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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 6, 2024|Editorial

Shift Network Energy Medicine Summit Series

Join renowned experts for this FREE online summit series focused on energy practices proven to support vibrant health. These techniques complement medical treatment plans in order to speed healing and foster physical well-being for you and your loved ones.

Learn to utilize energy-based therapies such as hypno-Reiki, biofield tuning, acupuncture, breathwork, chakra toning and more to facilitate deepest possible healing for your clients. Discover cutting-edge tools to enhance medical intuition and maximize healing for each of them.

Deepen your understanding of brain function

Brain health plays a key role in all areas of our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. At Shift Network’s Energy Medicine Summit Series we provide various healing modalities designed to activate your biofield to activate natural healing mechanisms of your body while also increasing emotional well-being. If you’re new to energy medicine or an experienced health practitioner seeking new tools in their toolbox this curated virtual event series provides invaluable resources that will support you on your healing journey.

intuitive healers, doctors and researchers will discuss a wide variety of approaches for improving brain function and encouraging holistic healing in the body. From decoding spiritual causes of autoimmune diseases to incorporating medical intuition into traditional healthcare practices, these visionary experts will offer tools that enable you to take charge of your healing journey yourself.

Experts from different healing modalities will teach you how to balance your meridians, clear energy centers and strengthen intuitive connections to the universe. Through sessions with best-selling authors, holistic practitioners and spiritual guides, you’ll discover powerful energy healing techniques designed to restore vitality and promote emotional wellbeing.

Learn strategies to reduce inflammation in the brain, detoxify both mind and body with various self-care practices, and boost memory and cognitive abilities for life. Moreover, explore recent research regarding gut bacteria’s relationship to ageing brains while discovering effective techniques for bettering sleep, digestion and increasing energy.


As part of this transformative series, you will hear from top experts on the role of vagus nerve in brain aging and receive an exclusive preview of Mary’s 7-week online course The Power of Energy Medicine for Aging Brains: 3 Techniques to Strengthen Neuroplasticity, Detox Your Brain & Strengthen Vagus Nerve that will enable you to maximize both brain health and longevity now and after retirement.

Boost your memory and cognitive abilities

Explore the healing powers of energy medicine modalities featured at this event, whether you are an established healer or looking to explore your own energetic self-healing, these proven techniques will open your mind and body up to their natural healing energies that lie within.

At this summit, presenters include world-renowned healers and experts in spirituality, Eastern and Western medicine, ancient meditation practices and more. Discover how to amp up your vagus nerve, harness your body’s energetic immune system and heal from within!

Learn to develop medical intuition – an increasingly essential skill. Experts will teach you to interpret clients and patients’ body signals using energy healing techniques and clairvoyance, giving you practical ways of integrating meditation, energy healing techniques and clairvoyance into a holistic practice.

This event will give you a deeper understanding of how intuitive energy skills can help your patients and clients with ongoing health challenges, such as autoimmune diseases or fatigue, including non-diagnostic tests that don’t reveal hidden causes for mystery symptoms. You will gain an appreciation of their importance.

Cyndi Dale is an internationally acclaimed energy medicine practitioner and author, offering guidance through the ancient gift of clairvoyance to activate your body’s ability to predict the future, helping you make healthy lifestyle decisions that promote brain health and longevity. This session will explore various energy medicine modalities that can be utilized to activate this life-altering gift, including guided meditation and the Qi Gong energy exercise. Your instructor will share the latest research regarding brain health and memory improvement as well as ways to reduce electromagnetic field exposure. At the conclusion of your experience, you will take away an effective toolkit of simple techniques for tapping into energy medicine practices for self-healing purposes and experiencing profound self-healing benefits.


Optimize your brain health and longevity

Brainpower is undisputedly our greatest organ and when functioning at peak capacity can help us achieve our goals, maintain physical wellness and remain mentally sharp throughout life. Unfortunately, with age comes memory loss, clarity issues and focus deterioration – but luckily there are ways you can boost and sustain its function!

