Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 13, 2024|Editor

How Body Biohacking Can Improve Your Physical and Emotional Well-Being

One example of body biohacking would be timing your caffeine consumption to coincide with your natural circadian rhythm – this can help improve energy levels and lessen stress’ impact on cortisol cycles.

An elimination diet can also be used to identify foods that could be making you unwell, while cold water immersion is an excellent way to strengthen both resilience and immunity.


Resilience is an integral element of body biohacking, helping us face life’s obstacles with grace. Resilience involves our ability to rebound after experiencing trauma or adversity and use these experiences as learning opportunities. Many believe resilience is innate; however, it’s actually something you can learn and nurture over time by becoming aware of patterns of thought, reframing them, and capitalizing on strengths to overcome barriers that life presents us with.

Resilience can mean many different things to different people; its definition can also vary according to each individual. Some researchers view resilience as maintaining healthy functioning after experiencing an adverse event, while others define it as the ability to move forward in an insightful, positive manner and use resources effectively in order to sustain well-being.

Resilient individuals can adapt to nearly any situation and are better at dealing with stress. Resilience comes from having a clear sense of purpose and being able to see the bigger picture; this enables them to overcome difficulties more efficiently. They also possess healthy relationships, making positive changes to their lives using energy that they’ve saved through resilience; managing emotions more effectively; and finding ways to prevent negative thinking patterns from dominating.

One of the key skills for building resilience is being able to manage emotions and thoughts effectively. This can be especially crucial when facing obstacles like traffic jams or illness; resilient people know how to use opportunities to reframe their thoughts while using stress-relief techniques to remain calm.

Exercise regularly as another means of building resilience. According to studies, regular physical activity has been shown to reduce systemic inflammation and increase metabolic resilience; it’s important that you choose an activity which is safe for you though and make sure you get plenty of restful sleep and consume a balanced diet in addition to engaging in regular physical exercise.

As well as physical benefits of exercise, regular physical activity also has positive implications for mental wellbeing by increasing concentration and focus. Exercise also lowers your risk for chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Wearable technologies that track physical activity and health such as smartwatches or fitness bands can be useful tools in monitoring progress towards goals more easily while keeping you motivated along the way.


Fitness is at the core of body biohacking, and there are various strategies to optimize workout routines. These may involve nutrition, supplements and technology combined with temperature modulation via saunas or cold showers as well as tracking sleep and exercise with wearable devices – these practices combined with data-driven diet plans or nutrition strategies are sure to produce maximum results!

To boost energy levels before and during workouts, for instance, drinking your morning coffee at an appropriate time to your natural circadian rhythm can prevent cortisol spikes that lead to fatigue. Furthermore, wearable devices such as sleep trackers can track your sleep cycles to help ensure maximum restful slumber; you could also take supplements like melatonin to enhance quality sleep.

Athletic and fitness enthusiasts often seek biohacking techniques that can assist them in meeting their goals. Such practices include cold exposure therapy, heat therapy and vibration therapies, supplements such as nootropics and adaptogens to enhance mental performance as well as technology such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).

Utilizing these techniques, you can boost your fitness levels and achieve the body of your dreams. However, before trying any biohacking techniques it is essential that you research them and consult professionals as some practices are experimental with unknown or dangerous side effects. It would also be prudent to check with your physician prior to undertaking lifestyle hacks – especially if any preexisting medical conditions exist.

Biohacking” may sound like something out of science fiction, but the concept behind it is sound: optimizing health through diet, supplements and lifestyle modifications. Some biohacks, such as intermittent fasting and vitamin supplements are suitable for most people while more experimental methods could potentially boost performance; these should only be attempted if there are no serious health issues present.

Weight loss

Weight loss is one of the main draws to biohacking programs, providing an effective strategy to achieve lasting results. Methods like intermittent fasting and personalized nutrition used by biohacking advocates aim at optimising body processes so as to promote sustainable fat reduction while improving energy efficiency.

At present, communities are increasingly focused on reducing chronic disease risks by adopting practices like diet modification, exercise and stress management to increase metabolic function and avoid disease. They may also use sleep optimization, cold therapy and various supplements as support mechanisms for their natural processes within the body.

