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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 14, 2024|Editor

Local Vibration Therapy

Local vibration therapy offers an innovative solution to expediting muscle recovery by minimizing post-exercise muscle damage. Unlike whole-body vibration (WBV), however, local muscle vibration only impacts soft tissues without stimulating cardiovascular systems.

Recent research has demonstrated that using a low-frequency massage gun with local vibrating pad significantly enhanced calf muscle function immediately and without overburdening muscles.

Improved Muscle Activation

Vibration can act as a mechanical stimulus that stimulates muscle spindles to increase their excitatory response and thus the strength of skeletal muscles. This effect may be the result of tonic vibratory reflex (TVR), which occurs when vibrations are applied to muscles. TVR is a proprioceptive spinal reflex which increases firing rate of Golgi tendon organ and decreases inhibitory signal from this nerve to motoneuron pool resulting in increased excitatory signal which in turn results in greater muscle strength without increasing work performed by muscles.

Studies examining the effects of local vibration therapy on muscle performance and recovery from exercise-induced muscle fatigue have provided insight into its effectiveness for improving function and reducing post-exercise soreness. Studies also demonstrate how local vibration therapy increases activation levels while increasing flexibility of muscles and ligaments structures, promotes blood and lymphatic fluid circulation around synovial joints, as well as alleviate joint capsule swelling/contracture.

One study that investigated the effects of local vibration training on cortical voluntary activation (VMA) of biceps and triceps muscles revealed that mechanical vibration enhanced both their amplitude and coactivation; suggesting it can boost resistance training’s effect in increasing muscle strength among older individuals with sarcopenia.

One study evaluated the effects of whole-body and local vibration therapy on patients suffering from chronic low back pain (CLBP). They discovered that both WBV and local vibration significantly improved VAS, NRS, and ODI scores for CLBP patients but not those in control groups; additionally, CLBP groups who received vibration experienced greater improvements in static and dynamic balance capability compared with controls.

Although these studies show promising results, there was substantial variation across trials due to factors like age, duration of intervention and vibration pattern. Some researchers also employed different sham/control groups that may alter results.

Increased Muscle Strength

Local vibration differs from whole body vibration (WBV) in that it only stimulates afferents that activate muscle spindles, leading to only weak activation of muscle fibers due to lower frequency and amplitude vibration stimuli. Therefore, local vibration can be used effectively without changing training volume or increasing load on muscles – an approach especially helpful for elderly individuals suffering from sarcopenia who have limited strength and mobility.

Studies have also demonstrated that local vibration therapy increases muscular endurance and power, similar to WBV but less noticeable due to vibration signals dissipating into unaffected tissues.

Local vibration stimulates muscle spindle afferents, sending feedback signals back to the central nervous system (CNS). This stimulation leads to tonic contraction from agonist muscles and reciprocal inhibition from antagonists; it also increases velocity for eccentric actions of these same muscles – an effect which may help explain why local vibration enhances strength-training exercises as well as jumps and sprints more effectively.

Studies have also demonstrated that vibration can speed up the time necessary to reach maximum strength and power after engaging in resistance exercise sessions, due to increasing nervous and cardiovascular system activity. Unfortunately, its exact mechanisms remain unknown but could include nerve growth-inhibition mechanisms.

Local vibration therapy appears to aid recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage. One study discovered that local vibration therapy significantly decreased levels of myoglobin, CK, and LDH in muscles post exercise when compared with control groups.

Vibration added to self-administered release techniques (such as foam rolling) can augment their benefits and help athletes reduce DOMS, pain pressure sensitivity and proprioception more efficiently, which in turn enables more effective training sessions while decreasing injury risks. Athletes may use vibration therapy during warmups before each workout period – however the duration and method of application will determine its most efficient usage.

Reduced Muscle Pain

Vibration therapy may work to stimulate bone-building cells known as osteoblasts in your body, leading to bone formation. Therefore, vibration therapy has often been referred to as “bone-building technology.”

Whole-body vibration therapy requires standing on a platform vibrating at a certain frequency and amplitude, while localized vibration therapy involves your therapist using a portable device over specific areas such as your calves, thighs or shoulders to stimulate specific muscles.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of local vibration therapy in relieving muscle pain. While results vary depending on where exactly the vibration device was applied, one team of researchers utilized a massage gun to apply vibration over quadriceps muscle of knee. They found that vibration reduced muscle pain while improving knee function – this marked the first time researchers had used such device specifically targeted quadriceps muscle treatment.

