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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

September 6, 2024|Editor

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS

Metatron hunter 4025 nls is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic system, which can identify any cause of any illness within your body and then provide effective treatments. This tool is an invaluable asset to those who wish to stay healthy and avoid developing diseases in the first place.

Information obtained during a short diagnostic session is converted into digital signals that are decoded by special medical software before being delivered directly to the brain.


The Metatron hunter 4025 nls is an innovative health analyzer that utilizes light wave resonance technology to scan and assess your energy fields, detect imbalances or abnormalities that could be contributing to disease, and suggest treatments or nutrition/supplement solutions for optimal wellness. Non-invasive yet non-threatening, you can use it at home.

The Metatron Hunter 4025 nls works by emitting electromagnetic waves which interact with cells and organs in your body, then processing the response signals generated in return. The resultant report gives a comprehensive picture of your health – identifying imbalances in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing as well as parasites or viruses in your system. An ideal device for anyone wanting to improve overall wellness without resorting to blood tests or X-rays!

Russian scientists created the metatron hunter, an innovative system which integrates traditional medicine and quantum physics for holistic healthcare solutions. Used by healthcare providers across settings – hospitals and clinics alike – healthcare professionals often rely on it for diagnosing and treating chronic conditions, including cancer or autoimmune disorders.

It can also be used to assess the efficacy of various herbal treatments and nutritional supplements, with its spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields within biological objects providing valuable insight in just minutes. Widely used by physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, doctors and nurses as well as integrative medicine/CAM program directors as well as practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and complementary therapies alike.

Metatron hunters offer many important advantages over traditional diagnostic methods, including their ability to quickly locate tumor nidus or hereditary diseases that reveal their source on a genomic level, making treatment and prevention of future episodes simpler for doctors. Furthermore, they can identify any toxins present within the body and suggest dietary modifications.

The Metatron Hunter is an advanced non-invasive system that anyone can use to detect imbalances in their energetic field and understand what may be at the source of an illness. It is easy to use, providing precise results in just minutes.


Metatron Hunter 4025 is an innovative and noninvasive health analysis device that utilizes energy fields to scan the body. Emitting electromagnetic waves which interact with organs and cells to generate response signals that are then processed by software for analysis, this device produces detailed reports to highlight imbalances or weaknesses within your body that can then be used to develop personalized wellness plans tailored specifically to you. Safe and effective options exist for patients of all ages.

GR Hunter software features three-dimensional scanning that enables users to locate tumor nidus and heritable diseases. Furthermore, its molecular analysis functionality allows identification of causes through analysis of histological cuts, cytological cuts and separate chromosomes – making GR Hunter the only noninvasive health analyzer that offers this function.

This system can detect changes to organs and tissues of the body with an accuracy of 30 microns, as well as identify its source to help prevent future episodes. Furthermore, unlike many diagnostic devices that produce harmful radiation emissions, the GR Hunter produces none at all; furthermore it is completely portable for worldwide use.

Individuals, health practitioners and researchers alike can utilize this system to diagnose various conditions as well as test supplements or natural remedies for their effectiveness. Furthermore, this user-friendly device provides accurate results with less tests needed; making it an attractive preventative healthcare solution with reduced costs.

The Metatron GS-Hunter is an impressive health analysis device capable of scanning an individual’s entire body quickly and comprehensively in seconds. This revolutionary technology can detect physical, mental and emotional imbalances as well as their inherent potential that is vital for optimal wellbeing and optimal health. Ideal for anyone interested in improving physical or mental wellbeing as well as those suffering chronic health conditions; an invaluable asset indeed!


Metatron hunter 4025 nls is an innovative medical diagnostic device that employs sophisticated technology to scan and examine human bodies, helping individuals pinpoint causes of health issues as well as prevent future ailments. Available through doctors and health clinics.

It works by detecting electromagnetic waves released by the brain and other organs. Once detected, these signals are then converted to pictures displayed on a computer screen before decoding and analyzing by software – these results are then interpreted by physicians for use as treatment or to help pinpoint sources of tumors or hereditary diseases.

The system is safe, producing accurate results without emitting harmful radiation or producing any side effects. Plus, its portable and user-friendly design make it perfect for use in various situations.

An innovative and non-invasive medical diagnostic device that provides a thorough analysis of one’s body. It can detect various diseases and disorders, from autoimmune disease and chronic fatigue to headaches or joint pain in just minutes!

