If the output light on your generator does not illuminate, there may be an issue with one of these power supplies or their connection with Plasma tube; this could result in overheated tubes or damage to generator. In such an instance, try following these steps:

Before turning on your generator, first shut down and disconnect Spooky2 Central from its USB port. Plug the generator into a different USB port and switch it on before connecting a TENS cable from Spooky2 Central’s SN port to one of BN pins on generator – make sure the tube and generator remain as far apart from each other as possible.

Once the setup process is complete, click “Finish” to launch the program. The installer will copy files over and prompt you to install drivers; simply follow this process until complete. Upon doing so, your spooky2 system can begin operating – choose from its selection of presets and programs to run!

It is a current generator

Spooky2 generator is an innovative current generator designed to treat many conditions. Using frequency set scanning technology, this current generator can detect and eliminate parasites and pathogens from the body while also helping balance energy balance within it and improve overall health. Plus, its easy use comes complete with its own portable case for transport and storage; everything needed to begin your Spooky2 journey can be found right here!

Spooky2 can be used with any laptop, desktop computer or tablet and comes in various sizes to meet different user needs. The smallest model fits conveniently into a pocket for use when traveling; larger models feature built-in carry handles to maximize comfort and portability – both models include USB cables that work with all Spooky2 software programs.

Spooky2 generators require an Internet connection in order to function as current generators, while the XM model offers two outputs that allow it to produce two types of waveform simultaneously (currently both general radionics preset and plant growth preset are based on sine waves, with multipliers integrated). Furthermore, global controls for Amplitude Wobble and Frequency Wobble can be applied via Channel Control toggle buttons or Advanced Menu j. In addition, audio alerts will be reported upon starting transmission or program completion using Advanced Menu j.

People using remotes may have experienced perplexing LED behavior on their Remote control, from one LED working to both not lighting up. This phenomenon occurs due to pulse amplitude varying depending on frequency.

For optimal results, it is advised that one plasma or contact session per day be performed, before switching over to Remote Mode and running several sessions with reduced dwell times. This will enable you to detox and treat serious illness without interrupting daily life, and help avoid side effects. Note: Some conditions may require multiple treatment sessions over an extended period.

It is a cold laser

Spooky2 Plasma Phanotron tube is constructed from durable borosilicate glass for easy and smooth use. It emits electromagnetic waves that target parasitic microorganisms in their path of transmission as well as send information directly to your body that remove toxins and boost immune response, offering powerful support against illnesses like Lyme disease, Morgellons and cancer. It provides powerful healing aid.

This kit includes a single generator, Spooky2 Boost 3.1 and magnetic stirrer to produce top-grade Colloidal Silver quickly and more efficiently than commercial products. Furthermore, two generators can simultaneously be set up to run a detox program; killing germs with one generator while extracting toxins with another is possible.

March 9, 2024|Editor

Gene Patenting and the BRCA Case

The BRCA case pitted a private corporation intent on patenting DNA sequences against a publicly funded effort that forgoes such practices, while simultaneously revealing gene patenting as one of genomics’ biggest business stories. Furthermore, it produced two new R&D strategies from Randall Scott at Incyte and Craig Venter at Human Genome Sciences; both focused on sequencing protein-coding genes for patenting purposes.


Genomic science emerged during an era of growing government and nonprofit research funding as well as huge investments by biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms. Patents on DNA technologies became a central feature in this story, reflecting shifting norms about what should and shouldn’t be patentable as well as patent law’s attempts (or lack thereof) at keeping pace with emerging technologies.

Early DNA patents related to particular amino acid sequences associated with disease (e.g. insulin or growth hormone) or methods of sequencing DNA molecules – commonly referred to as gene patents; however, most DNA patents do not make such claims. Patents on other DNA inventions included technological improvements on existing laboratory instruments, such as the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method for rapid replication and amplification of DNA molecules conceived at around the same time by Maxam and Gilbert at Harvard, Fredrick Sanger and Coulson in Cambridge UK and Ray Rodriguez and Fernando Bolivar at UCSF; Cetus firm secured a patent on heat-stable reagents such as Taq polymerase used with thermocycler instruments in performing PCR reactions.

By the late 1990s, these and other patent innovations had helped drive the expansion of start-up firms such as Affymetrix and Illumina. Both firms took advantage of classic Bayh-Dole stories involving federally funded university research producing patents licensed exclusively to start-up companies that built instruments designed for use in academic and industrial laboratories.

These technologies were often utilized in the research and development of therapeutic proteins, followed by clinical trials to test their safety and efficacy. This process often costs thousands of dollars and takes years. Patents on such proteins often serve to incentivize investments in engineering product development by providing their inventors with control of intellectual property rights for products they create.