Recent research demonstrated how segmental vibration therapy, or “segmental vibration”, can effectively enhance power, flexibility and reduce self-reported muscle pain after exercise in healthy adults. Researchers discovered that when vibration was applied directly to specific muscle belly or tendon locations it increased torque development rate during dynamic exercises while decreasing perceived stiffness levels.

Vibration therapy has seen increasing attention as an approach for treating sports injuries, specifically back issues and muscle damage after exercise. Studies have examined its effects on performance measures such as muscle activation/stimulation/strength/power output as well as joint stability/flexibility / range of motion/range of motion.

Recent meta-analysis results indicate that vibration therapy can help decrease pain and improve lumbar function in those suffering chronic low back pain. However, researchers note that evidence may still be limited and more RCTs need to be conducted before making definitive statements regarding clinical relevance.

Vibration therapy is an efficient and safe way to increase muscle contractions, enhance balance and decrease pain after physical exertion or injury. Furthermore, vibration therapy can be used as part of a pre-exercise warm-up routine to enhance performance – particularly among athletes looking for ways to raise intensity with reduced effort or risk of injury.

Improved Range of Motion

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of local vibration therapy on muscle flexibility, range of motion and pain reduction after exercise. Unfortunately, research in this area is highly variable due to methodological variations such as type of stimulus used (WBV vs local VT), the amplitude and frequency settings on vibrators used as well as using sham controls – factors which may impact findings or interpretation of results.

Vibration has long been known to stimulate muscle fibers and enhance proprioceptive information from the musculoskeletal system to the brain. Local vibration therapy may further amplify these effects by directly impacting soft tissues in the area being stimulated, such as by placing vibrators directly on muscles or tendons.

One study examined the effects of both high- and low-frequency vibration foam rolling on quadriceps muscle. They discovered that low-frequency vibration was more effective at increasing flexibility and decreasing perceptions of tightness after exercise due to greater stimulation of afferent nerve fibers within muscles, helping block neurological “gates” associated with DOMS signals.

Traditional Chinese Medicine theory serves as the basis of local vibration therapy, an intervention mode aimed at relieving exercise-induced muscular fatigue by targeting related muscle groups and their acupoints. Three meridians were specifically selected during local vibration therapy sessions: the Governing Meridian, Foot Bladder Meridian and Hand Triple Yin Meridians.

WBV may help reduce pain and improve lumbar function, but it can also worsen muscle fatigue. A more effective approach may involve combining WBV with local vibration therapy for maximum effectiveness.

Mechanical vibration as an aid to muscle activation and strength is still relatively novel; only a handful of studies have explored its use thus far. To assess whether vibration induces beneficial changes to muscle activation, strength, joint flexibility/range of motion or range of motion measurements of participants enrolled in studies was examined for this review; on average all but one found improvement following exposure to vibration therapy.

February 14, 2024|Editor

Energy Healing Therapy Near Me

energy healing therapy near me

Energy healing is a holistic practice designed to activate your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Energy healing helps break through any obstacles standing in its way – thoughts, emotions or physical trauma may all act as potential sources of discomfort and disruption in health.

An experienced practitioner can offer various energy therapy modalities, such as Reiki, Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) and Polarity Therapy.


Reiki (pronounced Rei-ki) is a gentle yet effective form of energy healing, derived from Japanese words for universal life energy and spiritually guided life force energy. Used for treating various conditions and having been shown to reduce daily stress levels, increase immune system functioning and promote physical and emotional healing; in some instances it can even assist with recovering from surgery or chemotherapy side effects – it may even be administered as part of your healthcare team’s plan!

Reiki practitioners employ gentle hand placements on or above the body, encouraging healthy life force energy flow while clearing away blocks to its flow and relaxing it deeply – sometimes felt as tingling or coolness; often followed by deep relaxation similar to massage therapy sessions; some people even report experiencing colors or experiencing emotional release as emotional blockages are released.

Reiki sessions generally last 60 to 90 minutes and cost $60-150 depending on the practitioner and location. As this noninvasive and natural therapy poses no contraindications, reiki is also becoming increasingly popular as an adjunct treatment in hospitals as an additional complementary modality.

If you’re considering booking a reiki session, be sure to do your research and locate an experienced practitioner with a strong reputation. Ask friends or family for recommendations; otherwise look online directory directories like Whitepages; keep in mind many practitioners don’t fall under any licensing or regulation scheme and should have an established healing background before booking their services.