The Institute of Practical Psychophysics developed the world’s first health analyzer – the Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS Health Analyzer. This informative, portable, and user-friendly device scans for acute and chronic processes as well as identify predispositions to certain illnesses.

This device is an all-in-one system that combines traditional Chinese medicine, quantum physics and computer technology into one holistic healthcare approach. Easily operated, its high quality results produce accurate readings making it a great tool to promote healthy lifestyles by increasing productivity at work and lowering health care expenses by detecting diseases before they become serious. It can even save money through early diagnosis.


Metatron Hunter 4025 is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic device suitable for use by physicians, chiropractors, osteopaths, naturopaths, acupuncturists and other alternative medicine practitioners. This non-invasive diagnostic device provides comprehensive analyses of patients’ health and wellbeing as well as natural treatments that are safe to use to treat their conditions; in addition to this ability it also has to identify causes such as genetic predisposition or stress-related disorders that could potentially contribute to illness.

Uses a special trigger sensor to locate and tune into the resonance frequency of control signal of an organ under study, then reads and decodes this data via software before being displayed as virtual model of that organ on computer screen with results translated into specific colors that indicate its status.

The Institute of Practical Psychophysics’ Metatron telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing apparatus allows its users to isolate, amplify and decode electromagnetic radiation emanating from an individual body, as well as forecast future health dynamics roughly.

At its heart, this device uses META Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy and Acupuncture Therapy functions to detect gradually developing abnormal conditions in tissues, cells, chromosomes or DNA helixes – even entire organs – over time. As part of treatment for its client’s conditions it then offers META Therapy, Phytotherapy Stone Therapy Acupuncture Therapy treatments; so that his or her condition improves without needing medication or expensive clinic visits.

Medical diagnostic equipment with this feature boasts high accuracy, fast operation and ease of use, making it the ideal solution to quickly detect a range of illnesses including heritable diseases, chronic-degenerative conditions, tumors and inflammations as well as imbalances of endocrine system functioning and body’s cellular energy production and detect parasites and infectious agents in the body.

September 6, 2024|Editor

Low Frequency Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury

Low frequency therapy is a form of vibrational sound therapy. It provides gentle vibrations for healing purposes while producing a gentle hum and vibrotactile sensation in the body.

LFV is often utilized in tandem with music; however, less is understood regarding its standalone effects. [1]

Patients were evaluated at various frequencies until one provided effective pain relief of at least 50%, including NRS scores, pulse width data and amplitude measurements.

1. Pain Relief

At present, only case series data exist from low frequency therapy with respect to significant pain relief for selected patients; thus the SENZA-PDN RCT seeks to evaluate whether 10-kHz SCS combined with conventional medical management (CMM) offers greater or equivalent neuropathic limb pain relief versus CMM alone in patients suffering from spinal cord injury (SCI).

Contrary to traditional transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), which uses square waveforms to produce paresthesia, 10kHz HF-SCS does not rely on this effect for its effectiveness. Although its exact mechanism of action remains unknown, its results could involve either descending modulation or neurogenic mechanisms of pain relief.

Prior studies of subperception SCS have successfully demonstrated blinded analgesia using higher frequencies (2-10 Hz) or trains of pulses below threshold for paresthesia, yet these modalities had several drawbacks that hinder clinical implementation, such as long charging times for devices and the need to conduct blind anatomical searches in search of optimal placement.

At a pilot study, patients suffering from chronic myalgia in their neck, shoulder, and back were randomly assigned either personal low frequency stimulation (PLSG) or physical therapy (PTG). Pain intensity was assessed using surface electromyography and McGill pain questionnaire before and after receiving either treatment option for three weeks. When compared to PTG, PLSG reduced surface electromyography (sEMG) across all three regions as well as reduced VAS pain levels on shoulders and back respectively compared with PTG; patients reported moderate to substantial improvement; patients also preferred this program over other available options available options; results suggest there may be wide variation of effective subperception SCS parameter combinations available, but optimizing this sweet spot is key.

2. Relaxation

Low frequency sound therapy is a form of vibrational healing designed to induce relaxation and healing. Sessions involve clients lying on a lounge with transducers that emit low-frequency sound waves and vibrations in sync with soothing music for an immersive experience. These soothing vibrations stimulate neurotransmitter release, nerve cell activation and promote relaxation responses within the brain for enhanced health benefits such as reduced pain and stress management as well as decreased muscle tension and better sleeping patterns.