Rewiring your neuropathways to promote healthy aging and longevity begins by stimulating the flow of life-force energy through your body, such as bodywork modalities or energy healing techniques that have been scientifically demonstrated to produce positive measurable results that work alongside conventional medical care.

At this summit, you’ll gain access to experts in various energy healing modalities, such as Reiki, biofield tuning, therapeutic touch, sound healing and reiki master training – to name but a few! Other techniques you could learn at the summit may include breathing practices, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture (Ac), plant and psychedelic medicines and chakra toning (Chat). By integrating all these modalities into your everyday activities they can create a synergy that enhances lifeforce while aiding deep healing of body.

By incorporating these modalities into your routines, you can rewire your nervous system, alter how you respond to stress and trauma, and open up neurological gateways that become closed during prolonged anxiety and depression. Furthermore, by training your gut microbiome with healthy neurotransmissions for lower inflammation levels and improved digestion.

Access your ancient gifts of clairvoyance to visualize and predict health outcomes, taking an active part in managing your own wellness while developing an holistic perspective that recognizes the interconnectivity of mind-body-spirit health.

Discovered through virtual events hosted by global leaders in evolutionary consciousness, these extraordinary virtual events provide you with tools for living a healthy and holistic lifestyle that incorporates whole-body healing and taps into the power of your body’s innate intelligence. Whether your goal is rewiring your brain for deeper emotional healing, optimizing immunity or healing chronic health conditions – these extraordinary virtual events provide knowledge and tools that can transform lives!

Enhance your mental acuity for the rest of your life

Science of Healing Summit will feature world-renowned doctors, researchers, authors, healers, and lightworkers sharing techniques proven to increase health, accelerate recovery, and extend longevity.

At this life-altering event, you will explore cutting-edge energy healing modalities and protocols such as light therapy, sound therapy, energy medicine, chakra toning, Qigong, biofield tuning, plant medicine and psychedelics – to optimize brain function while simultaneously decreasing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, cultivating mental acuity, and cultivating mental agility.

Join bestselling author Dr. Melanie Smith, an Oriental Medicine Doctor and advanced energy medicine practitioner, as she guides you in this transformational online course that will empower you to take control of both physical and emotional wellness. Learn how to harness the restorative power of vagus nerve and its gatekeeper function for healing from within.

Your brain is your gateway to higher consciousness and through it lies an incredible repository of ancient knowledge to transform whatever ails you. At this event, you will deepen your understanding of vibrations and frequencies pertaining to human energy fields and brain function as well as energy medicine self-care techniques you can incorporate into daily routines to promote healing, protect brain function, support hormone levels and activate radiant energies in the body.

Penney Peirce and Dawson Church will lead our A-List lineup of medical experts, integrative healthcare practitioners, and intuitive healers through engaging conversations and practical exercises designed to build your intuition and read internal signals that may reveal chronic health challenges. You will gain invaluable insights into applying divination and psychic skills both personally and in working with clients/patients.

June 6, 2024|Editorial

The Nocebo Effect and Alternative Therapy Suppression

Alternative therapy refers to treatments that haven’t undergone the rigorous tests required of standard medical therapies, and thus may pose risks including harmful side effects or interfering with medical treatment plans.

Alternative practices often lack plausibility, scientific testability, repeatability or evidence of their effectiveness; their practices tend to rely heavily on testimonials, beliefs in supernatural “energies”, superstition, error in reasoning, propaganda or fraud as support for their claims.

1. Lack of Evidence

Alternative therapies have long been discussed in medical literature, yet solid proof can often be difficult to come by. Proving their effectiveness requires conducting large clinical trials that are both costly and time consuming – this makes proving alternative therapies‘ worth difficult and time consuming.

People promoting alternative therapies rely on anecdotes and testimonials from patients claiming the treatments helped. Unfortunately, this evidence cannot satisfy scientists and cancer doctors; for them to consider a novel therapy against accepted standards of care is required through organized clinical trials.