Not only can energy healing open your energy channels and unlock their healing powers, it can also open your emotional channels so you can tap into love, forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance – an especially helpful service for athletes, who may be too focused on physical performance to notice emotional blockages that might be hindering performance.

Reiki should never be seen as a replacement for medical care; however, studies have demonstrated its benefits in helping healthcare professionals manage burnout, facilitate self-healing, and enhance job satisfaction, according to one published in Integrative Medicine. Reiki can also restore balance to parasympathetic nervous systems – which is key in maintaining optimal health, according to Miles.

Somato Respiratory Integration

Somato Respiratory Integration, or SRI, is a series of breathing exercises designed to connect you with the natural energy within your body and facilitate healing and growth. It uses gentle touch, breath and movement techniques combined with gentle touch from gentle touch therapy providers as part of Network Spinal Analysis; an energy healing practice focused on reconnecting body and brain and encouraging optimal living and reaching full potential.

SRI practitioners will lead you through twelve exercises using breath, touch, and movement that utilize breathwork, touch therapy and touch therapies to recreate patterns from your physiology and respiration that occur when experiencing negative or positive events in life. Dr. Donald Epstein saw these rhythms were predictable and developed 12 exercises for moving through these various seasons – known as Seasons of Change – successfully.

Somato Respiratory Integration sessions are similar to Network Spinal Entrainment treatments, except that there are no adjustments of the spine involved. Instead, your practitioner will use light touches on the neck, back and hips to help the nervous system release tension and trauma stored within. This allows the body and brain to reunite so you can rediscover who you truly are.

As you progress through each SRI stage, you will gain greater insight into yourself and your body’s natural wisdom. The process helps you recognize your individual rhythms and how best to use them for various situations – making SRI an effective method for personal growth and emotional healing, whether alone or combined with other forms of energy healing techniques.

Energy healing is an effective and natural way to break through outdated beliefs about yourself and discover who you truly are. From physical pain relief to past trauma relief, energy modalities offer safe and natural ways of improving overall health. Contact Twin Waves Wellness Center now to book your session with one of our energy healers – they would be more than happy to support your journey to recovery!


Kinesiology, a type of energy healing therapy, uses muscle monitoring or “muscle testing” to detect imbalances within the body. After correcting any discrepancies detected through muscle testing, a Kinesiologist can work towards restoring proper energy flow so as to help the client attain holistic wellness and reach an overall state of wellbeing. Kinesiology can address many physical and emotional conditions, such as digestive issues, menopause symptoms, pain relief and fatigue management.

Kinesiologists combine ancient Eastern medicine with Western understandings of neuroscience and anatomy physiology to use muscle testing as a technique for pinpointing stress in the body. Our experiences can become stored as cellular/muscle memory, so this technique allows the kinesiologist to pinpoint where stress originates, so clients can release that stress for healthy balance again.

Therapists may apply pressure to certain energy points within the body in order to reduce emotional stress and promote physical wellbeing, commonly referred to as energy stabilizing reflexes (ESR). Research has demonstrated the power of ESR points at decreasing adrenaline response caused by stressful situations; this method may prove particularly helpful for individuals suffering from chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or headaches.

ESR therapy also enables therapists to identify negative patterns in an individual’s behavior and lifestyle, and offer solutions that can change it. This is essential as someone living under chronic stress often is unaware how it’s impacting them; undiagnosed conditions could arise later down the line.

Many people believe traditional Chinese medicine and modern Western techniques exist as two distinct worlds that never cross, yet kinesiology is changing this perception. Combining both Eastern and Western techniques for holistic wellness, kinesiology has become increasingly popular in Hong Kong thanks to local practitioner Brett Scott who established Kinesiology Asia clinic. People seeking this alternative healing therapy seek a comprehensive approach that improves both their mental and emotional well-being.

Energy Psychology

Energy psychology is an alternative medicine approach to mental and physical wellbeing, asserting that an individual’s natural state should be balanced, with disruptions to energy flow causing physical illness or emotional malaise. Practitioners of energy psychology believe meridians and chakras may become blocked or unsupported due to trauma, toxins or other external influences preventing optimal flow.