Vibroacoustic therapy has an established scientific basis. By employing frequency, vibration, and soothing music to activate the body’s natural healing response and help manage pain, improve sleep quality and mood, promote overall wellness and overall well-being. Montare Outpatient offers comprehensive physiotherapy services including vibroacoustic therapy to ensure our clients achieve health in whatever capacity they desire.

Researchers discovered that LFS combined with music listening had an impactful combination on university student’s parasympathetic nervous systems. This trial result indicated LFS may help manage elevated stress responses; more research needs to be conducted using various research experiment designs as well as objective measures of physiological function and subjective perceptions to fully explore its benefits.

Another study explored the relationship between frequency and neural dosing by measuring current amplitude, pulse width and charge-per-second (frequency x pulse width), to ascertain an effective dose of vibrational stimulation. Results revealed that both current amplitude and pulse width increased with increased frequency while effective neural dose decreased due to habituation and saturation of the thalamus; suggesting it might be possible to break this cycle by changing LFS frequency over time to optimize treatment effectiveness.

3. Stress Reduction

Vibroacoustic therapy uses sound waves and vibration combined with soothing music to facilitate relaxation, relieve stress, and foster healing. The vibration frequencies used are tailored specifically for human bodies to activate neurotransmitters release and nerve cell activation – creating an almost dream-like state of meditation and deep relaxation.

Vibroacoustic therapy stands out as an invaluable, noninvasive and drug-free modality, making it an indispensable addition to traditional medical treatments. Vibroacoustic therapy’s versatility in managing pain management, stress reduction and sleep enhancement further reinforces its place within healthcare systems worldwide.

Research was conducted with university students who experienced elevated stress due to multiple environmental stressors during a pandemic, and results indicated that listening to HF-amplified music increased PNS activity more than listening to LF-amplified music, measured as stress recovery ratio.

Subjective perception was measured using the Visual Analogue Scale for Stress (VAS-S), an easy, well-established and widely available measurement tool with excellent psychometric properties. Furthermore, physiological measurements were taken before and after each session of vibroacoustic therapy.

This study is an important milestone towards demonstrating the efficacy of vibroacoustic therapy as an effective, noninvasive, and clinically relevant way to improve human wellbeing. Vibroacoustic therapy’s potential to activate parasympathetic nervous system activity and influence subjective perception could make it a useful stress relief tool – especially helpful for individuals living with both eating disorders and co-occurring PTSD who experience increased stress responses that contribute to maladaptive coping behaviors that exacerbate both disorders. These results could open a new path towards investigating musical and vibrational frequencies as a treatment method of both disorders.

4. Muscle Relaxation

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of TENS to relieve neuropathic pain.6 Neuropathic pain is one of the hardest pain conditions to treat and medications used are often ineffective; TENS may offer a safer and cheaper alternative option.

Previous studies have reported that low frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (LF-TENS) therapy helps decrease pain intensity and increase short form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) scores among people living with fibromyalgia,8 rheumatoid arthritis9, chronic neck and shoulder pain5,6 or chronic headache pain5. Unfortunately, however, its exact mechanisms remain unknown; central nervous system pathways could possibly play a part.

Intramuscular mechanisms could play an integral role in low-frequency potentiation of force and membrane excitability in human muscle. Experiments conducted on plantar flexor muscles with different lengths revealed an increase in electrically evoked force during conditioning 100 Hz stimulation followed by immediate low frequency (2s) tetanus stimulation; this effect was eliminated after adding a 200ms pause after 100 Hz conditioning stimulation, suggesting it might be related to increased myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity.

Another series of experiments explored the effects of an interim, 100-ms pause between high-frequency and low-frequency stimulation, where force and [Ca2+]i measurements at intermediate muscle length were made in both cases. Force potentiation with or without the pause was similar, suggesting myosin light-chain phosphorylation may not play a major role in low frequency potentiation of human muscle; however, this does not exclude potential roles for sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ dependent mechanisms.

5. Sleep

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of electromagnetic fields known as Schumann resonance to help induce sleep. A device emits 7Hz Schumann resonance frequency to enhance brainwave entrainment for improved insomnia symptoms and extended restful nights (see figure above).

