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What is Bioresonance NHT?

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive solution to help heal. This type of therapy works by rebalancing your body and eliminating harmful substances. It has been successfully used for treating everything from allergies and intolerances to smoking cessation and chronic illnesses.

Bioresonance theory holds that illnesses we experience are actually our bodies’ reaction to negative energies, while any imbalances within the body may be addressed through certain frequencies.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, painless treatment which uses bio resonance to balance energy flow within the body and restore its balance. This holistic healing approach addresses all aspects of health – physical, emotional and mental. Bioresonance can often complement conventional medical treatment options.

Claim: Homeopathy has the capacity to identify and treat an array of disorders. These may include autoimmune diseases, allergies, food intolerances and addictions. Furthermore, it aims to boost immunity while decreasing stress; some patients report that it has helped alleviate chronic pain conditions like headaches and backaches.

Bioresonance sessions begin with a scan of organs and systems using an FDA-approved testing machine, providing an in-depth report on any imbalances or warning signs in the body as well as nutrients necessary to support optimal health. While not meant to replace traditional medical diagnostic tools, bioresonance serves as an additional resource in making holistic health decisions and reestablishing balance within our bodies.

Bicom machines use electrodes to detect and process harmonic and disharmonic oscillations in order to restore equilibrium by counteracting bad frequencies with healthy ones, thus creating equilibrium again. A therapist then interprets these results and designs a treatment program designed to restore proper oscillation patterns in their patient’s body.

Proponents of the machine assert that it can treat various illnesses, including cancer. There is no scientific proof for such claims; however, thousands of testimonials indicate its possible effectiveness – these should be treated as anecdotal accounts and evaluated carefully.

As is important to keep in mind, bioresonance cannot replace conventional therapies; while it may alleviate symptoms temporarily, bioresonance alone cannot address the cause or prevent recurrence. To achieve best results from bioresonance treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapies until symptoms have completely subsided.

Though some clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy, much research on it has been conducted in private clinics by practitioners with no medical training or qualifications. Furthermore, some practitioners make unsupported claims which have been labeled misleading by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), further creating confusion on what bioresonance truly entails and its possible health benefits for an individual.

Bioresonance is a form of regulatory medicine

At a bioresonance session, electrodes will be applied to your body so the device can measure electromagnetic frequencies emitted by organs and systems in your body. Once an imbalance or disturbance has been identified, counter frequencies are sent back out in order to rebalance energy fields – this allows your body to self-regulate while aiding healing processes.

The device uses complex algorithms to recognize these frequencies, similar to how a piano tuner would adjust strings. Furthermore, the machine emits frequencies to assist with restoring your body’s natural balancing mechanisms and restore harmony to your life. Numerous bioresonance devices such as Rayocomp PS1000, BICOM 2000, MORA Inergetics-CoRe and Skenar exist on the market based on this principle with various functions and programs provided for by each machine.

Bioresonance therapy is effective against an array of conditions, from allergies and sensitivities to psychological distress such as stress and anxiety. Bioresonance also has been proven to balance emotional states while increasing mental clarity.

Bioresonance advocates contend that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage, and that using these waves to detect disease and treat it will ultimately cure it. Yet no scientific evidence supports their claims of diagnosis or cure.

Bioresonance has quickly gained acceptance within complementary medicine clinics despite lacking scientific support, offering relief from nicotine addiction to fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. It is promoted as a safe, non-invasive therapy which offers relief to many symptoms such as these.

Note that bioresonance scanning does not replace traditional medical diagnostic tests; only trained professionals should perform them. Once information has been gathered by bioresonance scan, trained experts can interpret its data and suggest holistic treatments to boost immunity and restore energy balance in your energy field.

Bioresonance machines may help practitioners detect allergens and suggest herbal and nutritional supplements to manage your allergy symptoms, but it should be remembered that they cannot fully diagnose allergies without first consulting a physical exam.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive treatment

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive technique that employs electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing. The process works by monitoring energy wavelengths within the body and counteracting any bad ones, creating optimal balance. Bioresonance can help treat allergies, fibromyalgia and chronic respiratory conditions as well as help manage stress reduction and pain management. Furthermore, this therapy may identify food intolerances as well as nutritional imbalances.

An initial bioresonance session begins with a BioScan, an FDA-approved state-of-the-art testing device which inspects your organs and systems to identify signs of imbalance or warning signals in your health. BioScan reports can provide an in-depth picture of any issues within your health; such as areas of compromised immunity or stress; food sensitivities; nutritional imbalances; hormonal issues or toxic substances that are impeding true healing process in your body.

After taking an in-depth health history of you, your practitioner will use the Bioresonance system to devise tailored protocols just for you. A typical 60-minute session sees the BICOM machine gather information about the body and its substances before altering that data to match cellular frequency; stimulating natural healing processes within your body in the process. You may feel cold and fatigued during this phase – this is normal part of the detoxification process!

Researchers from the Netherlands recently conducted a study assessing bioresonance therapy‘s effects on fibromyalgia patients. According to this research, those receiving bioresonance therapy experienced an overall 72 percent decrease in muscle pain compared with those who did not undergo this therapy and less symptoms including headaches, insomnia and improved quality of life than those not undergoing bioresonance treatment. While this research appears promising, additional study must take place before its effectiveness can be confirmed.

Bioresonance is a safe treatment

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative holistic solution that claims to work by measuring electromagnetic wavelengths emitted by your body cells and measuring their frequency. A machine then purportedly analyses this waveform, and detects whether or not your cells are healthy. If that problem arises, different frequencies can then be released that ‘cancel out’ those considered unhealthy; eventually returning your cells back to their natural state and treating any diseases or illness you suffer from as part of bioresonance therapy sessions.

Bioresonance remains scientifically unproven, though many claim its efficacy. A handful of studies have been done with mixed results; anecdotal evidence is overwhelming – you can find thousands of testimonials online from people claiming that bioresonance helped with their health issues.

Bioresonance works on the principle that healthy and unhealthy cells produce different electromagnetic waves due to differences in their DNA. A machine detects this difference, and claims to use specific frequencies to ‘cancel out’ diseased ones using bioresonance technology – similar to doing magnet experiments in school when you scatter iron filings around a magnet to see their impact on its magnetic field.

Bioresonance testing involves providing either hair or saliva samples and having them analysed to detect toxins and stressors that disrupt energy balance in your body. The tests are noninvasive, allowing results to be tracked over time.

The Asyra therapy system scans hand and foot points according to an ancient meridien system used in Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, to detect imbalances in energy throughout the body, such as elevated readings that indicate inflammation. When imbalances are identified, inverted frequencies are sent out in order to cancel out discordant signals, returning cells back to their natural resonance level so healing may ensue. It can treat food and environmental allergies, low immune defenses, insomnia, menstrual problems, rheumatism, heavy metal poisoning among many other conditions – making this therapy ideal.