While some biohackers aim to maximize physical performance, others prioritize mental wellness. They may use methods to alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms or experiment with nutrigenomics to understand how diet affects genetic expression; continuous glucose monitoring systems may also be utilized by these biohackers to effectively manage blood sugar levels.

Another popular biohack is the ketogenic diet, which involves eating large quantities of healthy fats while restricting carbs consumption. According to many biohackers, this approach can facilitate fat burning while improving mental clarity and energy levels. Biohackers may also employ other techniques in support of weight loss including supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, magnesium or nootropics to facilitate weight loss.

Biohacking enthusiasts have also become more adventurous when it comes to their experiments in genetic modification of algae, cultivation of bacteria and DNA analysis. These experiments belong to biopiggy, an emerging field combining biology, genetics and technology as they search for ways to enhance human health.

Biohacking is rapidly expanding as an industry, embracing various techniques such as tracking data with wearable devices or engaging in more experimental approaches. To tailor an approach that meets your specific goals, assess both current health and lifestyle conditions to create an action plan to address them – something such as EPLIMO can do. A comprehensive test like this one reveals your chances for many killer diseases while offering specific recommendations such as diet changes, yoga practices, sleep hygiene techniques or de-stressing methods as ways to lower these risks.

Mental health

Body biohacking can be defined as an experimental form of self-experimentation used to improve both physical and mental wellbeing. It involves techniques like changing diet, taking supplements and monitoring blood markers, sleep quality and heart rate with wearable devices – these strategies aim to prolong lives while making individuals healthier while increasing mental clarity; stress relief may be enhanced while mood may also benefit greatly, offering great emotional well-being benefits too!

Emotional biohacks include meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques that aim to increase mental clarity and stress resilience. Emotional biohacking has become popular thanks to an increase in interest for positive psychology – it has shown how having a positive outlook on life can increase resilience against life’s ups and downs.

Biohacking involves altering eating habits to increase cognitive performance and energy levels. One effective approach is the ketogenic diet, which involves eating high amounts of healthy fats with reduced carbs to improve mental clarity, increase energy, and promote weight loss.

Optimizing sleep is another type of body hack, and can be accomplished in several ways. These include limiting screen time at night and using essential oils known to promote relaxation and restfulness. Incorporating saunas into daily life has many health advantages as they offer detoxification, reduced stress levels, enhanced mental focus and productivity increases.

Biohackers often utilize supplements and research chemicals that have not yet been approved for medical use to alter body chemistry and boost cognitive performance, but there may be associated risks. Utilization of unregulated substances may pose serious health hazards; thus making it hard to gauge how safe or effective such practices truly are.

Recent news coverage by The Guardian explored Serge Faguet’s efforts, who believes biohacking to be the answer to eternal youth. He regularly takes up to 60 pills daily including antidepressants and metformin to treat conditions he does not suffer from, leading to concern about its ethics and safety.

March 13, 2024|Editor

Kundalini Psychic Healing – Remote Kundalini Psychic Healing

Kundalini psychic healing is an energy healing session designed to awaken and activate your kundalini energy, both on an astral and etheric body level, as well as within chakras.

Kundalini is seen by shamans as the force driving Shakti, or Goddess who brings creation, alive. Yoga shares these roots through its symbols and practices.

Energy Healing

Energy healing refers to a range of holistic healing practices designed to support emotional and physical wellbeing. This practice includes methods that balance our energetic body (also referred to as aura or spirit body) as well as restore our life force energy flow through chakras and release emotional blocks and karma that have become barriers in life.

Energy healing sessions tap into an endless source of life force energy that flows directly through our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, working in concert to foster health on all levels. This channeled energy is sometimes known as divine or universal energy, Source energy or subtle energy.

Energy healing comes in various forms and methods; each practitioner may have his or her own approach and style of energy healing that best fits you and your goals. Finding someone you feel at ease with and trust is vitally important if you want your sessions to be effective.

During a session, the healer will typically use their hands to gently move and clear any stagnant energy from their client, which may cause various physical sensations, including tingling, heat, coldness, pressure twitching or rushes. Furthermore, emotions often change throughout a healing session as energy is moved or cleared from their system.

