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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 16, 2024|Editorial

LifeVantage Biohacking

LifeVantage is a science-driven health and wellness company. Their scientifically validated products include Protandim Nrf2 Synergizers and the PhysIQ Smart Energy System which are deeply rooted in nutrition and nutrigenomics research.

Biohacking involves more than reading mindless self-improvement tips online; it involves understanding why certain changes happen in your body and mind and using cutting edge technologies to reach your goals.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is an affordable, simple-to-use in-home device that can help you achieve a youthful and radiant appearance. Studies have demonstrated how red light therapy improves skin tone and hydration while simultaneously decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.

Red Light Therapy works at the cellular level, targeting your mitochondria – the powerhouses responsible for creating energy from ATP molecules – for maximum performance. When your mitochondria are working optimally, your body feels and functions its best. Red and near infrared wavelengths target electrons involved in cell respiration processes by breaking nitric oxide bonds while simultaneously letting hydrogen and water pass through to make ATP production simpler for your cells.

If you want to feel better and gain more energy throughout the day, try red light therapy sessions. They may help reduce symptoms of depression by stimulating serotonin production – the hormone responsible for making you happy! Red light therapy also improves your sleep cycle and decreases inflammation in the brain.

Utilizing LifeVantage products and tools together, can help you become the healthiest version of yourself. From detoxing your system to optimizing performance, LifeVantage has products and tools available that can assist in reaching that goal.


Photobiomodulation (PBM) and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) are powerful biohacking tools. Both substances play a vital role in your body’s cellular metabolism; as you age, your NAD levels decrease reducing cellular energy and hastening breakdown leading to disease, illness and increased mortality risks.

Science supports both PBM and NAD as powerful anti-aging techniques, and both can work together to slow cellular energy degradation caused by age. By increasing your NAD levels through diet supplements and increasing PBM through red light therapy, you can reverse its effects of aging.

Lipner suggests discussing red light devices available over-the-counter with your dermatologist and beginning with short treatment regimes until you’ve learned to use the device correctly. Also be careful avoiding eye areas if your condition makes your skin sensitive to light or you are pregnant as these could present risks.

Intermittent Fasting

As part of lifevantage biohacking, one effective strategy for taking control of both body and mind is intermittent fasting – an eating plan which alternates periods of fasting with eating at set intervals; this enables the body to switch between burning carbohydrates for energy and burning fat instead, leading to weight loss and improved health. There are various methods available; experimentation is key in finding out what works for you!

Some individuals prefer a 16/8 intermittent fasting diet, in which they only consume food within an eight-hour window per day, while others may opt for 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, in which they eat normally two days out of seven and fast on four.

Sleep is an integral component of biohacking lifevantage. Sleep can help prevent nutrient deficiencies, strengthen immunity systems, lower stress and anxiety levels and boost moods.


Exercise is a key element of biohacking lifevantage. Regular physical activity can aid muscle growth, improve cardiovascular health and help lower body fat accumulation – even helping lower risk factors for chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes! Furthermore, regular exercise is a great way to combat stress – which has been shown to lead to premature aging and skin issues.

Lifevantage biohacking requires taking supplements to enhance overall health. Supplements can assist you in meeting health and fitness goals more quickly by increasing energy levels, supporting digestive health, and aiding weight loss. Some examples of supplements used for lifevantage biohacking are nootropics, probiotics and nutrigenomics supplements.

Nutrigenomics is the study of how nutrients and natural compounds impact gene expression. LifeVantage’s Protandim range of nutritionally validated supplements is an ideal way to enhance cell function and achieve biohacking success.


Biohacking goes far beyond simply reading self-improvement tips to become healthier and feel better; it involves employing all available methods – research, experimentation and technology – to optimize your body. LifeVantage Nutritionals leads the movement for biohacking with their scientifically tested products and cutting edge technology that are perfect for biohacking.

Protandim, LifeVantage’s flagship product, is an all-in-one supplement that activates your body’s natural survival genes to increase energy and focus. Many have experienced benefits from Protandim for improving energy levels, decreasing brain fog, and increasing focus. Furthermore, LifeVantage also offers bioregulator peptides which aid cellular repair within your own body.

