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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 18, 2024|Editorial

Magnetic Resonance Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

At Newport Brain Research Laboratory and Brain Treatment Center, magnetic resonance therapy (MRT) is employed as an effective method to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MRT works by manipulating activity patterns in brain networks associated with this condition using magnets.

Two RCTs have investigated second-generation TMS modalities for treating PTSD. The first randomized 103 veterans to active or sham 1Hz TMS to the DLPFC prior to weekly CPT sessions.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is caused by any kind of trauma – war, sexual assault, car accidents or severe illness can all lead to it – as well as any subsequent events like abuse, loss and death of loved ones. People affected may experience intense and persistent feelings of fear, anxiety or depression which worsen over time and make functioning normally increasingly challenging; symptoms can linger for months or years and include nightmares, flashbacks and difficulty sleeping; lack of concentration as well as emotional numbness are just some symptoms associated with PTSD.

MeRT (Magnetic E-resonance Therapy) is a noninvasive treatment method using brainwave analysis to realign neural pathways in your brain. The process includes placing coils around your head and applying magnetic pulses that affect how neurons communicate between each other, with your doctor then being able to adjust intensity levels of magnetic fields in order to target areas that need realigning in your mind. MeRT may be beneficial in improving mental health as it offers alternative solutions compared to medications or other forms of treatment.

A former Marine helicopter crew chief reclines in a medical suite with eyes closed while an ex-Army squad leader holds a paddle-shaped wand against his forehead, providing short bursts of electromagnetic stimulation to his frontal lobe of brain. For six seconds, this device produces a staccato rhythm as short bursts are delivered directly into his brain’s frontal lobes via electromagnetic stimulation.

This phase II trial used double-blind, placebo-controlled stimulation of both right and left DLPFC with active 20Hz rTMS to reduce symptoms associated with DSM-IV diagnosed PTSD in 30 patients diagnosed using DSM IV criteria. Each condition resulted in significant reductions of core symptoms including hyperarousal, vigilance, intrusive thoughts and emotional numbness – though right condition had larger effect than left condition.


Cortical MeRT should generally be administered only if pregnant or breastfeeding patients can avoid certain absolute contraindications that require close protocol attention, but can typically be avoided by those not pregnant or breastfeeding. These include a history of seizures, pacemakers or defibrillators, pacemakers/defibrillators, pacemakers or defibrillators, pacemakers or defibrillators, pacemakers or defibrillators, pacemakers or defibrillators, pacemakers or defibrillators implants aneurysm clips aneurysm clips ear implants cochlear implant and metallic foreign bodies present within the brain (excluding titanium). In addition to absolute contraindications discussed with your physician; relative contraindications include mental illnesses including bipolar Disorder Types I/III disorders Types; Tinnitus; depression.


As soon as PTSD first surfaced in the 1990s, doctors believed it to be caused by an abnormal brain circuit that shifted memory and emotional processing toward the right side of the cortex. Treatment options typically included psychotherapy sessions aimed at forcing patients to revisit traumatic events as well as antidepressant medications belonging to the SSRI class.

However, these treatments can often have unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. Another possibility is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), which uses rapid eye movements to help victims process trauma memories – however this process is time consuming, costly, and has a high dropout rate.

BrainsWay’s noninvasive MeRT therapy uses magnetic stimulation of brain structures and networks associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our device analyzes your brainwaves to ensure optimum treatment results – offering a safe yet effective approach to mental wellbeing improvement.

Jon Warren, a former Marine helicopter crew chief, relaxes comfortably at the Brain Treatment Center – a nonprofit offering free sessions to veterans – in a medical suite. Warren has experienced remarkable transformation since spending most of his life wracked with guilt over failing to rescue fellow soldier from burning Humvee that crushed them during Iraq deployment 2006.

No longer plagued by nightmares or flashbacks, he no longer harbors suicidal thoughts and can spend long days with his wife. Additionally, his 10-year-old son with autism no longer requires one-on-one aide at school and is reading at a high school level, passing spelling tests effortlessly.


