Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 16, 2024|Editor

Can Humans Reverse Aging?

Researchers have developed a chemical cocktail to reverse aging in mice. The international study has been underway for 13 years and shows how one’s biological age may be far more flexible than chronological age.

If the FDA classifies aging as a disease, drugs could be developed that could significantly postpone death. Meanwhile, here are some easy strategies that may slow or reverse it:

1. Exercise

Though aging is inevitable, its most detrimental effects can be mitigated through leading a healthy lifestyle. Reducing dietary fat and protein consumption, getting enough restful sleep and engaging in physical activities are all vital steps toward slowing the rate of aging; several studies have proven this point through various exercises which target nine hallmarks of aging as part of anti-ageing plans.

Researchers have made an astounding discovery: exercise can rejuvenate skeletal muscle in such a way as to potentially provide new anti-ageing drugs. Exercise causes changes in epigenetics (chemical modifications that alter how genes express) that could help lead to new anti-ageing drugs.

Shinya Yamanaka of Nobel Prize fame used stem cell stimulation to induce new stem cell production that will replace any defunct muscle, tissue or organ cells that were losing function in his cells using four transcription factors known as Oct3/4, Klf4, Sox2 and Myc (OKSM).

These new stem cells possess the power to transform into any cell type in the body; scientists have successfully transformed these cells back into muscle, skin, and even brain cells for use by their patients.

Scientists behind this work are now taking the next step of reverse aging in older cells. While this will be much harder, Munoz Canoves, from Altos Labs in Spain has successfully accomplished it by increasing self-cleaning and regeneration capacities of mouse cells.

InnerAge offers a service to determine your biological age by sending blood samples to a lab. They then use this data to advise you on diet, exercise and restful restorative sleep habits.

2. Diet

Diets rich in fruits, vegetables and plant-based proteins have long been shown to slow the rate of biological aging; now a new study suggests you can actually reverse that process and make yourself younger!

Stony Brook University researchers have recently discovered that switching neurons’ fuel source from glucose to ketones, through mitochondrial biogenesis, may reverse many of the cognitive changes associated with aging.

Participants of a clinical trial were required to reduce caloric intake by 25% or more and their results showed that those who reduced caloric intake slowed biological aging trajectories by 2-3% or more compared with those who didn’t reduce caloric intake.

3. Sleep

Sleep provides our bodies with much-needed rest, rejuvenation and repair of cell damage. A proper night of restful slumber is vital for good health; lack of restful restful slumber may result in weight gain, fatigue, irritability or depression as well as slow healing and memory loss.

Sleep is a complex biological process regulated by multiple brain regions. The hypothalamus, thalamus, pineal gland, and brain stem work in concert to maintain homeostasis of sleep-wake patterns as part of an alerting system called circadian alerting system. Stress, hunger, caffeine intake and electronic device exposure may interfere with this normal process and result in sleep disruptions which may include increased accumulation of damage; accelerated cell senescence; decreased telomere length; altered telomerase activity as well as epigenetic aging effects.

Researchers are becoming more and more aware that sleep disruption is linked to an array of age-related diseases, and studies indicate that altering one’s sleeping pattern could be a potential therapeutic target for many of these conditions.

Studies of sleep and aging can be complicated by methodological differences between laboratory rodents and humans, ecological context and possible adaptive strategies that have evolved as responses to differing naturalistic environments. It’s likely that differences seen across species could reflect adaptation strategies developed as responses.

Studies suggest that one key way in which sleep influences aging is through its ability to restore large-scale cortical networks to their OFF state, through both reestablishing sleep-like activity patterns in areas that had lost them during wakefulness, as well as through increased frequency of localized naps leaking into periods of wakefulness.

4. Stress Reduction

Stress has an enormously detrimental impact on our health. Its effects include inducing a release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that cause inflammation, DNA damage and cell dysfunction – as well as shortening telomeres (protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that protect cells against unravelling). Chronic stress has been linked with early death from numerous illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Scientists have recently discovered that stress’ effects on biological age can be reversed by decreasing its levels. When stress levels remain high, our bodies become unbalanced and are unable to respond appropriately; this increases biological age while increasing risks such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic issues, immune dysfunction and oxidative stress. When our bodies can recover from stressful events quickly enough however, biological age slows and cell function returns more effectively than before.

