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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

April 14, 2024|Editorial

Energy Medicine For Anxiety – How Yoga Breathing Techniques Can Help

energy medicine for anxiety

Stress and anxiety have long been recognized to cause health issues, including physical ailments like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Supplements such as vitamin C can also help alleviate anxiety symptoms. A liquid form called liposomal can be especially effective as it contains tiny lipid spheres to encase its effect.

1. Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques as energy medicine are highly relaxing, stress reducing and rejuvenating. Anxiety causes us to go into fight or flight mode and shorten our breath and raise the heart rate, further impacting natural energy sources of the body and creating feelings of anxiety and fear that can create a vicious cycle of stress and fear that further depletes it.

Breathing techniques are one of the easiest, safest and most affordable ways to combat anxiety. These techniques involve slowing or deepening breathing with a focus point such as counting breaths or using a metronome as a distraction from negative thoughts in your mind.

Breathing exercises can help alleviate anxiety and sleep issues as well as lower blood pressure and reduce depression or PTSD symptoms. Since our bodies rely heavily on oxygen from breathing, practicing deep breathing techniques can have an enormous impact on how the body operates.


Many breathing exercises rely on the diaphragm – the muscle beneath the lungs that divides chest and abdomen – to control breathing. Unfortunately, during times of extreme stress this type of breathing may become disrupted; often taking shallower breaths while using shoulders for inhaling and exhaling instead of diaphragm control can prolong anxiety and stress symptoms. Hyperventilation is another term for this form of breathing which has long-term negative consequences on health and wellness.

One of the easiest and most effective breathing techniques is known as 4-7-8 breathing, and involves focusing on your breath as you inhale and exhale for several minutes in a quiet setting. This technique has been shown to reduce fight or flight responses often activated during times of anxiety; longer exhalations times may even help modulate activity within parts of your brain such as locus coeruleus which controls emotions and anxiety levels.

2. Meditation

Anxiety can manifest physically through jaw clenching, sweating, fast heart rate and chest or shoulder tension; and can manifest emotionally through fear, forgetfulness and low energy.

Meditation can be one of the most effective tools to combat anxiety. Meditating regularly forces you to tune into both your body and mind, helping you understand why you’re anxious in the first place. Meditation also forces us to face our uncomfortable emotions more directly so we can reframe them more helpfully for ourselves.

Start meditation today using Calm to ease stress and anxiety with nine-14 minute guided meditations designed to relieve it. If you need additional assistance, consult with a mental health professional; anxiety and depression are common conditions which may require therapy such as mindfulness practices and therapy sessions to treat.

Energy healing may also help ease your fears and restore balance to your life. This natural form of treatment brings mind and body together for effective relief of anxiety as well as conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and insomnia.

To practice mindfulness meditation, begin by sitting comfortably and pausing when feeling anxious or nervous. Focus on the sensations in your body with kindness and curiosity; acknowledge where tension resides as well as where relaxation or discomfort exists in your body. Tuning into breathing rhythms to slow them down may also help. If you want a more tailored session consider signing up for Hassle Free HT monthly membership which provides targeted sessions each month.

3. Yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian mind-body practice developed to improve mental clarity, emotional equilibrium and spiritual well-being. Through physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation and ethical principles it offers practitioners tools for mental clarity, emotional harmony and spiritual wellbeing. Yoga has also proven highly successful at treating various mood disorders including stress anxiety and depression.

Yoga provides an effective means of cultivating self-acceptance and decreasing irritability while increasing optimism. Yoga also teaches one to live in the present, be mindful and attentive to one’s body signals – an especially crucial aspect for those living with life threatening illness, as this creates a sense of calm and control.

Modern medicine can often help treat physical diseases and psychological disorders, but is often unable to reach the deeper layers responsible for initiating them in the first place. Yoga provides a solution by creating a harmonious resonance among all six layers that make up who we are: body, breath, emotions, intellect personality soul.