Even with impressive clinical trial results, researchers are still exploring optimal TMS settings for treating PTSD. Studies have examined frequency, pulse duration and intensity as well as delivery modes including sTMS and TBS; yet only few have explored long-term outcomes of PTSD symptom improvement.


Neuroimaging and electroencephalogram (EEG) studies indicate that altered cortical excitability contributes to the pathogenesis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Particularly, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and amygdala are implicated. Furthermore, several animal and human clinical studies demonstrate how noninvasive brain stimulation such as rTMS or tDCS to these regions may alleviate PTSD symptoms (12-17). One rTMS treatment to the vmPFC reduced symptoms while another using tDCS in amygdala improved symptoms as well as normalized EEG activity (18-20).

As well as psychotherapies such as CPT and PE, TMS combined with these treatments has been explored through some RCTs (21). One such RCT employed a modified version of the imaginal exposure protocol which involved self-guided exploration of trauma-related imagery while speaking aloud while receiving weekly TMS sessions; its results were similar to that of using just the imaginal exposure protocol alone, yet greater than using PE alone.

More recent research has made use of resting-state fMRI to measure predictors of clinical response to TMS (23-28). Results from two studies suggested that participants who responded well had increased within-network connectivity within the DMN as measured by resting-state fMRI; by contrast, those who didn’t respond had reduced within-network connectivity and displayed poorer PTSD symptom reduction on the CAPS scale.

sTMS, the second-generation TMS modality, uses three rotating magnets to deliver relatively low energy triplet bursts of pulses at more precise frequency levels (synchronized to each participant’s intrinsic alpha frequency). A pilot RCT randomized veterans with both PTSD and MDD to either active sTMS treatment or placebo for one month follow-up; active sTMS was found to significantly reduce both symptoms simultaneously.

Jin has been using off-label sTMS treatments to treat veterans for PTSD since 2013. According to his estimates, about 100 veterans have undergone treatments; most had given up with traditional approaches offered through VA such as behavioral therapy and medications. Many reported their PTSD symptoms have significantly reduced or been entirely eliminated and this improvement has continued at least since 2013. Going forward, researchers hope to assess sTMS’ potential in treating other disorders such as depression anxiety addiction and tinnitus.


TMS uses an electromagnet to deliver pulses of magnetic energy that stimulate brain cells and increase their activity, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating depression but researchers have also discovered it can alleviate PTSD symptoms in veterans. TMS differs from other treatments by not requiring surgery or medications – the results from studies indicate it’s effective as either monotherapy or in combination with psychotherapies.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of TMS for relieving combat-related PTSD symptoms, such as depressive and anxiety symptoms. One such study involved coexisting PTSD and MDD patients receiving 10 sessions of either 1 Hz or 5 Hz TMS to the left DLPFC; those receiving TMS showed greater improvements in both depression (though not anxiety) symptoms than a control group; another recent retrospective case series study demonstrated 1Hz bilateral DLPFC TMS improved these same areas, though its effect size was smaller.

Another small pilot RCT randomly assigned nine participants to either active versus sham rTMS of their right DLPFC during an imaginal exposure protocol. Participants experienced significant decreases in PTSD symptoms on CAPS assessments that were sustained through follow-up.

These studies provide encouraging findings, yet further investigation is required to identify optimal stimulation parameters and laterality, and identify predictive biomarkers of response. FMRI and EEG measurements may help detect patterns of network connectivity that correlate with clinical responses; an increase in salience network (SN) connectivity has been linked with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Future research may examine the effects of different rTMS protocols on different symptoms clusters associated with PTSD and determine which targets are more or less effective than others. Furthermore, conducting a large-scale controlled trial would allow researchers to ascertain its safety and efficacy among PTSD veterans from multiple populations. One group of scientists is raising funds for such an endeavor with plans to use two MRT devices that cost around $50,000 each in double-blind clinical trials of TMS devices for treating PTSD veterans.