Researchers have used DNA methylation clocks to gauge biological age, and discovered that those exposed to chronic stress had younger cells compared with those not under strain. Other studies supported this conclusion and demonstrated how when stress responses are eliminated, people are able to reset their DNA methylation clocks and biological age.

Life can improve and your biological age can decrease when you reduce unnecessary stress by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, limiting alcohol consumption and quitting smoking; being physically active also helps. Meditation or biofeedback may be helpful in learning to control emotions and relax more efficiently, and grouping stressful things into those that you can control versus those you can’t before working to let go of anything that doesn’t matter in your life.

5. Sleep Deprivation

Sleep provides our bodies with the opportunity to recharge, repair cells and restore systems. Sleep deprivation may lead to short-term symptoms like lack of energy and difficulty focusing, but can have more long-term consequences such as serious health conditions.

Sleep deprivation can be difficult to deal with on your own, which is why it is recommended to seek medical help if it persists. Your physician can recommend treatment tailored specifically for you depending on its cause.

Sleep deprivation can result from many different sources, such as an inconsistent nighttime sleeping schedule, medical conditions (like congestive heart failure and poorly controlled asthma), medications ( like steroids and stimulants) or mental health issues like depression. Sleep disorders ( like insomnia, sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome) as well as infectious diseases like influenza or the common cold may also contribute to this sleep deprivation.

Studies demonstrate the significance of sleep deprivation on our immune systems. When not getting enough rest, your immune system is less equipped to fight off germs or recover from illness effectively, decreasing its effectiveness of certain vaccines as a result. Furthermore, many forms of sleep deprivation are reversible – if you’re having difficulty sleeping there are ways to change behaviors and pre-sleep rituals so as to more easily get what your body needs for restful slumber.

March 16, 2024|Editor

Does Rife Therapy Work?

Rife machines are electromagnetic devices designed to produce low electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with various pathogens and diseased cells, neutralizing them through resonance. Pioneering scientist Royal Raymond Rife believed that each disease and cancer cell emitted specific frequencies.

Rife frequency therapy scans for frequencies that target microorganisms without damaging healthy tissues or cells – making Rife effective against infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungus or parasites.

What is Rife Therapy?

Royal Raymond Rife was an influential scientist and electrical engineer from the 1930s who pioneered Rife machine therapy – using specific frequencies to disrupt harmful microorganisms that cause diseases. This device is noninvasive, without adverse side effects on healthy cells or tissues; thus making rife machines ideal for chronic inflammatory conditions such as Lyme disease (Borrelia borreliosis), arthritis, and even cancer treatment.

The RIFE frequency set works by targeting the resonant frequency of specific pathogens or viruses and then broadcasting this frequency at them to destroy it – this process is known as bioresonance, and has proven an effective means to kill off viruses and bacteria responsible for illness. Not only does rife therapy destroy harmful pathogens but it detoxifies and relieves stress as well. As such it has proven an invaluable method for healing arthritis, fibromyalgia, IBD, candidiasis glandular fever among many other chronic degenerative illnesses such as arthritis fibromyalgia etc.

Studies have confirmed the ability of rife machines to identify and destroy cancerous cells. This is possible because each organism, from bacteria to viruses to fungi and parasites to amoebas has a specific resonant frequency which when transmitted can create structural stress that eventually disable or kill harmful organisms. Rife machines can even amplify certain cancerous cell frequencies that absorb them more deeply.

Resonant frequencies can then be transmitted back to cancerous cells, killing them without harming healthy surrounding tissue. Rife machines have also proven their worth against various other pathogens like parasites and fungus.

Though the American Cancer Society disproved RIFE machine’s claim of cancer eradication, researchers continue to explore this device for its potential in treating and preventing diseases. Along with killing cancerous cells, Rife therapy also promotes detoxification, boost immune function and increase energy levels within your body. For more information about how Rife therapy could help treat chronic health problems contact Immunity Therapy Center now.

How Does Rife Therapy Work?

Rife Therapy is a noninvasive frequency-based healing modality. It works by emitting low-energy electromagnetic frequencies that penetrate the body to treat diseased cells and promote healing, as well as to harmonise with its own natural vibrational frequencies, leading to balance and overall wellness.