When confronted with insufficient evidence for alternative medicine, some proponents respond by advocating more research, diverting attention away from individual treatments and suggesting unblinded pragmatic trials (with high risks of bias). These responses do not suffice in closing the evidence gap and should be seen as part of the problem. These approaches often lead to biased results that serve only to confuse the public further. People who opt for alternative therapies risk forgoing effective conventional cancer treatments that could save their lives, which is a terrible tragedy. Cancer patients shouldn’t have to choose between standard cancer therapies that could potentially save their lives or alternative approaches that might or might not provide relief.

3. Misattribution of Effects

When an alternative therapy doesn’t work as expected, patients may attribute its failure to natural causes or placebo effects rather than lack of efficacy of treatment – leading them to turn even further towards alternative remedies. Such misattribution increases patient motivation to pursue alternative remedies.

Alternative medicine encompasses any practice which claims healing properties without being scientifically tested, such as anecdotes, testimonials, beliefs in supernatural “energies”, religion, superstitions, pseudoscience, errors in reasoning fraud or propaganda. When investigating alternative therapies it is essential to remember not all treatments are equal and some may actually be harmful; additionally it’s critical that those living in marginalized communities get access to appropriate healthcare systems – this especially true for marginalized communities that face discrimination when seeking care.

4. Nocebo Effect

Nocebo Effect – in which an individual experiences adverse side effects due to anticipatory fear – can be more potency than placebo effect because its cause lies not solely within medication or procedures, but also what doctors say about these treatments.

Doctors must carefully outline any potential adverse side effects of medications or procedures they prescribe in order to obtain informed consent from patients, but studies are showing that such information may have nocebo effects – for instance, warning patients about possible pain might cause more discomfort than if no warning were given; similarly if they are told a procedure might make them queasy, more will experience symptoms than had they not been warned that it could do so.

Nocebo effects can be problematic as they may lead to patients being less inclined to take medications or undergo treatments that would benefit them, leading to nonadherence with medicine which in turn is linked with various diseases and conditions. Researchers are currently exploring methods of decreasing nocebo effects by changing how doctors communicate with their patients.

Study results published in Dtsch Arztebl Int have demonstrated the power of how doctors present risks of treatments can have an outsized impact on whether patients experience side effects from them. For instance, when discussing side effects as “signs that the immune system is working” rather than simply saying that some side effects might arise from taking a vaccination, patients are less likely to experience them than if simply informed that possible adverse reactions exist with regard to that specific vaccine.

Researchers are investigating why some individuals are more prone to nocebo reactions and what factors predict the severity of those responses, including genetic predisposition, previous learning experiences and patient expectations surrounding specific treatments.

June 6, 2024|Editorial

Pulsed Radio Frequency Therapy

Pulsed radio frequency treatment offers an alternative to conventional thermocoagulation. By continuously and intermittently emitting pulsed RF energy, this technique stimulates nerves without risk of thermal injury.

Pain management specialists often utilize this procedure for conditions such as shoulder ache, cervical and lumbar radicular pain and occipital neuralgia. It has proven both effective and safe.

What is PRF?

Pulse Radio Frequency Treatment (PRF) uses low-level electrical current to target painful nerves to help reduce firing and associated pain, using minimally invasive needle and electrode to access target nerve tissues guided by fluoroscopy or ultrasound guidance systems. This cutting-edge technology offers fast, safe, and effective relief to treat back pain.

Although the exact mechanism behind PRF’s beneficial effects remains elusive, several studies suggest it to be neuromodulatory. Research on rats has demonstrated its effect on altering synaptic transmission of pain signals, changing sensitivity to stimuli, activating MAPKs (linked with proinflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases expression in neurons and glial cells), as well as inhibiting C- and A-delta nerve fibers sensitivity to pain stimuli. Additionally, an application of PRF may reduce nociceptive pain signaling by inhibiting C- and A-delta nerve fibers.

