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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing or bio-energetic therapy, is an innovative noninvasive form of treatment using electromagnetic frequencies to detect imbalances within your body and restore harmony by counteracting disharmonic waves and returning your body back into balance – stimulating its own self-healing mechanisms and prompting self-healing processes.

Bioresonance testing measures the specific energy frequencies that vibrate within all substances, from living to nonliving ones. Bioresonance can detect these frequencies to find matches between energetic vibrations of substances such as toxins and those detected through bioresonance analysis.

What is it?

Bioresonance testing provides a noninvasive way of analyzing your health. Hair and saliva samples are taken and analysed for any toxins, stressors, hormone imbalances or anything else which could potentially be impacting it. Bioresonance is an ideal way to quickly and safely pinpoint the source of symptoms as well as determine the most suitable course of treatment.

Every living thing possesses an electromagnetic energy field known as their “biomagnetic” field. If this field becomes out of balance, symptoms may arise and bioresonance therapy aims to restore it back into an ideal state.

Bioresonance technology uses electromagnetic vibrations emitted by your cells to detect issues with cell communication which may be contributing to symptoms and illness, as well as detect parasites, fungus, bacteria and other harmful organisms in your system.

Bioresonance therapy instruments use sound waves to detect organisms. If they detect these organisms, a comprehensive report is generated and recommended treatment plans. A practitioner then applies specific frequencies to your body in order to eliminate and restore equilibrium to your system.

Bioresonance therapy takes an integrative approach to healing, taking into account all areas of life and their interdependencies. It helps identify the source of any issues while simultaneously treating physical, emotional and mental concerns that arise – an approach essential for true health and wellness.

After an initial interview of about an hour, your session will commence. In it, you will remain fully clothed while sitting or lying down and connected to a machine (electrodes on wrist and ankle bands, probes). Your initial session typically lasts around two hours while subsequent ones typically only require 45-50 minutes each.

Following your bioresonance session, it’s normal for symptoms to worsen initially – this is an indicator that your body is responding positively and clearing itself of accumulated toxins – however this should pass quickly within a few hours and improve over time – the duration and number of treatments necessary will depend on your condition and will be discussed during your appointment.

How does it work?

Practitioners assert that each cell in your body emits electromagnetic frequencies, and bioresonance therapy uses a device to detect them and compare them against frequencies emitted by healthy cells before sending out counter frequencies to cancel out disharmonic ones and restore balance among cellular energy and promote self-healing. According to practitioners, this allows you to heal faster.

Bioresonance therapy is an noninvasive way of helping with many conditions such as fibromyalgia, allergies and asthma – even helping smokers quit. Furthermore, it has been used successfully for treating leaky gut syndrome – where damage to the small intestine lining allows undigested food particles, toxic waste products and bacteria into your blood stream via leaky gut syndrome, leading to symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating fatigue chronic diarrhea or constipation. Bioresonance therapy may help repair leaky gut syndrome damage while also helping your digestive tract back towards health thereby restoring and preventing further damage from occurring further down the road.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to detect food allergies and sensitivities. By pinpointing particular allergens, bioresonance can help individuals avoid them and understand how best to deal with your reactions. In one study using bioresonance machines to reduce unexplained stomach pain in patients suffering from fibromyalgia – results were promising yet further research must be completed in order to prove bioresonance therapy‘s efficacy.

Bioresonance therapy has been proven to alleviate symptoms associated with certain diseases; however, it cannot treat mental health disorders like depression. Instead, bioresonance can help detoxify your body of heavy metals, pesticides, or any other harmful substances which might be contributing to it – having both physical and psychological impacts at once!

Undergoing bioresonance therapy requires visiting an accredited holistic and homeopathic practitioner trained in whole-body wellness. Your practitioner’s bioresonance device should likely be CE Marked and has undergone safety and efficacy testing; additionally, the Medical Healthcare Regulatory Agency recommends reading its claims prior to beginning any form of therapy to make sure any diagnosis or therapy offered is legitimate.

What are the benefits?

Bioresonance therapy is often sought as a solution for specific health problems. A bioresonance scan can identify its source, and then guide their client towards holistic wellness changes to restore balance within their bodies.

Bioresonance therapy can assist clients in managing symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, low energy levels, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, menstrual pain, low immune defenses and weight issues. Furthermore, it may help with pain management as well as chronic illnesses such as rheumatism, chronic sinusitis, asthma, skin disorders fibromyalgia arthritis or other illnesses.

One study utilized bioresonance therapy as part of an integrative counseling session designed to address the underlying causes of depression and reduce stress levels; the result being an overall decrease in severity of depression symptoms and an improvement in mood.

However, alternative therapies do not provide diagnosis, and should never be seen as a replacement for medical tests. According to the MHRA guidelines on Substantiation for Health, Beauty, and Slimming Claims claims made about diagnosing or treating disease or illness using devices should only be endorsed by qualified health professionals.

Bioresonance operates on the unproven premise that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by cancerous cells differ from those generated by healthy cells, and an electrical device detects these differences to counteract harmful signals emanating from cancerous cells through destructive wave interference.

As is also important to keep in mind, scanners used in bioresonance therapy do not fall under CE mark classification and any claim they perform the functions of medical instruments may be seen by the ASA and CAP as problematic.

What are the risks?

Bioresonance therapy uses an electromagnetic frequency machine to send electromagnetic frequencies through your body. If something in your body is out of balance, the device reads these frequencies emitted and uses specific electromagnetic signals to ‘cancel them out’ – helping restore harmony and improve symptoms. Bioresonance is used to treat all sorts of conditions from food and environmental allergies to urogenital disorders (including prostate issues) digestive complaints like bloating constipation IBS chronic fatigue syndrome etc. In addition to restoring cellular balance it also boosts healing processes within our own bodies!

Bioresonance therapy‘s unproven theory states that due to changes in cell metabolism and DNA damage, diseased organs and cancer cells emit different electromagnetic oscillations than healthy ones. Bioresonance practitioners claim they use an electrical device to detect diseased frequencies and isolate which organ they infected before using electromagnetic resonance frequencies to cancel out their unhealthy vibrations – in theory’repairing’ damaged cells while eliminating toxins from your body through this therapy method.

Few studies support the claims made by proponents of bioresonance therapy. In one such research project, a group of patients with fibromyalgia were given manual therapy and massage combined with five sessions of bioresonance treatment; four women experienced improved depression while two men went from moderate to mild episodes – this compares favorably with 10 individuals in a control group who didn’t receive these additional therapies.

Bioresonance therapy was found to assist 60 burnt-out athletes in speeding their recovery time and decreasing unexplained stomach pain, according to another study involving 60 participants. Bioresonance is typically used as an aid for stress reduction, improving sleep quality and detoxification purposes.

When considering bioresonance therapy, we advise discussing any possible side effects with your practitioner prior to beginning treatments. They can advise on potential causes and ways of mitigating any negative responses. Make sure you drink plenty of water and rest enough as this will help your body adapt more easily to these effects.

Devices used for bioresonance therapies must first be CE marked before being sold in the UK. To learn more, see this MHRA guidance document regarding marketing medical devices.