Energy healing alone will not break negative patterns like self-sabotage or toxic relationships – these must be emotionally processed to be properly healed on a soul level. To do so, feel your emotions and process them before engaging in healing work.

As it’s essential that remote healing only work if someone is open to receiving it, any attempts at entering will likely be met with rejection from their energy field and defense mechanisms if their energy field is closed off consciously or unconsciously – this can cause very intense psychic battles; so this should only be attempted with proper training – although healing without consent is rarer still.

Astral Body

People who are gifted in psychic abilities tend to have strong links to their astral body. Energy healing can stimulate these connections and open them up to receiving wisdom and insight from these other planes of existence.

The astral body is our energetic counterpart to physical bodies. Everyone possesses one, though not necessarily aware of it. This plane can provide access to spiritual realms and dimensions of being, making astral travel and projection possible.

According to Theosophical teachings, the astral body consists of life-giving material which responds to thought. The shape and size of an astral body depend on a person’s thoughts; hence clairvoyants can discern its state by following its thought patterns.

Our energy system, known as the astral body, is responsible for our emotions. While it may temporarily disconnect from its physical counterpart, the astral body still plays a role. Furthermore, this energy body can be used to travel between different high-frequency planes of reality known as Astral Universe – this realm where dreams take place and messages from beyond are received.

Once your astral body becomes detached from physical reality, even minor vibrations such as when someone hugs you can be enough to dislodge it from its connection to earthly matters – so it is vital to always anchor it firmly within it. To stay grounded and grounded it’s crucial that energy fields stay tethered.

Astral states can have serious implications on physical health. Individuals experiencing low astral states may find it hard to return to physical reality on their own and this can result in serious medical issues, so taking good care in maintaining one’s astral body and regularly engaging in meditation to reconnect it to physical reality – through visualization techniques this may happen quicker when its time.

Etheric Body

Before birth, an etheric double is created which serves as the matrix for physical development. Much like leaves on a tree, this network of energy forms an outline of your body. When disturbed, dis-ease may manifest physically through illness. By healing at this level first, healing on physical manifestation may be avoided altogether.

Spiritual healers can detect issues in the etheric body and use remote Kundalini psychic healing to correct these before they manifest in physical form. To do this effectively requires developing sensitive hearing through sound baths, personal and spiritual development programs and living an overall healthy lifestyle; since both the astral and physical bodies are inter-related.

If your etheric body becomes disassociated with physical reality it can create unwanted, uncontrollable clairvoyance and confusion, as well as disrupt the flow of energy within your aura, leading to decreased vitality and mental clarity. A remote Kundalini psychic energy healing session with one of our healers can reconnect your etheric body and restore this linkage.

As we experience life here on earth, our etheric body becomes younger until death when it is severed from physical existence and enters a new one – an existence determined by life experiences and choices made during life; the higher our karmic level becomes the more evolved is its existence in etheric form.

When it comes to protecting our etheric bodies from negative influences, having a pure heart and benevolent disposition are the ultimate safeguards against such things as Kundalini awakening or other unanticipated spiritual challenges we might be up against. Unfortunately though, this may not always be possible and for this reason other methods exist such as protective shells; we can also use breathing to shield ourselves from negative vibrations using both fast shallow breathing (which keeps us on edge) or slow deep breaths that calm and center the mind.


Chakras (pronounced krah) are energy centers found throughout the body that are believed to be spinning vortices of life force or prana, which flow freely within and throughout your life force. Blockages to one’s chakras may occur from many factors including negative thinking, chemically processed food products, stress and lack of physical activity – opening and balancing these centers is said to restore free flow of energy within oneself and aid healing on multiple levels.

Chakras, or energy wheels, can be found along the spine and head area where subtle energy channels called nadis converge. Seven main chakras may act as hubs where energy gathers to be dispersed across body systems as well as minds and spirits.

Kundalini energy, commonly referred to as Kundalini, resides within our root chakra at the base of our spines and when awakened through yoga can unite body, mind and spirit – providing healing energies as well as increasing our awareness of our spiritual and esoteric identities. When one chakra opens it helps release Kundalini as it ascends through all seven chakras in turn bringing healing energies.

