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What is a Radianthesic Circuit?

Radionic circuits are devices designed to connect humans with subtle energies present in objects, living organisms and thoughts. Their design follows a very straightforward principle.

The device consists of an initial oscillating circuit at its core, comprised of a pole (29) with a rounded head affixed to a vertical stem and connected via silver wire to either one of two solenoids featuring two turns or fixed capacitors on either end of that wire.



This basic circuit is ideal for beginners in radioesthesistian training; its characteristics and uses include amplifying at vibration level any witness you test by your pendulum by placing them within any of its concentric circles; once charged you can use this radionic graphic for all sorts of radiesthesic searches – simply remembering to leave subject witnesses or object witnesses on its appropriate radiesthesic circuit for 30 minutes prior to conducting searches – also ask your pendulum for emission times on each occasion;

Radionic Circuit No. 7 – Antigrippe is a complementary radionic circuit for treating feverish states, coughs and colds with homeopathy or allopathy; put an empty white glass non goblet glass containing natural water into one of these graphics for 45 minutes of charging before testing your pendulum to find out which antigrippe circuit best matches each subject.

Radionic Circuit No. 12 – Protector of Healing Magnetism It allows for precise, long-term relief from any toxic energies you’ve accumulated up until now while breaking free of psychic or inner dependency relationships with others; simply place a picture in the middle of this graphic for 24 hours then charge as desired, using it whenever convenient; consult with a pendulum as to the frequency of sessions on various topics for maximum efficacy;

All radionic circuits are installed on tables; to avoid wasting energy and save energy you must ensure that they have not been shown publicly or diffused improperly (this could seriously damage them); avoid making photostat copies as exposure to direct light sources exceeding 220 Watt will irrevocably deplete their energetic charge, rendering it inactive for long. Cold plasticization ensures their longevity. After each session it is recommended that the circuit is left inactive for at least one day so as to restore full charge back into it.


Radionic circuits are collections of devices that work together to produce various effects. Constructed using various components like batteries, variable resistors (commonly referred to as rheostats), quartz crystals and oscillators connected by wires – giving a radionic device its distinctive appearance of having multiple knobs and dials on it despite its simple construction.

Components in radionic devices each serve an essential purpose; for instance, a quartz crystal provides vibrational resonance while an oscillator supplies energy for moving the other elements around it. Furthermore, as conductors transmit vibrational energy from end to end via wire connections. The oscillator converts this vibrational energy into electrical energy which is then transmitted throughout its own wire connections directly into other parts of the device.

The oscillator is an essential component of radionic devices because its production of very high-frequency vibration allows it to transmit vibrational energy over long distances – even when practitioners aren’t close by! Indeed, it serves as the heartbeat of any radionic device.

Each device serves a distinct function, but all are designed to help an individual enhance their life by tapping into the universal energies present everywhere in our universe. They can heal and bring balance back into human bodies while clearing away negative beliefs and thoughts from our minds. Furthermore, these devices can assist in healing as they remove any distortion in an individual’s energy patterns that exist within themselves.

Radionic devices can help heal physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Radionic circuits may also be utilized for spiritual healing by clearing mental disturbances or helping individuals overcome addictions; helping overcome fear or traumas as well. Furthermore, spiritual radionic devices may even be employed to clear away karmic debts or heal past sins.


Radionics devices, typically complex boxes with dials and circuits, operate under the principle that health and disease are manifestations of energy patterns. Practitioners believe they can identify and correct such patterns by tuning their radionics device to specific frequencies; practitioners also hold that each body’s electromagnetic frequencies have unique frequencies which they believe allow them to detect any problems or imbalances within its electromagnetic frequency signature.

Albert Abrams designed the basic circuits of radionics system to facilitate his work on healing. He believed that each disease or remedy had its own specific vibrational frequency that was easy to identify using his devices. To accomplish this goal, he created a table of resistances detailing specific organs, diseases and remedies as well as symbols used to identify vibrational frequencies.

This radionics schematic is an easy three dial tuning circuit to construct. It can be used to test for many symptoms and conditions, including cancer, asthma, AIDS and the common cold. Furthermore, this radionics schematic also works well at treating conditions like influenza as well as treating sprains, rashes, headaches and anxiety.

There are other radionics devices that utilize a similar concept, but their application tends to be much broader in scope and offer more testing and treatment opportunities. A prime example is Base 44 – an unusual radionics system which employs sacred geometry patterns to create a larger field of vibration. Unlike Abrams’ device, Base 44 doesn’t rely on resistance – rather, it builds an organic 3D form much like Abrams’ did, acting like an organism itself with life of its own much like how a thought form does.

The Protective Shield is a radionic circuit used for protecting yourself against external psychic attacks; it can help deflect any attempts at manipulation by others to influence your subconscious and is effective against psycho-emotive dependencies. When conducting searches with this circuit, simply place the subject witness at its centre, charge for no more than 24 hours every 10 days (48 if sensational situations arise), and ask your pendulum if its current emission matches that of your subject witness.


Radiesthesic Searches utilize radionic graphic circuits which have the capacity of channeling energy renewal towards any topic that interests you; this may include using remedies, crystals and flowers, but you could also utilize objects with an energetic intention like pictures, books and paintings as part of this method.

Use a compass of cardinal points to orient some radionic graphics (the black point at the top of each figure represents magnetic north), and place a living subject witness (preferably alive) at the center of each graphic drawing; they could include pictures, animals, plants or yourself which relate to your subject of search; alternatively let each drawing charge with energy thanks to itself and let a pendulum determine how many emissions will take place daily on that subject.

Radionic Circuit No. 15 – Eliminator of Noxious Energies

This targeted radionic circuit offers you a safe and precise method to eliminate all toxic energies accumulated by subjects through various forms of search, just let it charge with them as witnesses for at most 30 minutes per day.

Pendulums can be very helpful in protecting against external psychic attacks and from external manipulation of the subconscious by other people; consult it daily about what number you will do for each subject matter.

It is an extremely powerful graphic circuit designed to recharge with universal energy any individual or subject that has become stressed, tired and compromised of vital powers due to stress or tiredness, fatigue or breakdown of vital forces; simply allow this graphic circuit to charge your subject for 30 minutes daily; this method is highly recommended if exposed to electromagnetic radiations and/or chemical products; additionally this circuit is highly beneficial when creating health plans as preventative measures against diseases.