Royal Raymond Rife invented the medical rife machine to produce electromagnetic frequencies imperceptible to human perception. According to him, cancer and microorganisms emitted specific modulation frequencies which he believed he could use to destroy harmful cells without harming healthy ones nearby.

Plasma ray tubes in rife devices generate radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields that penetrate the body to disrupt cancerous cells. Based on similar principles to those which cause intense musical notes to shatter glass, Rife theorized that these vibrational frequencies would destroy cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

At the start of a session, clients relax comfortably on specialized footplates connected to the rife machine. Plasma tubes emit electromagnetic RF waves which travel out from them towards their treatment area and penetrate deeply into tissues to activate natural healing mechanisms within them.

Rife machines can treat an array of microorganisms and conditions, including herpes, spinal meningitis, influenza, Lyme disease and cancer. Furthermore, Rife machines may help with chronic health issues like fibromyalgia or autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or Lupus.

Rife Therapy not only treats diseased cells but can also reduce stress levels and boost energy by creating balance within the body. When combined with other holistic modalities like herbal remedies or acupuncture, Rife Therapy offers a holistic approach to wellness.

As an emerging technology, rife therapy remains uncharted territory; however, research and patient testimonials demonstrate its effectiveness as an alternative cancer therapy option. Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy uses Rife Therapy as part of her holistic cancer care services at Cancer Center for Healing.

Can Rife Therapy Kill Cancer?

Rife Therapy operates under the theory of bioresonance, which suggests that diseased cells and pathogens emitting electromagnetic frequencies that can be detected with special devices and utilized to neutralize them without harming healthy cells. Although scientific consensus remains divided about its efficacy, many have taken a cautious view and offered no concrete proof for the effectiveness of Rife therapy as treatment option.

Rife therapy has grown increasingly popular with those seeking alternative healing approaches, particularly holistic therapies such as acupuncture and nutrition. While rife machines cannot cure cancer directly, they have proven useful in treating chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis and viral infections among other health problems.

Rife treatment sessions are painless and noninvasive, using plasma ray tubes to generate radio wave frequencies which are then directed at hands or feet of patients in a random pattern, to keep bacteria or pathogens from adapting their frequency accordingly. This leads to their destruction while normal cell functions return.

Rife therapy has long been recognized for its ability to treat viruses and other diseases, but recent evidence also points toward its ability to reduce inflammation and facilitate detoxification processes in the body. Rife frequencies can be transmitted throughout your entire system–lymphatic system and bloodstream included! Their vibrational energy stimulates cellular repair processes while improving immunity.

Individuals considering Rife Therapy should conduct extensive research on all available modalities before making informed decisions about which one best meets their personal preferences and goals. Through research they will make more informed choices as to which rife modality meets them best.

Cancer Center for Healing staff are passionate about offering comprehensive holistic treatments to people of all ages. Working closely with each client, they develop an individualized health plan tailored specifically for them which takes into account physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. Their staff have experience using numerous natural remedies including rife therapy and vibrational energy medicine – which offer additional services.

Can Rife Therapy Prevent Cancer?

Rife Therapy uses resonant frequency treatments to target microorganisms and biological processes within the body. Royal Raymond Rife developed the technology in 1920 based on his discovery that all organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites release electromagnetic frequencies; with his research in mind he created Rife machine which finds frequencies that resonate naturally with these organisms and emits impulses at that same frequency – disintegrating their bodies while leaving healthy cells alone unaffected. A similar effect can be achieved using high musical notes which emit an intense musical note which will cause them disintegration while leaving healthy cells unaffected. This effect is comparable with what musical notes do when they hit intense musical notes can shatter glass!

Plasma Ray Tubes of a Rife Machine generate radiofrequency electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies that resonate with those produced by pathogens, forcing them to absorb energy until their capacity to maintain themselves becomes compromised, eventually leading to death of these pathogens. This process is known as radio-frequency killing.

Rife machines are widely renowned for their ability to not only detect and eliminate harmful organisms, but also promote natural healing processes in the body. Research conducted with this technology indicates improvements to blood health, regeneration of cellular and tissue regeneration as well as strengthening natural immunity systems. Rife Machine Therapy can even serve as an alternative form of cancer treatment by targeting its root causes rather than just treating symptoms.

