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Bioresonance Devices For Sleep Disorders

Bioresonance devices use electromagnetic frequencies to promote health and well-being. They may be used alone or alongside traditional medicine treatments.

This therapy relies on an unproven concept: that diseased organs and cells generate altered electromagnetic waves that electronic devices detect; these waves are then reconfigured so as to heal the body.

Allergies and sensitivities

Bioresonance works on the principle that all matter vibrates at different frequencies. Each part of our bodies – cells, tissues, organs and systems) has its own frequency which resonates harmoniously when healthy but disharmoniously in diseased ones – much like when tuning a piano string; bioresonance technology uses electromagnetic waves emitted by these information carriers to identify imbalances within our bodies while aiding natural self-regulating mechanisms that keep everything working well together.

Bioresonance therapy can assist those suffering from allergies and sensitivities by pinpointing allergens that are compromising your energy field. The process involves placing electrodes on your skin that connect to a device which measures energy wavelengths released by your body; once identified, frequencies that contribute positively to health are enhanced while those considered detrimental are reduced accordingly.

Bioresonance therapy helps the body break down substances that irritate it, effectively clearing away allergies. Furthermore, it can treat autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis, by optimizing antioxidant functions that combat free radicals that damage tissue.

Patients who have undergone bioresonance treatment report experiencing positive changes, including improved sleep, more energy and less bloating. Studies indicate its efficacy for treating food and environmental allergies, urogenital dysfunctions, menstrual disorders, prostatitis, low immune defenses, digestive problems such as colitis gastritis liver disorders high cholesterol arthritic pain weight issues hormone abnormalities fibromyalgia insomnia hepatitis migraines among others.

Bioresonance treatments use a machine known as Bicom to increase electromagnetic waves that may be beneficial and invert them for those that can be harmful, lasting an hour-or-so and possibly needing monthly follow up depending on one’s condition; some may experience temporary worsening of symptoms after each session but these symptoms should diminish within several hours after returning home from therapy.


Bioresonance devices use electrodes to transmit electromagnetic waves that can pick up both “healthy” and “unhealthy” frequencies of cells and organs in the body, then match and cancel out diseased signals through destructive wave interference. Bioresonance has also been promoted as an aid for treating cancer by purveyors who make false claims regarding its benefits; many vendors of these electronic devices have been prosecuted by the FDA for making unsubstantiated health benefit claims while the American Cancer Society warns patients against them (4).

Bioresonance therapy requires patients to lie on a treatment table while an instrument placed against their skin is connected to a computer with various programs and a selector to select potency of nosode (i.e. stomach cancer) potency levels and resonance with selected node; which sends signals for cells within your body to destroy diseased ones.

Bioresonance machines are also useful in diagnosing and treating allergies and sensitivities, based on the theory that certain substances or illnesses can distort electromagnetic frequencies within our bodies, leading to imbalanced electromagnetic waves within us all. Once this imbalance has been identified, counter frequencies are used to “heal” our bodies by emitting counter frequencies that “heal” us while strengthening self-regulatory mechanisms within them.

Another application of bioresonance involves using it to detect and imprint the frequency of medication without experiencing adverse side effects; in one study bioresonance was employed as a means to relieve depressive disorder in those experiencing frequent episodes.

Bioresonance devices make unsubstantiated claims and resemble Scientology’s E-Meter device, used for auditing. Patients should inform their healthcare provider of any supplements or home remedies such as bioresonance treatments they are using – this information allows doctors to make more informed decisions regarding patient care and safety.


Sleep disorders affect millions of people worldwide and can have serious repercussions for health ranging from diminished energy levels and memory impairments, to heart disease. Luckily, there are treatments for insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea that may provide some relief: one such alternative medicine approach is bioresonance therapy which uses concepts from quantum physics to make your self-regulating systems function better in your body.

Your body emits electro-magnetic vibrations or resonance, and when your body is healthy these frequencies should be harmonious. But viruses, bacteria, stress, toxins and inflammation cause cells to resonate at different frequency patterns which the bioresonance machine detects and eliminates using bioresonance technology.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep at night, leading to unrefreshing slumber and feeling of tiredness and lack of energy the following morning. Depression and anxiety symptoms often coexist alongside sleeping difficulties.

Sleep issues may include difficulty falling or staying asleep, difficulty with breathing during sleep (which could be an indicator of sleep apnea), gasping or choking sensations and leg cramps while trying to sleep or wake up; these sensations are all symptoms of insomnia which can also reduce concentration levels and increase accident risks.

If you suffer from sleep issues, the therapist who conducts a bioresonance session will begin by asking you to complete a questionnaire containing pertinent details such as when and why it is difficult for you to fall asleep, leg cramps/twitching sensations occurring both while sleeping or awake etc. They may also inquire as to your sleep history as well as any health problems which may contribute to the severity of symptoms experienced.

Researchers conducted a study which concluded that bioresonance was more effective than manual therapy or point massage in treating fibromyalgia. It worked by soothing nerves and soothing muscle pain while improving lung and airway functioning – important factors when dealing with sleep apnea.

Weight loss

Bioresonance machines work by emitting an electromagnetic frequency that is safe to emit that can detect energy wavelengths coming from your cells, picked up by electrodes attached to the surface of your skin and returned to the device, which then can identify different frequencies that might be misinforming your body about what to eat (for instance foods containing lots of inflammatory oils) and “cancel out” those frequencies with other specific frequencies emitted by the machine–similar to how noise-cancelling headphones work.

Practitioners claim that electromagnetic frequency imbalances may be the result of several factors, including toxins, hormonal disruptions and stress. Bioresonance therapy has been suggested as a solution to correct such imbalances and boost immunity so as to enhance metabolism and facilitate weight loss.

At your first bioresonance therapy session, you’ll lie on an examination table while electrodes are connected to your skin. Your therapist will use a bioresonance machine to send out frequencies meant to match those being produced by your body – which then allows him or her to diagnose and treat any potential factors contributing to weight gain. Following their analysis results, they may design an individual plan lasting several sessions of an hour each.

Bioresonance therapy was found to be successful at helping smokers quit and boost the immune system, as well as help them overcome food cravings – something worth keeping in mind for those struggling with weight loss or other health concerns.

However, an investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in 2019 concluded that claims about bioresonance therapy lacked clinical proof. They noted that many papers submitted as evidence did not meet peer-review and didn’t relate to conditions listed in advertisements.

Although bioresonance therapy lacks conclusive scientific proof, it remains an attractive choice for those seeking noninvasive natural therapies as a form of healing. Just make sure to seek a qualified practitioner and approach treatment with an open mind and realistic expectations.