As chakras rotate, it is thought to purify and balance the etheric body – this has an impactful ripple-through to affect physical body and mental state. A person’s chakras may be connected with their emotions, feelings and habits as well as health or healing abilities.

As an example, our sacral chakra is tied to sexual energy and how we relate to others, while the heart chakra relates to self-love and kindness towards others. Additionally, throat chakra plays an integral part in conveying inner truths to others and crown chakra is associated with connection to higher powers and spirituality.

The chakra system first made its debut in ancient Indian texts called Vedas, written between 1500 BCE and 1000 CE. Since then, yoga and other alternative spiritual practices have made more people aware of it, while western therapists and healers are beginning to utilize its concept as part of their framework for understanding how mind, body and spirit are linked.

March 13, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Online Training For Holistic Health Practitioners

If you are a holistic health practitioner interested in offering Bioresonance therapy, several steps must be taken before doing so. You will need to ensure your BICOM device is certified as well as having liability insurance in place.

Full Members are medical practitioners or other registered healthcare professionals who fulfill the criteria for membership; Associate Members include owners of BICOM devices who do not fulfill those requirements for Full Member status.


Bioresonance is part of an holistic approach to wellness that aims to restore the body’s natural vibrational pattern. Each organ, cell, and tissue has an energetic frequency specific to themselves that when stressed can drop below its intended vibrational frequency causing problems for health. A bioresonance scan can detect disturbances that need addressing with specific remedies or therapies.

Professional bioresonance practitioners must complete an intensive training course that includes both theory and practical work before they can offer this form of therapy to their patients. There are various courses available; it is crucial that they select one which equips them with all of the skills required to treat patients effectively.

Before enrolling in any training institution, it is a wise move to thoroughly research its background. A reputable institute will ensure their trainers are fully qualified to teach bioresonance techniques; ideally they should also possess considerable experience treating patients and teaching its theory.

Once a professional has successfully completed bioresonance online training, they should be ready to work solo or with colleagues. When working alone or collaboratively they should always keep accurate patient records, be covered by medical insurance, and obtain references from past clients so as to ascertain if their service has produced desirable results and whether or not they would recommend the service provider.

Note that bioresonance therapy is unregulated but still considered high risk, so the therapist must work only on clients fully aware of the potential risks. Furthermore, they should possess adequate training on using their equipment as well as possess a thorough knowledge of principles and ethics associated with bioresonance healing – this way they are better prepared to explain results of scans to their clients.


Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine approach that may offer relief for numerous issues. This form of noninvasive care works on the principle that our bodies contain electromagnetic energy fields which can be changed using specific frequencies to treat illness or injury. Bioresonance is very popular with holistic health practitioners because it can help patients deal with chronic illnesses more effectively.

Bioresonance online training courses provide an ideal way to delve deeper into this technique. From theoretical aspects to actual therapeutic application, these courses offer everything needed for becoming a bioresonance practitioner. Plus, many include practice sessions with clients so you can gain hands-on experience in this new field!

Once you have successfully completed a program, you will receive a certificate to show that you have met all requirements of the course and achieved success. The certificate is valid for one year and can be used to promote your services; adding more value and making yourself more appealing to clients in general.

As a holistic health practitioner, bioresonance therapy should become part of your repertoire if you wish to offer more comprehensive wellness solutions to clients. Bioresonance therapy differs from other holistic treatments by targeting root cause rather than just symptoms of illness or dysfunction.

First step to using bioresonance equipment effectively is understanding its basic theory and utilizing its software. Next step should be applying bioresonance techniques on clients; your goal should be to enhance overall wellbeing of your clientele and bring about positive life changes for them.

The PRACTICAL TRAINING COURSE online course features videos taken from previous clinical practicums in Larnaca, Cyprus conducted by bioresonance lecturer, practitioner, and researcher Dr George Georgiou. Each video is self-explanatory; theory will be covered in the prerequisite ENERGY MEDICINE AND BIORESONANCE course which serves as its prerequisite. In addition, there are downloadable PHARMA and PROFESSIONAL manuals as well as VRT algorithm downloads for both DEVITA devices available from DEVITA’s DEVITA DEVITA devices.


