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Hulda Clark Parasite Zapper

hulda clark mini zapper

This low-voltage electronic parasite zapper runs on a 9 volt battery and emits low-voltage electronic pulses to effectively eliminate bacteria, yeast, mold and parasites without harming surrounding cells or viruses. Additionally, viruses inside cells may also be eliminated without adversely impacting them.

The Zapper comes equipped with two copper hand holds for easy handling. However, you may also use ESD straps or any type of current applicator – even wet metal pipes! – as current applicators.

Battery Life

The Hulda Clark Zapper is an electronic device intended to kill parasites, bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast and fungi. It consists of a pulse generator circuit, 9-volt battery and copper electrode handles or electrodes which the user places onto various parts of his or her body for use with certain zappers including timers that shut off automatically or pre-programmed programs; battery low indicator displays are other options available on some models.

Clark explained that the zapper works through resonance, inducing microorganisms to vibrate at their natural frequency and kill them by inducing resonance at that same frequency – killing off their species in turn. According to her claims, using the device doesn’t hurt users in any way and their only sensation might be mild heat or buzzing sensations.

Though not known to cure any particular disease, zapper users have reported increased energy and overall improved health as a result of eliminating harmful organisms and toxins that sap vitality. Some individuals have even experienced relief from digestive problems like bloating and gas.

The zapper is designed to be user-friendly and requires no special knowledge or expertise to operate. Comprised of a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit, two copper electrodes – or handles – which the user holds onto while placing on different parts of their body, an on/off button allows control as well as several preset programs available from preset memory banks.

Contrary to Rife pad type devices that produce low-voltage AC signals that may cause skin burns, zappers produce much lower voltage pulses with high frequency and short duration, making it safer.

AutoZap professional zappers produce more consistent output than simple 555 timer circuits and can easily be verified on an oscilloscope using special probes. Furthermore, their output features an extremely stable positive offset that never drops below the zero line on scopes, while keyed battery holders prevent users from inserting batteries with incorrect polarities.

Safety Features

hulda clark parasite zappers are electronic devices designed to emit low voltage pulses that kill parasites and bacteria found within human bodies. Their simple circuit utilizes a 9V battery to produce square wave pulses with low-frequency. Copper handles or electrodes connected by cables provide access for users. They’re often wrapped with wet cloth for maximum effectiveness in delivering these low frequency square waves through hands held by users to eliminate potential skin snagging issues.

An electrolytic device like this one is frequently combined with herbal supplements in order to eradicate pathogens from the body. Clark claims it can effectively eliminate various ailments by killing parasites, fungi and viruses in the system. Her book The Cure for All Diseases details her protocol for using such an electronic device as well as how best to use it.

The device consists of a pulse generator circuit which outputs low-frequency square waves at 30kHz. It includes two copper handles or electrodes which the user places into their hands for stimulation, wrapped with wet toweling to prevent skin snagging, with output leads connected via alligator clips (available from Radio Shack). Finally, testing should be conducted on an oscilloscope to ensure positive pulses only are produced.

If the output is not positive, it should not be used safely. Parasites and microbes cannot survive when exposed to negative electrical voltage; conversely they thrive under positive voltage, so in order to kill organisms successfully and safely. It is also essential that high-quality batteries provide constant voltage for long periods of time.

The Zapper works on the principle of resonance, where an object will vibrate at its own frequency when exposed to higher ones. For instance, placing a wineglass against a guitar string causes its vibrations to cause it to resonate and break; Clark believed that microorganisms too have their own resonant frequencies that when exposed they could be killed off through exposure.


Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner, claims that her Zapper electrically kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi. According to Clark’s claims, viruses and bacteria appear to disappear within three minutes; tapeworm stages, flukes and roundworms in five; mites seven. This simple box features two copper pipes 4 inches by 1/2 inches long that conduct electricity. Once turned on for three 7-minute sessions with 20-minute breaks between sessions the Zapper should continue running; first session should target large parasites, second round will kill bacteria released by parasites released from bacteria released by parasites released by parasites before finally taking over cleaning up any residual toxins present within cells and tissues by killing large parasites before finally turning it off again to remove residual toxins left by large parasites then followed by removal of any residual toxins left within cells and tissues before eventually switching off.

The Zapper is easy to use and doesn’t require soldering or technical knowledge to assemble. It uses battery power as its pulse generator and emits positive DC voltage offset pulses; an alternative negative output option exists, though not advised for medical applications.

Once assembled, it should be tested for proper operation using a multimeter that displays frequency spectrum readings; such devices can be purchased from many electronics stores at an inexpensive price. Alternatively, bring it into an electronics shop that repairs TVs, stereos and computers – these shops typically provide oscilloscope services that should allow them to read out your signal with little hassle and fee.

If the zapper generates a positive square wave with a frequency of 30K or above, it is not functioning correctly. Instead, it should produce a negative offset square wave at 0.5Hz or below instead – this newer technology may prove more effective than 30K technology.

Dr. Clark had her patients use carbon handles with wet electrodes as part of the treatment regime for their patients, placing the zapper under their feet with carbon handles for maximum effectiveness. Straps and cords used with most zappers contain high resistance (1 megaohm), which drains much of its energy away before reaching parasite killing capabilities; in contrast, electrodes and wires sold separately provide lower resistance levels allowing more of it to go towards killing parasites.


A zapper is a simple electronic device that generates low-voltage current (typically dual polarity 5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V) and delivers it through copper handles or electrodes held by users or placed on various parts of their bodies. It consists of a pulse generator circuit including a 555 timer IC, NPN transistor, resistors, and capacitors – along with some resistors and capacitors for added safety.

Properly constructed zappers generate only a tiny fraction of the voltages available from conventional medical devices, eliminating any risk of electric shock or tissue damage. Hulda Clark claims her zapper can kill parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi and molds by depolarizing their cells so they no longer function – according to Hulda she claims tapeworm stages and flukes were eliminated within three minutes and an array of microbes within five.

Our company produces a zapper that offers unparalleled frequency selections and craftsmanship. As class leader it is both user friendly and packed with features not found elsewhere – rechargeable battery included; manufactured by real engineers on an ISO-9002 SMD line to ensure quality control; guaranteed by Dr. Clark to perform exactly as described.
