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Bioresonance Focused Ultrasound Healing

Bioresonance therapy works by sending electromagnetic frequencies into your body, harmonizing and restoring its bioresonance so that organs can communicate more efficiently again – this enables self-healing while improving overall health.

Focused ultrasound technology can target tumors with pinpoint precision without harming surrounding tissues. It has also proven successful as a salvage treatment option when cancer recurs after other therapies have failed.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance Therapy is an entirely non-invasive, painless way of gathering information about different aspects of one’s health from within their own bodies. This process works by measuring frequency of cells to identify any imbalances or disturbances – bioresonance readings are like fingerprints that reveal hidden connections in health issues.

Every living organism possesses an electromagnetic or “biomagnetic” field, and when this field becomes disturbed it can lead to illness. Bioresonance therapy attempts to restore this biomagnetic field back into its proper place for improved health.

A bioresonance machine connects with your body via electrodes, reading your biomagnetic field to send gentle pulses of electromagnetic energy directly into cells that will receive them; otherwise, cells won’t absorb them properly and may reject them altogether.

Note that BICOM devices do not generate high frequencies that could harm or shock patients; rather, they use only minimal power that has already been reduced down to 12v before it even reaches them. Furthermore, these BICOM devices have been CE certified as safe for clinical environments by medical professionals.

Not to be mistaken with cancer, the primary factor behind a poor bioresonance reading is toxic build-up within the body. Bioresonance therapy helps remove these toxins, aiding your natural healing processes while decreasing them as a whole.

Bioresonance therapy offers another advantage for treating infectious diseases: its ability to identify and eradicate viruses, bacteria, and parasites from your body. Once identified, bioresonance can use various therapeutic modalities to combat them effectively.

Bioresonance therapy not only destroys harmful invaders but can also stimulate your immune system to attack any remaining cancer or other disease cells in the body – which could result in more rapid and complete healing from illness.

Bioresonance therapy can be especially helpful when treating allergies, as it identifies and breaks down toxins that contribute to allergic reactions in the body – thus eventually making an allergy go away altogether.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Bioresonance therapy employs electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Health professionals utilize electromagnetic vibrations to identify and correct imbalances throughout the body. Their goal is to restore both physical and emotional equilibrium so that individuals may return to their original states of well-being.

Bioresonance therapy employs a device known as a bioresonance machine to detect any unhealthy electromagnetic frequencies present in the body and emit counter frequencies to cancel out harmful vibrations, providing a healthier internal environment and helping your immune system work more efficiently.

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative health approach used to address conditions like food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders, insomnia, chronic pain management, low energy levels, hormonal imbalances and more. Furthermore, this therapy has proven successful at relieving stress while increasing emotional stability.

Bioresonance therapy is relatively straightforward; patients simply lie on a comfortable table while technicians connect electrodes from a machine to their body and scan for any blocks, interferences or unhealthy frequencies in their bodies that the machine records before creating an individual treatment plan for each patient.

As part of their treatment, patients will be instructed to consume lots of water during treatment sessions to flush away toxins from the body and support its healing process. Their therapist may suggest making certain changes or lifestyle modifications that will further assist this healing process.

Though bioresonance therapy is still relatively new, it has already proven itself effective in several studies and trials. One Russian study, for instance, discovered that patients receiving bioresonance therapy experienced significantly less pain than those only receiving manual therapy and massage; additionally it has also been proven effective at relieving unexplained stomach discomfort in Germany – further research is still being done into its efficacy, however published success stories and testimonials indicate it could play a pivotal role in an integrative healthcare approach.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Every cell in our body contains its own magnetic, or biomagnetic field. When this field becomes disturbed it may manifest in physical symptoms like stomachache or headaches; bioresonance therapy can identify imbalanced frequencies responsible and emit counterfrequencies to reset it and help alleviate these symptoms.

Bioresonance provides another advantage, in that it can detect infections early and facilitate treatment prior to any symptoms arising. Furthermore, this information allows us to optimise our diets and supplement our bodies’ needs with adequate nutritional support – often relieving many symptoms instantly!

Bioresonance therapy can also detect and alleviate toxic stressors in your body, such as heavy metal poisoning or pharmaceutical drug overdose. It does this by inverting frequencies emitted by chemicals emitted by these sources – much like how noise-cancelling headphones help block out unwanted noise. Once these frequencies have been cancelled out, your cells can communicate normally again, restoring self-healing mechanisms back into action and helping your body heal itself naturally.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective at detoxifying the body as well as treating a wide variety of health conditions, from allergies (eczema and asthma) to rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and fibromyalgia. One study conducted on patients suffering from fibromyalgia who received regular bioresonance treatments over those not doing so found that those receiving regular treatments saw significantly faster improvements than those not participating.

Other ailments bioresonance therapy can effectively address include acne and psoriasis, along with digestive problems like chronic constipation, bloating and indigestion. Furthermore, bioresonance can be used to treat mental illnesses like anxiety and depression by relieving stress levels and helping balance biochemicals in the brain – often leading to improved sleep patterns that further alleviate their symptoms – due to its ability to restore equilibrium back into the body’s systems.

Who Can Benefit from Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective against an array of conditions, including fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory diseases and allergies. Some bioresonance practitioners also claim it can kill cancer by activating genes to restrict tumor growth or suppress hyperactive cells; however, no scientific proof supports these claims. Bioresonance can alleviate symptoms associated with fibromyalgia by cancelling out pathological frequencies that cause it and eliminating them naturally through your body’s detox system.

Can Help Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis By increasing the content of thiol groups and normalizing activities of glutathione peroxidase, this approach can assist in treating rheumatoid arthritis by producing anti-oxidants to protect the body against damage, while helping with depression by decreasing levels of heavy metals, parasites, chemicals and e-smog found in your blood stream – thus leading to improved mood stability, increased circulation and potentially less need for prescription medication.

A machine connected to electrodes on your skin and emitting electromagnetic frequencies emits electromagnetic frequencies that can help identify unhealthy energy frequencies in your cells, which could indicate infections, stress, poor diet and environmental toxins as potential issues. When these frequencies detect imbalances they send out counterfrequencies to correct these imbalances and bring your body back into equilibrium.

Recent research used bioresonance therapy as part of treatment for patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Patients receiving bioresonance along with manual and point massage reported a 72% reduction in muscular pain as well as improved sleep, decreased weather sensitivity, reduced drug usage by 50% – these results can only be considered beneficial.

Bioresonance therapy’s advantages become even greater when combined with other holistic therapies. After conducting a comprehensive bioresonance assessment, our Bioresonance Therapists will create a tailored wellness plan including diet changes, stress reduction techniques, and other holistic methods that can enhance your health and well-being. Contact Quantum Functional Medicine now to make an appointment and take control of your life!
