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Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 16, 2024|Editorial

Harvard University Researchers Reverse Aging in Mice

Harvard scientists have devised an ingenious way of turning back time with mice by manipulating epigenetics – chemical changes which influence gene activity without altering DNA sequence. By manipulating epigenetics, Harvard scientists were able to make their mice healthier by making changes through epigenetics which affect gene activity without altering DNA sequence.

These scientists have also discovered six chemical cocktails that can revitalize cells quickly in under a week without altering cellular identity, suggesting that old cells contain information to reset their biological age.

Identifying the Fountain of Youth

Since antiquity, explorers and adventurers have sought the Fountain of Youth: a mythical spring that bestows eternal youth upon its drinkers. Ponce de Leon famously made his journey across Florida in pursuit of immortality via this search for the Fountain of Youth in 16th century Florida; today’s scientists use pipettes rather than compasses when exploring cells; but their quest remains strong!

Scientists’ search for the Fountain of Youth has inspired scientists to experiment with ways of rejuvenating and prolonging life, from genetically reprogramming cells to creating artificial fountains of youth that make people appear younger. But Harvard scientists recently made headlines when they reversed aging in mice using chemical means – published in Cell on July 12 2023 as evidence. Their results prove it is possible to turn back time on cells’ pathways toward aging by switching off certain DNA signals that cause them to age prematurely.

Researchers conducted their study by injecting an inbred mouse with the Yamanaka gene, which is responsible for reprogramming its genetic instructions to stop uncontrolled growth and ageing. After injecting their chosen strain with Yamanaka gene, scientists then administered chemicals that “rebooted” cells by restoring young gene expression – these mice experienced many health benefits including improved eyesight and longer lifespans.

To further test their theory, researchers conducted an experiment known as heterochronic parabiosis. In this procedure, a surgeon slits two anesthetized mice down their flanks before suturing and stapleing them together alongside each other side by side – because these mice were inbred, their immune systems don’t attack each other resulting in twin clones that share both genes and cellular clocks.


Reversing aging in these mice indicates that a similar approach might work on humans as well, and researchers are currently planning clinical trials with human participants to test this theory. If successful, this technique could become an exciting advancement in regenerative medicine allowing doctors to repair damaged tissues more efficiently while possibly lengthening life spans of their patients.

Reversing Cellular Aging

Scientists once held that DNA changes were at the root of all aging; however, Harvard Medical School researchers have recently demonstrated that degradations in gene organization and regulation may also contribute to this phenomenon, independent from changes to DNA itself. Their research paper published in Cell shows how reverse this degradation can reverse cell aging.

The team examined cells from three donors aged 22 years, 94 years old, and one with progeria, an inherited disorder causing premature aging. Reversing PTEN gene decline reversed cell aging leading to loss of function in cells.

This approach could pave the way to innovative treatments for human diseases and move us one step closer to finding our fountain of youth. Now scientists are working hard to bring their findings into clinical testing environments where they can determine their effects on both individual cells and whole organisms.

In their most recent research study, the team identified six chemical cocktails that, within seven days and without harming cellular identity, restored youthful genome-wide transcript profiles and reversed transcriptomic age. These cocktails included CHIR99021 which blocks glycogen formation activated during sleep to store energy; tranylcypromine as an antidepressant; and valproic acid, commonly prescribed to treat bipolar disorder.

Scientists analyzed cells using sophisticated assays that distinguish young and old cells based on their ability to replicate. Next, they introduced chemicals into both young and old cells and observed what effect they had. Their results were amazing: in addition to reversing visual signs of aging, the cocktail of chemicals rejuvenated cells by prompting faster cell division rates as well as improving regeneration capabilities.


Kyoto University scientist Shinya Yamanaka made history when he demonstrated how specific transcription factors could transform adult cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Although iPSCs can become any cell in the body – including muscle and brain cells – fears regarding potential for cancerous growth has limited clinical use of this approach; the research team’s work circumvents this issue by reprogramming cells using chemicals rather than Yamanaka’s process, thus potentially decreasing risks for cancer.

Identifying the Causes of Aging

One of the major causes of aging is cell mutation. Over time, these mutations prevent cells from functioning correctly and lead to tissue and organ breakdown – leading to disease and ultimately death. Scientists have identified numerous processes which cause this damage – known as hallmarks of aging.

Scientists have long assumed that DNA changes are the main driver of aging. But recent research indicates there may be other causes as well, including other factors which affect gene activity without changing genetic code – something known as epigenetics; or environmental stressors hastening aging processes.