Clinical trials demonstrating PRF as an effective form of pain management therapy have demonstrated its efficacy with most participants reporting complete relief, and few needing surgical intervention after using PRF and TFESI combined together compared with an epidural anesthetic injection alone. Short and long term follow up studies both demonstrated significant decreases in pain levels as a result.

PRF’s pain-reducer effects may also be attributable to its effect on pain signaling in the dorsal root ganglion, where this process occurs via various mechanisms including inhibition and injury of nociceptive nerve fibers, deactivation of microglia, and an increase in endogenous opioid precursor mRNA production. Furthermore, activation of descending pain inhibitory pathways also plays a part in its pain-reducing properties.

PRF may be effective, but may not be suitable for every pain patient. If your discomfort cannot be managed through conservative means such as diagnostic medial branch blocks or medications, Dr. Attaman would be pleased to discuss available treatment options and suggest the ideal course of action.

The procedure

Radiofrequency neurotomy involves using pulsed RF heat to damage or disable nerves that carry pain signals. A health care provider uses imaging scans to precisely position needles. Many patients experience relief within days; benefits may last for several months or even a year for some. Furthermore, this non-destructive procedure compares favorably to Continuous Radiofrequency (CRF), which uses high temperatures and long bursts of current to destroy targeted tissue.

Pulsed RF has been demonstrated to cause selective long-term depression of C-fiber spinal nerve sensitization, leading to reduced pain signaling to the brain and reduced pain signaling from C-fibers in the neck, back, and buttocks. One study demonstrated significant pain relief following PRF treatment of patients suffering sacroiliac joint discomfort.

One study demonstrated PRF as an effective treatment for coccydynia (tailbone pain). Applying it directly to sacrococcygeal nerves resulted in pain relief and improved quality of life for most patients treated; further follow-up studies confirmed these effects lasting up to one year in some cases.

Even with its success, more research must be conducted into the role of PRF in treating other conditions. Studies should include a control group so as to compare its efficacy against alternative treatments.

As this procedure involves injections, some discomfort should be expected over the following few days. If they become painful to you, ice may help alleviate discomfort.

Trials combining PRF with tetanus toxin-induced fasciculations (TFESI) to treat TN have yielded mixed results. One such trial found that patients receiving both treatments were more satisfied than those receiving only TFESI; additionally, this combination proved more cost-effective than invasive surgeries or medications. Although the authors acknowledge the trial was small and single center without an in-place control group for comparison purposes; nonetheless they believe the combination could provide longer lasting pain relief than either approach alone.

Side effects

Pulsed radio frequency neuromodulation helps relieve chronic neck, back, shoulder, and hip pain that has not responded to more traditional therapies such as physical therapy and medication. It may be used alone or alongside these other pain management strategies for maximum effectiveness.

Radio waves are used to target specific nerves and block their ability to transmit pain signals back into the brain. It is most often employed as a method for treating back, neck, and buttock (sacroiliac joint) pain but may also help treat chronic knee, shoulder, or hip discomfort.

Interventional pain specialists use imaging scans to ensure the needles are precisely placed during this procedure, before administering small amounts of numbing medication into the area of pain before inserting a hollow needle with an even smaller electrode on its tip into its location. Finally, these needles can then be guided directly to where they’re needed with fluoroscopy or ultrasound guidance.

PRF treatments employ electrodes that emit radiofrequency current in short bursts at high voltage followed by silent periods lasting 480 milliseconds that allow heat elimination – often keeping target tissue temperatures below 42 degrees C to avoid thermal lesions that destroy nerve tissue and cause pain.

Studies indicate that PRF treatments of the occipital nerve can effectively alleviate pain associated with occipital neuralgia. One such study saw pain scores on both a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Medication Quantification Scale drop by an average of 3.6 units and 8 units respectively after 6 months; no adverse side effects were noted.

Studies have also demonstrated that PRF can effectively relieve neuropathies in the lower back, armpits and legs. Furthermore, PRF may help treat pelvic inflammatory disease and premature ejaculation (which affects 20-30% of men but resists other treatments), two conditions afflicting 20-30%.

