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LifeVantage Biohacking

LifeVantage is a science-driven health and wellness company. Their scientifically validated products include Protandim Nrf2 Synergizers and the PhysIQ Smart Energy System which are deeply rooted in nutrition and nutrigenomics research.

Biohacking involves more than reading mindless self-improvement tips online; it involves understanding why certain changes happen in your body and mind and using cutting edge technologies to reach your goals.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is an affordable, simple-to-use in-home device that can help you achieve a youthful and radiant appearance. Studies have demonstrated how red light therapy improves skin tone and hydration while simultaneously decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.

Red Light Therapy works at the cellular level, targeting your mitochondria – the powerhouses responsible for creating energy from ATP molecules – for maximum performance. When your mitochondria are working optimally, your body feels and functions its best. Red and near infrared wavelengths target electrons involved in cell respiration processes by breaking nitric oxide bonds while simultaneously letting hydrogen and water pass through to make ATP production simpler for your cells.

If you want to feel better and gain more energy throughout the day, try red light therapy sessions. They may help reduce symptoms of depression by stimulating serotonin production – the hormone responsible for making you happy! Red light therapy also improves your sleep cycle and decreases inflammation in the brain.

Utilizing LifeVantage products and tools together, can help you become the healthiest version of yourself. From detoxing your system to optimizing performance, LifeVantage has products and tools available that can assist in reaching that goal.

Photobiomodulation (PBM) and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) are powerful biohacking tools. Both substances play a vital role in your body’s cellular metabolism; as you age, your NAD levels decrease reducing cellular energy and hastening breakdown leading to disease, illness and increased mortality risks.

Science supports both PBM and NAD as powerful anti-aging techniques, and both can work together to slow cellular energy degradation caused by age. By increasing your NAD levels through diet supplements and increasing PBM through red light therapy, you can reverse its effects of aging.

Lipner suggests discussing red light devices available over-the-counter with your dermatologist and beginning with short treatment regimes until you’ve learned to use the device correctly. Also be careful avoiding eye areas if your condition makes your skin sensitive to light or you are pregnant as these could present risks.

Intermittent Fasting

As part of lifevantage biohacking, one effective strategy for taking control of both body and mind is intermittent fasting – an eating plan which alternates periods of fasting with eating at set intervals; this enables the body to switch between burning carbohydrates for energy and burning fat instead, leading to weight loss and improved health. There are various methods available; experimentation is key in finding out what works for you!

Some individuals prefer a 16/8 intermittent fasting diet, in which they only consume food within an eight-hour window per day, while others may opt for 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, in which they eat normally two days out of seven and fast on four.

Sleep is an integral component of biohacking lifevantage. Sleep can help prevent nutrient deficiencies, strengthen immunity systems, lower stress and anxiety levels and boost moods.

Exercise is a key element of biohacking lifevantage. Regular physical activity can aid muscle growth, improve cardiovascular health and help lower body fat accumulation – even helping lower risk factors for chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes! Furthermore, regular exercise is a great way to combat stress – which has been shown to lead to premature aging and skin issues.

Lifevantage biohacking requires taking supplements to enhance overall health. Supplements can assist you in meeting health and fitness goals more quickly by increasing energy levels, supporting digestive health, and aiding weight loss. Some examples of supplements used for lifevantage biohacking are nootropics, probiotics and nutrigenomics supplements.

Nutrigenomics is the study of how nutrients and natural compounds impact gene expression. LifeVantage’s Protandim range of nutritionally validated supplements is an ideal way to enhance cell function and achieve biohacking success.


Biohacking goes far beyond simply reading self-improvement tips to become healthier and feel better; it involves employing all available methods – research, experimentation and technology – to optimize your body. LifeVantage Nutritionals leads the movement for biohacking with their scientifically tested products and cutting edge technology that are perfect for biohacking.

Protandim, LifeVantage’s flagship product, is an all-in-one supplement that activates your body’s natural survival genes to increase energy and focus. Many have experienced benefits from Protandim for improving energy levels, decreasing brain fog, and increasing focus. Furthermore, LifeVantage also offers bioregulator peptides which aid cellular repair within your own body.

Meditation is another popular lifevantage biohack used to improve physical and mental well-being, offering many simple yet complex practices for relaxation. Meditation can range from listening to music all the way up to breathing techniques – you just have to find time! Meditation can also be done anywhere at any time so there’s always time for some calm down time!

Meditation involves repeating action words such as “lifting,” “moving,” and “placing” while thinking of them in your head. You could also close your eyes and imagine relaxing scenes within your mind’s eye or simply walk while meditating while focusing on the movement of feet and legs.

One common error made when trying to meditate is becoming distracted by their environment. While it’s essential to attempt to minimize distractions and noise pollution as much as possible, having a comfortable seat and being aware of posture are also helpful in the practice of meditation. Sitting up straight has many health benefits for your spine as well as supporting immunity systems.

Active Recovery

LifeVantage may not have pioneered biohacking as such, but they certainly embrace it and its principles. DIY biology (biohacking) involves taking full control of your body through using all available resources – cutting-edge tech tools science to personal coaching to reach optimal health.

Step one of biohacking involves making lifestyle adjustments. Exercise should be included as research has proven its positive effects on both appearance and mood, acting as a natural stress reliever while improving overall appearance.

Add some small hacks to your daily routine for better fitness and performance. For instance, when heading out to the gym, consider investing in a foam roller to assist in recovery from workouts. Not only is this tool affordable and beneficial in relieving muscle soreness and stiffness after each session, it also has been known to increase range of motion and flexibility which will support fitness goals and performance objectives.

Finally, make an effort to get plenty of restful restful sleep. Remembering both REM and non-REM cycles contribute to overall wellness is crucial; in order to maximize these cycles for maximum restful slumber. In order to optimize this aspect of health and wellness, try not eating large meals within two hours before bedtime and keeping the bedroom dark and quiet by using white noise machines or blackout curtains in order to improve restful slumber.

LifeVantage products provide solutions that can help you discover why what you’re doing to your body and mind is harmful, then make conscious efforts to alter them for improvement. With each day that passes, biohacking goals become closer – all it requires is an authentic desire and commitment from you!