Researchers have long sought a way to reverse the effects of aging. Their efforts include studying gene regulation mechanisms, pinpointing causes for aging and devising treatments. Scientists believe that reverse cellular aging could extend health span and decrease risks of disease.

Scientists have recently discovered that scientists have discovered how the signs of aging can be reversed using chemicals to slow or reverse several biological processes, thus increasing longevity significantly and particularly benefiting those at high risk of age-related diseases. This research is especially promising for people at greater risk.

Researchers have also found that making simple lifestyle adjustments can slow the rate of aging in a person. Six women between 46 and 65 who took part in an eight-week program consisting of diet changes, exercise, relaxation exercises and nutritional guidance experienced a decrease in their biological ages; on average participants saw an overall reduction of 4.6 years. Researchers noted that participants weren’t under any significant stress at the time of study, which is important because previous research has demonstrated that prolonged stress can actually accelerate biological aging by activating stress responses such as chronic depression or anxiety.

Reversing Aging in Mice

Scientists may be on the brink of discovering the mythical Fountain of Youth after rejuvenating worn out organs in aged mice. Their results offer hope to researchers working on expanding human lifespan and improving health as people age.

Scientists have recently demonstrated that aging can be reversed through cell reprogramming. Reactivating genes will allow cells to turn back on certain features that cause age-related damage and mistakes that lead to symptoms associated with aging.

Scientists have developed a system to induce epigenetic changes without altering genetic code itself. The system utilizes DNA breaks that do not modify genes directly but instead alter how they fold – similar to daily sunlight exposure, chemicals exposure or environmental factors causing DNA damage.

Sinclair and her team used ICE, a DNA breakage tool, to cause genetic changes in mice genomes. Most of the breaks weren’t located near any genes that would trigger mutations; rather they occurred mostly near areas that control whether certain genes are switched on. They also made sure that most breaks did not compromise cell identity so as to reactivate the epigenetic system in these mice.

When applied to mice that had already displayed signs of aging, the ICE system caused them to look younger and act healthier. Brain cells and testes began producing new cell divisions while fertility returned; additionally their intestines and spleens started functioning normally and vision improved dramatically.

Sinclair and her team injected some older-seeming mice with an AAV containing three Yamanaka factors known as OSK, to reverse vision loss in older animals. Mice that received AAVs also looked and behaved much younger with restored muscle and kidney functions.

Harvard researchers hope that, to further demonstrate that their work is successfully reversing aging, they plan to inject older mice with all six Yamanaka factors and observe what happens. Furthermore, human skin cells and senescent cells that accumulate as we get older will also be tested against this combination cocktail.

December 16, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance Therapy to Quit Smoking

Losing smoking can be a challenging feat that takes multiple strategies and approaches. Bioresonance therapy has proven its efficacy through clinical studies; by measuring electromagnetic waves on your skin with electrodes attached, this device measures electromagnetic waves and emits corrective frequencies to help you quit.

Before your session begins, drink 2 liters of low mineral water. The device will measure and transmit back any frequencies emitted by cigarettes as part of its analysis process.

How bioresonance therapy works

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine technique that uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance out energy fields in the body. It works to treat both the root causes of ailments as well as their symptoms in an effective and noninvasive manner.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that living cells emit electromagnetic waves which resonate with other cells, and that this resonance can be disrupted by toxic and other harmful substances, disrupting natural energy flow in the body and creating imbalances that cause numerous health problems. Bioresonance therapy aims to rebalance body energy fields so as to restore health and wellbeing to patients.

At London Natural Therapies, electrodes are placed on the skin to measure electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your cells and monitored using bioresonance devices like Sensitiv Imago that detect abnormalities before emitting counterfrequencies to neutralise any harmful frequencies and restore balance.

Bioresonance therapy not only treats toxins but can also help improve sleeping patterns and mental clarity, treat emotional disturbances such as stress, anxiety and depression, boost immunity naturally detoxify the body and treat allergies and autoimmune conditions including rheumatoid arthritis.

Bioresonance therapy uses resonance frequencies to detect and cancel out unhealthy cells’ resonance, amplifying healthy ones instead, to aid the body’s natural healing processes. It is safe for all ages and administered by qualified practitioners; though patients may experience side effects like temporary fatigue and thirst as the body detoxifies itself during treatment.