As part of your treatment, a healthcare professional will monitor your vital signs and comfort levels during each step. They may administer local anesthetic to ensure you remain relaxed during the procedure; prior to receiving it you’ll also be advised against drinking alcohol, caffeinated drinks, or taking any medications which interfere with blood pressure or heart rate regulation.


Pulsed radio frequency therapy is an easy and safe procedure, though some patients may experience slight pain at the injection sites following treatment; this should fade within a day or two. Radiofrequency neurotomy won’t cure your neck or back issues permanently; rather it will temporarily alleviate symptoms for several months at most and repeat treatments may be required in some instances.

At the beginning of your procedure, you’ll lie on a fluoroscope (real time X-ray) table and receive an IV line delivering light anaesthetic. A thin needle will then be inserted into the painful area using guidance provided by fluoroscope – electrical current is passed through it then, heating nerves enough that they cease transmitting pain signals – this process typically only takes minutes!

Once the procedure is over, you will be taken back into a recovery room for monitoring. An ice pack may help relieve soreness in injection areas. Once this process has concluded, instructions will be given about when you can resume normal daily activities as well as pain-relief medication to take.

Clinical trials demonstrated that PRF can be an extremely effective pain-relief technique. Patients suffering from chronic lumbar facet joint pain that had not responded to traditional treatments (medication, physical therapy) saw significant relief after going through PRF; moreover, NRS and DN4 scores saw gradual decreases over time post procedure.

PRF’s mechanism of action is still being researched, but initial observations show that it changes nerve signalling pathways, creating a neuromodulatory type effect. Although some tissue destruction occurs during treatment, its effect appears minimal and doesn’t result in systemic damages.

As with any medical procedure, pulsed radiofrequency treatment involves some risk. Studies to date have demonstrated that such risks are minimal compared with conventional surgery procedures and, indeed, far lower.

June 6, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance London – A Complement to Traditional Medicine

Every cell in your body has a specific frequency that needs to remain balanced in order for you to remain healthy, so when this balance shifts it can have devastating repercussions for both physical and mental wellbeing. Therefore, taking measures to maintain overall wellbeing should always be a top priority.

Bioresonance machines can detect and alter abnormal electromagnetic waves released by diseased cells and organs, providing an effective means for helping the body heal itself.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy stands apart from traditional medicines by targeting the root cause of any issue rather than targeting symptoms alone. This innovative complementary therapy combines cutting-edge science with ancient Chinese medicine for effective healing across many conditions and encouraging your body to release any accumulated toxins – key parts of maintaining health.

Bioresonance scans analyze your cell frequencies to detect imbalances that could be triggering symptoms. Once imbalances have been identified, electromagnetic impulses are then used to balance discordant frequencies resulting in an improved state of balance that allows your body to heal itself more rapidly. Furthermore, the procedure is completely noninvasive and safe for people of all ages and conditions.

Every living thing vibrates light, and each individual possesses their own biophotonic energy field. Our bodies rely on this vital force for sustenance at a subatomic level; when there’s a breach in its system, illness results. Bioresonance scanning detects unhealthy patterns in DNA and organ frequencies to restore balance to them if imbalanced frequencies have arisen; it can also detect infections like bacteria and viruses as well as parasites, moulds, heavy metals, geopathic stress and essential vitamins in our systems.

The Rayonex Bioresonance PS 1000 Polar 4.0 medical device is designed to scan and analyze the resonance frequency pattern of your cells, which can reveal many underlying causes of disease. Additionally, this tool can identify imbalances in energy levels that could help manage stress more effectively or enhance overall wellness. When combined with other therapies or supplements it has proven highly effective at providing relief from symptoms associated with rheumatic diseases and respiratory conditions (8).