While more scientific research needs to be completed, many patients have reported positive outcomes after including Rife Machine Therapy as part of their holistic treatment plan. It can be used alongside traditional therapies like chemotherapy or surgery or be added as an extra preventative wellness measure.

Those interested in Rife Machine Therapy must work with a provider they trust who can offer education and support throughout their journey. At the Cancer Center for Healing, our team of qualified healthcare professionals offer holistic care led by Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy for optimal wellness outcomes. Get in touch with us now to explore Rife Machine Therapy as part of alternative cancer treatments or for wellness goals of any kind!

March 16, 2024|Editor

What Does a Holistic Practitioner Do?

If you’re experiencing symptoms of illness, traditional physicians will likely provide medical solutions designed to alleviate them while holistic practitioners will seek deeper to identify its source and treat that instead.

Therapists employ both conventional and holistic treatments, using science and modern procedures, to help their patients feel their best. Therapy requires commitment from all parties involved; without it, therapies won’t work effectively.


Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body with needles to send signals along nerve pathways leading to the spinal cord and brain that alter how pain is relayed and help alleviate symptoms of discomfort, as well as boost mood and make you feel better emotionally.

Acupuncturists use various techniques such as herbal medicine and massage therapy. Additionally, they may prescribe dietary supplements or exercises that will aid your healing. Meditation and yoga may be suggested to reduce stress.

Traditional doctors work alongside alternative therapists to assist their patients in pinpointing the source of their illness, so it’s important to thoroughly research any prospective alternative therapist before meeting one in person. You want to be certain they’ll provide quality medical treatment and not simply suggest alternative remedies which haven’t been validated scientifically.

Are they taking the time to listen and answer all your questions about holistic treatment plans? A good holistic practitioner will always take their time getting to know the individual they’re treating – never rushing their appointment; that way they can create the appropriate treatment plan tailored just for them and your overall body health, not simply symptoms.

Qualifications needed to become a holistic practitioner will depend on what kind of career path you wish to follow. For instance, becoming a naturopathic doctor involves completing a degree program which covers herbal treatments and other natural forms of healing; but in order to practice integrative medical doctor you’ll require full licensing and extensive training in various healthcare techniques.


Massage therapy involves manipulating soft tissue of the body for therapeutic benefit and is widely accepted as part of integrative medicine. Techniques vary, but typically include stroking, kneading, warming and pressing of skin, muscles tendons and ligaments to ease pain, increase energy levels and promote overall well-being. Massage was once only offered at high-end spas or health clubs but now it has become widely accessible as an integral component of holistic healthcare and even hospices or units for those living with learning disabilities or mental health disorders.

There are various kinds of massage, such as cranial sacral massage which uses light touch and movement to assess and address imbalances within the craniosacral system – the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that protect both brain and spinal cord – or aromatherapy, which uses plant oils derived from plants to improve mood and relaxation.

While massage is generally safe, it should not be used to treat serious medical conditions like severe bleeding or ruptured blood vessels. Furthermore, massage should not be performed over areas of pressure sores or edema – swelling caused by fluid accumulation in cells, tissues and body cavities – because such activities could increase swelling significantly and create pressure sores or lead to pressure sores forming on these locations.

An effective holistic practitioner must complete at least 500 hours of training and certification, depending on state regulations. This includes studying anatomy, physiology, pathology, kinesiology ethics massage theory techniques. Some states may also impose additional licensing requirements such as background checks criminal record clearance CPR first aid certification.

Relationships between patients and holistic practitioners can often be intimate, so it is crucial for both parties to feel at ease with one another. When considering potential holistic practitioners it is a good idea to get recommendations from family, friends, or health care professionals for recommendations of potential holistic practitioners as well as visit their office prior to scheduling any sessions so you can see where they’re located and get an idea of their practice style.


Naturopathy is a holistic form of medicine. Naturopaths believe in the body’s inherent capacity for self-healing and employ various healing practices such as herbal medicines and nutritional counseling as part of this holistic practice. Additionally, they promote practices such as meditation and exercise as wellness practices which complement conventional medical treatments. Naturopathy has gained prominence among patients searching for alternatives.