As a professional therapist looking to offer bioresonance therapy services to your clients, there are a few steps you should follow in order to do so successfully. First of all, you need to complete the appropriate training course and become certified as a Bioresonance therapist. Once that step has been accomplished, purchase your BICOM device (it depends on what conditions it will treat); purchase attachments or instruments compatible with it as well as additional attachments that might come in handy!

BICOM does not replace medical diagnostic tools; rather, its body scan results should be seen holistically rather than as definitive diagnoses. Reports generated from body scans provide valuable information about current health statuses that can assist individuals in making informed decisions that support strengthening and balancing of their bodies.

BICOM scans may reveal that an individual is sensitive to certain foods or has chronic weakness in one or more organs of their body, and use these findings to suggest dietary and other natural forms of therapy to strengthen resistance and restore balance within.

At times, BICOM scanners can even help people stop smoking; however, no controlled studies have verified its efficacy to date. To address this gap, we conducted a placebo-controlled study utilizing bioresonance method of smoking cessation with BICOM bioresonance method for smoking cessation.

This study sought to demonstrate the efficacy of Isik’s bioresonance technique for smoking cessation, and included 190 smokers. They were randomly divided into one of two groups – placebo or bioresonance – which each received a standard smoking cessation program and treatment with specific bioresonance protocols, respectively. Results of the research demonstrated that bioresonance outperformed placebo significantly when it came to smoking cessation; they experienced significantly fewer cravings, quicker cessation rates and reduced withdrawal symptoms overall.

Personal Practice

As bioresonance therapy becomes more widely recognized and supported by experts in the medical field, more health practitioners are turning to this alternative healing method as part of their services for patients. This includes specialists such as acupuncture or holistic practices as well as general practitioners providing traditional treatments. A bioresonance scan can be an invaluable way of determining if you have symptoms that require treatment as well as providing suggestions for an individualized plan to address those needs.

Bioresonance is a holistic healing modality that uses energy to balance the body’s natural functions and flush out toxins. The basis for bioresonance lies in its fundamental principle that every cell and substance (allergens, fungus etc) have unique frequency patterns; bioresonance scanning measures vibration of these frequencies in order to detect imbalances; when any occur it sends therapeutic signals via scanning to correct any imbalances and restore equilibrium back into the system.

Bioresonance sessions typically last approximately an hour, and most individuals require multiple sessions before seeing any improvement in symptoms or conditions. Your practitioner will use the results of your bioresonance scan to create a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically for you and may suggest other treatment modalities, like nutrition therapy or homeopathy, that could further assist your wellness journey.

Nelda offers an online bioresonance training course which is an ideal option for anyone wishing to gain the skills required to use the LIFE-System correctly. Her course combines theoretical and practical instruction, guaranteeing you can utilize it both personally and professionally. Furthermore, adaptive learning activities appear at the end of each module prior to its summative assessment for personalized practice that can improve performance on these exams.

Quantaform International offers live training classes through Quantaform Institute as an additional learning opportunity. As one of Europe’s premier providers of bioresonance equipment, these demonstration classes give people an in-depth introduction to its uses. These monthly events cover topics such as using LIFE-System’s many capabilities for intervention.

March 13, 2024|Editor

Assistance Is Right here: Guidance To Assist You Win The Cancer Fight

default img contentomatic - 1 Assistance Is Right here: Guidance To Assist You Win The Cancer Fight

Malignancy is undoubtedly an incredibly big issue, with quite ravaging effects on individuals and people. Even so, if you can to distinguish signs or symptoms, handle the strain and implications from the condition, and understand how to obtain a hold when identified as having cancer, you are able to overcome the illness significantly better. The following tips can provide you with much more details that might be useful for defeating the battles that are linked to cancer.

It is rather regular for cancers patients to really feel less attractive. Self-esteem are at an all-time low and absolutely nothing appears to be correct. This can be a terrific time to spoil yourself! When you find yourself experiencing well enough, require a friend and head out to lunch or dinner. Obtain your nails carried out, or look for a new outfit. Performing regular, each day pursuits can make you seem like part of life yet again and alter all of your perspective!