Meditation is another popular lifevantage biohack used to improve physical and mental well-being, offering many simple yet complex practices for relaxation. Meditation can range from listening to music all the way up to breathing techniques – you just have to find time! Meditation can also be done anywhere at any time so there’s always time for some calm down time!

Meditation involves repeating action words such as “lifting,” “moving,” and “placing” while thinking of them in your head. You could also close your eyes and imagine relaxing scenes within your mind’s eye or simply walk while meditating while focusing on the movement of feet and legs.

One common error made when trying to meditate is becoming distracted by their environment. While it’s essential to attempt to minimize distractions and noise pollution as much as possible, having a comfortable seat and being aware of posture are also helpful in the practice of meditation. Sitting up straight has many health benefits for your spine as well as supporting immunity systems.

Active Recovery

LifeVantage may not have pioneered biohacking as such, but they certainly embrace it and its principles. DIY biology (biohacking) involves taking full control of your body through using all available resources – cutting-edge tech tools science to personal coaching to reach optimal health.

Step one of biohacking involves making lifestyle adjustments. Exercise should be included as research has proven its positive effects on both appearance and mood, acting as a natural stress reliever while improving overall appearance.

Add some small hacks to your daily routine for better fitness and performance. For instance, when heading out to the gym, consider investing in a foam roller to assist in recovery from workouts. Not only is this tool affordable and beneficial in relieving muscle soreness and stiffness after each session, it also has been known to increase range of motion and flexibility which will support fitness goals and performance objectives.

Finally, make an effort to get plenty of restful restful sleep. Remembering both REM and non-REM cycles contribute to overall wellness is crucial; in order to maximize these cycles for maximum restful slumber. In order to optimize this aspect of health and wellness, try not eating large meals within two hours before bedtime and keeping the bedroom dark and quiet by using white noise machines or blackout curtains in order to improve restful slumber.

LifeVantage products provide solutions that can help you discover why what you’re doing to your body and mind is harmful, then make conscious efforts to alter them for improvement. With each day that passes, biohacking goals become closer – all it requires is an authentic desire and commitment from you!

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Sample Digitizer

Spooky2 Sample Digitizer allows for direct GX scanning of biological samples such as urine, saliva, blood etc. Additionally, remote biofeedback scans can also be conducted.

This output gradually rises and descends through six smaller internal cycles controlled by the value you enter in this pane.

Spooky2 Generatorx Pro

Spooky2 Generatorx Pro is an advanced frequency generator designed to deliver optimal performance and functionality. Featuring two function generators with two outputs that operate up to 40 MHz with any waveform; can detect and transmit frequencies according to biofeedback results and DNA level measurements; runs without computer use and offers advanced functions for increasing Spooky2 session effectiveness as well as accelerating healing for chronic diseases.

This software includes an extensive library of frequencies for treating various conditions, such as cancer, far field plasma and scalar energy, PEMF coil connection and activation, cold laser treatment, Morgellons/Lyme protocol, Morgellons & Lyme protocol and much more. Furthermore, GeneratorX features various helpful tools, such as customizing frequencies to meet individual needs as well as performing biofeedback scans with its biofeedback scan feature.

Customize the appearance and interface of Spooky2 software and its interface to suit your tastes. With numerous font size, color, background options and built-in help systems available, as well as options to add custom icons and password protection for Spooky2, there is something suitable for everyone’s personal taste and style.

At the generator configuration screen, you can modify default generator power and signal settings to suit your requirements. Additionally, you can choose whether the generator displays a power meter and set minimum frequency transmission rates; additionally you can adjust amplitude wobble settings which increase or decrease generated waves amplitudes.

The generator configuration screen also displays its current operational status of the device. Each functional state is represented by either color or text on a button – for instance a green checkmark means normal operation mode while red indicates fault conditions or power interruption.

Utilizing the Generatorx pro is simple. After installing and connecting hardware and software, presets can be run in any of its available modes – most commonly plasma, contact, remote and PEMF coil modes; additionally scalar biofeedback scan and hunt and kill presets may also be provided.