When consulting a naturopathic practitioner, they will typically begin by reviewing your health history and conducting an overall wellness evaluation before devising an individualized prevention or treatment plan that may include both conventional and alternative approaches to achieve long-term wellbeing.

Naturopaths possess an in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and nutrition. Committed to lifelong learning and often very curious and open-minded. Furthermore, they possess excellent listening and verbal communication skills as well as practicing what they preach by prioritizing both their mental and physical well-being.

Holistic practitioners take an alternative view on illness than traditional doctors do: that it results from an imbalance within an individual, rather than simply masking symptoms with medicines. They believe the body has an inherent healing capacity; by treating its root cause(s), any disease should eventually vanish and the patient will recover fully.

Many people mistake holistic doctors as alternative medicine professionals; they’re actually fully licensed medical doctors with specialty training in manual manipulation of the musculoskeletal system and whole-body techniques. Their salaries typically range anywhere between $20,000 and $100,000 per year depending on factors like education level, experience level and employer.

Before choosing a holistic doctor, it’s essential to do your research. Check their credentials and if they are certified or licensed; read reviews and testimonials; also pay attention how the doctor makes you feel during their initial consultation – ensure he or she respects your concerns and values, making you feel safe with them.

Nutrition counseling

Holistic health practitioners take an holistic approach when treating their clients, taking into account all three elements: body, mind and spirit. They believe there is an interconnection among your various body systems; therefore they assess how lifestyle choices, diet and emotions impact symptoms affecting them. Holistic approaches provide an effective alternative for anyone wanting to take control of their own healthcare but who do not want sole reliance on traditional medications.

Practitioners take an in-depth approach to diagnosing illness. While traditional doctors may offer medical solutions that simply manage symptoms, holistic practitioners seek solutions that eradicate disease altogether and stop its return – using techniques such as acupuncture and massage therapy to make you feel better.

Holistic practitioners use natural treatments, such as herbal remedies and dietary supplements, to assist their patients with managing their symptoms. They will also teach patients how to make healthier food choices and exercise regularly – as well as provide stress management assistance – which plays a large role in many chronic conditions.

Holistic practitioners go beyond simply promoting wellness; they also collaborate with other healthcare professionals like massage therapists and nutritionists to offer clients more comprehensive care plans. Telemedicine allows holistic practitioners to reach patients who cannot visit their clinic directly.

Holistic practitioners frequently draw from different cultural traditions, like Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine, for inspiration. These methods have roots in ancient wisdom and provide patients with deeper sources of spiritual renewal and community support – something which may prove especially helpful for people recovering from chronic illnesses who require extra assistance during recovery.

Telehealth industry growth is remarkable and understandably so. Telehealth technology is becoming more widely adopted among consumers, making its way into holistic healthcare providers’ practices as well. Therefore, this career option would suit someone looking to help others lead happier and healthier lives.

March 16, 2024|Editor

The Genomic Background of CNV Waves in Whole Genome Sequencing

CNVs encompass everything from small deletions to aneuploidies and are linked with multiple diseases. Unfortunately, detecting them remains a challenging endeavor both using DNA microarrays and next-generation sequencing experiments.

Multiple methods have been proposed to identify and link CNVs with disease-relevant phenotypes, including creating prior knowledge networks (PKNs) from text mining and gene expression data.

1. High-throughput

Genome-wide differences among individuals may result from SNVs (single nucleotide variants), translocations, inversions or copy number variants (CNVs; gain or loss of DNA molecules), mutations, translocations or inversions that lead to copy number variants; CNVs can range from small insertion/deletion mutations up to full aneuploidies in DNA molecules – they may even serve as biomarkers in diagnostic tests! Knowing more about CNVs associated with complex diseases as well as understanding their genomic background remains an area of focus research for many.

Current genome sequencing approaches can detect rare CNVs with an acceptable false discovery rate (FDR), however to reduce false positives it is necessary to create more effective algorithms capable of distinguishing true from false positive CNV calls. Such algorithms should take into account factors like surrounding genes and expression levels when making this determination, as well as functional impact of CNVs; such impact assessment could include protein level changes or changes in Kinase Phosphorylation Status status or engineering them into model organisms so their consequences may be assessed more directly.