People often equate yoga with physically impossible postures that they cannot accomplish. But this is only part of what yoga is. Yoga is a technology and art that can alter who you are in significant ways, even changing brain chemistry and genetic content; scientific proof has verified this fact – something truly powerful that should be known and experienced first hand.

4. Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques or exercises (also referred to as relaxation exercises) are practices designed to activate the “relaxation response,” inducing it in order to reduce stress and anxiety. This state is marked by slower breathing, lower blood pressure and heart rate – it’s the antithesis of fight-or-flight!

There are various relaxation techniques, and it may take time and experimentation before finding one that works for you. Some examples include:

Meditation involves quieting your mind by either sitting or lying down, progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body; for instance, this could involve tightening and then relaxing facial and neck muscles or shoulders muscles, before deep breathing involves taking slow, deep breaths while focusing on feeling your breath come in through your lungs, through your body and into the toes of your feet.

Self-hypnosis: With this form of relaxation, people learn how to trigger their relaxation response on their own by using nonverbal cues such as mantras or recordings of their own voices. Deep guided imagery: Deep guided imagery allows people to visualize calming scenes or experiences they enjoy through free apps and programs available online that guide this process.

Relaxation techniques are generally safe for healthy adults and most research studies have not reported any side effects from them. However, before trying any new relaxation methods it is wise to consult your health care provider first; some methods may not be appropriate for people who suffer from medical or psychological conditions like epilepsy, trauma or abuse histories.

5. Meditation Techniques

Meditation is a complementary medicine for mind and body, helping reduce stress, relax the body, and clear the mind. Additionally, it may increase effectiveness of other treatments for various health conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease. Before embarking on any meditation practice it is wise to consult your health care provider – certain forms may worsen symptoms associated with certain mental health conditions.

Meditation techniques vary significantly; some can focus on breathing alone; others include repeating a mantra (word or phrase repeated repeatedly to induce relaxation and focus attention), visual imagery or developing spiritual understanding; still others focus more on developing a deeper spiritual relationship to yourself and life itself. Furthermore, some techniques may reduce levels of inflammation-producing chemicals known as cytokines that influence mood and can contribute to depression.

If you’re just getting started in meditation, the best thing is to find a teacher to provide guidance and support. Otherwise, try downloading or listening to guided meditation recordings from the Internet; many offer long quiet moments after each instruction so you can practice using them as instruction comes through. Look for one with practical, straightforward instruction without too much spiritual floweriness in its content.

Simply sit comfortably, either on a chair or cross-legged on the floor, with eyes closed, breathing slowly and deliberately, taking note of every inhalation and exhalation. If your attention wanders, allow it to dissipate naturally – simply bring your focus back to deep breathing again when necessary. Meditation techniques often include body scanning – becoming aware of each part of your body and how it feels – then using breathing as part of this body mapping experience by visualizing that relaxation or warmth are being breathed into each area of your body through this practice.

April 14, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Coach

Lekita, a Spooky2 Coach, assists clients to maximize the benefit of their new machinery. Sessions cost PS90 per hour and involve Lekita providing advice regarding hardware setup, software usage, program structure, etc.

Rife frequency generators emit specific frequencies to vibrate and shatter pathogens; with its Spooky2 system able to manage up to 126 generators at once.

What is a Rife machine?

Rife machines are low-energy devices that send specific electromagnetic frequencies into the body in order to target and destroy disease-causing microorganisms. Created by Raymond Rife – an extraordinary scientist who was fatally wounded while inventing it during this century’s second World War – Rife believed each microorganism (bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba or cancer cell) had its own electromagnetic frequency that corresponded with electrical impulses generated by it; with this knowledge in hand he believed he could transmitting electromagnetic waves at this frequency that would kill or disable it completely.

Similar to how opera singers use their voices to shatter crystal glasses by matching its vibrational frequency with her own, Rife discovered certain frequencies could destroy disease-causing pathogens without harming human cells, which have different resonance rates and therefore are immune from damage. He created a list of hundreds of such frequencies he called “mortal oscillatory rates.”

