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Mora Bioresonance – Can it Help You Quit Smoking and Improve Your Gastrointestinal Issues?

Mora bioresonance has proven its worth in helping smokers quit and also in relieving digestive symptoms; yet proving these claims has proven difficult, given that studies that don’t conform to mainstream thought often have difficulty being published.

Since 1984, one of the authors (EH) has used MORA therapy for patients resistant to conventional therapies. This retrospective investigation examined 935 patient treatments without selection over 1998-2008.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an energy medicine with roots in holistic wellness that draws upon quantum physics to promote self-healing processes in the body. By working to balance electromagnetic and biochemical equilibrium within, Bioresonance can facilitate natural self-healing mechanisms in individuals; specifically targeting factors that hinder healing such as toxins, heavy metals, infections, food sensitivities or food allergies that inhibit self-healing processes in an effort to restore energy flow balance throughout. With mora bioresonance device identification of imbalances allows targeted treatment plans while simultaneously rebalancing body energy flow rebalancing body’s energy flows back out again.

In Germany, Dr. Franz Morell and electrical engineer Eric Rasche developed the MORA bioresonance device in 1975 as an electro-acupuncture technique that uses electromagnetic vibrational patterns from within a patient to identify areas of discord within their bodies – much like resonance detectors do. By distinguishing healthy resonance frequencies from disharmonious ones and then amplifying and cancelling out disharmonious ones via feedback to the body’s cells, MORA bioresonance amplifies and cancels out disharmonious ones and cancel out disharmonious frequencies through feedback systems while amplifying healthy harmonic frequencies while amplifying healthy resonance frequencies while cancelling out disharmonious ones in return.

Bioresonance therapy often produces immediate and visible benefits. This is due to its technology directly addressing imbalances in energy frequencies directly rather than masking them with synthetic drugs, thus enabling natural healing mechanisms in your body to take over and resolve various health concerns such as allergies or digestive issues.

Bioresonance can also help people give up smoking successfully. Studies have proven MORA bioresonance‘s efficacy when compared with other treatment methods, with regular bioresonance sessions helping twice as many participants than others in stopping for good. A recent 190 participant study indicated this finding.

Studies involving larger scale, placebo-controlled double-blind studies have also demonstrated how MORA bioresonance therapy can aid in relieving symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. One such research project showed patients receiving combination treatments of bioresonance therapy and manual and point massage experienced up to 72% reductions in muscle pain along with improved sleep patterns and lessened weather changes sensitivity.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Bioresonance treatments are noninvasive and painless methods of using electromagnetic frequencies to address health concerns in a comfortable setting. Sessions generally last 20-40 minutes. Bioresonance therapy addresses the source of health problems by eliminating interference to natural healing processes – including toxins, heavy metals, infections, food sensitivities or nutritional deficiencies that might impede healing – from the body. In turn this helps relieve stress, promote sleep quality and enhance digestion.

Like a finely tuned orchestra, our bodies work at their optimal when their resonances and electromagnetic frequencies are in perfect sync with nature. Unfortunately, many factors can disrupt these resonances and disrupt cellular energy flow, leading to imbalance or even death. Bioresonance therapy interacts with electromagnetic signals coming from our cells so it can quickly detect imbalances quickly and treat overloads to restore equilibrium and promote regeneration of cellular tissue.

German researchers conducted a controlled study which demonstrated the benefits of bioresonance therapy in alleviating digestive disorders, while simultaneously decreasing lymphedema and lipedema symptoms, while significantly decreasing depressive symptoms among those suffering recurrent depression – surpassing antidepressant medication by far.

Studies conducted in 2014 confirmed the efficacy of bioresonance therapy in aiding smokers to quit. Comparing bioresonance results against those of placebo therapy revealed that majority of participants in bioresonance group managed to quit smoking while only minority of placebo groupers succeeded.

Bioresonance therapy sessions begin by connecting the patient to the MORA device through handheld electrodes, with electromagnetic frequencies from their hands and feet read by the machine through handheld electrodes, then compared against healthy signals in its database of healthy frequencies from hands and feet of people in similar situations. Abnormal frequencies were then filtered and normalized according to individual patient profiles before printed on an electronic copy for take home use by each individual. Mechanical devices like smartphones or watches should be removed from sensor hands/foot sensors before therapy commences as these could interfere with measurements, while electrodes should also be cleaned using alcohol before each therapy session begins for maximum results.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy has proven invaluable for many in addressing a range of health concerns, such as allergies and food intolerances. This non-invasive, painless procedure supports your body’s natural healing processes while targeting any root causes of these issues, such as heavy metals, toxins, infections or nutritional deficiencies. Furthermore, Bioresonance can detect hidden emotional problems which might be contributing to physical discomfort or disease.

Bioresonance therapy employs electromagnetic frequencies to balance out your body’s bioresonance and restore equilibrium through electromagnetic healing frequencies, or bioresonance therapy as it’s also called. This process is commonly known as energetic healing or electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational medicine.

Proponents of this treatment claim that healthy cells and organs emit regular energy wavelengths while unhealthy ones emit altered ones due to DNA damage disrupting energy flow within cells causing harmful wavelengths that promote illness. They believe detecting these waves and changing back their frequency to normal frequency could treat any disorders associated with them.

The Mora Bioresonance Device measures electromagnetic signals emitted by your body and compares them with healthy cell or tissue resonance frequencies to create harmonious frequencies that restore balance within you body, helping remove toxins, ease allergies and digestive upset, boost immune systems and overall improve overall health.

Some individuals experience results quickly from bioresonance therapy while others notice gradual improvements over time. This is due to bioresonance‘s unique ability to interact directly with body’s energy frequencies and identify and correct imbalances quickly.

Bioresonance therapy has been studied extensively, with numerous controlled and observational studies conducted on its efficacy. Most of them demonstrate how beneficial bioresonance therapy treatments can be in treating various ailments.

One study discovered that bioresonance therapy helped more than 70% of smokers who received bioresonance therapy to break their nicotine addiction versus just over 30% who received placebo treatment. Additionally, other research suggests it can reduce stomach pain not caused by any identifiable diagnoses.

Can Bioresonance Therapy Detect Allergies?

Bioresonance therapy works by sensing the frequency of your body’s reaction to allergens and relaying this information back via an electronic inversion process to correct imbalances 1.

Utilizing this information, the body is able to restore balance and health using this treatment method. It has proven its efficacy against numerous conditions including allergies, sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis as well as weight loss and smoking cessation.

Bioresonance therapy can detect food sensitivities that are the source of allergy symptoms. Many people are unaware of their sensitivities to food, causing unnecessary discomfort in the process. By using bioresonance, you can discover these sensitivities and eliminate them from your diet altogether.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven highly successful at relieving symptoms of other allergy-related conditions such as asthma and eczema, such as asthmatic wheezing. Studies have proven its ability to significantly decrease these conditions’ symptoms.

Bioresonance stands out as an attractive treatment choice because it has no harmful side effects and does not require a prescription, making it relatively inexpensive compared to other medical therapies.

Some studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating allergies, sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions; however, most were uncontrolled and didn’t include comparison between bioresonance‘s results and those from control groups; furthermore these studies failed to demonstrate whether bioresonance is any more effective than traditional medical treatments.

Other studies have discovered that bioresonance therapy could potentially aid those living with rheumatoid arthritis by altering the function of antioxidants within the body and fighting free radicals that cause tissue damage – this process may reduce tissue damage in people suffering from RA; however, more research must be completed in order to confirm these findings.