Not only can genomic CNV wave whole genome sequencing technology detect CNVs, but it can also be utilized for somatic tumor profiling and clinical applications such as identification of potential drug targets. To do this, specialized sample preparation kits and sequencing platforms with proven performance for advanced genomic applications must be utilized.

Illumina Sequencing Platform offers long-read sequencing capabilities and customizable data analysis tools that are suitable for a range of applications, with reliable reagent and instrument designs, advanced software that processes complex samples efficiently, as well as tools like the BaseSpace Variant Interpreter that help researchers interpret genetic data to identify variants or biological pathways which might compromise patient health.

Genomic CNV Wave Whole Genome Sequencing VEP software provides another helpful resource, prioritizing and filtering CNVs based on several criteria, such as their effect on specific phenotypes, location within known genes, overlap with SNP-GWAS signals and presence or absence of transcription factor binding sites in affected regions as well as whether or not they reside in high information areas of regulatory networks.

2. Fast turnaround

Next-generation sequencing (NGS), an increasingly powerful technology, has dramatically transformed both genetic research and clinical care. NGS allows multiplexed genomic analysis with advanced bioinformatics data curation tools as well as various other omics studies such as transcriptomics, epigenomics and metagenomics – providing high throughput sequencing data valuable for disease variant identification as well as rapid clinical diagnostics.

NGS platform facilitates both whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing (WES), providing access to genetic variants resulting in SNVs, CNVs, insertions, and deletions within protein-coding genes. This approach can detect SNVs, CNVs, insertions, and deletions associated with genetic diseases as well as cancer. WES involves enrichment of exonic regions using hybrid capture or targeted amplification techniques followed by high throughput sequencing; an alternative option to WGS that still allows identification of numerous disease-causing genetic variations.

Low-pass WGS provides greater genome-wide coverage, more evenly distributed reads and higher resolution for CNV detection than CMA alone. Furthermore, its better accuracy in estimating exact CNV boundaries helps avoid hybridization saturation while longer read lengths and paired-end sequencing can further increase resolution and sensitivity when it comes to CNV identification.

Noting the accuracy of NGS-based CNV analysis depends on many variables, including the sequencing platform used, amount of DNA needed for sequencing, read length, and sequencing mode (paired-end vs single-end). Furthermore, interpreting and reporting CNVs generated from NGS data is no simple task; an incorrect description could cause other healthcare providers to perform family validation for the same variant or misinterpret its clinical significance resulting in inappropriate guidance for treatment of patients.

Genomic CNV Wave Whole Genome Sequencing was recently used for prenatal diagnosis testing on infants in intensive care units with suspected genetic diseases. This method offers much faster turnaround than conventional NGS methods and can even be done within the hospital itself, with results sent directly to their referring physician in days. This new technology may allow families to receive diagnoses faster while also cutting costs at medical facilities.

3. Customizable

CNV discovery in large genome sequencing projects can be difficult due to the noise characteristics of raw sequencing data. Due to factors like extraction techniques, sample storage conditions and immune system status at blood draw time causing different levels of background noise which result in genomic waves in chromosome coverage which over or underestimate CNVs.

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology offers several advantages over microarrays in terms of high sensitivity and precise breakpoint location, but its use remains restricted due to factors like sample heterogeneity, genomic distance between target sequence and probes used for hybridization, and GC content bias that could influence its signal.

To address these challenges, cnvHiTSeq employs multiple postprocessing and filtering steps. The first is to remove overlapping signals between probes that are close in genomic distance (such as deletion and duplication) while isolated signals likely due to chromosome rearrangements are downweighted due to likely spurious associations.

An additional post-processing step involves discarding CNVs based on their length or confidence score to prevent false positives, which may arise due to misinterpretation of noise in raw sequence data, insufficient sample coverage or longer genomic distances that could indicate sampling errors or chromosome rearrangement. This step is especially important for the detection of larger and higher confidence CNVs.

Another essential step is reducing the chimera rate, or the number of reads spanning two separate genomic regions due to mismatches between original sample DNA and reference genome. This is often encountered when performing WGA due to variability in nucleotide composition between samples; CNV analysis is particularly susceptible as its reads tend to favor regions with lower GC content.