Psychodrama therapy is often utilized in tandem with cognitive behavioral therapy and gestalt therapy to combat hyperarousal, which may result in anxiety, dread, difficulty sleeping and feelings of jumpiness. Traumatic memories or fears may create blocks in our natural energy systems and hinder relaxation preventing full relaxation and peace from being experienced.

Energy psychology comes in different forms and settings; some types can be practiced independently while others lend themselves better to group therapy settings. Practitioners of energy psychology claim they can alleviate symptoms of trauma without participants needing to recall specific memories or emotions; one example being self-soothing techniques which have been shown to reduce acute stress in a group setting; tapping while exploring trauma has also proven successful at keeping clients within their window of tolerance by decreasing amygdala and cortex activity, increasing vagal activity, and decreasing cortisol levels over time.

Energy psychology draws heavily upon techniques adapted from traditional Chinese medicine, Indian yogic practices and acupuncture for its techniques. Some practitioners also incorporate Quantum Touch and Polarity therapy with these energy practices for an approach they call “acupuncture without needles.”

Advocates of this field also point to Einstein’s theory of mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2) as further proof of matter as slow-down energy. While mainstream medical science has yet to fully acknowledge human energy as an influence in medicine, many therapists have adopted alternative therapies as an essential part of their clinical toolbox.

February 14, 2024|Editor

Benefits of Massage Alternative Therapy

massage alternative therapy

Therapeutic massage can be extremely helpful for anyone suffering from muscular skeletal conditions, including injuries. Not only can therapeutic massage help improve blood circulation and eliminate toxins, but it can also alleviate stress.

Massage therapy is considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the US. It is practiced by holders of M.D. or D.O. degrees as well as their allied healthcare professionals.

Relieves Stress

Massage has been shown to promote relaxation, alleviate anxiety and boost well-being. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated how massage helps improve sleep patterns, stimulate immunity and decrease chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, massage provides relief for musculoskeletal conditions like backache, neck stiffness and stiff muscles – as well as decreasing fatigue and depression associated with chronic pain disorders.

Research has demonstrated that massage reduces stress hormone production while simultaneously increasing feel-good hormones such as serotonin and dopamine production, thus decreasing cardiovascular rate and blood pressure, heart rate, salivary cortisol production and catecholamines production immediately following one massage treatment; however multiple sessions do not produce sustained reductions of these measures.

Massage has been proven to decrease both overall levels of stress, as well as specific emotions such as fear and anger that arise due to it, such as fear. Furthermore, massage therapy may help lessen pain by interfering with how the brain sends pain signals – possibly through endorphins and encephaline produced during massage therapy sessions.

Massage has proven effective for treating mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, according to practitioner reports. They report that patients become more inclined to discuss difficult psychological issues when they’re less anxious, feel good about themselves and have developed trusting relationships with their massage therapist.

Massage has many health benefits; however, before beginning any type of massage program it is vitally important that people speak to their doctors first. Some conditions, including those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland), chemotherapy treatments or radiation may not respond as expected to massage therapy; additionally it would be wise to steer clear if having high fevers, low platelets/white blood cells levels, recovering from surgery or are taking antidepressants/anticoagulants that could interfere with massage sessions such as antidepressants/anticoagulants/anticoagulants etc.

Relieves Pain

Massage therapy offers several key advantages over painkillers that are readily apparent: eased muscle tension, increased circulation and relaxation of the nervous system all contribute to decreased back and neck pain, headaches, fibromyalgia symptoms and other forms of chronic discomfort. Massage has no adverse side effects that strong painkillers might bring along with them – unlike these strong medications which often become habit-forming over time.

Massage releases endorphins that block pain signals from reaching the brain. Furthermore, massage can trigger your natural pain-relief chemicals such as cortisol and serotonin that act to relieve muscle soreness. Massage has also been proven to improve immune system functionality resulting in less inflammation and greater biochemical balance.

People often experience immediate relief after just one massage session, while for others relief may take multiple sessions to achieve. Although individual results can differ greatly, regular massage has generally proven helpful in alleviating muscle and joint pain caused by arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia; sports-related injuries; as well as chronic fatigue or tension.

Studies suggest that massage can also ease the distress associated with cancer diagnosis, by decreasing both frequency and severity of chemotherapy- or radiation-induced nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, one recent study demonstrates how regular massage can significantly lower inflammatory cytokine levels produced by cells which lead to inflammation in cancer patients being treated for breast and colon cancers.