By employing his device, Dr. Layton could deliver frequencies directly into the cell structure of a pathogen through an activated plasma tube and thus induce structural stress that would weaken and eventually kill it.

Spooky2 machines operate under this same principle. A generator generates an alternating electric current with an exact and stable periodic form known as its waveform, which contains Rife frequencies in their precise forms. The waveform is transmitted to a plasma Phanotron tube made from borosilicate glass; when held near to the body, its frequencies penetrate plasma cells before passing directly through to their cells destroying any pathogens within range.

How does a Rife machine work?

Rife machines utilize specific frequencies to target and eliminate harmful pathogens in the body. It is believed that these frequencies resonate with microorganisms, causing them to burst or die, while also supporting natural healing processes and overall wellness.

Rife machines operate on the principle that each organism, including viruses and bacteria, have their own resonance frequency. By matching this resonance frequency with those of their targeted pathogens, electromagnetic frequencies customized specifically for that pathogen can be released that destroy them without harming surrounding tissues or cells.

Royal Raymond Rife developed a device in the 1920s and 1930s which enabled him to visualize resonance frequencies through microscopy. His theory suggested that cancerous cells might possess their own electromagnetic frequency that can help destroy them without harming healthy cells in the process. As such, this led him to design his Rife machine which uses an advanced microscope to pinpoint frequencies before emitting electromagnetic waves to deliver these frequencies directly into human bodies via electromagnetic waves.

Rife therapy has been found effective for a variety of conditions, such as Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia and autoimmune disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus. Rife is frequently combined with other holistic health practices like nutritional therapy or lifestyle modification and many individuals have reported positive results using Rife as part of their holistic health regimen. While more research needs to be conducted into its potential benefits it does show many positive results from its usage as part of a holistic health regime.

Rife technology has proved effective as both an individual treatment option and as part of light and sound therapies, which have shown promising results. While Rife machines should not be seen as replacement treatments for serious health conditions such as cancer, following proper usage guidelines and consulting with healthcare providers they can be invaluable tools in supporting natural healing processes and encouraging wellness.

What is a Spooky2 machine?

Spooky2 machine, developed in 2013, is a frequency healing device based on the theories of Royal Raymond Rife who believed certain frequencies could obliterate cancer viruses and pathogens through vibrational therapy. Spooky2 can transmit these frequencies directly into your body through vibration, thus dismantling harmful microorganisms via vibration.

The Spooky2 device contains a plasma Phanotron tube made of extremely strong borosilicate glass. This Phanotron can produce electromagnetic fields that penetrate deep into the body, enabling the Spooky2 to target parasitic microorganisms that would otherwise remain hidden by other cleaning methods. Furthermore, an internal generator produces alternating currents which can then be used as frequencies into the body for even deeper cleansing.

To use a Spooky2 machine effectively, it is essential that you understand its technology. Knowing which frequencies will best address your individual needs will enable you to select frequencies suitable for treating various health conditions with the device. It even features an extensive database with different frequencies specifically intended to aid these purposes!

If you want to gain more information about the Spooky2 machine, it may be beneficial to seek guidance from a Spooky2 coach. These coaches are equipped to guide clients through the process of correctly using software and hardware; provide dietetic or supplement advice and even offer nutritional assessments as part of healing support services. Coaching sessions typically occur over phone or video call and cost PS90 per one-hour session.

How can a Spooky2 machine help me?

Spooky2 was inspired by Royal Raymond Rife’s theories that using specific frequencies to break down cancer viruses and pathogens is possible. The generator transmits these frequencies into the body where they cause them to vibrate and break down – this process is known as frequency healing.

Spooky also contains a database of set frequencies to aid healing for specific conditions like insomnia, hormone imbalance and liver dysfunction. Furthermore, this machine can create a plasma field which eliminates harmful electromagnetic fields while decreasing stress levels.

