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Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy Healing

Edd Edwards has developed techniques that harness the power of brain functions to stimulate and activate metabolic healing. This revolutionary energy healing method represents a significant breakthrough.

Contemporary Complementary and Alternative Medicine practitioners often draw on terminology from non-Western explanatory models and medical systems that describe vital energy or life force; examples include “chi” in Chinese medicine, ki in Japanese medicine and prana in Ayurveda among many others.

What is Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy (B.I.R.E.)?

Edd Edwards is well known for his remarkable skill of manipulating reality with energy through thought alone and has demonstrated it on Coast to Coast radio, History Channel and elsewhere. Using his gifts he will teach participants to feel this energy within themselves, specifically within their brain, and how it can be applied towards healing sessions or self-healing techniques.

Contemporary physics recognizes four forces at work in nature and the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces and possibly another force unknown to science that may operate at even higher levels of organization. Biofield is used to refer to these four types of force operating across many levels – from photons through cells, organisms and to planet Earth itself.

The biofield is an organizing field engaged in the generation, maintenance and regulation of biological homeodynamics. As such, its concept provides an invaluable framework for understanding energy medicine research and clinical practice, including its potential to advance both research and clinical practice. In this paper we outline its origins and discuss its value to advance energy medicine science as a field; additionally it reviews research developments across biofield biology, physiology device technology theoretical models as well as philosophical perspectives.

How is Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy different than other forms of energy healing?

Edd’s energy can be measured using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), an excitation-acceptor pair of molecules where one molecular absorbs energy from another non-radiatively over a distance – an approach which allows one to manipulate atomic scale vibrations of electrons within an atom. His ability to create such an energetic field allows him to perform his work at levels forty times higher than traditional Reiki practitioners and similar practitioners.

Contemporary physics states that there are four fundamental forces at work throughout the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces (with limited range within atoms), as well as electric, magnetic and electromagnetic forms of force-mediated energy – with electromagnetic force playing an especially crucial role in living systems.

Most energy healing modalities are founded on the idea of vital force, while each has their own explanatory model and terminology that reflect their culture’s needs. To bring unity across this wide variety of energetic practices, one of 1992 ad hoc committees advising OAM developed biofield as a working definition of an energetic field which healers sense when conducting practice sessions.

Energy medicine was later combined with other terms in an attempt to create greater clarity, and biofield therapy became the term to describe energy healing practices that involve healer interaction with biofields around living systems, rather than simply acting as treatments for disease.

The biofield concept provides the cornerstone for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and serves as an invaluable framework for future investigations of energy healing phenomena and related phenomena. Furthermore, biofield research represents a pivotal step toward creating a holistic multidimensional view of health and wellness that addresses all facets of human experience.

How can I learn Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy (B.I.R.E.)?

The brain contains a detectable energy field linked to its biofield or electromagnetic field surrounding living cells, providing healing as well as extraordinary abilities like telepathy and precognition. Unfortunately, however, most people don’t possess the skills needed to tap into this energy source for self-healing or personal growth purposes.

This energy comes from interactions between magnetic and electric fields produced by different parts of the brain, and can be directed to switch polarities from positive to negative and back again – known as Forster energy transfer mechanism or Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET).

FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) is an ultrashort distance-dependent phenomenon in which an excited donor fluorophore transfers nonradiative energy nonradiatively to an acceptor fluorophore, creating a pair of molecules separated by within their Forster radius and producing FRET pairs with respective distances within this metric. FRET has long been utilized by scientists studying molecular proximity and dynamic activities; today it’s also being increasingly utilized in single molecule experiments, molecular motors, DNA mechanical movements.

Edd Edwards has created an effective approach for sensing and harnessing resonant energy that can be utilized by anyone seeking to expand their consciousness, heal themselves or assist others in doing the same. He will show you how to sense, control and use bio intrinsic resonant energy polarity frequencies for healing and personal development purposes. He will demonstrate this technique using demonstrations.

What is the purpose of Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy (B.I.R.E.)?

This session’s goal is to teach how to generate and amplify energy within yourself and others. This energy can then be used to help alleviate pain and heal the body. You will also learn techniques to alter polarity of energy flow while strengthening and fine tuning control over this powerful force – providing tools necessary for helping those facing physical or emotional challenges.

Brainwaves can produce near-coherent and coherent waves across all frequencies – low, mid, and upper gamma – associated with states of well-being such as meditation, prayer, deep relaxation or even deep hypnosis. Edd Edwards has successfully created coherence in double blind studies among his clients’ brainwaves proving authenticity of his energy work.

BOLD contrast results from hemodynamically driven changes in tissue and blood vessel oxygenation, and therefore naturally includes non-neural fluctuations due to physiological processes like cardiac pulsatility and respiration (Fox and Raichle 1986). These fluctuations become most apparent when diffusion mechanism is modified so as to be most sensitive to microgradients in capillaries by using SE acquisitions at 7T; shortening T2* of veins reduces diffusion weighting from surrounding tissue microstructure (Weisskoff, Zuo et al. 1994).

At a 10-minute session that effectively relieved chronic back pain, there was a remarkable transformation of client brainwave coherence from disconnection to near perfect alignment – evidence that bio intrinsic resonance energy healing works effectively and validly. This work builds upon Dr. William Levengood’s scientific theory of energy healing as developed originally.