To be able to defeat malignancy it is important that you can keep strong as well as by no means give up on yourself. You should be ready to set up a fight against the malignancy and not just allow it earn. Preventing to conquer malignancy means that you are currently on an emotional level powerful and think you may surpass it.

What follows is a valuable hint for anyone that is certainly suffering from cancers. You should try your greatest to focus on your objectives. Ensure you locate time for the most purposeful actions and priorities, although concentrating significantly less on frivolous pursuits. By doing so you can conserve strength and stay less stressed out.

Cancer inducing agents are acknowledged to lead to cancer. A frequent spot to get harmful toxins that many people tend not to realize is on wooden decks and play packages. Solid wood decks and play units built before 2005 will likely include a coating of arsenic pesticide. This covering can stick to pores and skin and clothes and raise the likelihood of triggering cancer in the body.

Ready yourself to the modifications you may undergo, whilst receiving treatment for cancer. Question your doctor to simple you about what to expect prior to treatment options start. You might find which you feel much more comfortable putting on makeup during your therapies, or you may also take into account using a wig.

It is essential that you take charge more than your body and lifestyle once you have beaten cancers. Regardless of whether you’ve misplaced plenty of bodyweight and/or muscle or even if you obtained a good deal following the treatment was more than, you should get busy eating properly and working out properly so that you can take demand in your life and body.

Most people are aware that wild salmon is a superb accessory for their diet. However, were actually you aware the omega-3 body fat and lower mercury in salmon can protect against cancer? Having it a couple of times each week will help you to maintain cancers away and appreciate an incredible food as well.

Doctors and most people at big have very long acknowledged that reddish colored vino may help combat heart disease, but more people are determining that red wine will also help operate against being infected with cancer. The polyphenols in wines (like all those located in grapes) help to neutralize and remove hazardous free-radicals.

Staying out of the sunshine is vital in preventing skin cancer, but the majority men and women tend not to pay attention to this advice within the winter season. Believe it or not, exactly the same UV rays through the sunshine permeate the atmosphere in the chillier months too. You might not notice the temperature, nevertheless, you will get a similar radiation.

Don’t hear the studies that say alcoholic beverages somehow guards against cancer. The attributes of reddish vino have generated a rise in popularity as being an contra –cancer foods. Ingesting large quantities of alcoholic beverages may actually put you at the greater risk of establishing many forms of cancer.

Know that people who are dealing with cancer will be needing some time to themselves. Regard their wants and do not force your reputation to them when they will need time for you to reflect and relax. You can even help by giving other website visitors a signal to leave whenever your friend is to get worn out.

As being a close friend and assistance system for someone with malignancy, you have to be sure you take in healthier and get plenty of relax. It is important that you sense excellent and get vitality simply paying attention and emphasizing along with your good friend is surely an tiring approach. The more effective you are feeling, the more you will be able to assist.

Usually use sun screen lotion. Using this straightforward phase can help reduce the chance of acquiring malignancy from your sunlight. Attempt to remain in the tone whenever possible and also wear garments and hats which will protect your skin layer. Use sun screen lotion liberally and often to have the optimum amount of safety feasible.

For those who have moles on their systems, be sure to look for for just about any alterations, such as an increase in dimension, a color alter, or a change in design. When you notice these changes, make sure you view a skin specialist instantly, as this may be a sign of skin cancer.

In case you are not dealing perfectly, or even when you are dealing properly, look at seeking a assistance group of people in your town. They should be able to listen closely and relate to what you really are going through and you will definitely probably look for a little ease and comfort in getting in the middle of other people who are getting or have been through things that you might be.

If you are as if you could not show your true feelings relating to your condition along with the solution for it to your loved ones, check into a societal employee that your treatment method centre could possibly have that you should talk with. In case the centre does not have 1 there, you are certain to locate one particular online in your area.

No matter if you or a family member was identified as having malignancy, you wish to know all you are able concerning the illness and the ways to best manage situations that many forms of cancer is influencing. These guidelines definitely supply a wonderful useful resource for figuring out your following techniques in analysis, treatment, or perhaps healing of malignancy.

March 12, 2024|Editor

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