Consultations are recommended before purchasing a Spooky2 machine to better understand how the machinery operates and provide guidance through any issues they may be experiencing. Consultation sessions cost PS90 per hour session where Lekita can discuss what equipment you own as well as discuss medical history and any current complaints you have.

April 14, 2024|Editorial

The Zapper Hulda Clark

the zapper hulda clark

Dr. Hulda Clark developed the Zapper Huda Clark to produce a voltage of electricity that kills large and small invaders like flukes, worms, mites, and bacteria.

My invention utilizes alligator clips as an alternative to hand holds to more comfortably secure clothing that when wet conducts electricity through it and to kill parasites on the exterior surface of the body and also penetrate deeper within.

Increased Energy

Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner with a reputation for controversy, created cleansing programs combining electromagnetic frequencies known as the zapper to support overall well-being by targeting harmful organisms within the body and eliminating them. Many users report an increase in energy after regular usage due to eliminating toxins and other organisms which sap natural vitality – though it should be noted that this does not replace medical advice from qualified healthcare professionals.

The Zapper is a device consisting of a box housing components that create low-voltage pulses of electricity to kill parasites and toxins in the body. Originally it used a 9V battery with two copper handles or electrodes that the user holds onto or places on different parts of their body – the electric pulses from this zapper travel through skin tissue, bloodstream and organs to kill any parasites that may exist there.

Some zapper users have reported experiencing stress relief after regular use. This may be the result of eliminating toxins and harmful organisms from their digestive tract that cause discomfort. By targeting these organisms with its vibration technology, the zapper offers relief for digestive conditions like bloating, gas, and indigestion.

Hulda Clark claims are unsubstantiated, however some users of her zapper have experienced relief from various conditions; even helping treat cancer and other serious illness in some instances. For best results it is always advisable to seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional before using alternative health devices such as her zapper.

A zapper can be purchased either online or from alternative health stores, though if purchasing in store, make sure it uses high quality components, such as a branded 555 timer, so as to guarantee proper functioning. Also make sure that it has been tested using an oscilloscope for safety as this will ensure that it does not produce negative voltage which could kill off parasites being killed off by your device.

Digestive Health

The Zapper Hulda Clark is an alternative health practitioner’s device used to cure various illnesses by killing parasites in the body. It’s a box-shaped device with two copper pipes measuring 4 inches each that conduct electric current, providing enough electrical current to move through organs of the body and eliminate parasites, viruses, bacteria or fungus invading it while also relieving pain, aiding digestion and eliminating allergies or asthma attacks.

Fungi are one of the primary causes of disease in today’s modern world, yet antibiotics only provide temporary relief from them. Instead, fungi continue to flourish and release powerful fungal toxins which cause arthritis, high blood pressure, liver congestion and enlarged lymph nodes – among others. Regular use of the Zapper will kill all the fungi present, killing bacteria as it does so and helping normalize pH levels in blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid so nutrients can reach their intended destinations and heal your body!

Additionally, the Zapper can help with digestive issues like constipation and stomach ulcers as well as heartburn, acid reflux and indigestion. Furthermore, it can prevent and treat yeast infections like Candida – including itching, bloating and weight gain- while helping clear out your gastrointestinal tract and relieve gas.

A further advantage of the zapper is that it can help lower cholesterol levels caused by fungal lesions in arteries that eventually calcify and thicken wall tissue, narrowing and rigidifying them causing blood pressure to increase. By killing off fungal lesions with its heat beams, blood pressure can be decreased as normalized diameter arteries return back into their original positions resulting in reduced blood pressure levels.

Our Zapper device stands out from other zapper devices by supporting an extensive frequency range beyond 30kHz found in simple zappers. Furthermore, this model includes a mobius coil designed to increase orgone energy and stimulate healing within our cells.

Stress Relief

Many users of zappers report increased energy levels as a result of eliminating harmful organisms that sap vitality, while some even report relief for digestive issues like bloating and gas from using their device on a regular basis.

