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Bioresonance – A New Way to Treat Allergies and Relieve Stress

Bioresonance therapy utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and wellness, from treating allergies to alleviating pain relief, this alternative treatment has proven its efficacy in helping many find relief for their symptoms and enhance overall health.

This article will explore some of the ways bioresonance therapy can be utilized to treat conditions, such as chronic sinusitis, asthma and hormonal imbalances.


Allergies can be both uncomfortable and potentially life-threatening, leading to anaphylactic shock – a rare but deadly reaction known as anaphylactic shock that may kill within minutes. Due to these risks, allergy tests are commonly utilized today in modern medicine; doctors use them to help identify causes behind their patients’ symptoms before providing effective treatment options; often food, medications or chemicals cause allergies.

Allergy testing uses bioresonance technology to measure electromagnetic waves emitted by body cells. A machine then compares this result against its database of known allergens; if they match, a doctor can then diagnose an allergy and may suggest antihistamines or steroid creams as treatments.

Bioresonance equipment also allows users to conduct other types of allergy tests, including electrodermal or skin tests. These can detect various substances as well as potential toxins or bacteria in the body as well as providing information such as stress levels or vitamin deficiencies for each patient.

Bioresonance therapy advocates claim it can treat various illnesses, including anxiety and chronic stress, back and joint pain, asthma, skin conditions and food intolerances. Unfortunately, however, the American Sociological Association has determined that many of these claims lack evidence; although some studies may show positive results they do so by only studying small numbers of participants without employing appropriate research methodologies.

Claims that bioresonance therapy can cure cancer are unsubstantiated; most healthcare professionals agree that bioresonance does not treat cancer and may be harmful if combined with conventional treatments.

People have claimed that bioresonance can assist with other issues, including smoking addiction. A TV show called Richard and Judy followed two smokers receiving bioresonance treatment to kick their habit; producers claimed they stopped after treatment had ended; this may sound convincing but isn’t scientifically valid; alternative methods exist which can successfully assist smokers to quit.


Imagine having access to an non-invasive chemical-free cure for cancer, an antidote for addiction and an instant diagnosis and treatment method for allergies, dermatitis and mental health conditions without ever needing medications or needles! Some believe bioresonance is that solution; its concept rests on an unproven theory that electromagnetic frequencies emitted by diseased cells differ from healthy cells’ emission patterns, with electrical devices capable of detecting such differences and cancelling out those associated with diseased frequencies by simply passing signals through.

To utilize it, electrodes are placed on the skin and connected to a machine which supposedly reads your body’s energy wavelengths and attempts to manipulate these signals by making your cells vibrate at their natural frequencies – an effect purportedly treating any condition present.

Bioresonance claims to assist people in quitting smoking by cancelling out the molecules of nicotine in their bloodstreams, breaking kidney stones with sound waves, and curing cancer via electromagnetic fields which’shut off’ tumours. Though its scientific basis remains tenuous, bioresonance has been promoted by doctors with links to Scientology as well as by thousands of individuals who say that it has helped them.

The FDA has taken action against numerous providers of bioresonance devices for making false claims, and the American Cancer Society advises patients against seeking treatments from these sources. Electrodermal testing used in bioresonance to diagnose allergies has proven unreliable; while small clinical trials suggest bioresonance may reduce symptoms in some conditions but should only be used as part of evidence-based treatments instead of replacing evidence with their claims.

Bioresonance sessions involve placing electrodes on the skin in order to pick up vibrational frequencies that the machine uses to diagnose various ailments, including food and environmental allergies, urogenital dysfunctions (like cystitis and prostatitis), low immune defences, digestive disorders (including colitis and gastritis), fibromyalgia, chronic sinusitis and rheumatism. The initial session typically lasts around one hour while subsequent ones take between 45-50 minutes each.

Hormonal Imbalances

Bioresonance treatments involve applying electrodes to your body and having a machine assess energy wavelengths to detect imbalances in your physiology. Practitioners claim to use the results for diagnosing diseases or medical conditions before creating electromagnetic waves to combat unhealthy frequencies created by their machine.

Proponents of this device contend it can detect “abnormal” frequencies emitted by viruses, bacteria and cancer cells to treat various disorders, including allergies, asthma and fibromyalgia; additionally it allegedly can help counteract addictions like smoking by cancelling out electromagnetic waves produced by addictive substances.

Studies on bioresonance are limited, with most being uncontrolled; participants were either given bioresonance therapy or a placebo and the results are mixed; it has been demonstrated to reduce stomach pain but failed to significantly improve depression or quality of life. Bioresonance may also help treat rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing activity levels of antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

In 2019, the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) evaluated a complaint against bioresonance after claims it could treat multiple health issues. They concluded that many of the clinical papers submitted as support were neither peer reviewed nor sufficiently detailed regarding methodology, statistical significance and analysis of results; one human study presented was unrelated to any of the conditions listed in the advertisement.

Bioresonance may provide some patients with temporary relief, yet there is no scientific proof to back it up. A thorough physical exam by a qualified healthcare provider is essential to making an informed decision if bioresonance is right for you and helping avoid unnecessary treatments that could cost thousands. Bioresonance treatments often go uninsured or are uncovered altogether by health insurance plans; their unproven nature could prevent people from seeking proper medical attention as needed and cause delays which can prove dangerous in certain instances.


Stress is one of the major contributors to illness, and bioresonance therapy may provide relief by balancing energy levels in the body and decreasing physical and emotional effects of stress, leading to improved mental health. Bioresonance may also be used for pain treatment such as chronic back and neck discomfort by sending frequencies that match vibrations of certain pathogens or toxins entering our bodies; in this way, our bodies’ natural defense mechanisms neutralize them effectively and relieve symptoms related to illness.

Bioresonance science may not yet be well established, yet its proponents claim there is ample anecdotal evidence from people who claim bioresonance treatment has helped them. They further note that scientific study of alternative medicine can be difficult due to funding challenges as well as its being published more commonly in foreign journals than English-language publications.

Based on quantum physics principles, bioresonance machines use vibrational energy to detect and neutralize any threat to health from viruses, bacteria, toxins or stress that cause our bodies to emit electromagnetic waves with specific frequency patterns known as harmonic resonance waves when healthy. When infected by viruses or bacteria or stressed-out from external factors such as viruses, bacteria or toxic stressors we experience different resonance frequencies which bioresonance machines can identify and neutralize with ease.

Bioresonance proponents point to a study showing that patients receiving bioresonance treatments experienced improvements in their symptoms. Researchers examined the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase enzymes found in blood lymphocytes before and after bioresonance treatment and found that bioresonance treatments helped restore their levels and reduce inflammation within joints of their patients. Though this study was non-randomized, its results show that bioresonance may provide an effective alternative to traditional therapies for treating rheumatoid arthritis. However, it should be remembered that this form of treatment cannot serve as a panacea – it should not be seen as the sole solution; using it could prevent patients from accessing other proven approaches which could harm their health further down the line.