Bioresonance therapy has many uses beyond smoking cessation. It can be utilized for weight loss, depression and anxiety treatment, migraines, insomnia and fibromyalgia treatment – as well as being less expensive than pharmaceutical medications! Studies have demonstrated that the combination of conventional medication with bioresonance therapy results in greater reduction of chronic pain than either one alone – further saving money than prescriptions!


Quitting smoking can be one of the hardest addictions to break free of, requiring both behavioral changes and psychological adjustments to complete successfully. Quitting will allow you to regain your health and improve quality of life; but beware: quitting can be challenging at first if smoking serves as a stress reliever, with withdrawal symptoms to manage along with it. A supportive environment such as family and friends or external social aids such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or behavioral counselling is vital.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine approach that uses electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat various conditions. Electrodes are attached to the skin during a session to assess electromagnetic frequencies within the body, then any imbalances are corrected using electromagnetic waves in order to promote healing and ease any pain management concerns. Bioresonance therapy may even assist in helping manage pain management.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective tool in helping individuals overcome nicotine addiction, as it works by neutralising pathological frequencies associated with nicotine addiction, thus decreasing cravings. Furthermore, it addresses any underlying psychological issues which might be contributing to it; moreover, bioresonance therapy has no side effects, making it ideal for those having difficulty taking prescription drugs.

Bioresonance therapy may be used alone or in conjunction with other smoking cessation strategies such as behavioral counselling and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). For optimal results, consult with an experienced practitioner and integrate the treatment carefully into your overall recovery strategy.

As is true for everyone who smokes, smoking causes serious harm to both you and those around you. Smoking reduces oxygen in your blood, which damages tissues and organs as well as increasing heart attack risk and lung cancer risk; for these reasons alone it is vitally important that smokers stop.


There are various strategies available to those trying to stop smoking, including acupuncture, hypnosis and bioresonance therapy. While traditional medicines often come with side effects associated with them, alternative treatments like these often provide relief from nicotine dependency more easily than ever before.

Smoking has long been an addiction issue for millions worldwide, impacting life expectancies while harming health in those who smoke as well as secondhand smoke exposure from others who don’t smoke themselves. Many problems associated with nicotine consumption lead to additional side effects of smoking addiction that require alternative remedies for treatment; Bioresonance therapy stands out among these options as having a high success rate and can be seen in practice at many treatment facilities worldwide.

Bioresonance therapy utilizes bioelectric waves within the body to detect imbalances that lead to medical conditions, often used as complementary medicine alongside conventional medical practices. Bioresonance is considered complementary medicine and may also be combined with traditional healthcare services for maximum effect. As it’s free from radiation and potentially dangerous substances, Bioresonance can be safely utilized as part of health maintenance practices, helping identify allergies or illnesses before treating various disorders – even smoking cessation!

Recently in Turkey, researchers conducted a comprehensive comparison between bioresonance therapy and other methods of smoking cessation treatment, using 95 smokers attempting to give up tobacco smoking as participants in two groups: bioresonance therapy group and placebo group. Results demonstrated that bioresonance therapy group was more successful at helping them stop than its counterpart group; measured results included after 1 week, 2 weeks, and one month of treatment.

Side effects

At each session, electrodes are applied to the skin in order to measure electromagnetic waves in the body and analysed by a device that emits corrective frequencies to neutralize pathological frequencies associated with nicotine addiction and reduce cravings, and possibly heal parts of your body damaged by cigarettes and their chemicals. Bioresonance therapy is completely safe and is an effective method for stopping smoking; however it should be combined with other strategies, such as behavioral counselling for maximum success.

Bioresonance therapy differs from many other treatments by not employing medication or radiation; rather, its foundation rests on the theory that unhealthy cells emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones; the device reads these waves and modifies them, helping reverse damage caused by smoking. Sessions usually last between 30 and 60 minutes and many clients feel uplifted and refreshed after one; some may also experience symptoms like headache, tiredness or thirst as a sign that detoxification has begun – this is totally normal and normalises detoxification processes!

Recent placebo-controlled studies have proven the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for helping smokers stop smoking. The research involved enrolling 190 test subjects who met inclusion criteria; half were assigned to either verum (verum group) or placebo groups; half received verum treatments while the other half received placebo treatments – verum was far more successful at helping its members to quit than its placebo counterpart at quitting smoking, with results measured comparing one week, two weeks, and one year post treatment results being evaluated against one another.

