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How Much Does a Bioresonance Scan Cost?

Each organ and system in our bodies possesses its own distinct frequency, much like an orchestra. Unfortunately, these frequencies can often become disrupted due to various stressors; such imbalances may eventually lead to health issues.

Bioresonance scans offer an efficient noninvasive way of measuring frequencies; however, it’s essential that users of this testing understand its limitations and restrictions.


Bioresonance testing utilizes specialized equipment to measure energy patterns and frequencies emitted by hair and saliva samples, providing insights into your health and wellbeing such as nutritional deficiencies, exposure to toxic materials, hormone imbalances and hormonal disruption. Bioresonance tests are completely noninvasive and safe for most people including pregnant women – they don’t interfere with medications or medical devices either!

Bioresonance proponents assert that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased organs and cancer cells differ from healthy ones due to DNA damage, leading them to believe that measuring their frequencies could diagnose diseases and altering them back to their original frequency could cure them – however there is no scientific basis for these claims; indeed the FDA has prosecuted numerous manufacturers of electrical devices making unsubstantiated health claims, while American Cancer Society advises patients against seeking treatment from such devices(4).

Most individuals who undergo bioresonance scans experience no discomfort, although some describe a slight tingle or buzz sensation during the 10-minute test. After this brief time period has concluded, patients and practitioners will discuss their results together. Bioresonance should not be performed on children or those with metal implants and is ineffective for diagnosing allergies and other skin conditions.

Bioenergetic scans rely on the principle that all substances emit electromagnetic vibrations that can be analysed to identify any toxins present in the body as well as measure energetic balance in patients, with the aim of restoring energy flow throughout and encouraging self-healing.

Bioresonance is a noninvasive method for diagnosing health issues related to stress. This type of examination identifies nutritional deficiencies, detect toxins and evaluate medication efficacy as well as treat various conditions including depression and anxiety. Bioresonance therapy offers long-term benefits which may reduce symptoms while improving mood.


Bioresonance scans typically take around 60 minutes from start to finish, with most of that time spent discussing and reviewing results with clients, giving them a chance to ask any questions and clarify any issues that arise during testing. Furthermore, the test itself is quick and painless with extremely comprehensive results.

Bioenergetic health scans using hair and saliva provide insight into energetic imbalances within your body through energy patterns and frequencies released by it, providing insight into nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, toxin exposures, organ functions issues and overall energetic balance. One popular bioresonance scanning device such as Solex’s AO Scan provides a detailed look at your electromagnetic field to detect anything from minor stressors to chronic weaknesses and will also reveal your body’s reaction to food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, mineral imbalances resonating with toxic materials within them and so much more!

Bioresonance therapy entails placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a machine which “reads” energy wavelengths produced by cells of your body. Once this machine identifies these wavelengths, it can alter them so your cells vibrate at their natural frequencies in order to treat your condition’s root cause. Although research on bioresonance treatments remains limited, studies have revealed its efficacy against asthma, depression and fibromyalgia symptoms.

This technology operates under the unproven assumption that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased or cancerous cells differ from healthy cells. According to its purveyors, it uses electrical current to detect these differences between cell types before canceling out diseased cell signals with electrical current to restore them to a healthier state and restore healthiness to diseased ones. Marketed as noninvasive way to help treat chronic fatigue and anxiety symptoms as well as prevent illness and promote overall wellness – however the FDA has successfully prosecuted multiple purveyors of this electrical devices for making false and misleading claims regarding health benefits made about them by making false and misleading claims regarding their health benefits claims made about them marketed as noninvasive ways of helping treat various ailments including chronic fatigue and anxiety and promote overall wellness; however it has also prosecuted multiple purveyors for making false or misleading claims made regarding their health benefits claims made about them by making false and misleading claims made about them making false and misleading claims made about them being noninvasive remedies with regards to their health benefits claimed falsely for making false or misleading claims made about its health benefits making false and misleading health benefits claims made falsely about its health benefits claims about them made falsely claimed by purveyors that made misleading claims for selling them.


Bioresonance scanning is an efficient way to detect imbalances in your body’s electromagnetic frequencies and pinpointing any root causes of problems that are hindering healing efforts. Based on the theory that every cell, tissue, and organ emits its own electromagnetic frequencies; disruptions in these frequencies could signal potential health issues so you can take proactive steps before symptoms appear.

Bioresonance scanning takes only 10 minutes and its results will be reviewed with you in person. It provides precise information about your energetic state. Bioresonance can be an invaluable way to get to the source of health issues quickly and discover connections you hadn’t known existed previously.

Bioresonance sessions involve placing electrodes on your skin. A machine then assesses your cells’ energy wavelengths and corrects any frequencies that don’t match up with ideal levels by transmitting electromagnetic impulses through electrodes that stimulate healing within cells themselves – all non-invasively with few side effects.

Bioresonance scans offer a thorough report on the health of your major organs. A full body bioresonance scan can detect minor stressors on your system, hormonal and nutrition imbalances, food sensitivities, any energetic matches to toxins in your system and more. Bioresonance therapy has become increasingly popular within holistic wellness communities and it may make an excellent addition to homeopathic treatment plans.

Solex’s AO Scan is one of the most advanced devices available for conducting bioresonance scans, using hand-held equipment to measure electromagnetic resonance within your cells and detect many potential issues that might be making you unwell, including food allergies or environmental sensitivities.

The bioresonance test operates under the theory that unhealthy cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves, and restoring their normal frequency could cure diseases. Though some scientists question its validity, other individuals believe it can diagnose disease and treat various conditions, as well as detect and eliminate parasites, viruses, and bacteria.


Bioresonance scanners are non-invasive tools used to read energy wavelengths emanating from cells within your body. The results provide insight into your immune system, organs and other parts of the body, as well as any underlying connections that might be the source of symptoms. With this data in hand, an individualized holistic wellness program based on homeopathy – natural treatments used to combat disease and improve overall wellbeing – can be developed.

Bioresonance scans offer an extremely personalized way of understanding your health and wellness journey. These tests take into account various factors relating to genetics, environment and lifestyle and can be used to diagnose allergies, pain syndromes, autoimmune disorders or chronic diseases as well as determine their source and help avoid future issues.

Bioresonance scan results can often be immediate. Patients typically notice improvement in allergy symptoms within one month of beginning therapy; symptoms are typically reduced significantly or completely eliminated within 12 months. Furthermore, other health issues are also improved with bioresonance scanning.

Holistic and alternative health practitioners are increasingly turning to bioresonance therapy. Used alongside other forms of healing like acupuncture and homeopathy, bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic impulses sent from a computer to harmonize discordant frequencies within the body’s natural frequencies, thus restoring cell balance and stimulating self-healing capabilities of your own immune system.

Bioresonance scanning devices come in various forms. A basic device can identify food and environmental irritants as well as imbalances in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids; more advanced versions of this scanner offer more comprehensive toxin identification and source tracking; some also come with remedy selection features.

Bioresonance scanners can be used to diagnose various symptoms, including allergies, urogenital dysfunctions and low immunity. Furthermore, this form of testing can reveal emotional and psychological problems such as stress and anxiety as well as any heavy metal poisoning or other toxic exposure in the body.