The Zapper is an electronic device that emits a positive electrical charge to kill parasites and bacteria that have been implicated in numerous health conditions, such as indigestion and fatigue. Furthermore, chronic stress has a harmful impact on our bodies; using the Zapper could restore balance to your system and thus decrease stress levels.

Dr. Hulda Clark claimed that the zapper could help alleviate many diseases and improve overall health. Not all zappers are created equal – it is essential to select one with varying voltage that never dips below zero line and use an oscilloscope to ensure there are no negative outputs at any point in time.

Our AutoZap 5 Zapper fulfills these specifications and more, running more quickly with reduced power requirements, featuring presets for food zapping and body zapping and offering up to an hour-long continuous on time.

Overall Health

Hulda Clark’s Zapper utilizes frequencies that help reduce parasite populations within our bodies. While its current doesn’t directly attack parasites, but rather stimulates white blood cells to detect and destroy any foreign substances found inside. This process is known as resonance. Furthermore, no toxic substances or chemicals are used – yet its current is very hazardous for parasites, viruses, bacteria and pathogens living inside us!

The Zapper is an electronic battery-operated pulse generator which produces small electrical pulses with a positive DC voltage offset. These electrical impulses travel throughout our bodies, mostly passing through fluids such as lymph and blood, bone cells and organ tissues – as well as disrupting parasitic membranes to cause their death.

Many users report feeling relaxed and stress-free after using a zapper, in addition to improved overall health due to parasite elimination as well as electromagnetic field balancing and internal harmony restoration.

Although using the zapper can be an effective way of improving your health, it should not be seen as a replacement for medical advice from qualified professionals. Always consult with your physician prior to starting any new health regimes or regimens.

Though there are a variety of zappers on the market, only one was designed and approved by Dr. Hulda Clark herself: the SyncroZap from SHRC was her creation; it has become industry standard and used globally by hospitals around the world. Although other zappers feature insertable frequency keys, her store only sells the original SyncroZap design as true to Dr. Hulda Clark research as possible.

April 14, 2024|Editorial

Radio Frequency Skin Therapy

frequency skin therapy

Radio frequency energy tightens skin and erases fine lines and wrinkles, as well as stimulating collagen production for smoother, younger-looking skin.

As part of their treatment, Estheticians use a sanitized glass electrode wand to administer a painless and safe electrical current to the tissues beneath your face, inducing immediate circulation rush and subtle tissue warming that results in dilation of underlying blood vessels while flushing away toxins and stimulating cell renewal.

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

RF skin treatments have long been recognized for their ability to tighten both face and body skin while diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. Low energy radiation from an RF device converts into heat once it penetrates skin’s lower layers, stimulating collagen production for smoother, toned, more youthful-looking results during treatment sessions.

RF devices also aid in reducing pore size, which improves their appearance and helps minimize blackheads and whiteheads. Furthermore, these devices help with product absorption which leads to more effective results with less product being necessary.

Studies have confirmed the efficacy of radio frequency skin treatments for anti-aging purposes. One such research paper involved 20 participants who participated in an office-based series of RF energy sessions for anti-ageing. At baseline, each session, and 3 months post treatment a punch biopsy sample was taken from each face at various points to analyze changes to dermis structure; results demonstrated an increase in collagen production as well as tightening.

RF treatments offer many advantages for people with sensitive skin. The low level of energy emitted by an RF device does not penetrate deeply enough into the outer layers of skin to damage it or cause redness or irritation – meaning they’re safe for use by all ages and skin types, even those with darker complexions.

Results from radiofrequency treatments can be seen almost immediately, while their impact will continue to improve over time as your body’s natural healing process raises collagen and elastin levels, tightening and toning skin while decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.

RF treatments offer immediate and natural-looking results without the risk of scarring or complications associated with surgical face lifts. When selecting an experienced provider such as board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green for this service, to guarantee optimal outcomes from your procedure.

Reduces acne

If you suffer from acne, light therapy and high-frequency treatments can provide invaluable assistance. When combined with topical acne products and regular facials, these modalities can reduce existing breakouts while helping prevent future outbreaks as well as improving overall skin health.