Bioresonance Therapy is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance Therapy is a noninvasive and painless therapy that utilizes electromagnetic impulses to rebalance energy flow within the body. To do this, electrodes are placed on the skin and linked to a machine emitting electromagnetic signals which travel throughout the body before returning back to it and being analyzed to identify any imbalances; when imbalances have been identified they will send therapeutic impulses out in order to correct any issues and amplify healthy ones instead. Bioresonance Therapy can be used for many medical conditions including allergies and digestive issues among others.

Additionally, this technique offers an all-natural solution to mental health problems. Based on the principle that “like cures like,” it activates one’s natural healing processes rather than masking symptoms with medication. Unfortunately, medical insurance doesn’t cover this form of therapy but you can combine it with traditional approaches for even greater results.

This technique works by scanning your body’s resonance frequency pattern to safely diagnose any cell imbalances and stresses on it, and target those areas to correct the imbalances while changing negative frequency patterns. Once identified, a device then addresses these areas by targeting them with treatments to correct imbalances and reverse negative frequencies patterns.

Studies with 190 smokers demonstrated the efficacy and safety of bioresonance therapy as an antidepressant treatment option, with no known side effects. More stringent research needs to support these findings.

Bioresonance therapy offers an effective alternative to invasive procedures and medications, helping with everything from chronic pain management and hormonal imbalance to psychological issues. Bioresonance can be used to identify electromagnetic frequencies associated with allergies or sensitivities and identify triggers, as well as neutralize vibrations of toxins in the body to boost immunity and boost its effectiveness against illness.

Bioresonance Therapy is a natural approach

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, holistic approach that uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances within the body and correct negative frequency patterns associated with illness. It can be used to treat allergies and sensitivities as well as chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

How it Works: Simply. The machine emits a safe electromagnetic frequency that your body cells then pick up on. Any imbalances will be detected by different electromagnetic signals returning from cells back to the machine; their frequencies can then be identified and compared against what your healthy body should have, and then counter-frequencies emitted to help your body restore equilibrium and heal itself.

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal screening, bio-energetic therapy and vibrational medicine is an energy treatment known by various names including electrodermal screening, bio-energetic therapy and vibrational medicine. It has been scientifically demonstrated as an effective means of treating medical conditions without using drugs or surgery, including relieving symptoms associated with depression. As one study shows, bioresonance therapy was proven successful at decreasing severity of depressive disorders by raising serotonin levels and creating feelings of well-being among its participants.

Bioresonance therapy is a gentle yet powerful non-invasive and painless method of healing that offers an alternative to traditional medical treatments. Bioresonance has the power to revolutionize healthcare; therefore it should be seen as part of any holistic healing approach.

Bioresonance Therapy is safe

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose illnesses and treat them, making it an excellent noninvasive and side effect-free alternative to medication and surgery. Bioresonance works with your body’s natural electromagnetic energy to balance and heal itself – creating an efficient alternative treatment option.

Electrodes are applied to your body and connected to a machine that sends gentle signals directly into each cell, sending a gentle message about their health and balance back to it. If it responds appropriately, sending clear signals back, while any disruptions in its biomagnetic field cause weaker signals for this device to read; then using frequency correction, they use frequency to correct any imbalances they detect.

Bioresonance therapy can identify and remove harmful toxins from your body. Furthermore, it can bolster immunity to better combat infections or diseases; and can even assist in chronic pain management by pinpointing and eliminating its source.

Bioresonance tests can identify both bacterial and viral infections that need treating before they cause symptoms, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies that might be contributing to your health issues. Their results are also extremely helpful when making changes to your diet; showing which foods will provide the greatest health benefits.

Bioresonance therapy has been demonstrated to effectively relieve unexplained stomach pain, as well as symptoms related to fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, overtraining/fatigue and chronic headaches/earaches. According to one study involving patients suffering from fibromyalgia who combined manual therapy/massage with bioresonance treatment showed more improvement than those receiving only manual therapy alone.