Spooky2 XM

Spooky2 XM system is one of the most advanced Rife devices ever produced, featuring three transmission modes including pure and molecular scalar waves, as well as various frequency generators such as PEMF coils, plasma lasers and remote contact lasers. Furthermore, this device includes its own generator to scan for disease such as viruses and pathogens as well as being easily connected with computers running Spooky2.

The XM also comes equipped with dual outputs. This dual output feature makes working with complex waveforms such as amplitude modulation and frequency shift keying easier, as well as providing more accurate polarity tests. Furthermore, the device comes equipped with an improved scanning algorithm as well as capabilities for connecting PEMF coils or plasma. Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

For easy Output settings changes, simply click its respective Output button in the Control Pane and make your selection. From here you can set its Hz factor, frequency, amplitude and whether or not to gate it – as well as selecting frequency sweep mode which can help when testing a signal.

The XM also comes equipped with 10 commands that install drivers and display which channels are being controlled by which generators. This information can be invaluable for clinicians using this device for treating patients.

The Spooky2 xm offers portability over its predecessor model, making it more suitable for travel than its predecessor. You can use it on tables or desks instead of beds for convenient operation – making it the ideal solution for people without access to computers!

The Spooky2 xm is designed with ease of use in mind, offering an intuitive design with a user-friendly interface and customization capabilities that enable programming in various languages – making it the perfect solution for practitioners seeking to increase efficiency and accuracy during scalar therapy sessions.

Spooky2 Remote

Spooky2 sample digitizer offers several user-friendly features that make it more user-friendly than earlier versions of the program. These features include Frequency Blacklist Control that prevents certain frequencies from ever being transmitted by generator, graphs for important Spooky Pulse functions and HRV tolerance control settings, plus displays of main database file paths and frequency counts to make equipment-related issues easier to diagnose quickly as well as logs that can be sent off to tech support for analysis.

Spooky 2 offers plasma, contact and remote modes that operate using DNA entanglement to deliver healing frequencies directly into your body. DNA entanglement occurs when two particles can remain linked despite being separated by great distances; Spooky2 uses this phenomenon to send healing frequencies directly into the tissue sample of an individual as it links tissue samples back to their DNA.

The Spooky2 Generatorx Pro Rife Machine is a comprehensive Rife machine capable of operating multiple modes – plasma, contact and remote PEMF coil and cold laser modes -, including plasma mode which has many unique features including its ability to detect and kill harmful microorganisms in the body and treat many conditions simultaneously. Plasma Mode provides quick results by simultaneously scanning multiple DNA samples in record time.

Spooky2 generatorx pro requires a computer with at least 4GB of RAM and an extremely fast processor; additionally, a dedicated graphics card may be beneficial as Spooky2 can store up to 30 programs in memory and work with most USB ports.

After installinging software, the generator should be connected to the computer using either a laptop or desktop. You should follow the instructions in your manual in order to configure it correctly; also connect it to a power source and reset if the LED doesn’t light up on its own.

Spooky2 Software

Spooky2 is the core of our most powerful and flexible Rife system, controlling up to 126 generators simultaneously and independently. The software features an easy, intuitive user interface and supports various transmission modes like Remote, Contact, Plasma Cold Laser PEMF as well as other specialties such as making high-quality colloidal silver, scanning body scans for parasites or viruses and much more.

Spooky2 includes four factory databases – DNA, Base Pairs, Molecular Weight and Main Database, in addition to any custom files you may have installed. With over 40,000 frequencies currently available and continuing to be added every week, Spooky2 stands as the world’s largest frequency database.

Once you have installed Spooky2 software on your Windows desktop computer, simply click its icon to launch it in Test mode – this means it will use virtual generators rather than physical connections between PCs and generators.

This program features three tabs at the top: Control, Programs, and Internet. From within any of these sections you can search for conditions or pathogens and double-click to load it; additionally you can choose your generator in Control panel before pressing Start to activate it.

Within the Settings menu, you can choose which generators will be active, adjust their settings, and change frequency sliders. Additionally, you can save and restore any program preset that includes frequencies and waveforms as well as basic settings; furthermore you can even create your own frequency sets that will appear in the Conditions List.

