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Radiesthesia and Radionics

Radionics is an energy-based form of treatment for illness. It can help detect infections, nerve conditions, organ function issues and find suitable homoeopathic remedies.

Radiesthesia, or the study of invisible vibration and radiation, opens up a vast new frontier that brings us close to spirituality.

Diagnostic Techniques

Radionics is an alternative method of diagnosis and healing that utilizes subtle energy fields, frequencies and vibrations to balance discordant energies and assist the self-healing process of an individual or animal. Radionics is increasingly being used as an adjunct therapy alongside conventional medicine for chronic and acute illnesses as well as respiratory, digestive and skeletal ailments as well as emotional issues.

Radionics practitioners maintain that every form of matter (living or inert) emits unique electromagnetic frequencies. A healthy individual should produce electromagnetic frequencies which harmonize with his/her own body; any disconcordant frequencies could indicate illness; these discordant frequencies can be identified using specially designed instruments known as ‘radionics’.

A radiesthetist uses an instrument to locate symptoms or illnesses and selects remedies accordingly, broadcasting these remedies via the instrument’s “rates”, which are set using a pendulum and have specific therapeutic benefits.

Radionics pioneer Guyon Richards found acetylcholine to be an ideal witness of parasympathetic nerves; these substances can then be placed on a rate plate on a radionics instrument to increase its vibrational frequency and thus its receptivity.

Radiesthetists will also use this instrument to assess what’s not working in their clients, including stress levels, fear or past negative experiences or lack of self-confidence issues. Once identified, remedies will be offered in order to address these problems and restore balance within the body’s energy field.

Radiesthetists use multiple diagnostic techniques such as acupuncture and touch therapy, with the aim of pinpointing the source of illness rather than simply treating its symptoms directly. This is because symptoms often stem from imbalances at various levels in an organism’s biological makeup – from cells to mind and emotions.


Working according to homoeopathic principles, a medical radiesthetist will test for all factors contributing to his patient’s ill health. These may include infections, nerve and gland issues and vitamin deficiencies. Utilizing two standard boxes of Turenne witnesses he can screen for forty infections and forty organs as well as liquid adrenaline as a marker for sympathetic nerve activity as well as acetylcholine for parasympathetic activity.

Radiesthetists may use various nosodes of psoric disease as witnesses in order to ascertain whether or not a patient has an illness known as Psora (psora = “psoric”) which weakens and exposes their bodies to microbe attack, making treatment with tuberculin or another Psoric remedy potentially helpful in alleviating their condition.

As well as nosodes specific for psoric conditions, many remedies in the homeopathic repertory can also help the radiesthetist. Some examples include cinnamon (tuberculosis), Hepar sulphur (psora) and B. Morgan (rheumatism and lumbago).

Note that as the potency of a remedy increases, its pendulum balance point will move closer to its vial connection – this is due to having more energy inside of it – making radiesthetists aware which remedy to choose in any given instance based on how it marks on their instrument.

Similar to acupuncture, remedies will have different results depending on where they’re applied; each may affect various parts of the body’s energy centers differently.

Once he or she has selected and tested their remedy with their instrument, a radiesthetist will administer them orally or via broadcast. Depending on the case, one solution may take care of multiple problems at once and cut costs significantly – especially helpful if treating infections like Staphylococcus; here a few words of advice might also prove invaluable.

Techniques for Treating Infections

Infections can often be treated successfully using radiesthetic methods. Anyone interested in such work would do well to familiarize themselves with the investigations of Dr. W. Guyon Richards, one of the pioneers of medical radiesthesia in this country. His discoveries of liquid adrenalin as an effective witness for sympathetic nerves and neurotransmitter acetylcholine as an excellent witness for parasympathetic nerves helped set forth many of today’s principles of radiesthesia.

A pendulum is an extremely sensitive instrument, responding to vibrations and radiation emanating from people, plants, animals, metals and other substances. These phenomena are sometimes referred to as electromagnetic energy; however it would be more accurate to refer to them as radiations and impulses of energy.

Radiesthetists can pinpoint disease conditions within the body by measuring vibrational levels at which organisms in question reside – much like using a map to locate locations in nature. Once located, radiesthetists use inertial oscillators – devices designed to convert electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy – to treat conditions.

Science can make it challenging to demonstrate this type of work, but it’s worth trying. Cancer cells will typically result in higher readings for cancer treatment versus infections which would produce lower readings on a pendulum.

Due to this, radiesthetists perform tests for infections and seek remedies which will bring down readings to normal levels, similar to what would be seen with acupuncture treatments.

My aim in writing this book has been to provide practitioners new to radioesthesia with a deeper insight into its principles. The first edition was completed last July; while this edition includes some expansions, rewrites and clarifications; yet its overall purpose and ideas remain the same.

Techniques for Treating Mental Illness

Dr. Albert Abrams developed an analysis and healing system he called Electronic Reactions of Abrams (ERA) during the early 1920s. Abrams believed that all living or dead matter emits specific electromagnetic frequencies that can be detected and altered with appropriate devices, making ERA the precursor of modern radionics. American chiropractor Ruth Drown and British homeopath George de la Warr then extended ERA, creating new radionic instruments based on this principle that life force vibration can be altered within an individual by applying certain frequencies to alter vibrational life force vibrational changes within their auras by applying specific frequencies to alter their vibrational fields.

Dowsing techniques and Radionic Instruments are used by practitioners to identify imbalances behind patient symptoms, which could include toxin overload, nutritional deficiencies, emotional and mental strain, trauma incidents or genetic predispositions. Once identified, radionics practitioners broadcast clear energy patterns into the patient’s energy field to balance energy within them rebalancing body energies and eliminate disease.

Before beginning a radionics session, patients or clients are asked to complete a case history form and give their consent. A small hair sample serves as a link between practitioner and patient; this practice follows the “holographic principle,” whereby each piece reflects its entirety.

Hair samples can be used to test for levels of toxins in a patient’s body, monitor nutritional balance and detect bacteria or viruses present. Furthermore, practitioners can imprint or broadcast rates related to organs, glands and systems within their bodies such as immune or nervous systems.

Radiesthetists can also conduct psychological assessments on clients and patients using various rates such as those for “mental imbalance”, “anxiety neurosis”, dual personality” and paranoia. This information can help the practitioner develop an appropriate treatment program taking into account any psychosomatic aspects of an illness.