Light emitting devices are effective ways of attacking bacteria that causes acne and decreasing inflammation within pores, while light treatments can also be used to diminish scars caused by previous acne attacks and provide smoother textures to skin. A combination of violet and red light therapy, otherwise known as phototherapy, may prove especially effective against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that causes outbreaks.

At a high-frequency treatment, an aesthetician uses a glass electrode wand on the face, producing a sparking effect and slight tingling sensation before gently moving it over the skin in order to zap away pimples and blemishes while simultaneously encouraging tissue healing.

High-frequency electromagnetic field therapy not only reduces current blemishes and acne scarring, but it can also promote long-term skin clarity by stimulating collagen production. An increase in collagen production will firm and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles as well as decrease pore size for an overall more youthful look.

High-frequency treatment for acne may be combined with other skin care modalities, such as chemical peels or microneedling, for maximum effectiveness. Combining these treatments will ensure your cosmeceuticals penetrate as deeply into the skin as possible for maximum benefit.

Light and high-frequency treatments may also help to eliminate acne scars caused by previous breakouts, though this process may take multiple sessions before showing noticeable effects. Many patients find these modalities provide both immediate and long-term benefits that make their investment worth their while.

For optimal acne-free skin, it is vital that you cleanse twice daily with a mild cleanser and refrain from picking at or squeezing blemishes, as this may lead to infection, inflammation and scarring. Furthermore, use non-comedogenic skincare products and avoid wearing makeup that contains oily components; moreover over-the-counter medication like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid can be especially helpful as can clinical facials for people suffering from acne-prone skin.

Reduces cellulite

Natural aging processes can cause loose skin on the body, leading to cellulite formation and other unsightly cosmetic concerns. Radio frequency skin therapy offers one solution.

Radio waves utilized during this treatment help to warm the thermal tissue beneath your skin’s surface and stimulate collagen formation without harming outer layers. Radiated energy also promotes blood circulation and aids skin product absorption; furthermore, this non-invasive skin care treatment can improve both tone and texture on both faces and bodies.

Studies involving volunteers receiving monopolar radiofrequency treatment revealed an increase in skin thickness at the Grenz zone (between the dermoepidermal junction and epidermis) after just one session of radiofrequency skincare procedure. Punch biopsy specimens were collected before, during, and three months posttreatment from each volunteer; results show significant increases in Grenz zone collagen band thickness due to just one session of RF therapy.

Radio waves emit radio waves which, through heat radiation, stimulate your body’s natural healing response and lead to increased collagen and elastin production in order to tighten and smoothen skin, producing tighter, smoother, younger-looking results.

At the outset of an RF skincare procedure, your doctor will apply topical numbing cream to ensure you remain relaxed and aware during treatment. After applying the topical numbing cream, she will then gently place the Thermage device over the area that requires attention – changing up its tip according to where it needs to be targeted.

After receiving Thermage treatments in New York City, loose skin on your face and neck will begin tightening and firming up. At this point, pairing Thermage sessions with Kybella injections – an injectable that contours jawlines while eliminating pockets of fat from under the chin – is highly effective and will produce noticeable results that make you look and feel more confident.

Reduces scarring

Scar healing can take time as skin cells slough off and replaced by fresh, healthy tissue. But this process could be expedited through red light therapy which stimulates key mechanisms within the skin’s cells. Research conducted at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University revealed this therapy activated key cellular processes while increasing production of essential proteins like collagen for improved scar pliability and overall healthier skin.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening, commonly referred to as RF, can also help improve skin texture by targeting its deep layers with non-invasive cosmetic procedures. RF targets the deeper layers of skin for firming and tightening purposes while stimulating collagen growth for full-body rejuvenation; treatments using this modality have the added advantage of improving dullness, uneven tone and age spots while diminishing discolorations over time.

RF skin tightening can have amazing results. The technique works by injecting energy into micro-channels of skin, stimulating new collagen and elastin formation, creating a tighter, smoother appearance overall. Compared to more invasive procedures, this one has proven safe and effective for most patients.