One randomized controlled trial demonstrated how dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) rTMS improved nocturnal sleep for patients suffering chronic pain compared to control subjects who received sham coils (Pain Reduction with Neuromodulation in Post-Surgical Pain study). DLPFC rTMS led to significant reductions in time spent awake after sleep onset (WASO), improved overall efficiency as measured by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaires, and correlated positively with changes seen on Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HRSA), suggesting rTMS may help alleviate anxiety along with improving sleep.

Another randomized controlled trial explored the effect of DLPFC rTMS on patients suffering from both sleep disorder and major depressive disorder (MDD), who reported poor quality of life. After 10 sessions, DLPFC rTMS significantly decreased WASO in experimental group and improved PSQI score.

These trials involved relatively small sample sizes; to more reliably demonstrate these results, future research should include larger samples with longer follow up. Furthermore, it would be worthwhile to explore mental effects on more participants as well as explore its mechanism.

September 6, 2024|Editor

Spooky2 Amazon Review

Spooky2 is more than a single Rife machine; it contains multiple Rife machines in one convenient package: plasma, contact, remote, PEMF and cold laser Rife machines with its intelligent signal processor Spooky Boost 2.0 which quadruples power in Contact Mode while doubling Remote Mode outputs; plus it includes a BNC-to-alligator clips cable for hands-free contact sessions plus more!

Rife Machines

Spooky2 is one of the most comprehensive Rife systems available, featuring multiple treatment modes like plasma, contact, remote, PEMF and cold laser therapy. In addition, its smart signal processor Spooky Boost 2.0 quadruples contact mode power while doubling remote mode power.

Control up to 126 generators simultaneously while offering various transmission modes, hardware configurations and output frequencies. You can save custom frequency sets as well as choose from both normal and advanced display modes for optimal viewing experience. Its presets range from treating bacterial and viral infections through detoxification and cancer treatment; plus there are extensive video guidance tutorials as well as an active Facebook support group available to all.

To get started, download and install the Spooky2 software. Once downloaded, follow its instructions for setting up your machine before beginning to use your machine. Once setup is complete, enjoy!

Spooky2 will open with multiple tabs and panes that provide information on its operation, such as generator status. They can be easily accessed by clicking on icons located at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Tools tab is among the most valuable tabs, offering various settings you can alter to improve overall rig performance and meet individual needs. For instance, frequency tolerance or font size settings can be adjusted accordingly.

To change the default reload frequency, use the “Frequency Reload” button. Additionally, you can choose your reload mode, which dictates how quickly Spooky2 loads its database after updates. Finally, you can choose a folder where your database will be stored or create one specifically for this database if desired; this is perfect if you wish to keep custom databases separate from main Spooky2 database files and password protect them for extra security.


Spooky2 offers several accessories to enhance the experience of their plasma, contact and remote mode Rife generator. This includes large tens pads which increase surface area for power penetration into your body during contact mode treatments and make treatments more comfortable overall.

USB Filter Cable

DNA samplers rely on paper sticky tape, which can lose its stickiness over time. With high quality replacement tape that won’t deteriorate with use and is designed to keep DNA samples clean while using it, along with USB filter cable that removes spurious electrical noise caused by generators controlled via computer (Rife Plasma systems typically utilize USB for their generator control), the USB filter cable protects DNA samples while simultaneously eliminating interference from outside sources and keeps samples free from contamination.

September 6, 2024|Editor

Rife Therapy Side Effects

Rife frequency therapy uses sound frequencies to destroy pathogens in the body and heal itself naturally.

Before choosing any alternative therapy, it’s wise to consult healthcare professionals and conduct sufficient research in order to make an informed decision that aligns with your journey toward health.

1. Pain

The RIFE machine, first developed by American scientist Royal Raymond Rife in the 1930s, uses various frequencies to both destroy cancerous cells while sparing healthy ones. Sessions usually last approximately 30 minutes, with clients sitting on chairs while placing their feet on special footpads or holding hand-held plasma glass tubes that emit radio waveforms. Its remarkable success in treating Lyme disease – specifically its focus on its Borrelia bacterium root cause – is especially noteworthy.

Rife therapy‘s noninvasive nature – not requiring surgical procedures or pharmaceutical drugs – makes it a relatively low-risk treatment option. Furthermore, its machines have been specifically calibrated to eliminate harmful pathogens without harming healthy ones; this sets it apart from treatments such as antibiotics which may affect both beneficial and harmful organisms equally.

