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Zapper Dr Clark Parasite Cleanser

Hulda Clark developed an electronic device known as the “zapper.” She claimed it could eliminate parasites and toxins from the body.

This VariGamma professional-level zapper features multiple frequency programs that can be stored either onboard memory or portable Program Driver Cards for convenient storage and has a new and improved design.

Increased Energy

Dr. Hulda Clark devised and designed her Zapper device as part of her holistic protocol to cleanse organs from parasites, bacteria and toxins. According to her claim, her Zapper could eliminate flukes, tapeworms, roundworms, mites bacteria and viruses within three minutes; five for viruses; seven for molds and fungus growths.

The battery-powered zapper produces a square wave of electricity with variable voltage of 10 volts or lower that fluctuates up to its maximum point and effectively kills parasites by acting as a positive offset, known as positive offset killing parasites quickly and efficiently. When used with adequate amplitude (voltage), duration, and frequency, it has been known to kill up to 500,000 parasites within seven minutes!

In order to maximize the effectiveness of a zapper, multiple sessions should be carried out each week in order to kill all parasites, bacteria and viruses present during treatment. Furthermore, using it daily for four or more hours will bring optimal results.

VariGamma version 2.0, offers more advanced frequency generator that allows users to program frequencies other than those recommended by Dr Clark. In addition, alligator clips provide greater ease-of-use compared to hand holds used by Hulda Clark; users can clip it securely around clothing or undergarment and thus reduce exposure to cold air.

The zapper is easy to use, connecting either directly to a power source or portable batteries. Be mindful to follow all instructions as the process of zapping can cause temporary dizziness and nausea; in addition, as it kills germs, be sure to rinse your hands after each session for safety purposes and kill germs! Furthermore, pregnant women and children should avoid using the zapper; pacemakers users should also avoid its use as its use could disrupt heartbeats and disrupt proper working of pacemakers causing them to stop functioning correctly or stop working completely!

Digestive Health

Hulda Clark did incredible work to help hundreds of thousands of people with her simple zapper dr clark device – known as a blood cleanser by its nickname – which used low voltage current to destroy bacteria, parasites and mold. Multiple sessions may be required in order to eradicate all toxins and parasites; its purpose also being increased energy levels.

Dr. Clark discovered through her research that all organisms vibrate at different frequencies; viruses and parasites, for instance, vibrating at 30kHz. Based on this discovery, she created the Zapper: an electronic device for killing parasites and bacteria using 9-volt battery power, pulse generator circuitry and copper handles or electrodes held by its user.

The Zapper works to kill parasites and bacteria by sending electric charges through its copper handles or electrodes held in the hands of its user. It’s powered by a 9-volt battery with diodes installed to limit voltage to 1000 ohms for safety purposes – no side effects were noted when testing was completed! Plus, its natural electromagnetic field does not interfere with this device either!

As well as eliminating parasites, zappers also energize white blood cells in your body to more effectively fight viruses and pathogens, and can even reduce inflammation and calcification of joints in the body.

While many claim the zapper can help with various health conditions, some doctors remain dubious of its benefits. Regardless, this device has been extensively evaluated by thousands of people around the world for over 15 years; many users have reported significant improvements in both health and well-being after using a zapper device.

Neither pregnant women or those with pacemakers should use a zapper, though some patients have successfully used leg zapping techniques during gestation to use it successfully. Remember, though, that these devices do not treat or cure any medical conditions so please consult your physician prior to using one.

Stress Relief

The body contains many toxins, many of which accumulate in tissues such as the gall bladder, kidneys and intestines. This accumulation can lead to health issues including gastrointestinal distress, hormonal imbalances and immune system impairment. Thankfully, there are natural methods available to cleanse and reduce body toxicity; one effective option being using a parasite zapper dr clark device that utilizes specific frequencies to kill parasites and bacteria while supporting detoxification processes.

The zapper operates on resonance theory: when exposed to its resonant frequency, parasites or bacteria will burst and die – similar to when you rub your fingers around a wineglass until it breaks!

At any frequency setting, zapping can kill bacteria, flukes, roundworms, mites, viruses and fugai. Furthermore, white blood cells release toxic substances through kidney excretion which are then expelled through urine treatment. Some people experience tingling during treatment while most don’t notice anything at all; you should use your zapper for up to 20 minutes then let it cool off for around 30 minutes after each use; be sure to follow this routine each time!

As well as using the Zapper, herbs can also help cleanse your body of parasites such as Oil of Oregano and Eden extract, both of which will work to eradicate parasites while clearing away toxins and heavy metals from your system. To maximize results from using the zapper, it’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water throughout the day – this will allow it to work more effectively!

The Zapper can be purchased for a relatively low cost; however, be aware that it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration due to Dr. Hulda Clark’s desire not to participate in patent medicine and make this device affordable to everyone. Regardless, its creator saw great benefits both physically and psychologically from using it: improved skin, increased energy levels, better immunity levels and weight loss facilitation as well as helping with better sleep quality and relieving stress relief.

Pain Relief

The Zapper can zap parasites, fungi, bacteria and mold as well as provide pain relief. Its current subtly energizes your bloodstream allowing white blood cells to “clean house” by killing parasites and most bacteria; these will then be flushed out via your kidneys. All parasites have positive charges while healthy tissue has negative charges; using its current to reverse diseased tissue’s polarity helps reverse its polarity thus healing itself more rapidly.

Hulda Clark was a Canadian naturopath and author who believed most illness is the result of parasitic infection. After years of research into biophysics and cell biology, she invented surprising theories and treatments – like her invention of the Zapper to kill parasites using electrical charges – which she claimed killed them using low voltage electricity sent through copper tubes connected to a battery-operated frequency generator device.

Clark discovered through her research that using positive offset frequencies with voltage between 5 and 10 volts proved successful at killing parasites, bacteria, and viruses. She conducted extensive tests with millions of frequencies until finding one which eliminated harmful organisms completely – she coined this technique zapping. Clark described this approach in her book La Cura para todas las Enfermedades.

When using the zapper, simply place your hands over its two copper electrodes and turn it on. Some users report experiencing slight tingling while others do not experience anything at all. Zap for 7 minutes then take 20 minutes off – this break is necessary because viruses will emerge from dead parasites if left undisrupted and could quickly lead to colds or sore throats.

Some zappers feature amethyst and garnet gemstones to boost electromagnetic energy and make wearing it more comfortable, as well as improve its immune-stimulating powers. Multiple sessions should be scheduled throughout each week to prevent overstimulation of your immune system when one zapping session destroys a parasite and releases it back into your blood stream.