To address this problem, cnvHiTSeq utilizes a three-state model consisting of red (0), gray (1) and green (2) states to assign weights according to an idealized diploid reference genome’s expected allele frequency – this enables it to detect CNVs which would otherwise go undetected by other methods with more rigid state definitions.

4. Affordable

CNVs are more prevalent than single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in human genome, and their effects are usually more profound [1, 2]. Yet accurately detecting both large and small CNVs from low-coverage WGS data remains challenging. Traditional methods involve mapping sequence reads back to a reference genome and looking for discrepancies such as missing or overlapped fragments; some methods also take into account distance between adjacent bins or orientation of sequences; however these approaches can produce false positive results due to bias or sequencing errors [3, 3, 4, 5].

Digital-WGS greatly overcomes these limitations, with one recent study showing it could identify single-cell CNVs with 52.4-kb resolution at an ADO rate of just 5%. This high resolution is made possible through addressable control of droplets during all steps of sequencing reactions, providing sufficient release of genomic DNA from chromosomes, uniform amplification, and eliminating allelic dropout.

Another advantage of digital-WGS technology is its affordability; even with high throughput sequencing capabilities, the cost is considerably less than with other whole genome sequencing technologies such as centrifugal emulsion amplification (eMDA).

The method involves using DNA extracted from individual metaphase chromosomes extracted using laser microdissection, microfluidics or flow cytometry as input into a population haplotype construction algorithm for use in discovering CNVs and genotyping them. As different sample types produce different effects upon DNA inputs from population haplotype construction algorithms, probability distributions specific to each data type can be used to model them before creating a CNV calling pipeline that takes into account all sources of information and thus makes this suitable for both large and small CNVs.

March 16, 2024|Editor

Biohacking London – Is it For You?

Biohacking” has become an increasingly popular way of improving wellness. From sleep tracking and meditation, to injecting young blood directly into the body, many biohackers have experienced tangible results from their methods.

Amateur labs are springing up all around the world, such as Open Wetlab in Silicon Valley and Genspace in Brooklyn. You could also join an Extended Longevity Retreat which combines biohacking with exercise and healthy diet for optimal wellbeing.

Get A Drip

Biohacking – the practice of improving one’s health through changes to diet and lifestyle – has come of age this year. From millions tracking steps on smartwatches to holistic brands like Bamford offering cryo chambers as part of spa services, wellness optimization is becoming an ever-more-successful trend that shows no sign of abating anytime soon.

Get A Drip is poised to revolutionize the wellbeing scene with their custom vitamin drips, offering cost-effective and hassle-free national delivery across locations nationwide as well as appearances at wellness festivals. In addition, DNA testing and nutrigenomics services are offered, which identifies an individual’s genetic makeup to optimise nutrition and dietary intake.

Gwyneth Paltrow and the Kardashians are among the clients of Get A Drip, on a mission to change its exclusive status by making the treatment accessible and cost-effective. Get A Drip is offering concession franchise opportunities for existing salons or clinics as well as full clinic franchise opportunities.

Get A Drip offers an array of biohacking practices including oxygen infusion, lymphatic compression, LED photobiomodulation and photobiomodulation, ozone therapy and whole body vibration. In addition, they have their flagship LondonCryo location at King’s Road with full cryotherapy technologies available – and more expansion plans planned throughout UK cities for this year alone!

Remedi is a luxury clinic dedicated to holistic wellness that takes an integrative approach. Offering everything from aesthetic treatments and integrative medicine to reiki and Reiki healing sessions, Remedi offers customers up to an hour consultation sessions with consultants or doctors in order to discuss any concerns they have and curate a tailor-made program of treatments that fits perfectly into their lives.

The company’s founders, all with backgrounds in healthcare, believe that modern life has put undue stress on human bodies, and that it is up to us all to regain physical and mental wellbeing. Their services utilize evidence-based approaches designed to optimize performance while helping the body adapt to daily demands of life.

Grey Wolfe

To be successful in life, having a good night’s rest is vitally important. Sleep will allow your brain to function more clearly and make smart decisions while improving both mood and energy levels. A poor night of rest can leave you feeling like zombie so prioritising sleep as much as possible is paramount to success.

Grey Wolfe provides this video as a means of biohacking sleep for optimal results. They utilize various techniques – light therapy, melatonin supplements and earplugs – to help create an ideal sleeping environment and promote quality restful restful slumber. In addition, Grey Wolfe provides monitoring devices so you can track progress towards improving your restfulness.