Smoking is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease and cancer risk. While quitting may present numerous health advantages, it can be challenging to break free of psychological and physical dependence on nicotine replacement therapies such as behavioral counseling or nicotine replacement therapies. While traditional methods of smoking cessation such as behavioral counselling or nicotine replacement therapies have proven ineffective at helping people stop smoking, an innovative solution known as molecular resonance acupuncture may provide effective aid.

Molecular resonance acupuncture uses low-frequency electrical impulses to stimulate nerves and release chemicals that reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings for nicotine, as well as increase their efficacy when combined with other interventions such as behavioral therapy and medications for smoking cessation. Studies have also demonstrated its efficacy against increasing smoking rates, such as behavioral therapy or medications.

December 15, 2024|Editorial

What is Keto Biohacking?

Keto biohacking is an emerging trend designed to optimize body, mind and brain performance through techniques such as intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet. These approaches promote cognitive clarity and mental focus.

A ketogenic diet induces ketosis, in which fat instead of carbohydrates is used as energy source, leading to improved brain functioning, productivity and memory retention. It may even aid in increasing productivity.

Paleolithic diet

The paleolithic diet is an eating plan designed to recreate what our ancestors ate prior to agricultural development. It emphasizes lean meats, seafood, fruit and vegetables with natural fats as its staple foods while limiting grains, legumes, dairy products and processed foods – sometimes known as caveman or hunter-gatherer diet. Recently it has become more mainstream among modern Western approaches to diet and health.

This diet has gained widespread appeal due to its emphasis on eliminating dairy, sugar and processed food products that have been linked with obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions. Furthermore, this plan encourages eating more protein from both animals and plants alike – though some individuals may find this difficult due to nutrient deficiency issues and digestive difficulties.

Paleolithic diets have been demonstrated to aid weight loss, lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels, and improve blood pressure. However, they should be approached with caution as they can increase the risk of heart disease as well as other serious medical conditions; additionally they have been linked with an increased risk of autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, and osteoporosis.

Whalen KA, et al. conducted a recent study comparing the Paleolithic Diet (PD) to Mediterranean Diet in over 2,000 participants and found it superior for reducing all-cause mortality, oxidative stress reduction and improving insulin sensitivity; additionally it was seen to decrease lipogenesis promoting factors and circulating triglycerides levels significantly.

Hunter-gatherer diets were typically rich in animal proteins, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids; by contrast, modern human diets tend to include more saturated fat, salt and carbohydrates. Modern humans are suffering from a range of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCCDs). We will investigate evidence supporting the use of physical activity (PA) in preventing and controlling CNCDs via a systematic review with meta-analysis. We conducted a systematic literature search to identify articles examining the relationship between physical activity (PA) and anthropometric markers, specifically physical disease (PD), and human studies performed using human subjects as subjects and studies that evaluated how diet contributes to risk and control of CNCDs (Carbon Monoxide Nitric Oxide Diseases) were considered. Articles were assessed for eligibility using two criteria. (1) Was human testing involved? and (2) Was their evaluation focused on relationships between dietary pattern, risk control of CNCDs etc?

Keto diet

Are You Wanting the Most Out of Your Body? Consider Going On the Keto Diet If so, the keto diet could be just what your body needs to thrive! This eating plan contains high levels of fats and low levels of carbs with moderate amounts of proteins for fueling your body without raising blood sugar levels excessively or creating weight issues; in turn helping with weight loss. Although keto can have side effects such as bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and fatigue symptoms; they typically subside quickly with adequate hydration and electrolyte balance.

The keto diet recommends not only cutting back on carbs, but also including plenty of non-starchy vegetables and healthy fats in your diet – such as leafy greens, avocado, olives, nuts and seeds as well as cheese! Drinks containing added sugars should also be avoided as they will increase carb consumption. Incorporating tracking your macronutrients as part of the keto diet and reaching a net carb deficit are two key goals of ketogenic dieting; with an experienced keto dietitian providing advice about which food combinations will best help reach this target goal.

The keto diet is an increasingly popular strategy among those looking to improve their health and boost performance. Many fitness enthusiasts swear by its benefits, including increased energy levels and mental clarity as well as reduced inflammation and blood pressure levels. Unfortunately, for some who enjoy food socialization activities or find joy in socializing over food it may present difficulties; its restrictive nature could even lead to orthorexic tendencies or unhealthy food obsession.