Massage therapy can also relieve the tension and stiffness associated with spinal arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy and other health conditions that cause pain. Furthermore, massage can alleviate stress-induced fibromyalgia symptoms by increasing circulation throughout the body.

Eastern cultures believe that pain stems from an obstruction in energy channels known as Chi or Q, and massage therapy can help relieve it by unblocking these channels. Acupressure (Chinese massage), often combined with herbal medicine for even greater pain relief, is one such form of massage therapy used for this purpose.

Improves Blood Circulation

Heart, lungs, muscles and other body tissues require adequate blood circulation in order to provide them with oxygen, nutrients and waste products that they require for survival. Massage improves this circulation by dilatanting small surface capillaries resulting in the reddening of your skin after receiving a rubdown session. In addition, massage increases muscle and tendon circulation allowing fluid movement throughout the body more quickly.

Massage has an immediate, beneficial impact on circulation, which in turn has a marked decrease in blood pressure over time. If you suffer from high blood pressure, however, it’s wise to consult your physician prior to getting a massage treatment plan; additionally it should not be performed if you have blood disease or are pregnant.

Massage stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system, which works to balance stress with its “fight or flight” response. Massage releases dopamine and serotonin hormones which makes your heart beat faster while increasing blood flow to extremities. Furthermore, massage promotes the release of enzymes that break down waste products produced during exercise in order to decrease post-exercise muscle soreness.

Researchers believe massage can have significant health benefits; researchers note its use improving mood in those living with fibromyalgia, alleviating depression in cancer patients, decreasing pain and swelling due to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, relieving chronic low back pain sufferers’ backaches, decreasing sprains and strains that contribute to fibromyalgia symptoms as well as decreasing sprains and strains for relieving them, increasing energy, easing chronic constipation issues while increasing range of motion in injured people.

At first, your massage therapist will evaluate your condition and discuss what you hope to gain from massage therapy. Once settled on a table – fully or partially clothed or undressed – she’ll use oil as protection from friction on your skin while performing techniques such as effleurage, petrissage and kneading as well as passive stretching/movement and active exercises taken from physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic movements. As needed, she may modify treatment based on your ability or limitations.

Improves Sleep

Sleep is essential to overall health. Insufficient rest has been linked with chronic disease and mental illness. Massage therapy may help improve sleep by relieving stress and stimulating the natural sleep cycle of the body.

Researchers conducted a study on insomnia among postmenopausal women and discovered that after receiving massage treatments for insomnia, most participants experienced improved sleeping patterns as measured by polysomnography. This included reductions in REM latency and stage 1 sleepiness along with increases in stages 3 and 4. Furthermore, symptoms such as anxiety and depression subsided upon completion.

There’s no clear-cut explanation as to how massage therapy helps people sleep, but one theory suggests it by stimulating serotonin release – a precursor of melatonin which regulates circadian rhythm and sleep/wake cycles. Massage may also stimulate vagus nerve, which tells our bodies to relax resulting in reduced cortisol levels that could otherwise disrupt our sleeping cycles.

Massage helps enhance sleep by increasing circulation. This can reduce pain that often interferes with restful slumber, as well as providing oxygen and nutrients needed by muscles and tissues for normal function. Massage improves both blood flow and lymphatic drainage to ensure the body gets all of the energy it requires to function optimally.

Massage therapists utilize various techniques to provide relaxation and enhance sleep quality, such as long strokes, kneading, rubbing, circular motions and tapping. Some therapists may even employ reflexology – which involves applying pressure directly onto feet or hands – as another relaxation strategy.

Though massage can seem indulgent, studies have demonstrated its numerous health benefits for physical and mental well-being. If possible, try including it into your bedtime ritual to improve quality of sleep. If not possible to visit a professional masseur or therapist directly, there are ways you can perform self-massage at home using tools like massage balls and foam rollers.

February 14, 2024|Editor

High Frequency Vs LED Light Therapy

high frequency vs led light therapy

Light therapy helps clear away toxins, bacteria and inflammation – an ideal treatment option for soothing painful inflamed acne as well as preventing future breakouts!

LED light therapy has long been utilized by Navy SEALs to aid healing. It has proven its efficacy against an array of skin conditions, such as fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, rosacea, scarring, uneven skin tone and texture, eczema.

Acne Treatment

High frequency is a noninvasive, painless treatment designed to kill acne-causing bacteria, reduce pore size, and promote healing in the skin. This non-invasive therapy promotes cell renewal while increasing circulation to give your complexion a radiant appearance.