Spooky2 can perform biofeedback if connected with the SPOOKY Pulse accessory of your generator, detecting MORs and “Yes/No” body responses for feedback on effectiveness of your program. This is an extremely valuable function which will allow you to make the most out of each treatment session. Furthermore, its software supports various screen resolutions and customizable layout options; also making updates possible over the Internet.

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy Reviews

Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy or FSM utilizes frequencies to treat pain, inflammation and scar tissue. Studies have revealed that FSM increases ATP production 500% by cells while simultaneously decreasing inflammation-causing cytokines while secreting substances like Substance P that help alleviate it.

Certain conditions should not be treated using this therapy approach, including acute infections, new sprains or injuries, or acute fractures. Before initiating treatment please inform your practitioner.

How it Works

Frequency specific microcurrent therapy employs low levels of electrical current to effectively and noninvasively soothe injuries or medical conditions. It’s ideal for people looking to avoid medication and surgery; its noninvasive nature makes it safe and accessible. Frequency specific microcurrent therapy stimulates your body’s natural healing response to reduce inflammation and stimulate tissue healing quicker.

Therapy works by altering the electrical signals between cell membranes. This transforms their state into one more conducive to health and normality. Furthermore, this therapy helps repair damaged tissues as well as increase protein synthesis; all of which contributes to increased range of motion, reduced inflammation, and an enhanced quality of life.

Scientists first observed this phenomena during the 1920s. For instance, bones have an average frequency of 59 millihertz while muscles possess 124 millihertz frequencies. Researchers then discovered how different frequencies have different effects on different body parts. One such frequency when applied directly onto skin can accelerate bone healing while using another frequency can speed up muscle recovery significantly quicker.

FSM can be an effective treatment for many ailments, including chronic pain, muscle and nerve discomfort, inflammation and scar tissue formation. FSM may help alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms as well as treat sports injuries and post-workout soreness after workouts; additionally, FSM may even improve breathing for people suffering from asthma.

When selecting an FSM practitioner, it’s essential that they understand your condition. Furthermore, you can inquire as to their other training and experience with other modalities; some practitioners may combine FSM with other therapies in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.

However, in certain situations patients should avoid receiving this therapy: pregnant women, those with pacemakers or implanted pumps and those who are currently being treated for cancer or tumors. Please consult your practitioner for further details regarding contraindications.


Frequency specific microcurrent therapy employs low levels of electrical current to relieve pain caused by injuries or medical conditions, serving as an alternative to medications and used both chronically and acutely. Furthermore, microcurrent can help to reduce muscle spasms and scar tissue formation without being invasive, unsafe, or painful.

FSM is a noninvasive, drug-free treatment designed to increase blood circulation, decrease inflammation and boost your natural cellular energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). According to published blood studies, FSM increases this ATP level up to 700% after just one session! As a result, cells become better at communicating and healing themselves – something FSM has had such a profound effect on in terms of injuries and illnesses alike.

FSM frequencies have also been found to amplify and boost other therapies such as lasers, ultrasound, massage and nutritional supplementation. Individuals suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain, sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome have found FSM to be beneficial in providing pain relief, improved circulation and increased energy.

FSM microcurrents are completely safe; each microcurrent produces only one millionth of an ampere, similar to what naturally exists within your cells. As such, only very shallow levels in skin and muscles can feel them; otherwise it almost feels nonexistent.

As with any treatment, there are certain key aspects to keep in mind before opting for FSM treatments. Staying hydrated before and after receiving FSM is especially essential, while it should also be done within 24 hours after experiencing injury or surgery.

One study using Healy devices revealed that FSM frequencies have not only hasten healing of injured muscles and nerves but also increased production of ATP energy in cells, leading to greater protein synthesis, amino acid transport, and tissue repair processes.

Side Effects

Microcurrent therapy produces only milliamperes of current, so it does not stimulate sensory nerves. Instead, its frequency-specific current mimics what our bodies produce naturally to improve cell function and dramatically increase ATP (energy currency of cells), stimulating protein synthesis while decreasing inflammation – leading to remarkable improvements in pain, swelling, and function often seen with frequency specific microcurrent therapy patients.

Frequency specific microcurrent is a noninvasive therapy administered with gel electrode patches placed directly onto the skin. Sessions may take place either in-office or remotely through Skype and usually last about 30 minutes each. A course of 4-6 treatments typically occurs, and results should become visible by week 3-4.