At a Rife session, low-energy electromagnetic waves are sent through the body in order to break apart viruses, bacteria, fungus or parasite membranes and ultimately kill them. Rife has been used successfully as a therapy against Lyme disease, arthritis and infertility with many users claiming it helped cure their illness through treatment with Rife.

Prior to choosing any therapy option, it is crucial that patients carefully assess both its advantages and disadvantages as well as personal preferences and health goals before making their choice. In doing so, patients can select one which meets all their unique requirements while improving overall quality of life. By considering all factors involved, they can select an optimum therapy that fulfills all their needs while improving their quality of life.

2. Dizziness

Rife Therapy First developed by Royal Raymond Rife during the 1930s, Rife therapy is a non-invasive holistic healing technique based on resonance theory. According to this approach, each pathogen–from bacteria to parasites–has its own specific frequency of vibration, so matching those frequencies using Rife machines allows us to eliminate disease while protecting healthy cells.

Rife machine therapy has proven useful for treating various health conditions, including infertility and TMJ. Furthermore, Rife has shown great promise in fighting Lyme disease – an infection caused by Borrelia bacteria transmitted via tick bites – by identifying their resonant frequency and using frequencies which are either identical to it or harmonic thereof to eliminate it.

Instead of targeting many different kinds of microorganisms at once like antibiotics do, Rife therapy only targets harmful ones while leaving beneficial ones alone. Due to its efficacy, many have come to regard Rife therapy as a viable alternative for radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Rife therapy generally has few side effects, though its impact depends on an individual’s specific physiology. Rife may cause dizziness in some instances; particularly among patients suffering vestibular disorders like labyrinthitis or BPPV.

If you’re curious about rife therapy, it’s essential to discuss your goals and compare its advantages and disadvantages with alternative approaches such as PEMF Therapy. Involve friends or family who have had personal experience in making informed decisions; having clear goals and an established comfort level will allow for the optimal treatment plan for you.

3. Nausea

Rife therapy has been proven to successfully eliminate viruses, bacteria and parasites while leaving healthy cells intact, while improving blood health by increasing oxygen delivery to organs and tissues in the body. Unfortunately it has yet to be shown to completely eradicate cancerous tissue; however various studies suggest it could significantly reduce pain caused by cancerous cells while improving your natural healing methods and healing capabilities.

Rife Treatment, named after Royal Raymond Rife, an electrical engineer from the 1930s, is a holistic healing method using electromagnetic frequencies to target and disrupt pathogens. Based on resonance theory, its goal is to identify each microorganism’s unique frequency that can then be disrupted with Rife’s extensive array of protocols; its short treatment sessions offer an effective alternative to conventional remedies that involve longer sessions durations.

Rife therapy differs significantly from PEMF in that its frequency range is much narrower, targeting only harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites while leaving healthy ones alone untouched – making it an invaluable addition to holistic wellness strategies and treatments like chemotherapy.

At The Apathecary Natural Health Center, our Rife therapy combined with our ionic foot bath can kill off dead bacteria and parasites in your system. Drinking plenty of water after each session helps flush away dead microbes out. Following that session is 30 minutes of Reiki energy therapy to leave you feeling relaxed yet re-energized.

4. Discomfort

While rife machines are safe and have shown no adverse side effects, some individuals may find the process uncomfortable if they have sensitive stomachs or experience nausea. Luckily, the discomfort should lessen with continued sessions; usually within three sessions or so.

Rife Therapy, named for its creator Royal Raymond Rife, is a noninvasive holistic healing approach based on resonance theory. According to this theory, each microorganism, such as bacteria, viruses or parasites has its own vibration frequency that allows you to identify harmful organisms without harming any healthy cells or tissues in the process.

Rife technology is often utilized for treating chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, but can also be helpful with other health issues. For instance, many individuals diagnosed with Lyme disease find relief using Rife machines to target the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria responsible. By disrupting its lifecycle and forcing its fragments apart naturally through your system.

Rife therapy has become an increasingly appealing cancer treatment option, offering noninvasive frequency-based approaches that target and destroy cancerous cells while leaving healthy ones intact. Its noninvasive nature makes Rife therapy an attractive alternative to chemotherapy or radiation therapies that may involve harsher measures.

Evaluating Rife therapy against other therapeutic approaches such as PEMF is crucial. Both modalities offer their own set of advantages; you need to choose which best serves your journey towards better health.

