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Hulda Clark’s Zapper Circuit

Hulda Clark contends that zappers are electrical devices which emit low frequency square impulse current. According to Hulda Clark, this current can kill parasites in the body.

This device is intended to be as user-friendly as possible and features a green LED that indicates how much current is flowing through its handhold physiological circuit.

555 Timer Circuit

The 555 timer is an exceptionally flexible 8-pin chip that can be configured as either a Monostable, Bistable or Astable Multivibrator for use in multiple applications such as one-shot or delay timers; LED/lamp flashers; alarm/tone generators and tone generation; logic clocks; frequency division; frequency regulators or voltage regulators.

The basic 555 monostable multivibrator circuit uses simple edge triggering. Closing switch S1 initiates timing interval and lights an LED; at its conclusion output pin 3 goes low and an internal discharge transistor ceases functioning; to restart this cycle close S1 again and light LED.

Figure 2 depicts an effective and simple RC timing network used to control this behavior. R1 and R2 serve as differentiators, only permitting trigger pulses that pass as falling edges (the negative part). C3 and D1 ensure that any differences between threshold voltage and input trigger voltage remain at an absolute minimum.

Whenever the output is in its high state, the reset pin becomes a drain of external capacitor C1. This controls when and how often output cycles will occur. When output goes low, current from supply passes through a small 10 ohm transistor to discharge C1 back towards ground; and so forth until reset pin becomes high again and output sequence repeats itself until reset pin returns high state.

This circuit is easy to understand, yet can be expanded with additional components. By adding another resistor in parallel with the first, for instance, you can increase timing table values and create a timing sequence which can energize a relay – perfect for use with parasite zappers! However, these devices should not be considered medical treatments – rather, they serve as alternatives to more invasive ones. If you want your own parasite zapper, there are already commercial models on the market which you can purchase without needing extensive electrical knowledge or time-consuming assembly!


Capacitors are used to store energy. A capacitor consists of two metal plates separated by an non-conducting material called dielectric that act as an insulator between them and create an electric field known as a dielectric layer. As its two plates close closer together, so does their ability to hold charges; once charged with positive and negative charges they begin gathering on both plates before discharging when both opposite charges attract one another and jump across the dielectric to form an electric current that can power other circuits.

Capacitors store charge in units known as farads (F), where 1 F = one coulomb of electrons at a voltage of one V or 6.25 billion electrons per second. Capacitance can also be described by microfarads (F).

A capacitor can be made of any non-conductive material, but specific ones are selected based on its function. Mica, ceramic, cellulose Mylar and Teflon are among the more widely-used capacitor dielectrics; paper capacitors were once popularly produced commercially as they featured impregnated strips sandwiched between metal pieces – some believe this may even date back as far as 1793!

An important characteristic of capacitors is their time dependence. Their capacitance decreases with frequency due to dielectric textG between their plates having greater impedance at low frequencies than higher ones, prompting capacitors to often be modelled as RLC series components with frequency-dependent equivalent inductance textESL and variable resistance textESR components.

Inductors are another electrical component that store energy. Although their time dependence differs from capacitors’, their energy-storage relationship is similar. Current-voltage relations for an inductor can be obtained by replacing capacitors in equations with inductors as the variable. Furthermore, frequency-dependent current-inductance (CI) ratios must also be taken into account since this indicates how much inductance and resistance exist at different frequencies.


Resistors are electronic components used to regulate the flow of current in a circuit. Their operation rests on the principle that different conductors possess differing amounts of resistance, so as their resistance increases so too does its obstructing power charge flow. Their value is measured in Ohms (O); resistance increases with conductor size. Resistors are further defined by their withstand voltage and power dissipation: their maximum allowable current before being damaged while power dissipation refers to how much heat their own carrying current produces when transporting power through it.

Resistors can be connected in either parallel or series connections. When two or more resistors are combined in parallel, their total resistance equals the sum of their individual resistance values. A resistor’s color bands indicate its resistance value – the smaller its band, the lower its resistance value. Some resistors made of materials with changing resistance values with temperature are known as variable resistance resistors or light-dependent resistors (LDR); one popular example being cadmium disulfide resistors.

Resistors vary in their resistance based on whether or not their conductor is heated or cooled, making their physical structure similar to that of any other resistor. Because their resistance changes with temperature changes, selecting one with the appropriate power rating for your application is key; an expensive resistor will last much longer and last more reliably than its cheaper counterpart.

Contrary to popular belief, resistors don’t actually build or store energy; rather, electrons that cannot pass through remain on either side. If more electrons want to pass through, resistance increases – so it is essential that you understand how a resistor’s resistance is measured before using it in your circuits; doing so will ensure that your projects remain safe and efficient. For long-term applications it is advisable to select one with at least 20% less power rating than that of your circuit, in order to prevent problems such as instability or creepage between resistor pins.


Clark introduced an electronic device she called a “Zapper” in her book The Cure for all Diseases. This circuit comprises of a 555 timer chip and various resistors and capacitors powered by a 9-volt battery to kill parasites within the body by emitting low-level electrical current that penetrates skin layers without harming healthy tissue, effectively killing any parasites present without hurting healthy tissue in return. Furthermore, research indicates it stimulates both bloodstream and immune system activity which may help rid our bodies of toxic materials residing therein.

Building the basic zapper circuit costs roughly $20 using components from Radio Shack. A 555 chip can either be TTL or CMOS; with the latter producing sharper square waves while drawing less battery current from its battery than TTL versions. A multimeter can be purchased cheaply at Radio Shack to test this circuit; these cheap meters also work very well when testing this design. Whenever possible, choose a CMOS version since these are easier to find and provide superior performance.

When the zapper is turned on, it produces a positive offset square wave at approximately 30kHz – considered ideal for killing most parasites while not damaging healthy tissue. Clark suggests using a frequency pattern of organ-in-question on a slide or bottle-copy to maximize zapper effectiveness; then holding or placing copper handles or electrodes across various body areas using copper handles and electrodes connected by copper cables for maximum effect.

Some have had success using zappers with frequencies below 30kHz, offering another avenue of exploration. Furthermore, these current applicators can be combined with pipes or straps.

In a typical session, users zap for seven minutes followed by 20-minute breaks to kill larger parasites like worms and release bacteria and viruses that were trapped beneath their surface. After this 20-minute rest period has expired, another seven-minute zap may be performed to clear out any remaining parasites and bacteria. The cycle repeats daily over approximately one month to help eliminate chronic pathogens and boost overall health.