July 18, 2024|Editorial

American Professor Remote Healing 2500 Patients

Psychiatric Nurses

She has been recognized for excellence in teaching at the University of Massachusetts Amherst with their Periodic Multi Year Research (PMYR) award, as well as receiving their Nancy Valentine Excellence in Leadership award from American Psychiatric Nurses Association New England Chapter. Additionally, she has published in areas related to nursing theory, ethics, relationships and work ethic – with her efforts focused on improving knowledge, practice, care within cultural, biological, psychological and social frameworks in collaboration with health systems and community organizations.

July 17, 2024|Editorial

The Benefits of a Frequency Therapy Device

Frequency therapy works wonders in creating wholeness and equilibrium within our bodies, making the Healy device an invaluable asset in optimizing wellness regimens.

Microcurrent therapy uses current that mimics what your own body naturally generates and does not shock, although you may feel some slight vibration sensation. Frequencies used are either swept or waved and can even be heterodyned for maximum effect.

What is Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Therapy?

FSM therapy is a noninvasive and painless noninvasive solution to help manage both acute and chronic injuries. FSM may reduce muscle spasms while softening tissue. Furthermore, frequency specific microcurrent therapy has also been proven to accelerate wound healing processes and alleviate symptoms associated with depression, anxiety and insomnia. Studies demonstrate the efficacy of frequency specific microcurrent as a therapy solution.

Frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) is widely utilized for treating various conditions, including but not limited to fibromyalgia, disc-and nerve-based pain, sciatica, sports injuries, chronic inflammation of the spine and extremities (sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis) viscerally-referred pain (pain in organs such as abdomen, lungs bladder or bowel) chronic sinusitis and chronic sinusitis. Furthermore FSM appears effective against viral/bacterial infections that affect sinuses/eyes/ears/intestines/lungs/skin.

Practitioners can select from thousands of frequencies to treat patient conditions. Once treatment begins, frequencies begin working on energy fields within the body – even some patients report feeling light or floaty as an indicator that frequencies are working on specific parts.

As frequencies are applied to body tissues, they can stimulate cell metabolism and release long-suppressed waste products, leading to mild side effects such as headache, fatigue or nausea – typically short-lived as part of detoxification processes.

An important step toward reaping the full benefits of FSM therapy is drinking plenty of water on the day and during your appointment. Staying hydrated will allow for the most successful FSM experience; we advise drinking at least a quart in the two hours prior to beginning FSM sessions.

FSM treatments are generally safe and can be utilized alone or combined with physical therapy, acupuncture and/or nutritional/natural supplementation to provide relief for most. Before beginning FSM treatments it is wise to consult a qualified health care practitioner to ensure it will be suitable for you – get in touch with us now to schedule a free 15 minute consultation and discover whether this therapy may be right for you.

How Does FSM Work?

FSM uses specific frequencies tailored to treat specific tissue types. Each frequency has a distinct effect on cells and tissues – for instance, one frequency might help break up scar tissue while another frequency remodels fibrotic nodules – creating dramatic and life-altering results when combined together. FSM has proven highly successful at treating many conditions such as:

One reason is its ability to stimulate cells and tissues to produce more energy, which allows the body to heal itself instead of just masking its symptoms.

FSM treatments have also been demonstrated to effectively decrease inflammation. While inflammation is a normal physical response to an injury or infection, chronic inflammation can lead to serious health problems like arthritis and cardiovascular disease. FSM therapies reduce inflammation by encouraging the release of anti-inflammatory molecules while simultaneously decreasing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

FSM treatments typically produce a warming sensation and softening of tissues, unlike other electro therapies like TENS. FSM is virtually painless as its electric current produced by the machine is measured in micro amperes rather than stimulating sensory nerves – this makes treatment extremely comfortable.

FSM treatments typically last 30-60 minutes, depending on your condition and response to treatment. Water should be consumed before and after FSM sessions to keep tissues hydrated and support healthy cell activity.

FSM therapy does not present any known negative side effects, though there may be certain situations in which it should not be recommended or applied. Women who may become pregnant should consult their physician prior to receiving this therapy, while people suffering from open wounds or infections may need time before receiving its benefits. It’s also wise to avoid receiving FSM treatments while on blood-thinner medication as certain frequencies used for scar tissue removal could interfere with blood clotting processes and interfere with clotting times.