A high-frequency electrode contains inert gases like argon or neon, which are ignited by electrical current upon contact with your skin, creating an explosion of chemical reaction that releases enriched oxygen molecules to destroy acne-causing bacteria while heating deeper layers to trigger collagen production for firmer looking skin.

Even though results of high-frequency facials are temporary, they can still provide an effective boost to your skincare regimen and help prevent future breakouts. When combined with other techniques like extractions, diet change, and cleaning habits, they may provide the way back to clear, beautiful skin for you.

LED light therapy is another noninvasive technique to enhance skin texture, tone and overall health. LED treatments use light-emitting diodes with different wavelengths of light that emit different wavelengths to treat various medical and cosmetic issues. LEDs come in the form of handheld wands used to target specific areas on your face as well as panels or masks – they all serve the same function.

LED light therapy for acne treatment uses a combination of red and near infrared (NIR) wavelengths, with blue light often included as it can help decrease activity from acne-causing bacteria that causes inflammation and blemishes on the skin, as well as decrease sebum production to lessen oil on the surface, leading to breakouts of acne.

LED light therapy uses red and NIR wavelengths to treat fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes, fade dark spots, rejuvenate hair follicles to promote healthier hair growth, as well as rejuvenating hair follicles to stimulate newer growth. Although it may take some time before results show, LED light therapy treatment is safe and effective option to address various skincare needs.

Skin Tightening

One of the hallmarks of aging is collagen depletion and loss of skin elasticity, leading to loose, crepey skin on both face and body. There are various treatments available to tighten loose skin on either face or body including nonsurgical facial treatments like Thermalift or radiofrequency procedures like Genius or ThermiRF that heat deep layers of skin while stimulating collagen production for tighter, firmer and more youthful complexions.

LED (light-emitting diode) therapy aims to improve skin appearance by reducing inflammation, speeding healing, and eliminating age spots. LED treatments have also been proven to stimulate collagen production through increasing fibroblast production and stimulating fibroblast activation to produce firmer skin – as well as being useful in reducing scars, fine lines, wrinkles and rosacea symptoms.

Red and infrared light treatments have been demonstrated to increase fibroblast production; however, their power and speed is too limited and slow for any noticeable stimulation of hypodermis (the layer where cellulite accumulates). They require multiple sessions before showing noticeable results.

Radiofrequency treatments differ from LED light therapy in that they penetrate deeper layers of skin to stimulate collagen for firmer appearance and produce faster results. Electrotherapy treatments offer an ideal alternative to surgical facelifts and other invasive cosmetic procedures that can be painful, lengthy and expensive. Most clients notice a difference in skin firmness after just a few treatments and see continued improvements over time. These treatments are an ideal option for busy professionals who wish to avoid the expense and recovery time associated with surgery, but still want to address sagging or crepey skin. In addition, these procedures can also improve stretch marks on the body or tighten drooping eyelids safely and painlessly; most patients report only feeling some warmth or tingling during sessions – making this choice appealing for people wanting a youthful appearance without surgery being an option.

Skin Rejuvenation

Are You Struggling with Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Signs of Aging? LED (light-emitting diode) light therapy could be the solution! Utilizing different wavelengths, LED treatments use various types of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to address multiple skin concerns and medical conditions painlessly and noninvasively. There are various kinds of LED devices available such as handheld wands for spot treating certain areas; light panels; lamps; masks. Your goal and skin requirements will determine which kind of LED light therapy therapy you select.

LED devices are handheld wands containing numerous glass nodes that glow when exposed to electrical current, with different-shaped nodes designed to target specific parts of the face (i.e. nose and forehead). While it’s generally straightforward, always read and follow any applicable manuals first in order to ensure it suits your skin type and condition before using one at home.

Though the LED light device won’t completely eliminate your acne, it is an invaluable resource to help manage and improve skin texture. The device kills off bacteria that contribute to acne while soothing inflammation so as to soothe your skin, while also activating your body’s natural healing response to remove blemishes more effectively.

An alternative option to consider is getting a full facial with a professional. Doing this allows for an in-depth assessment of your skin, as well as working with someone who knows which treatments would best suit you; whether that be LED or radio frequency therapy solutions they will be able to guide your decision accordingly.

Dermatologists can help provide comprehensive skincare treatments, as well as creating an ongoing plan to maintain healthy and attractive skin. If sagging is a concern, high frequency treatments may help tighten it without harming the surface.