The US Supreme Court’s Myriad decision of 2003 brought about significant change. In this landmark ruling, they declared Myriad’s BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene patents invalid due to the “nonobviousness” requirement based on CAFC decisions dating back to 1995. Though the ruling didn’t overturn them as such, it rendered them unenforceable based on “nonobviousness.”


Myriad’s patenting decision had four effects. First, it raised questions of who owns and controls patent rights from federally funded inventions; it led to the development of a novel licensing strategy which generated $246 Million; it altered molecular biology by showing patenting methods central to genome sequencing is possible and profitable; it altered molecular biology norms by showing patenting genome sequencing methods can be profitable; and finally it indicated the need for greater cooperation between researchers and their institutional leaders – as proteomics/genomics researchers rank patents among their list of impediments to innovation (218).

Myriad’s attempt at aggression in Canada was met with resistance by Industry Canada, who instead encouraged Myriad to license its rights to MDS (Multi Diagnostic Screening Ltd), a private firm which would enable provincial health ministries to conduct BRCA testing (183). Myriad did not pursue this same strategy in Australia.


Scholars have often looked to research as an indicator of anticommons effects; however, researchers should understand that stronger impacts may occur further downstream, through forgoing investment in innovations requiring patent protection as inputs.

TIGR and Human Genome Sciences (HGS), two companies dedicated to sequencing-for-profit, were both founded as a result of the EST patent dispute. Furthermore, small start-ups Incyte and 23andMe used capillary gel sequencing instruments from ABI that consumed less DNA while producing results faster than Prism 377 instrument. Both companies utilized sequencing protein-coding genes before filing patents or licensing rights from them for products or licensing rights development – similar strategies were pursued by University of California which launched spinoff company Affymetrix which produced DNA microarrays for licensing rights development by University.

March 9, 2024|Editor

A Review of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Book by Peter Rule

Peter Rule is a Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist and Wellness Coach who studied with Dolores Cannon USA to become certified in QHHT.

Dolores began her study of sacred knowledge and reincarnation over 50 years ago, refining the QHHT method of hypnosis. In somnambulistic state she found time travel is possible allowing clients to relive previous lives.

What is QHHT?

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) was pioneered by Dolores Cannon over 50 years ago as a safe and powerful technique of Past Life Regression and communicating with one’s Subconscious or Higher Self. QHHT practitioners lead clients into somnambulistic states for in-depth investigations during QHHT sessions by asking relevant questions that guide them toward an experience most pertinent to them – either past lives, other dimensions or alternate realities that resonate most closely.

These sessions enable clients to gain guidance about their life purpose, relationships and health concerns. Many physical ailments which cannot be explained or treated using traditional medical therapies may be resolved quickly through QHHT sessions.

QHHT sessions can help people better understand themselves and why they face certain challenges in life, often helping to alleviate emotional or mental blocks which could be contributing to their suffering.

QHHT sessions take you into the deeply relaxing theta brainwave state that naturally arises twice daily – when sleeping and just before awakening. In this state lies your intuition, memories, and inner knowing; QHHT provides a gentle yet simple means of tapping into this knowledge.

Dolores learned that during a hypnosis session, one can communicate with one’s highest force within themselves – commonly referred to as their Higher Self, Oversoul, God Consciousness or Christ Consciousness or Oneness with Source. A therapist simply asks you to put your hands in front of your face and say: “I am open to all that exists.”

The Higher Self will then select the most pertinent information to bring forward for your healing and well-being, some of which may take the form of healing advice or simply be an assurance from the universe that now is an acceptable time to heal. When dealing with physical ailments, however, remember that healing by your Higher Self only occurs if it doesn’t violate either soul contract or life lessons in any way.

How does QHHT work?

Dolores Cannon developed a simple yet effective process using hypnosis that allows individuals to directly access and communicate with their Subconscious mind. Through this approach, individuals are able to travel back in time to past lives on Earth as well as other dimensions, experiencing healings unknown to conscious mind, access healing information that has yet to come forward into conscious awareness, experience their soul’s wisdom of healing as well as trust their inner guidance more directly.

QHHT practitioners begin each session with an induction technique designed to ease clients into a deep trance state and guide them through their subconscious. Once in this state, individuals can experience anything from deep trance all the way through somnambulistic state (where parts of sessions may pass without being remembered fully) during one of these QHHT sessions – just know that healing takes place on all levels!

QHHT sessions enable individuals to regress backwards to an idealized past life that addresses current issues and concerns, before asking their Subconscious for answers to any queries presented to the Practitioner by way of QHHT. In doing this, their Subconscious can provide information about that life’s purpose as well as instant healing without recourse to medication or surgery.

Practitioners then turn their focus toward any other issues that may be impacting an individual’s life, and the Higher Self provides information and solutions for those concerns as well. Since all parts of oneself make up the Higher Self, it will always give honest and unbiased guidance in aid of healing journey. Therefore, when scheduling a session it is essential that the intention behind scheduling it be for healing in all aspects of one’s life rather than only one specific area.