RF skin tightening can do more than reduce fine lines and wrinkles; it can also reverse the effects of natural aging on your face. As we age, our natural production of collagen and elastin diminishes, leading to loose facial skin and cellulite on the body – something RF skin tightening devices can reverse.

Researchers conducted in 2019 conducted a study to demonstrate the efficacy of red light therapy for scar prevention. Researchers employed red and NIR lights in combination to treat scars. Their treatment reduced fibrosis process that leads to excess collagen protein production while simultaneously increasing elastin production and improving skin elasticity. Researchers measured these changes using clinical evaluation, photographic evaluation, 3D skin imaging analysis, histological, molecular analyses as well as participant ratings using self assessment tool called POSAS; volunteers reported being most pleased with color and elasticity of their scars after treatment.

April 14, 2024|Editorial

The Alternative Therapies Group

alternative therapies group

Alternative therapies may be used alongside or as an alternative to traditional medical techniques, including diet therapy, herbal remedies and massage therapy. Ayurveda uses specific herbs and massage techniques to promote healing.

Table 3 illustrates that from 1990 to 1997, respondents who reported both consulting a medical doctor for their primary condition as well as using alternative therapies more frequently increased significantly.


Reiki is a spiritual energy healing technique that employs gentle touch to promote relaxation, ease anxiety and reduce stress levels. Reiki may also reduce side effects from certain medical treatments. Used both as an alternative therapy and complementing traditional care, Reiki may benefit patients suffering from mild to serious health concerns.

Reiki practitioners believe that all living things contain life force energy called “ki.” If this flow becomes disrupted, health issues may result. Reiki is an alternative healing approach which can restore it.

Reiki as a holistic form of treatment has its critics. Skeptics believe the practice is unscientific; however, there is growing evidence to support its benefits: pain reduction, anxiety relief and depression prevention have been demonstrated through its use. Reiki sessions may even help cancer patients manage symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances and anxiety more effectively with regular practice; according to Integrative Cancer Therapy Journal research published earlier this year, consecutive reiki sessions reduced these symptoms with multiple sessions leading to significant improvement.

Studies have demonstrated that Reiki can enhance the effectiveness of some medications while decreasing side effects. Reiki therapy also serves as an effective method to manage pain in chronic conditions like arthritis and diabetes.

Reiki sessions take place in a calm room with the patient fully attired. A practitioner will place their hands over any affected areas and follow energy flows; treatment can focus on specific parts or the entire body; many have reported relief from various illnesses like headaches or stomachaches with its help, as well as being effective against postoperative and chemotherapy pain management.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves stimulating specific points on your body with hair-thin needles to promote natural painkillers produced by your body and relieve discomfort and anxiety. Acupuncture treatments have become increasingly popular and may even be covered by your insurance plan; contact your insurance provider to see which coverage options may exist.

Acupuncture is founded on the idea that energy known as Qi (pronounced Chee) travels along pathways known as meridians, and an acupuncturist uses needles placed along these meridians to balance its flow and promote healing within your body. You may feel a slight pinch when receiving needles from an acupuncturist – these needles are thinner than medical needles so may not cause as much pain during their insertion.

Studies have proven the benefits of acupuncture therapy for a range of conditions. Here are some advantages you could enjoy from it:

1. Analgesia Acupuncture creates controlled injuries that activate your body’s natural healing responses, including pain modulation. Furthermore, acupuncture increases serotonin and GABA production to help promote better sleep quality. 2. Stress and Anxiety Reliever Similarly acupuncture may help relieve both tension and anxiety by producing “controlled injuries”.

3. Migraine

Acupuncture can help over 40 million Americans who suffer from migraines reduce the frequency and severity of these episodes, by stimulating release of feel-good hormones and decreasing inflammation in the brain. Acupuncture also enhances white blood cell activity which regulates your immune system.