Bioresonance Therapy is effective

The machine uses its scanner to read the frequency of cells within your body to identify areas of imbalance, then sends frequencies matching and harmonizing discordant frequencies causing your body to begin its natural healing process. Bioresonance therapy is often used as an adjunct therapy; some doctors even believe it may aid rheumatoid arthritis, allergies and cancer patients.

Bioresonance therapy operates under the theory that DNA damage causes sick cells and organs to produce electromagnetic waves that differ from those generated by healthy ones, leading to unhealthy ones generating electromagnetic waves of their own that differ significantly from healthy cells’ frequencies. A trained technician using an electromagnetic frequency detector machine can use it to detect these irregularities and correct them so the frequency matches that of a healthy cell. Furthermore, dental metals like amalgams may disturb this body electromagnetic system.

bioresonance therapy differs from traditional medicine in that it seeks to identify and address the source of imbalances rather than treating their symptoms directly. By pinpointing patterns that contribute to diseases or conditions like insomnia or fibromyalgia, bioresonance therapy seeks out effective solutions such as detoxifying diets or stress reduction techniques in order to address them more directly.

Studies on bioresonance therapy’s effectiveness have been conducted, but most are controlled trials that compare it with a placebo treatment. Though results of these trials have generally been positive, more research must be conducted in order to verify these findings. Nonetheless, bioresonance therapy is widely considered an effective and safe form of treating various illnesses; its natural approach also improves immune systems while strengthening the body against infections.

June 6, 2024|Editorial

How to Become a Holistic Practitioner

Holistic health practitioners use various natural healing techniques and wellness therapies, including nutritional therapy, herbal medicine and meditation.

They take into account mental and emotional factors in their client’s life which could be contributing to health concerns – for instance, headaches could be brought on by poor eating habits or stress levels.

Education and Training

Are You Wanting to Become a Holistic Nurse Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Yoga Instructor? First you will require some form of education or training; options range from 1-day workshops up to four-year degree programs at various educational institutes – many schools also provide online courses as an option for you!

No matter which holistic health practice you’re interested in, all programs offer an overview and introduce fundamental concepts and practices in that field. This is especially essential as many therapies require an in-depth knowledge of their scientific foundations – this might involve studying things such as anatomy, physiology, nutrition, herbalism and chemistry among other things.

Volunteering or interning will also allow you to gain practical experience in the field, giving you firsthand knowledge of its practical aspects while making connections within the wellness community and helping determine if a certain therapeutic approach suits your needs.

Holistic practitioners tend to be deeply committed to helping their clients attain total-body wellbeing, acting in an empathic, compassionate and curious manner throughout the treatment process. Furthermore, these lifelong learners take care of themselves so they can provide optimal guidance to their clients.

Some practitioners opt to register with an industry body, like the Federation of Holistic Therapists, in order to demonstrate their credentials and offer consumers a code of conduct. Others prefer self-regulation by joining professional networks and attending regular events or workshops that develop new skills.

Successful holistic health practitioners understand that physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing are inextricably interlinked, while each person’s needs for healing require personalized strategies. Finally, they must be willing to invest both their time and efforts into helping their patients attain full-body wellbeing – this career path offers great satisfaction to those committed to holistic health practices and leading a balanced lifestyle; particularly rewarding is being an empathic person interested in how the human body functions.

Licensing Requirements

Aspiring holistic health practitioners should be mindful that each state may impose unique requirements on them when practicing holistic healthcare. Some modalities require licensing and regulatory oversight – according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook massage therapists and nutritionists are both licensed in their respective states – which may be particularly important considering many in this field open private practices with sole proprietors as sole owners and incur additional costs such as insurance premiums, office space rentals and materials purchases.

Holistic practitioners should understand that competition for this work can be fierce, so they must work tirelessly to build up their clientele. Many who become holistic healers do so because of a passion for helping others reach wellness. Their clients usually tend to appreciate alternative medicine or natural remedies as part of the solution and appreciate sensitive, compassionate individuals with great verbal communication skills who remain open-minded and committed to ongoing education.