5. Headaches

Rife machine therapy employs specific frequencies to disrupt the structure and function of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. These frequencies are tuned to resonate with a pathogen’s frequency to destroy it effectively; this non-invasive treatment approach has been precisely calibrated so as to only target harmful bacteria without harming healthy cells and tissues; furthermore its variety of protocols makes it suitable for many health conditions.

As with everything in nature, your body has an inherent vibrating or resonant frequency that vibrates at a specific frequency. By finding and amplifying this frequency through vibration therapy, it may kill off bacteria, viruses and mold spores – this theory underpins rife therapy named for Royal Raymond Rife who used his discovery of resonant frequencies to identify and destroy harmful organisms like viruses, bacteria and molds in the 1930s.

Rife frequencies not only eliminate harmful organisms but can also boost your immune system and facilitate natural healing in your body, relieving pain and inflammation while speeding up toxin elimination from the system. Rife therapy has even been known to heal cancerous tumors and slow their growth!

At Apathecary Natural Health Center, our Rife Machine Therapy can be used for pain management, detox programs and overall wellness enhancement. Get in touch with us now to discover all that our Rife Therapy services have to offer and how it could positively impact your wellbeing!

September 6, 2024|Editor

Biohacking With Davinia Taylor

Biohacking (aka health optimisation), also known as biohacking, has seen unprecedented popularity over recent years. This movement has spurred some surprising wellness trends including medicinal mushrooms consumption, infrared sauna use, or visiting cryo chambers – with early adopters like Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey following such practices as fasting regularly to achieve health.

1. Eat a plant-based diet

Follow a plant-based diet as the cornerstone of biohacking. Plant-based diets contain fiber, vitamins and minerals as well as essential fatty acids like omega-3. Furthermore, they are typically lower in saturated and trans fat content – meaning this type of diet could improve many aspects of health such as blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Davinia Taylor, best known for her roles on Hollyoaks and The Bill, has recently disclosed that she has begun using biohacking techniques to help stay fit and feel her best. She has experimented with various supplements and lifestyle habits such as cold water therapy, intermittent fasting and eating more ‘anti-ageing’ foods in an attempt to stay youthful and feel her best.

Biohacking has become an increasingly popular trend among both men and women who wish to improve their health through lifestyle modification. Many chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes, have been attributed to poor eating patterns and inactivity; increasing evidence shows that consuming a plant-based diet reduces risks of these conditions.

Plant-based diets have proven themselves as an effective means of improving numerous health outcomes, from blood sugar and cholesterol to triglycerides and weight management. Studies have linked plant-based eating with reduced risks of obesity and increased energy levels; furthermore cognitive decline and depression risk reduction is possible as a result. Biohacker Dave Asprey has long been considered the father of this movement with Bulletproof offering products designed to maximize performance and wellbeing.

2. Drink plenty of water

Davinia Taylor was once like many of us – an indulgent party girl that frequented Primrose Hill (think Kate Moss and Sadie Frost). But after discovering biohacking in her 20s she has since made it her mission to find more sustainable ways of attaining those highs.

Biohacking, the practice of altering one’s diet and lifestyle to optimize health, has become a topic of fascination in Silicon Valley – with former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey serving as its unwitting spokesperson. Biohacking has given rise to some unexpected wellness trends like adding medicinal mushrooms into lattes or visiting cryotherapy chambers; but time-restricted eating remains the core biohack.

Davinia’s plan involves consuming plenty of broth and collagen as well as MCT oil, in addition to water first thing in the morning and during exercise as well as before a meal or bedtime. She’s also fond of supplements; WillPowders features bone broth, protein powder and MCT oil!

Women are natural biohackers due to menstruation cycles and life demands, enabling them to effortlessly incorporate new healthy habits. But doing it right requires more than simply dosing on powders or heading down to cryo chambers – women must get all of the nutrition necessary to balance hormones, protect against aging, and feel their best daily.

3. Get plenty of sleep

Biohacking involves using technology and lifestyle changes to optimize health. It has become an incredibly popular trend in America, where healthcare isn’t free and people place greater focus on longevity and wellbeing than ever before. Early adopters include Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey and Bulletproof Coffee founder Dave Asprey who both spend millions on wellness routines such as timed eating or sleeping in an oxygen chamber.

Davinia Taylor has opened up about her new biohacking lifestyle and feels she has never felt better. As well as publishing two number one Sunday Times bestsellers – It’s Not a Diet and Hack Your Hormones – and running Willpowders supplements company, Davinia hosts her own podcast as well as having amassed over one million followers on Instagram who tune in for advice about hormones, weight loss and anti-ageing issues.