Bulletproof coffee

Are You Keto Dieter? Bulletproof Coffee Is One Way To Kick-Start Ketosis If you follow the keto diet, chances are that you have heard of bulletproof coffee – a beverage consisting of brewed coffee mixed with grass-fed butter, MCT oil and MCT oils that is often recommended as an energy booster or to kickstart ketosis. There are numerous variations you can use to customize its flavor such as cold brew coffee or using sugar-free sweeteners to create chocolate or vanilla-themed drinks.

Brain power requires energy. Finding an ample supply can help keep you focused and increase productivity, and the ketogenic diet could provide this source. By improving cognitive performance and helping clearer thinking, this diet could boost cognitive performance further and aid your productivity. However, please keep in mind that its suitability for all may vary based on specific health issues (for instance high cholesterol).

In order to reach ketosis, it’s necessary to consume more healthy fats such as butter and MCT oils that will be converted by your body into ketones – providing your brain with fuel longer than glucose can boost mental clarity while also decreasing your appetite and helping with weight loss.

An effective sleep routine can help boost your energy levels. To optimize this routine, it’s ideal to go to bed at the same time every night and avoid caffeine prior to going to sleep. Also consider wearing earplugs or using a sleep mask in order to create a quiet and dark environment conducive to restful slumber.

If you’re new to ketogenic dieting, your body may take approximately one week to adapt to the higher fat intake. While you wait, bulletproof coffee may provide energy boost in the morning or even throughout the day as needed – just remember to stay hydrated and monitor how your body responds.

Sleep hacks

Sleep is a fundamental element of biohacking, playing an essential role in cognitive function and hormone regulation. Poor sleep can lead to fatigue and depression; thus many struggle to get quality restful restful slumber. To optimize your environment and habits for improved restful slumber; some methods include drinking warm water before bedtime and limiting blue light exposure during the evening hours, physical activity before sleeping time, as well as practicing stress management strategies such as doing some physical activities regularly and practicing stress reduction techniques.

Biohackers utilize nootropic supplements and meditation techniques in an attempt to increase their mental acuity. By relieving stress and increasing focus, biohackers can perform at peak mental states for extended periods of time, leading them to perform at optimal mental states for extended periods. While these methods have become popular among biohackers, their misuse may prove hazardous.

Un good night’s rest is one of the most crucial components to your health and well-being. Sleep helps clear your head, manage stress more effectively, lower blood pressure and protect heart disease as well as help weight loss and decrease anxiety levels. If you have trouble sleeping, try taking a short nap during the day or cutting back screen time prior to going to bed.

Recent surveys revealed that roughly one out of every five consumers globally reported sleeping less than seven hours each night, and over eight out of ten in Australia and Canada, Singapore and Hong Kong, Britain & Denmark as well as Poland & Sweden reported trying some kind of hack to improve their restful slumber.

Some biohacks may be more effective than others, but the key to successful biohacking lies in finding what works for you. For instance, many biohackers hydrate by drinking purified or filtered water throughout their day to rehydrate their bodies; in addition they tend to favor high-quality foods that do not include processed meats, gluten, dairy, sugar or most fruits as staples in their diet.

Utilizing a combination of these techniques, you can optimize your lifestyle and achieve healthy ketosis without suffering the side effects. But keep in mind that you don’t have to become an expert biohacker in order to make changes; simply start small by testing different tactics at a time to see which work for you.

December 15, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Mall

Spooky2 takes Rife one step further by employing quantum entanglement to transmit frequencies directly into DNA.

Spooky2 utilizes biofeedback scans to identify pathogens by how they stress, injure and kill cells – something other systems take hours to do! With Spooky2, biofeedback scans can be completed within minutes using Spooky2, while GeneratorX also changes how Rife frequencies are applied.

Product Descriptions

Spooky2 is the world’s most advanced and versatile Rife machine system, making it affordable for every home. Used to treat conditions ranging from cancer and infectious diseases to mental illnesses and physical pain; mood improvement, sleep quality improvement and immune function enhancement can also be achieved with its use. Safe for users of any age and easy integration into daily life are among its many features that set Spooky2 apart.

Spooky2‘s software can be freely downloaded here and easily installed without attaching any physical devices to your computer; when run in Test mode it will create virtual generators (full instructions are included in its Quick Guide). If you’re ready to get going quickly then consider purchasing the Starter Pack which includes both software and Quick Guide in one zipped file – ideal for getting you underway immediately!

Spooky2 products come with a 30-day return policy to guarantee authenticity of their devices, providing ample time for users to experiment and discover which one best meets their needs. However, you will be responsible for return shipping fees and customs duties; and should consider getting insurance on their return shipment as well.