Selecting the appropriate treatment can be key to maintaining healthy and youthful skin. High frequency and radio frequency treatments each have unique benefits that may best meet your specific goals and concerns; consulting with a specialist is recommended in this regard.

Skin Repair

blue LED light therapy can be an excellent treatment option for those suffering from surface texture acne (pimples that appear predominantly on the top layer of their skin). By eliminating bacteria that causes breakouts and helping keep pores clear, blue LED therapy works wonders on surface texture acne; however, it doesn’t seem effective against cystic blemishes buried deeper within pores – for this type of blemishes high frequency facial with light therapy may be the more suitable route to go down.

Red LED light therapy can not only reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but it is also used to address other skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, inflammation reduction and redness reduction, collagen production enhancement and promotion. Red LED therapy has proven especially useful for treating those suffering from rosacea by stimulating heat-shock proteins that help heal their skin as well as decrease redness.

Home LED light therapy treatments can be done at the convenience of your own home using devices that you purchase online or from retailers in stores, typically more cost-effective than facials in spas; though you do have to purchase the device itself. Or opt for LED light therapy sessions at a salon offering skincare services; trained aestheticians will likely help select an ideal device.

Individuals with more extensive skincare budgets can consider devices with multiple LED wavelengths, like the Artemis LED Mask & Neck System which features over 1,000 densely packed LEDs emitting red, near-infrared yellow violet green blue colors to provide an array of wavelengths including red near infrared yellow violet green blue. Furthermore, this device also delivers microcurrents to soothe your skin!

Before beginning LED light therapy, it is recommended that your skin be free from makeup or topical treatments such as waxing or shaving; and several hours prior to receiving therapy sessions you should refrain from any grooming techniques that might irritate it (waxing or shaving for instance). Also important is being aware of medications you might be taking that could make light sensitive or cause other reactions – most sessions typically last 15-30 minutes without any downtime required afterward.

February 14, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Allergy Test – Is It Accurate?

bioresonance allergy test accuracy

Food intolerance testing methods include vega testing, electrodermal screening and bioresonance. Unfortunately these aren’t widely utilized in the US and have only limited scientific backing behind them.

These methods use a device known as the BICOM to assess how your body responds to electromagnetic waves matching certain food types and detect any imbalances within the body.


Food allergy tests can be an invaluable asset in identifying foods that cause allergic reactions. Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to certain substances that it perceives as threats, with symptoms varying depending on individuals – from no obvious reaction at all, to potentially life-threatening reactions that require hospitalization or hospitalization. There are various allergy tests available, including patch testing and skin prick tests; however, not all are reliable when used to test food sensitivities.

Bioresonance allergy testing is an innovative form of allergy testing that uses electromagnetic waves to measure how your body reacts to allergens. Unlike traditional allergy tests, which require blood samples, bioresonance doesn’t – making it non-invasive way of identifying foods causing issues. The BICOM device emits electromagnetic waves similar to what the body would emit upon reacting with particular allergens, then analyzes this feedback from this machine which provides feedback back to you practitioner to pinpoint allergens which cause severe symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy can not only be an effective method for detecting allergies, but can also detect food intolerances and mineral deficiencies that cause discomfort. By understanding why certain foods make you sicker than expected, bioresonance therapy provides insights into changing your diet to avoid what’s causing unhappiness in you. It is also an excellent way of discovering whether genetic predisposition exists for certain diseases like heart disease or cancer.

Allergy tests are often utilized by doctors in diagnosing patients for various ailments, including hay fever, asthma and eczema. Sometimes allergy tests can reveal environmental allergens like pollen or pet dander as potential triggers – though such testing can sometimes be painful or intrusive for individuals and there may be false positive results.

If you’re searching for an easier and less costly allergy testing option, food intolerance tests might be right for you. With no blood sample required to identify food sensitivities to hundreds of items, they are available both online and in stores and can easily be completed at home – giving results within days or weeks! They can help identify whether you are sensitive to foods, minerals, vitamins, hormones or metals.


Bioresonance therapy currently lacks scientific proof as an effective method for detecting allergies; nevertheless, this alternative medicine practice remains popular among alternative practitioners. What research there has been contradicts claims made by some practitioners – for instance a randomized clinical trial comparing electrodermal testing to skin-prick tests for allergies such as cat dander and house dust found that it wasn’t effective; other studies also indicate electrodermal testing to be unreliable and unsuitable replacements for traditional allergy testing procedures.

