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How to Use Hulda Clark Zapper

Dr. Hulda Clark describes a device known as a zapper in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”. This small box containing components that produce high frequency electric current is used by touching its copper electrodes directly against your body for treatment.

An oscilloscope should be used to inspect the square wave for any positive offset or negative spikes, and no negative spikes should exist.


The Zapper is an electronic device intended to treat various diseases by killing parasites in the body. It consists of a low-voltage pulse generator circuit powered by a 9-volt battery and two copper handles or electrodes placed on the body. The frequency produced from this device at 30 kHz should help kill bacteria, parasites and viruses as well as activate white blood cells so they can perform an “invader hunt” to find and eliminate invaders.

Hulda Clark claims that the zapper can help treat various illnesses by eliminating harmful organisms in the body. She describes its use in her book The Cure for All Diseases as relieving symptoms such as depression, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems and arthritis; regular usage increases energy levels while improving overall health.

Most zappers follow Hulda Clark’s book and feature a standard program consisting of an on/off cycle lasting 7 minutes that should help kill parasites while simultaneously freeing bacteria and viruses from your system. It is safe and recommended as the recommended way to use a zapper, though remembering to take breaks between sessions may prove effective.

Professional zappers feature pre-programmed programs and timers that shut off once the recommended voltage has been achieved, among other features. Furthermore, these devices can connect directly to computers or tablets and store multiple programs; making them especially helpful for individuals struggling to identify appropriate frequencies for their condition or illness.

The Armand Zapper produces similar frequencies to Dr Clark’s machine and is engineered in Germany to exacting standards. However, its frequency spectrum is much broader and has higher power output and amperage; allowing more areas of your body to be covered while covering pathogens that contribute to disease. Furthermore, its red light indicator alerts when battery replacement needs occur.

Frequency ranges

The Zapper is a small device composed of an electronic circuit which produces low-voltage square waves with positive polarity, powered by a 9-volt battery and featuring two copper handles or electrodes to hold in each hand of its user. Its purpose is to kill parasites in your body that may contribute to chronic illnesses like arthritis. Furthermore, using it helps detoxify and eliminate harmful organisms which could otherwise cause digestive issues as well as increase energy levels – some users even reported increased energy after using their Zapper!

Dr. Hulda Clark invented the original Zapper in 1986 to use natural remedies to support physical wellbeing. Her device uses frequencies to target parasites and bacteria that exist in our bodies – it should not replace medical care but serve as an add-on treatment option.

This new microprocessor-based model of the zapper offers increased power output and amperage. Capable of producing all of Dr Clark’s frequencies, as well as many more. Thus, this device enables treatment for more conditions than before!

This device is easy to use with its one-button switch that activates its generator and green monitoring light that indicates when the device is ready. Once electrodes have been connected to the zapper, this light begins blinking if all connections are correct and solid if not. A proper connection between your hands and electrodes ensures proper functioning – any poor connections could indicate dry skin or broken cables as sources for problems with device function.

The Zapper is constructed with high-grade materials and thoroughly tested to ensure its safety and reliability. Its internal circuitry is protected by a plastic shell while its electrodes are made from pure copper – one of the most versatile elements used even during ancient Egyptian civilization – biocompatible, it can be safely utilized with any body fluids.


The Zapper produces low-intensity electric currents to effectively eradicate parasitic cells and pathogens in your body, eliminating parasites, amoebas, and other pathogens from your system. Multiple sessions may be necessary in order to fully cleanse yourself of parasites, amoebas and other pathogens. It is also crucial that the right power source be utilized; rechargeable 9V block batteries (sold separately in “Related Product” section) provide long-lasting power at reduced costs than traditional alkaline batteries do.

When building your own zapper, it is vital to test its voltage using an oscilloscope – an inexpensive tool available from Radio Shack that allows users to monitor output from circuits for proper functioning. Alternatively, bring it in for testing at an electronics shop that repairs TVs, computers and stereos at a small fee.

Based on your zapper’s frequency range and settings, potentiometers may need to be adjusted. When setting them at their lowest values to get a strong signal, assembly of your zapper can begin.

As part of creating a zapper, it’s essential that the positive battery terminal be hidden and wire ends don’t touch – this will prevent shorting the battery and the circuit. A battery connector with two wires coming off it may be safer than taping directly to battery terminals.

The Zapper is designed to kill parasites, amoebas, fungi, and bacteria found within human bodies. Powered by a simple 555 timer circuit and running on 9V battery power, it does not damage the human body and effectively eliminates gaseous cavities such as under the teeth, nasal passages and lungs that harbor parasites that thrive there. Unfortunately it should not be used inside stomach or intestines where its use could prove dangerous.

The Zapper can be an effective tool, but should never replace medical advice from a licensed physician or alternative medicine practitioner. Be sure to follow any relevant advice provided by either.


The Zapper is a battery-operated device that emits electric pulses. These pulses penetrate the skin, killing parasites, germs, viruses, and fungi without side effects or side-effects being felt in any part of your body. Plus, zapper can reduce inflammation while improving symptoms as well as strengthening immunity!

While zappers may help relieve symptoms, they should never replace professional medical advice from licensed healthcare providers. While inexpensive, zappers provide support overall health that may work in combination with natural therapies. Manufacturers recommend that customers seek guidance from healthcare providers when using one.

The Auto-Zap 5 is an enhanced version of Hulda Clark’s “Cure for All Diseases.” It meets all Dr. Clark’s specifications, such as a 0.25VDC offset and active-free output, while remaining easy to use without needing diagnostic procedures or programming procedures.

It comes equipped with presets for food zapping and overall body zapping, along with an all-hour constant ON setting. Furthermore, its main advantage lies in being able to detect more parasites than traditional zappers can and treat them 12x faster compared to other units; additionally it features an automatic calibration routine.

Important features of the Zapper include its ability to recognize a wide array of microbes ranging from fungi and viruses, making it an effective solution for treating chronic conditions like cancer and AIDS. The pulsed current achieved these beneficial health effects by stimulating white blood cells which then search out and eliminate harmful substances.

The Zapper can be worn over the skin, with some users even sleeping with it on. To minimize risk of electrocution and decrease skin contact with bare hands, gloves or alligator clips should be worn during sessions to keep hands free while zapping sessions are underway.