FSM has not only proven effective at managing pain, but has also demonstrated its ability to assist the body in healing injuries and reducing scar tissue. In some instances, this has resulted in complete relief or control of symptoms, even those present for years. For instance, one particular frequency combination has been demonstrated to alleviate shingles pain within 20 minutes, and cause lesions to dry up and disappear within two to three days; other frequencies have also shown relief for asthma, liver rebalancing (reducing elevated enzymes), and alleviating irritable bowel syndrome.

Reports indicate that applying frequency therapy within four hours after surgery or trauma can significantly speed the healing process, possibly through increased blood flow to the area, reduced inflammation and removal of debris from injured sites.

Be mindful that microcurrent treatment cannot address every condition, including acute infections and new injuries (less than six weeks old), such as sprains, strains, fractures, hernias, obstructed arteries etc. Furthermore, some frequencies may not be appropriate for individuals taking anticoagulants, blood thinners or those who use pacemakers.


FSM is an effective add-on therapy that many clients choose to incorporate into their sessions, as it’s proven its worth in relieving pain, promoting healing and increasing energy levels. FSM works by increasing production of ATP which serves as the body’s main energy source allowing tissues to heal themselves more rapidly. FSM therapy has also proven itself useful against acute conditions such as shingles.

Microcurrent treatment is safe and usually painless. The process involves placing electrodes onto your body which are connected to a small device with two channels of microcurrent. Frequency settings of this microcurrent vary according to your condition being treated; for instance, one frequency combination has been shown to effectively eliminate the pain of shingles; other frequencies have also been used successfully against fibromyalgia, sciatica, migraines and other chronic issues.

FSM frequencies don’t cause negative side effects like traditional medications do because they are non-toxic and work with your natural healing processes rather than against them. They don’t interfere with other treatments such as massage or physical therapy and even stimulate cellular energy to heal itself without interfering with nervous systems.

If you are interested in Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy, make sure to find a practitioner with training and license in this technique. They should possess in-depth knowledge of techniques, safety precautions and common conditions treatable through this form of therapy as well as how frequencies interact to deliver maximum benefits.

Carolyn McMakin first introduced FSM in 1995. She used frequencies found on a list from 1922 medical device as inspiration to create two-channel microcurrent device. Medical and osteopathic physicians experimented with electrical therapies using frequencies during the late 1800s and early 1900s and published their research and results in journals such as Electromedical Digest.

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Quantum Jumping Manifestation Reviews

A key element of manifesting is managing the “bridging phase”, or transitional period that occurs when your old reality meets with your desired new one. Navigating this period can be extremely difficult.

Quantum manifestation is an invaluable way to realize your goals and dreams. With practice comes success; use it to manifest abundance, health, wealth and more! But success in manifesting requires disciplined effort combined with positive thinking.

Quantum Jumping Manifestation

Quantum jumping is an extremely effective manifestation technique that can allow you to access alternate realities and tap into their knowledge, skills, and experiences for personal gain. Once understood, quantum jumping becomes extremely straightforward – working in harmony with both Law of Attraction and quantum physics principles for manifesting desires into physical form.

Step one of quantum jumping involves discarding preconceived notions about reality and opening yourself up to discovering new dimensions. This step is essential, as only then will you truly benefit from all of the opportunities out there for you.

Once that has been accomplished, you are ready to embark on the bridging phase – shifting into a different vibrational frequency permanently. At times during bridging, your current reality and that which you desire may collide. However, this must be carefully managed so as to stay in line with your desired reality and shift permanently.

Once you’ve mastered the bridging phase, you can begin creating your desired reality in the form of a new life. This may range from finding new careers or relationships, or experiencing improved health and wellbeing. What matters most is keeping momentum going while remaining open to whatever opportunities may present themselves; your intuition will guide you toward the most advantageous choices; therefore it’s essential to trust and follow your gut instinct at all times as a manifestation tool allowing you to unlock infinite potential within. Only then will you experience true fulfillment.