What is the difference between QHHT and past life regression?

QHHT is an energy healing technique that uses hypnosis to facilitate direct communication with your Higher Self. We ask it about problems you are currently experiencing in life and their causes as well as whether healing them is permissible. Healing often happens instantly with this powerful Miami tool that offers deep understanding, guidance and healing of physical, emotional and spiritual issues simultaneously.

Dolores Cannon pioneered and refined the Quantum Heuristic Hypnosis Therapy process over many years as she worked with thousands of clients worldwide. QHHT sessions operate under the principle that our current lives are interwoven with past experiences; by exploring this idea through regression therapy sessions, people gain perspective, understand, and address any root-cause issues impacting their health, relationships or careers.

At a QHHT session, your practitioner guides you to an area in your past that relates to the query or issue at hand. He or she cannot decide which past life you visit; that decision lies solely with your Higher Self; your Higher Self chooses which life best explains present-day challenges, patterns, relationships and the topic of discussion for this particular session. The Higher Self also selects scenes that best relate to it.

QHHT sessions provide insight into the causes of physical, emotional and spiritual difficulties as well as information regarding life purpose. To ensure maximum benefit from QHHT experience it is wise to prepare with questions for each session – make a list! Also try limiting caffeine and alcohol the day prior for best results.

How can QHHT help me?

QHHT practitioners use prompts and questions designed to allow their client to connect with past life or other dimensional experiences that will bring them healing and insights for navigating their current journeys. This allows clients to recall scenes, emotions and details from these past lives or dimensions experiences that can offer healing or provide insights to assist with current ones.

Once their session is over, clients are led back into full awakenedness by their practitioner. After discussing insights gained and practical ways they can incorporate wisdom gained into daily living, clients will leave feeling more refreshed than when they started.

Many clients seek answers through QHHT for particular issues or challenges in their life, such as finding out the source of physical or spiritual discomfort. Hypnosis allows the soul’s subconscious to communicate these issues to the practitioner who then establishes an effective plan of healing and growth.

This process also enables clients to tap into their own soul’s knowledge about who they are and why they are here in this lifetime. By connecting to this knowledge of oneself, physical and emotional healing occurs naturally; thus releasing any blockages causing discomfort within the body.

Practitioners use different approaches to access their clients’ subconscious, Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Conscious (SC). This part of their minds connects directly to Source or God and has access to infinite knowledge. In sessions with this SC connection, any health or mental issues will be identified and the cause determined before providing instantaneous healing if appropriate.

As well as physical healing, the Subconscious (SC) can address any relationships or issues which are causing difficulty, including karmic relationships, finding a Soul Mate/Twin Flame match and root causes of difficult emotions like depression, anxiety and phobias. Furthermore, SC will offer guidance as to what steps can be taken by clients to repair relationships and overcome challenging situations; ultimately allowing the soul to move onto other more fulfilling adventures in this life as well as beyond.

March 8, 2024|Editor

What is Core Energy Therapy?

Core energy therapy is an integrative healing approach focusing on harmony between body, emotions, mind, will/intent, and spiritual self. It combines bodywork and energy healing techniques with traditional therapeutic counseling approaches.

John Pierrakos created this practice, drawing inspiration from Wilhelm Reich’s belief that blocked inner energy could create physical manifestations. Additionally, The Pathwork provides practical spiritual wisdom originating from John Pierrakos’ wife Eva Broch.

The Theory

Core energy therapy is a holistic healing approach that unifies body, emotions, mind, will and spirit into one cohesive whole for maximum expression of your complete reality. Qualified practitioners of core energy therapy incorporate bodywork techniques combined with energy work techniques into an integrative process designed to explore and transform any limiting beliefs or patterns that impede happiness, love and connection in your life.

This healing model’s main tenet is that mind and body are intrinsically psychosomatic; therefore it follows that the body possesses its own ability to heal itself; hence the therapist should not be seen as a healer but as facilitator for that process. A secondary tenet holds that humans possess an innate capacity for creative transformation of themselves as individuals as well as contributing to greater human and cosmological evolution.

According to this theory, individuals’ limiting beliefs and patterns that they hold within their minds act as energetic blocks that prevent us from loving. The theory asserts that our physical bodies contain “core energy”, similar to what Chinese medicine considers chi, Indian spirituality prana and Reichian orgone. When this energy flows freely it promotes good health while when blocked or stagnant it decreases vitality reducing health outcomes and diminishing vitality.

Proponents of energy therapy believe that many mental disorders stem from an improper flow of energy, caused by emotional trauma or lack of awareness, which in turn may be affected by genes and environment.