Davinia, mother to four sons and having started her career on C4’s hit soap Hollyoaks where she played party girl Jude Cunningham, turned to biohacking to return her body back to peak performance. Through research, testing and biohacking herself back to optimal health – she lost 18kgs within six months! Now sharing all her tips, tricks and secrets on social media so anyone can biohack themselves into better health.

4. Avoid processed foods

Celebrities are becoming more fascinated with biohacking – the practice of tweaking diet and lifestyle to optimize health – particularly in the US where healthcare costs don’t cover everything and many spend large sums on supplements and gadgets to extend lifespan. Jack Dorsey of Twitter fame is well known as an avid biohacker as is Dave Asprey of bulletproof coffee fame – both investing millions into wellness practices such as sleeping on magnetic pads or spending time in infrared saunas to maximize wellness.

Davinia Taylor, known for her role on Hollyoaks and as author of It’s Not A Diet in the Sunday Times Best Seller list, employs various biohacking techniques to maintain her health. These include avoiding inflammatory foods, taking various supplements and participating in cold-water therapy sessions among other practices – she credits this holistic approach combined with mental wellbeing as being responsible for making her healthier than ever.

Davinia shares her story of beating addiction issues and improving her health through biohacking. She describes how she used excessive drinking to satisfy a dopamine craving she thought was caused by bipolar disorder but instead signalled nutritional deficiency in her body. Davinia then describes how adopting a carnivorous diet, supplementing electrolytes and taking MCT oil, collagen and bone broth supplements helped her return to wellness.

As part of her morning routine, she emphasizes the importance of reading labels carefully to avoid harmful additives like seed oils. Furthermore, she discusses why she no longer counts calories. Finally, she expresses her enthusiasm about emerging technologies like stem cell therapy and methylene blue that she believes could transform medicine.

5. Exercise regularly

Davinia Taylor has overcome depression and bulimia to emerge stronger and healthier than ever, crediting biohacking with helping her reclaim energy and wellbeing. In an interview with Hello! she discussed what supplements she takes – such as collagen, protein and MCT oil – as well as her workout routines.

Biohacking (or “health optimisation”) involves taking control of one’s biology. This DIY approach to health management has become an increasing trend in America, where healthcare costs more and people seek longevity. Jack Dorsey of Twitter fame was an early proponent of biohacking or health optimisation and can often be found taking ice cold baths, seven minute high intensity interval workouts, one meal per day diets and time restricted eating as part of this lifestyle. Furthermore, he invested PS500,000 for a personal wellness lab featuring purple Emerald laser that he claims helps increase ATP levels.

Though this industry remains somewhat controversial and unregulated, Hollyoaks star Davinia has taken to embracing it more and more. In an interview with the Evening Standard earlier this year she noted that improving one’s health does not necessitate drastic measures.

6. Get enough sleep

Davinia Taylor is an actress, TV presenter, and wellness expert best known for her role as Jude Cunningham on C4 soap Hollyoaks as well as Soul Patrol comedy film and Urban Gothic horror series appearances. In addition to appearing on these projects she has written two Sunday Times best selling health books “It’s Not A Diet” and ‘Hack Your Hormones” to share her knowledge and advice with audiences worldwide.

Biohacking is an evolving trend of healthcare personalisation where individuals experiment with their biology to optimize wellbeing. It has become an incredibly popular practice in the US where millennials are becoming increasingly concerned with longevity and wellness, prompting a wellness industry to spring up with high-end services like infrared saunas and floating pods; billionaires such as Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and Dave Asprey (Creator of Bulletproof Coffee) even regularly spend millions on their wellbeing by using hyperbaric oxygen chambers and infrared light therapy therapy treatments to optimise wellbeing.

Davinia recently told the Evening Standard that biohacking doesn’t require being rich to try, noting “It is all about understanding our individual biology and learning how to adapt it in order to live life optimally – this doesn’t require doing extreme things; there are lots of small hacks you can implement.”

Davinia has integrated biohacking into her daily routine, using cold-water therapy and cutting inflammatory foods from her diet. Additionally, she began taking supplements from WillPowders–her own brand which offers collagen powders, proteins and bone broth supplements–and shared this knowledge and her secrets with her million-strong Instagram following.