What Are the Benefits of FSM Therapy?

FSM works by targeting biochemicals within the body that support and increase cellular energy production, which allows faster healing by increasing Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). FSM can also help reduce pain, swelling and inflammation by activating anti-inflammatory molecules while suppressing pro-inflammatory ones.

FSM can provide significant relief for chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, joint and muscle injuries, carpal tunnel, arthritis, sports injuries and shingles, while speeding healing from acute injuries or surgeries. FSM also helps clear infections quickly while strengthening immunity systems.

Research and clinical trials have demonstrated the power of FSM’s frequency combinations to bring various conditions and tissues back into energetic balance, altering pain patterns and functional outcomes for patients quickly and sustainably. FSM can work wonders in areas like shoulders and spine where muscles, tendons, bursaes, discs nerves or joints generate pain; there’s even one type of spinal trauma fibromyalgia which responds remarkably to its unique combination of frequencies.

FSM has been proven to remodel scar tissue, reduce sprains and strains, decrease inflammation, improve cellular energy and protein synthesis and soften affected areas. People often report experiencing an immediate warming sensation upon application of electric microcurrents to an affected area.

FSM has also been shown to effectively help reduce pain, swelling and inflammation for those suffering with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, its benefits have also been observed when used in osteoarthritis patients to alleviate chronic inflammation symptoms; FSM’s use has also been found to lower levels of inflammatory chemicals found in bloodstream while simultaneously encouraging new bone, cartilage and tendon formation.

Before beginning an FSM therapy session, one of the most crucial things for people to keep in mind is staying hydrated. Experts suggest drinking at least 1 quart of water within two hours prior and post treatment in order to maximize its efficacy – making FSM therapy an invaluable aid in combating chronic pain and improving quality of life!

What is the Healy Device?

Healy devices offer individuals looking to take control of their health and wellness a powerful tool. Non-invasive and drug-free approaches to pain management and stress reduction via Healy World frequencies tailored specifically for human bodies offer effective healing while offering plenty of resources and customer support services that help users make the most of their device.

Healy operates under the assumption that many health issues stem from imbalances within the body, whether physical discomfort, emotional stress or low energy levels are to blame. She uses frequency transmission technology to encourage cell communication and self-healing through tailored frequencies that she sends out into the environment.

Healy devices can be used at home, on-the-go, or in the office with ease and require no special training – simply download and connect to Healy via adhesive electrodes; select a program; and let run. Its user-friendly app features clear instructions for getting the most from your Healy device.

Numerous Healy users have reported significant enhancements in their quality of life after adopting Healy into their routine, including reduced pain, better sleep quality, enhanced mood and energy levels and boosted performance levels. Anecdotal reports and preliminary research indicate that Healy could offer effective relief for various common health issues.

Healy users should be open to alternative therapies and holistic wellness approaches, willing to invest both their time and energy in learning how to use Healy efficiently, as well as have sufficient financial means for both initial investment as well as maintenance fees/subscription fees for Healy.

Healy should not be seen as a replacement to conventional medical treatments and should only be utilized as an ancillary therapy. Individuals requiring more comprehensive evidence of efficacy and safety may consider other alternatives, such as clinical trials or prescription medication.

July 17, 2024|Editorial

Pro Therapy Vibration Neck Massager With Soothing Heat From Homedics

This device offers intense vibration and soothing heat therapy to make a relaxing massage session at home or the office more effective. Powered via an adapter or 4 AAA batteries, its auto shut-off feature makes sure you won’t fall asleep during a massage session.

Users love this device for relieving migraine and fibromyalgia pain relief. Adjustable intensity levels and rotating node designs offer users more control of intensity levels.

Adjustable massage intensity

Neck massagers can be an effective way to alleviate pain, reduce stress and improve circulation. They’re especially helpful at targeting trigger points in muscles which cause pain or discomfort – great for use at home, the office or on vacation! Most models feature built-in heat functions for soothing muscle soreness; plus some even rotate so as to target specific parts of your neck or back.