Bioresonance is an alternative method of testing food intolerances non-invasively. It involves placing a sample of hair into the BICOM device and monitoring how your body responds to electromagnetic waves programmed into it; with this data in hand, a practitioner can then identify foods causing reactions in patients.

Vega testing can not only identify food intolerances but also drug sensitivities and imbalances within the body. A few strands of hair are put through one of four analytics machines on the VEGA system, and the results tell clients which items might cause reactions as well as providing details about vitamins, hormones, gut biome and metals in their report.

Vega analysis has become increasingly popular as it offers an ideal balance of accuracy, speed, and scalability. Easy to use with no invasive sampling required for safe use by patients searching for answers, this testing method can identify food intolerances such as E-numbers, additives and high sugar content – proving useful as a testing solution to any number of concerns for both doctors and their patients.

The vega machine is a medical-grade scanning device that uses bioresonance and quantum physics for diagnosis. In just minutes it can diagnose 47 organs and systems and provide detailed reports on each system’s state, as well as evaluate medications’ efficacy. Modern versions such as Life Expert Profi from WebWellness feature portable artificial intelligence technology as well as cloud data processing servers; measuring 35,000 indicators while providing visual analyses in mere minutes of their patient’s body condition.


Food allergies or intolerances affect many individuals, resulting in symptoms like bloating, fatigue and difficulty breathing. Bioresonance allergy testing offers one solution for alleviating these symptoms – offering more accurate and convenient diagnosis than traditional blood tests.

At a typical session, the practitioner will collect a small sample of hair and use it to conduct food intolerance tests without pain, blood samples or time delays. Results typically appear within hours after testing with the BICOM machine using electromagnetic waves designed to mimic those present in certain types of food and detect how your body responds. Once measured against these frequencies, BICOM gives a list of foods likely to trigger allergic reactions in you.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy that can effectively relieve allergies and sensitivities by targeting their core causes, relieving stress, and improving overall wellness. Unlike antihistamines that only mask symptoms, bioresonance therapy goes deeper to address its sources. Energy tests provide vital insight into potential source issues while tailored treatment programmes target root issues more directly.

Some allergies are caused by tiny insects known as dust mites that live in house dust. Dust mites can trigger an allergic response in both skin and eyes; its symptoms include itching, reddening and swelling of skin areas as well as runny nose and nasal discharge. While certain allergic reactions may be life-threatening, bioresonance therapy has proven successful at managing most allergy reactions effectively.

Allergy-Link provides an array of alternative therapies, such as bioresonance allergy tests. This noninvasive alternative to blood testing can detect up to 975 potential allergens – including food intolerances – as well as viruses and cancer cells.


Bioresonance food sensitivity testing is a holistic form of therapy used to identify foods you might be intolerant of. A small sample of hair is tested on the BICOM machine which uses electromagnetic waves from your body and compares them to frequencies found in 970 foods, drinks, and environmental factors – considered safe and non-invasive technology by medical professionals worldwide.

This process resembles that of a standard prickle test, yet its results are more comprehensive. It can detect up to 975 potential allergies or sensitivities and provides an overview of what could be contributing to imbalance. Furthermore, unlike blood and urine tests, results of this method remain unaffected by recent food intake or stressors and can cover an extended period of time.

Bioresonance testing offers an efficient and painless alternative to prickle tests; only needing a small hair sample and results typically arriving within days. Furthermore, Bioresonance allergy tests tend to be cheaper than other forms of allergy testing making this an affordable solution for many individuals.

Bioresonance testing provides another means of diagnosing allergies more accurately and comfortably, without subjecting babies to uncomfortable prick tests. When babies become so sensitive that they cannot tolerate being poked by an allergy test needle, bioresonance can provide invaluable insight into what their bodies react negatively to and help determine what might be triggering an allergy in future.

Allergies can be devastatingly uncomfortable and life-threatening for infants and their parents, but there are ways to minimize or even avoid them altogether. One effective approach is identifying foods your baby’s immune system treats as invaders and eliminating those which have an overreactive reaction resulting in inflammation, swelling and other symptoms that impact quality of life.

Allergies can be challenging to diagnose in infants due to a limited immune system. However, several methods have been scientifically demonstrated as accurate in diagnosing food allergies in infants – Bioresonance being one of them and helping you make more informed decisions regarding their diet.