One of the hottest wellness trends this year has been biohacking – an approach to improving health and wellbeing through technology, supplements, or augmented reality. Biohacking stems from the idea that there may be natural ways to live longer while accomplishing more in life.

Biohacking tools include injections, IV drips and various supplements containing nutrients; they are typically used to strengthen immunity, decrease inflammation and increase blood flow. It is important to keep in mind that not all biohacking methods are safe; thus all applications of this methodology must be undertaken under professional guidance.

Grey Wolfe Wellness Clinic in London combines cutting-edge biotechnological science with spirituality in an inclusive membership model clinic that offers treatments such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, infrared saunas, cool sculpting, biocharger and whole body vibration machine treatments; its services are supported by medical data and scientific research.

Grey Wolfe Wellness Clinic’s founders were intent on creating something more than a typical beauty salon. Instead, their approach combines medical aesthetics, integrative medicine and spiritual practice into one space that was both luxurious and welcoming.

Danzey and Danzey, the clinic’s founders, believe that health lies within each individual. Biohacking provides a means of unlocking our bodies’ secrets easily and quickly.


Biohacking isn’t just a passing fad. It’s here to stay and involves various techniques aimed at improving both immune system health, sleep patterns, strength gains, cognitive performance and age related conditions. Biohacking techniques may even help slow the aging process while improving overall wellbeing – from simple fitness apps and supplements to hyperbaric oxygen chambers!

For anyone wanting to begin biohacking, here are a few steps they should take: Initially, track your daily habits – diet and exercise included. This will give you a good sense of what’s working and what isn’t; identify patterns that work and adjust as necessary – for instance some may track stress levels and sleep patterns to see how they impact them; while others might track blood glucose levels to optimize nutrition.

Once you know which biohacks work for you, try different variations to see what suits. For instance, adding a protein shake to your morning routine or drinking water with lemon can be useful; light therapy treatments like photobiomodulation (PBMT), which uses specific wavelengths of red light to penetrate cells, can speed recovery time, reduce pain levels and stimulate hair growth. Or you could try unique LondonCryo treatment that offers multiple advantages to skin, immune system and blood circulation, including acne relief, inflammation reduction and decreased fine lines and wrinkles while stimulating collagen/elastin production which helps restore youth back into skin!

For those looking to take their biohacking further, there are clinics offering tailored services and immersive experiences. BelleCell Wellness Club, for instance, is an exclusive wellness club which specializes in science-based solutions for beauty and well-being based around genetic testing as well as anti-ageing cellular therapy for anti-ageing. Indulgent events hosted at BelleCell include talks by leading scientists as well as wellness activities like shamanic ecstatic dance and reiki treatments.

My Hotel

My Hotel is an immersive world of fantasy where you play as one of its many characters. Featuring a thrilling storyline, character development, and puzzles to complete. There are multiple areas you can explore as well as hidden treasures to uncover – making My Hotel both challenging and rewarding with stunning graphics that come free with each update containing new characters or quests!

Wellness industries are experiencing significant growth, with hotels and resorts providing treatments to help guests feel their best. From weight loss, improved sleep quality or increased energy, wellness treatments can help achieve your desired goals more quickly than ever.

Biohacking has quickly become one of the hottest wellness trends, involving small changes to both body and lifestyle that aim to enhance overall health and well-being. Such modifications might include taking supplements or intermittent fasting regimens as well as engaging in acupuncture treatments – this trend also serves to decrease stress, anxiety and improve mental agility.

Numerous hotels now provide biohacking services, with Six Senses Ibiza recently unveiling the Longevity Suite to showcase this trend. This wellness facility provides various biohacking treatments like LED therapy for remodelling localized areas and ancient Japanese Kobido to rejuvenate skin, with a team of specialists available to provide advice and recommend effective techniques that may aid your wellbeing.

BelleCell, a luxury spa located in Mayfair, London is another hotel embracing biohacking as part of their wellness services. They use hyper-personalised science-based solutions for attaining optimal wellbeing including genetic testing and lifestyle assessments as well as regenerative therapies – including their flagship treatment of BelleCell Revitalisation Premium which costs $41,231.