Therapeutic massage is an ancient art that involves manipulating muscles and soft tissue to relieve pain, reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Therapeutic massage may be used for many conditions including backaches, headaches, asthma and arthritis as well as sleep disorders and depression. Studies indicate it can also help with muscle and joint flexibility improvements as well as reduce accidents/injuries and enhance athletic performance – not forgetting encouraging blood circulation which allows oxygen and nutrients to reach all parts of the body more quickly while flushing out waste products such as carbon dioxide or toxins from leaving body tissues more efficiently than ever before!

Studies demonstrate the power of massage to relieve stress and enhance mood by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. One research project revealed that just 10 minutes of massage significantly reduced anxiety levels among those living with cancer or chronic back pain; another study concluded that 10-minute sessions reduced these feelings further still; it may even reduce symptoms of depression or fibromyalgia in some people, improve quality sleep in adults suffering from either, breast cancer patients as well as children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder; it may even help those suffering arthritic joint pain by increasing circulation through increased joint circulation to ease pain relief.

Although studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of massage, it should not be done on areas with recent injuries such as recent cuts or blood clots or broken bones, or where there is recent swelling from fractures or blood clots. Furthermore, massage is not advised for individuals suffering from certain health conditions like cardiovascular disease or bleeding disorders.


Ayurved medicine is one of the world’s oldest holistic health care systems, employing lifestyle modifications and herbal medicines to promote physical and spiritual wellbeing. Ayurved emphasizes maintaining strong connections to nature; although this treatment cannot cure diseases like cancer or heart disease directly, ayurved therapies may help manage symptoms associated with them.

A key tenet of Ayurved healing is that all physical ailments result from imbalances within our energy forces, or doshas. Vata represents movement; pitta metabolism; and kapha provides structure and lubrication of cells – each person’s constitution is defined by this combination of energies. Ayurvedic practitioners also believe that one’s mental and emotional state can impact physical wellbeing.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health lists many conditions ayurved treatment can help manage, including diabetes, skin conditions, digestive problems, fertility and women’s health concerns, fatigue syndromes and mental health concerns. However, it warns against purchasing products not rigorously tested for safety; such products could contain heavy metals like lead and mercury which may pose potential health risks.

Note that Ayurvedic herbs and supplements aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, so they shouldn’t be used as replacement or postponement to standard medical care. In fact, certain herbal preparations may have significant ramifications on one’s body if consumed in large doses.

The Cleveland Clinic reports that adaptogens like ashwagandha can act as powerful remedies against stress and anxiety, helping your body respond more positively and experience improved restful sleep quality than those who don’t take these herbs. Studies have also demonstrated this benefit compared to non-users. Taking these herbs can make people feel more energetic while improving sleep quality compared to non-takers.


Meditation has its origins in ancient philosophies and various world religions, yet anyone can practice. Meditation has gained increasing popularity as people realize its many mental and physical health benefits – these include reduced blood pressure, greater pain tolerance and an overall positive outlook.

Start meditation by sitting comfortably and focusing on your breathing, returning whenever your thoughts wander to focusing on breathing again. Some forms of meditation include visual imagery while others involve repeating a word or phrase to help focus the mind. As a beginner, start with 10 minutes and build up to 30 or 40.

Long-term meditators have been shown to possess increased gray matter in their brain, possibly linked to changes in its ability to manage emotions and thoughts. Meditation has also been associated with reduced levels of pro-inflammatory chemicals which could help alleviate depression and anxiety.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of meditation for treating depression and chronic pain; however, more research needs to be conducted in order to isolate its effects from any other factors that might influence wellbeing, such as beliefs or motivations of a person.

Meditation can be used as part of treatment for people suffering from substance use disorders. Meditation has been found to support abstinence from drugs or alcohol while creating a sense of calm and presence, decreasing cravings and risk. It has even been proven effective at decreasing stress.

Meditation may seem like an individual endeavor, but guided meditation is an increasingly popular technique used in counseling, therapy and group support services. Led by a certified therapist, guided meditation sessions may take place either individually or within small groups.