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Parasite Zapper by Helen Clark

hulda clark parasite zapper

Clark asserted that any positively offset frequency would effectively kill viruses, bacteria and parasites when given adequate voltage (5 to 10 volts), duration (7 minutes) and hand placement. Her device used was a battery-operated DC pulse generator.

She devised a circuit using a 555 timer IC that produces a low-voltage square wave with an output meeting her specifications, including an offset voltage of 0.25V positive.

What is the Zapper?

The Zapper was released for use with the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1984 as an accessory used to play light gun games. Based on western-style six-shooters, its features included a focusing lens, photo sensor and spring-loaded double action trigger – with power supply and infrared technology used for targeting. Available as standalone product in the US market as well as included with Duck Hunt, Hogan’s Alley and Wild Gunman as initial releases; additionally sold in Japan in holster form.

Only 17 games for the NES required the use of a Zapper, yet its inclusion helped sell consoles. Many collectors still search for an original one to add to their collections; moreover, homebrew software exists that emulates an emulated Zapper with modern TVs.

Classic games can be enjoyed more fully on an emulator by matching their experience to that of using an original Zapper, though this program cannot be guaranteed to work perfectly – particularly on NTSC-based systems where refresh rates may be too high or framerate compatibility may not match exactly with game’s framerate requirements.

An additional use for zappers is for parasite control. It is believed that they can help kill parasites by shocking them with photons produced by the device, helping reduce parasite numbers in your body while potentially even helping stop new ones from emerging.

The Zapper can also be used to treat conditions like migraines and depression, with many reporting feeling relaxed and less stressed after using this device. It may help balance energy levels within their bodies. It should be noted, however, that using the Zapper should not replace medical advice; prior to making any decisions based on using this zapper device it would be wise to speak to your physician first.

How does the Zapper work?

The Zapper works by emitting an electromagnetic pulse that kills parasites such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. When you press the trigger of your Zapper device, its phototransistor emits this pulse of electromagnetic energy that kills any living creatures within range – this includes parasites such as fungus spores.

The electric current produced by this pulse is so powerful that it instantly destroys any parasite in its path and also causes them to release toxins – known as phagocytosis – which then attach themselves to cell membranes of parasites, killing them en masse – up to 12 parasites can be eliminated per minute! The Zapper can even kill up to 12 parasites every minute!

In addition to killing parasites, the zapper also helps repair radiation-related cell damage. Its effectiveness may stem from parasites’ high concentrations of fatty acids; its electromagnetic pulse emits disrupts these chains causing parasites to release toxins and die off.

The Zapper has proven successful at treating various parasitic diseases, such as candida yeast infections, ringworm, athlete’s foot and athlete’s knee. Additionally, it can also treat various skin conditions, including eczema, acne and psoriasis as well as allergies, autoimmune disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Contrary to older light gun systems, the zapper is selective about what it detects; it only detects light or the absence of it and cannot register hits if pointed towards white surfaces; this protects players from cheating by pointing their gun directly at light bulbs which would always register as hits.

The double pull trigger mechanism of a parasite zapper makes it impractical for games like Operation Wolf, Bayou Billy Adventures, Laser Invasion or Mechanized Attack that require rapid fire, as well as games where camera perspective changes occur like Gotcha or To The Earth. Therefore most users of Huda Clark parasite zapper opt for alligator clips instead of hand holds when using this zapper to kill parasites on the outside of their bodies using clothing attached with alligator clips as this allows electric current from hand holds directly through to kill parasites on alligator clips directly to kill external parasites on bodies via clothing attached alligator clips to alligator clips which conduct electric current from hands through clothing directly onto skin killing parasites on outside body parasites which then kill parasites at that location on skin surface killing parasites on surfaces faster.

How long does it take to kill parasites?

The Zapper is an electrical device that safely kills parasites, viruses, bacteria, molds and fungi electrically. Most viruses and bacteria disappear within three minutes; tapeworm stages/flukes within five; mites within seven. Powered by batteries, its pulse generator circuit (555 timer IC) emits low voltage signals that make life inhospitable to microorganisms in your body – it can even be built for relatively little money and its safety is almost imperceptible to humans (some may feel tingling but nothing).

Hulda Clark claimed her device, the Parasite Zapper, could cure various forms of disease. Additionally, she claimed she was a naturopathic doctor, holding degrees from both University of Saskatchewan and Clayton College of Natural Health – now discredited institutions – as well as her parasite-killing regimen of herbs called Eden Extract for parasite killing purposes.

Herbs such as Black Walnut hull (from the Black Walnut tree), Wormwood and Cloves can effectively eliminate parasites the zapper cannot reach with its current. Furthermore, these herbs don’t interfere with any medications or supplements you may already be taking and do not pose any side effects of their own.

Start the parasite zapping process by eliminating foods containing parasites from your diet for several weeks, then replacing them with organic vegetables, fruits, meats and beverages such as water and juices containing fresh nutrients from nature. Once all parasites that your zapper could reach have been killed off by using Eden Extract and Oil of Oregano as additional detox agents.

Start zapping today by purchasing the appropriate equipment online stores. Zappers feature copper handles or electrodes which you hold in your hands during treatment sessions. While hand holds are simple to use, long sessions of using it could become cumbersome when having to constantly remove and reapply it on different parts of the body – this is why some zappers come equipped with alligator clips which are easier to operate while still covering your entire body from arms down.

Is the Zapper safe?

The Zapper works using a battery-operated pulse generator, sending an electric current through your body that kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, tapeworm stages and fungi – including those responsible for AIDS, herpes and obesity. Clark believes these conditions are caused by toxic pollutants found in our environment that the Zapper can help remove.

The device is safe for most uses and does not produce harmful side effects; however, pregnant women and those with pacemakers or defibrillator implants should avoid using it, while children under 10 should also not use the zapper. If in doubt as to your own personal suitability for using the zapper please consult with a physician first.

Many users report an increase in energy levels after using a zapper, possibly due to eliminating toxins and other organisms that rob vitality from their bodies. Furthermore, many have experienced relief from digestive issues like bloating and gas.

Unlike traditional insecticides and bug sprays, the Zapper does not contain any toxic chemicals, making it safe for use around children and pets. Furthermore, no fumes are released, making it ideal for use in kitchens, living rooms and other indoor spaces.

New zapper models are now available that are more powerful and offer improvements over the original models. It boasts an advanced power cycle of up to 12 times faster, comfortable handholds, and easier usage.

Additionally, this new zapper comes equipped with an improved circuit board that’s more effective at killing parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi up to 12x faster than its predecessor model. Furthermore, there’s an automatic shutoff timer built right in for added peace of mind.

Overall, the zapper is an effective and safe tool for killing parasites. To effectively utilize its benefits, we advise using two doses every other day until your muscle test shows no more parasites present.