The Pro Therapy Vibration Neck Massager with Soothing Heat offers two massage speeds combined with intensity-regulating flex handles to allow you to find your own personalized comfort zone. With deep-kneading Shiatsu massage and vibration mode, this device can quickly relax sore or tight neck muscles in minutes while being simple to operate with controls integrated directly into its handles.

Most individuals who use neck massagers can find great benefit in using them, however it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective usage. Start off slowly before gradually increasing the time each session is used for as you become more comfortable. If your neck pain persists see your doctor for treatment options.

A neck massager can be an ideal way to relieve a sore neck, helping you unwind while at work. Some models even come equipped with a convenient remote control and timer feature – ideal for people who spend long hours behind a desk!

MoCuishle Shiatsu Back and Neck Massager offers another option for neck massagers, providing you with a seat cushion for use at your desk or chair. Although light in weight, this unit may not be the optimal choice if you require heavy-duty neck massager performance. While its wire frame allows you to customize it to your neck size with some effort on your part, to achieve results quickly.

If you’re on a tight budget but in search of a neck massager that meets all your needs, consider the LuxFit Neck Massager. This lightweight model fits comfortably around your neck and features two massage balls for relieving trigger points in tight muscles. With its 15-minute auto shutoff feature and auto shutoff feature, you won’t have to worry about overheating during sleep or relaxation time.

Comfort flex handles

Grab hold of relief with a neck massager designed to fit your unique shape. The comfortable flex handles allow for maneuvering and manipulating of the massager with pinpoint accuracy, while still having full control of intensity levels. Switch effortlessly between Shiatsu, vibration, and soothing heat treatments with integrated controls right on each handle for full customization – simply thumb-press away! For convenience purposes you can power this device using four AA batteries or via its adapter (included). Two year limited warranty.

-Achies relief of sore muscles in the neck and shoulders through deep-kneading shiatsu massage which alleviates tension while energetic vibration massage revitalizes.

Easy to use

Pro Therapy Vibration Neck Massager with Soothing Heat is easy to use at home, in the office or even while traveling. With dual massage speeds and intensity-controlling flex handles to soothe away tension from aching neck muscles. Two convenient buttons make controlling this massager from anywhere simple; either 4AA batteries (not included) or an AC adapter can power it – with batteries only operating the massage function while adapters operate both heat and intensity levels simultaneously; for proper battery placement when using an adapter please refer back of unit for proper placement details.

Easy to clean

Washable covers make keeping your massager clean easy with their simple steps to eliminating germs and bacteria for a more soothing massager experience. Just pop the cover into the washing machine with cold water before air drying for quick and convenient cleaning every time – whether at home or out and about! It is an effortless way of maintaining cleanliness for easy future use!

Feel rejuvenated neck and shoulder muscles with customized vibration massage sessions while soothing heat eases tension away. Comfort flex handles make operation effortless while soft and plush fabric offers maximum relaxation. Cordless and rechargeable, this pro therapy vibration neck massager with soothing heat offers portable relaxation!

July 17, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Tens Pads

Yes – Agree to terms of license agreement

Readme – important details regarding your installation.

New: Two configurable amplitude and frequency wobble systems, plus harmonic generation functions. Also a control to enable and disable virtual generator buttons which can be used for Generator Shadowing. Other new features:

Placement of the Tens Pads

Spooky2 Tens Pads are one of the most convenient frequency applications contact accessories available, being easy to use and adhere to your skin, providing more energy coverage than hand cylinders and ideal for contact mode and biofeedback scanning.

Ideally, when placing pads, one pad on either ankle and one on the right wrist is optimal to help stimulate energy to flow throughout your entire body and reach viscera and associated meridien acupuncture points. Avoid placing directly over your heart as this could affect its rhythm and prevent your healing program from working properly. You should also avoid placing directly over hairy areas, open wounds or scarred skin areas to maximize success in healing programs.