The Bridging Phase

The bridging phase of quantum manifestation is the sensitive period after you make a shift, in which you must become acquainted with and anchor into your new reality, clearing away anything non-aligning with it. It’s one of the hardest yet most crucial steps of this journey – that’s why having support such as Quantum Jumping Manifestation program comes in handy.

This program teaches you how to utilize the law of attraction to manifest your desires. It combines audio tracks and a guidebook, which provide step-by-step instructions on how to manifest them. Audio tracks use binaural beats and subliminal messages to reprogram your subconscious mind in alignment with desired outcomes while the guidebook offers additional information and exercises designed to help master these techniques.

In this course, you will discover how to harness the power of quantum fields by applying deliberate intent and connecting with divine guidance. This holistic approach integrates principles from quantum theory with biblical teachings for an intuitive experience of physical and metaphysical realms, while showing how human consciousness has an effect on probabilistic quantum states.

Scientifically proven technique designed to assist you in realizing your dreams and goals, this program teaches visualisation techniques, relieving fears and limiting beliefs, aligning body, mind and heart in harmony – giving you freedom to live your truest self and reach maximum potential.

Visualization, affirmations, and ThetaHealing meditation all play an effective role in tapping into the universal laws of abundance and prosperity. It offers an easy-to-use program that anyone looking for quick and effective manifestation can follow without prior experience of manifesting their desires can use successfully.

The Manifesting Process

Manifestation is the practice of visualizing your desires with the aim of making them happen. While some forms of manifestation suggest thinking alone will do it, quantum manifestation employs a holistic approach which incorporates action as well as other aspects of human design into its practices.

To successfully manifest, it’s essential that you first establish a clear quantum signal that aligns with your ideal version of yourself. You can do this by aligning thoughts and feelings to one another as well as visualizing positive results of attaining desired goals. Furthermore, giving mixed signals could weaken energy or even cause you to sabotage efforts altogether.

According to the Law of Attraction, the universe works like an algorithm matching up what you put out into the world with what comes back out again – hence why many manifestation techniques emphasize journaling and meditation as key ways of manifesting success – though its important that this process continues regardless. You should try writing in your journal or practicing yoga daily just for good measure!

Quantum manifestation stands apart from traditional forms of self-improvement and goal setting through its “bridging phase”. Here you discover that what you desire IS possible and that it has already started happening on its own in parallel timeline. This can come in the form of blissful experiences, sudden successes, or lifestyle shifts that help align more closely with what it is you wish to achieve.

As soon as you experience these moments, pay attention to how they make you feel. Doing this will shift your energy back towards being positive, helping you see the outcome of your desire more clearly. Taking this step requires faith; yet taking actions while remaining open-minded remains essential.

If you want to start an eight-figure business, one way is to follow people with successful businesses and take their advice. Another approach would be visualizing having one; or just imagine that your dream life already exists and focus on how that feels.

The Results

Quantum manifestation is an approach rooted in quantum physics and positive thinking, designed to help individuals realize their desires and goals such as financial abundance, improved relationships or improved health. While results of quantum manifestation can often appear quickly, sustained effort combined with the right mindset are needed in order to see any visible results.

Step one of manifesting is visualizing what you desire your life to look like, either using visualization techniques or simply by thinking about your ideal future self. Focus on how that version of yourself makes you feel, then carry that feeling forward into today’s present moment – this creates a coherent quantum signal aligned with that vision of who you want to become.

Your coherent quantum signal sends a clear signal to the universe that you wish to attract experiences that match this desire. This allows the quantum field to materialize experiences which align with this goal; but beware: remembering the universe as neutral doesn’t guarantee positive experiences will come your way!

It is common during the bridging phase for negative experiences to arise as part of your quantum jump, since shifting consciousness requires not just frequency changes but also mental adjustments. While managing and overcoming this difficult period may be challenging, staying on your desired quantum reality requires taking responsibility and action to maintain it.

Overall, The Quantum Manifestation Code is an effective program that can help you attain your desired outcomes. Combining principles from quantum physics with positive thinking and the Law of Attraction can be used to manifest anything you wish in life that you wish to change – including audio tracks with binaural beats and subliminal messages to reprogram your subconscious mind, plus an additional guidebook with additional tips and exercises.