Core energy therapy therapists employ physical exercises and breathing techniques, in combination with roller tools (resembling large rolling pins) to treat blockages and imbalances within the body’s muscles. This technique differs significantly from Somatic Experiencing therapies which focus more on controlling autonomic nervous systems.

Therapists typically conduct an initial client assessment during their first few sessions in order to understand where they are in their process, what resources and support systems are available, their ego strength and capacity for self reflection, physical limitations, general health conditions, family histories, current circumstances as well as any prior ones. A body reading will be performed in order to detect areas of over or under charge, asymmetry, postural distortions and freedom of movement.

The Practice

Core Energetics is a system of body-psychotherapy that integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of oneself. CE proposes that internal energy blocks as well as insufficient awareness of different parts of one’s personality contribute to maladaptive thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns that lead to maladaptive outcomes. A therapist practicing CE uses breathwork, postures and movement therapies to unblock energy flow throughout the body and thus help shift long-standing patterns of behavior that have persisted for some time now.

Sophia came to see a CE therapist for anxiety and fear of living on Earth, having made some progress with standard talking therapy but feeling stuck and with feet feeling stuck to the ground. With Core Energy Therapy she was able to identify patterns in her energy flow that had her stuck in survival mode and break that energy loop so her feet relaxed more naturally and she began believing she could exist on this Earth.

Long term work with a CE practitioner aims to connect you with your inner power and wisdom. Core energy therapists view each client as possessing treasures that wait to be unlocked within them – not as part of an intricate character defense network that manifests across various levels of personality.

Core energetics provides a spiritual dimension by drawing upon lectures channeled from John C. Pierrakos, a student of Wilhelm Reich and collaborator with Alexander Lowen to develop Bioenergetics. Furthermore, its foundation lies within Fritz Perl’s Gestalt therapy, Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing and Carl Jung’s psychosynthesis principles.

A core belief is that our bodies serve as containers for emotion and memory, with practitioners trained to recognize these patterns of behavior in a safe therapeutic setting, helping you move through them to reconnect with the innate flow of your life force and find greater clarity and meaning for living. Furthermore, this process opens us up to an even deeper level of love and acceptance for ourselves and others alike.

The Benefits

Core energy therapy or healing aims to address all aspects of an individual. Through psychotherapy, body work, and spirituality techniques it examines how one’s energy system affects their wellbeing and looks at why love should be at the core of who we are as people – an idea supported by Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich and Carl Jung among many other people.

Goal of Somatic Experiencing therapy: to connect individuals to their true essence or soul through emotional, physical and spiritual issues that prevent them from living an authentic life. A key method used in Somatic Experiencing to do this is mindfulness practices such as sensory awareness training, imagery creation and movement-as-touch techniques that help regulate autonomic nervous system.

Under this form of therapy, the therapist is often trained to assess how well a body and its energy systems are operating. Body readings and character analysis help mobilize energy while challenging any energetic or muscular blocks present in the body and releasing any negative aspects such as depression, addiction, self-destructive behavior or limiting beliefs that might otherwise persist in someone. This process may change their life course forever by freeing them of negative aspects like depression, addiction or self destructive behavior while expanding horizons with life changing experiences such as liberating energy mobilising and character analysis can change yours forever!

At these sessions, therapists may ask their clients to perform breathing exercises and touch specific parts of the body in order to promote an increased flow of energy in their system and release any areas that have become blocked or stagnant. Discharge is a physical sensation which often accompanies this release and can result in feelings of euphoria, joy and love.

Known by its alternate name of body psychotherapy, this form of therapy was developed from Wilhelm Reich’s work as a psychoanalyst who studied under Sigmund Freud. Wilhelm believed that people’s inner energies had been affected by childhood trauma and emotional abuse and could therefore be altered through psychotherapeutic approaches to alter negative patterns of behavior that have formed within their psyches.

The Cost

Core energy therapy requires a four-year commitment. The first year focuses on understanding your personality and its development while exploring its interactions with physiological body systems. The second year emphasizes body reading techniques as well as Core Energetics’ theory base; finally, third and fourth years develop individuality as Core Therapists.

Core Healing is a hypnoanalytic approach to therapy that uses personality assessment and memory access to identify negative self-concepts that need healing and to delete them during this process. New, positive opposite beliefs replace any harmful ones; for instance, if someone keeps getting into unhealthy relationships we look into why this may be occurring and try to remove negative self-talk that perpetuates these dynamics; once these emotional roots have been addressed many physical conditions such as autoimmunity disorders and excess weight can have emotional roots too.

Core healing sessions typically last 2-3 hours and the hourly fees vary between therapists; some provide sliding scale payments based on your income. Many find the benefits of core energy therapy more than outweigh its associated costs; additionally, certain health insurance plans now cover it and many psychologists offer it as part of treatment options.