Spooky2 Tens Pads come equipped with self-adhering gel that does not require additional application; therefore, no extra steps should be required in their use. However, due to not being waterproof, they should not be used in water or showers. You can purchase a special holder designed to make removing and replacing electrodes easier; additionally using such plastic holders may help protect them from becoming wet and losing their adhesion over time.

Placement of the Hand Cylinders

Spooky2 Tens Pads are self-adhesive reusable electrodes that deliver accurate frequency energy for localized healing. They’re an easy and comfortable way to treat chronic health conditions or use during biofeedback scans; most often placed around wrists and ankles in order to spread current through different parts of the body and minimize pain; they may also be placed strategically on specific meridian acupuncture points to optimize treatment effectiveness.

Spooky2 Conductive Carbonized Rubber Hand Cylinders offer an alternative to metal hand cylinders that contain aluminum or stainless steel tubing, making them safe to touch without causing skin irritation. Their dimpled surface enhances skin contact and comfort. Their electrodes connect directly to our generator if lower power output is desired – these come included with most kits we sell!

The GX Essential kit provides everything needed to start using Rife frequency devices, including two bags of tens pads, carbonized hand cylinders, one Spooky2 Boost signal processor and five pairs of sample digitizer replacement slides. It’s the ideal starting point for creating an effective system which can be used both contact mode and foot bath bath applications.

Spooky2 frequency treatments require knowing how to correctly position pads and cylinders, particularly the latter. In particular, avoid placing the cylinders over sensitive areas like eyes or heart. Furthermore, keep them away from hairy or open wound areas. It is also wise to wear plastic sleeves over them when not using the device in order to protect it against damage.

When using a Spooky2 machine, it’s important to keep in mind that its frequency waves can penetrate deeply into body tissues and cause side effects in some people – particularly if taking medications or have medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes. Therefore, it is advised to consult a doctor prior to using one.

Placement of the Foot Baths

Foot baths offer an effective full body treatment option, perfect for long duration treatments and biofeedback scans in contact mode. Their comfortable design makes frequency energy much easier on the hands while simultaneously increasing coverage on your body’s entry points.

Plasma tubes offer an effective alternative, providing targeted energy on one issue with powerful detox results (especially against heavy metals such as lead and mercury).

Spooky2 will ping your body, noting any hits it detects as “echoes.” It then sweeps around various frequencies until finding one with the strongest response – these frequencies will then be transmitted through TENS pads or Spooky Remote to your body via self-adhesive TENS pads or Spooky Remote, the latter of which comes included with most kits but is also sold individually – our most popular accessory comes in various sizes.

Placement of the Biofeedback Scanner

Biofeedback offers various tests and scans. Some of the more popular ones include Body, which provides an overall assessment of your health; Hunt and Kill will find and destroy pathogens, parasites, and fungi in your system; Blood can detect numerous conditions like blood sugar imbalances and low or high cholesterol; Thyroid can reveal thyroid hormone imbalance.

Biofeedback Scanner can be an extremely helpful way to improve your health and wellbeing, from healing from surgery or serious illness, to improving immune system performance and increasing chances of cure for cancer patients. Furthermore, its test results can give a better indication as to which medications may or may not be working effectively for you.

Biofeedback Scanner can also be used to detect areas of inflammation and pain in the body. This feature can be particularly helpful for those living with chronic pain due to arthritis or back conditions; recovering from surgery; fibromyalgia; headaches; or digestive problems.

Spooky2 offers both small and large contact pads that connect to either Out 1 or Out 2. Larger pads may provide greater comfort; large tens pads offer more surface area to distribute power into your body through. When using large pads, an adaptor pictured at right can be added for easier connection; alternatively you could purchase their standard cable that came with them and use that instead of their original BNC-to-dual banana plug cable that came standard.

Small pads can help improve digestion and stomach functions by supporting healthy digestive processes. You may also place them on other organs or meridien acupuncture points for additional therapeutic effects. You can connect both Out 1 and Out 2, giving one pad access to one part of the body while the other remains on another one of its locations simultaneously.