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Infopathy and the Gunner Coin

Informational Copies (ICs) are electromagnetic signals emitted by substances known to possess healing, therapeutic or other beneficial properties. Similar to homeopathy, Informational Copies help trigger natural responses within the body that promote health and well-being.

Gunner Coin and Infopathy, leaders in IC device technology, have formed a strategic partnership to combine financial growth with personal health to open up exciting possibilities for both communities.

Personalized Health Treatments

Infopathy has long been at the forefront of this space, providing devices that imprint water or other substances with ICs derived from known health-promoting compounds – including vitamins, herbs, coffee and pharmaceuticals.

Utilising these intracellular copper (ICs) can be effective at treating numerous common health issues, and even be combined to form complex IC complexes to meet more specific requirements.

Your Infopathy platform Premium Membership subscription plan determines whether payments are processed monthly or annually and is automatically renewed until cancelled in accordance with our Terms of Use. Your Payment Method will be charged when the first Premium Membership payment occurs.

Access to a Large Library of IC Complexes

Infoceuticals (ICs), also known as information carrier signals (ICN), are electromagnetic recordings from substances which have healing or therapeutic benefits, much like homeopathy does. Like its counterpart, Infoceuticals work by stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities to combat illness or injury.

Infopathy provides access to over 400 ICs and IC Complexes that range from St John’s Wort and coffee, through Viagra to just about everything else you could imagine.

Infopathy devices provide access to ICs from a range of other sources, such as our bodies’ vibrational energy field. With its ability to imprint any frequency on water or ourselves, Infopathy makes for an enthralling device.

Calm and Clear Remedy IC is an aromatherapy product containing flower essences such as Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia Crowea Jacaranda Little Flannel Flower Paw Paw to promote a healthy nervous system while creating feelings of tranquillity and clarity. A great choice when trying to take some time for yourself and relax!

Gunner Coin Partnership

The Gunner Coin is more than a digital currency; it serves as a living reminder of man and horse’s longstanding connection and an emblematic commitment to preserve natural resources and ensure their survival. Gunner Coin and Infopathy have joined forces to deliver transformative healthcare benefits to the crypto community, and show the way forward for combined health and financial ecosystems. This partnership showcases the power of Informational Copies (ICs), electromagnetic signals that facilitate healing by tapping into your body’s natural healing mechanisms. These electromagnetic signals are produced by recording electromagnetic spectrum of substances known for their therapeutic benefits, then stored and replicated using QED theory – providing more than financial gain but increasing quality of life as well.

The Future of Integrated Health and Financial Ecosystems

Health care ecosystems offer a potential pathway towards seamless patient journeys and value-based care, but many initiatives can be hindered by a lack of collaboration among key stakeholders and regulatory requirements. With digital transformation continuing its march across many industries, health care players must move quickly in adapting quickly or risk falling behind.

One effective strategy is the ecosystem approach, which brings all involved parties together towards a common goal. According to a recent survey, respondents generally agreed that digital health ecosystems will generate great economic impact (86 percent), be essential in providing existing customers with value (82 percent) and need integration with other products (77 percent). Some respondents did express concern regarding privacy and security risks related to data liquidity in digital health environments.

Health care ecosystems must scale quickly in order to achieve network effects in order to thrive, learning from the success of mobility and food-delivery platforms that grew country by country or city by city. Unfortunately, many healthcare ecosystems have launched too early and attempted to offer too many services and features before reaching critical mass, often becoming difficult for users which ultimately hinders their success.

Rethink the traditional concept of organization via service lines and move towards team-based care that addresses patients holistic needs – this will require significant organizational, financial and operational adjustments.

Healthcare ecosystems must ensure a clear value proposition to patients in a digital world, making it easier for stakeholders to connect and collaborate on patient care initiatives. A well-thought out value proposition also supports the growth of digital therapeutics and telemedicine beyond standalone offerings but as integral parts of value-add services.

As health care embraces digitalization, more new players are entering the market to build integrated ecosystems. Retail and tech giants such as Walmart are using customer relationships to offer cost-efficient access to health care – outpatient clinics for instance or Omada Health managing chronic care are just two examples; start-ups also offering telemedicine solutions which can be combined with other services to offer innovative health solutions.