Most states have laws in place which prohibit holistic health practitioners from diagnosing or treating certain diseases or conditions, so these professionals should familiarize themselves with and adhere to state regulations. Furthermore, it is imperative that they recognize all contributing factors – which could include emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual and environmental elements.

Holistic health practitioners are trained to identify and address these issues, often suggesting lifestyle or nutritional changes as well as natural remedies. For instance, naturopathic doctors might use herbal medicines and supplements to treat cardiovascular problems while therapists might suggest practicing meditation or yoga to manage stress and relax the body.

Holistic practitioners frequently refer patients to outside medical professionals for further treatments such as surgery or psychopharmaceutical support, which is an integral part of healing processes and usually mutually beneficial for both parties involved.


Certification as a holistic health practitioner is necessary, and you can pursue this through various paths depending on your education and field of interest. A graduate certificate in holistic health offers an ideal entry point for those wanting a deeper knowledge of this area but are hesitant about earning a full master’s degree.

American Holistic Nurses AssociationExternal link:open_in_new offers certification that allows you to become an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse-Holistic Nurse (APHN-BC). This credential represents the pinnacle of holistic nursing professionalism; to obtain it requires either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in nursing along with completion of an approved nurse practitioner program as well as ongoing education encompassing at least 50 hours in holistic nursing topics.

Many states have laws protecting consumers’ right to choose alternative health care practitioners, including homeopathic remedies and naturopathy practices. Furthermore, certain states mandate licensing requirements for naturopathic doctors.

Attaining national board certification in holistic nutrition will add credibility and set yourself apart from other nutrition professionals. Passing an intensive exam and adhering to stringent ethical standards are required for this credential; additionally, it demonstrates your understanding of scope and limits of practice.

Holistic healthcare careers involve working with clients to heal on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. They offer rewarding careers for those passionate about helping improve people’s lives.

High school students interested in becoming holistic practitioners should enroll in a range of academic courses, such as science and math classes to enhance their college applications, language arts classes for speech development and debate team participation to build communication skills, a comprehensive personal wellness plan as well as an eagerness and commitment to serving others are essential ingredients of success. HAI’s Holistic Health Practitioner Program offers an affordable solution to learn all the techniques you need to open their own holistic healing business or integrate holistic therapies into other professions like medicine or massage therapy.

Career Opportunities

As holistic practices gain in popularity, more career paths have emerged for holistic practitioners. These careers include yoga instructors, massage therapists, nutritionists and life coaches; medical practitioners may incorporate holistic treatments into their standard treatment protocols as well. Selecting a career depends upon which philosophies resonate most closely with you as well as your approach to working with patients.

Many holistic practitioners work in clinics, private practices, spas and wellness centers. Some work independently while others may be employed by mainstream medical providers that specialize in integrative medicine or manual manipulation of the musculoskeletal system.

Holistic practitioners employ holistic practices in addition to traditional healing modalities, including meditation, yoga and deep breathing techniques. Some may also recommend herbal supplements and diet modifications in order to achieve optimum health and wellbeing for their clients. The overall goal is balance among body, mind and spirit for maximum results in health and wellbeing.

Holistic practitioners are known for providing unconditional love, support and hope to their patients. They teach their patients to evoke positive emotions as a means of healing themselves from feelings such as shame, anxiety and depression.

Holistic practitioners enjoy many advantages when practicing holistically, including improved patient outcomes and the empowerment of their patients to take an active part in their healthcare. Holistic practitioners aim to find out the source of symptoms rather than simply mask them with medications – they believe that imbalance in any aspect of one’s life affects other areas.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook indicates that job growth for holistic practitioners is above average, with careers such as massage therapy and nutritional counseling projected to experience growth of up to 18.3% over the next decade, while others such as acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine could see 12.5%. If you are considering becoming a holistic practitioner, make sure that you check state licensing requirements prior to beginning training; shadow an experienced practitioner for insight before making your decision on whether this field fits with your goals and lifestyle.