Customers looking for discounts on Spooky2 products can search the Internet for promotional codes and take advantage of seasonal sales. In addition, they can subscribe to the Spooky2 newsletter or follow them on social media so as to remain up-to-date on promotions and deals as soon as they become available; contact customer service for other ways of saving. In some cases referral programs may also provide savings opportunities; before taking advantage of any such discounts.

Customer Reviews

Spooky2 offers one of the world’s largest frequency databases, covering DNA, main frequencies, cell frequencies and human base pairs. Additionally, it includes protocols for serious diseases like Cancer and Lyme as well as Western/Chinese medicine therapies using an advanced Rife machine – making this tool both affordable and user friendly.

Spooky2 is by far the best system I have ever used; it is quick, effective and highly recommended by me! My husband had chronic back pain for nearly an entire year that has now been alleviated through just several sessions with Spooky2. I highly recommend it!

Lisa was so helpful and supportive, quickly answering my queries and helping get my spooky2 up and running in no time! I really appreciate all her hard work – she truly deserves all my praise! She truly is amazing!

Recently I purchased my Spooky2 and immediately began treating my partner. He has been suffering from chronic bursite for more than a year now and was having difficulty lifting his arms. With just one session alone I saw 50% improvement in pain levels – I highly recommend Spooky2 to everyone in our community.

So delighted that I can now activate my new spooky2, I want to thank the friendly, competent and fast assistance with use.

I purchased the Spooky2 from an excellent online store and their service staff were immensely helpful in explaining its features and capabilities. It is very powerful, so should any further assistance be required they will gladly assist me.

Spooky Mall is an amazing game to pass the time with fun. I really enjoyed getting a job serving ghosts, vampires, and other supernatural beings! Unfortunately though, Spooky Mall can run slowly at times which may hinder its overall enjoyment.

Overall, I give this game a rating of 9/10. It’s fun, challenging and entertaining – perfect for PCs, laptops or tablets with good internet connections.

Product FAQs

Spooky2 software is an amazing piece of technology. It can be used in various ways – including remote and contact mode transmissions, plasma, PEMF, cold laser and audio – with top quality nanoparticle colloidal silver production being one of its many capabilities. Furthermore, their website contains FAQs and videos which will help those seeking additional knowledge about products available through Spooky2 Mall.

Spooky2 Generator can be easily downloaded for free and installed onto any computer, without requiring you to connect any hardware. Once running in test mode, virtual generators will give an idea of its operation before deciding to purchase actual equipment. For those interested in purchasing the Spooky2 generator itself, starter packs offer this software and guide together in a zip file for easier management.

There are four factory databases – DNA, BP, Molecular Weight and Main – as well as an impressive collection of custom frequencies that make up the world’s largest frequency database which now exceeds 40,000 programs and continues to expand. It includes treatments and protocols for serious illnesses like Cancer and Lyme disease.

Rife machines use resonance waves to destroy microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. Their vibrations cause structural stress within pathogens which leads to their eventual disablement or killing. Spooky2 offers several modes for using its frequencies such as remote access scanning as well as contact and biofeedback scanning.

The program can also produce various waveforms, including original Rife sine damped as well as three brand new waveforms based on Rife’s principles. These waveforms can then be combined with carrier frequencies to achieve Holland 11th harmonic technique or mixed in with modulated signals to create effective double-sideband AM signals.

Spooky2-XM’s dual channels can do some amazing things – for instance, using advanced Wave Divider technology allows it to surpass its maximum hardware frequency of 5MHz and create any combination of frequencies using modulators, carriers and harmonics mathematically mixed together for output frequency outputs.

Product Videos

Spooky2 is the world’s most advanced Rife machine. Featuring its revolutionary parallel processing mode, you can switch between detoxing programs on one generator and pathogen killing programs on another simultaneously – plus there are presets tailored specifically to Lyme, Morgellons and Cancer conditions.

Spooky2 makes using Rife machines simple and fun. From Clark zappers and biofeedback devices to powerful nano-colloidal/ionic silver generators, it offers multiple tools in one convenient device. Plus, its wide variety of frequencies may help your body fight infection or heal itself; in fact, this device alone applies Royal Rife’s original frequencies directly without using carriers!

View this video to understand how Spooky2 works, from basic features and tips on getting started to how you can access and configure Spooky2.

Join this exciting game as you become the manager of a ghost mall! Earn money by selling merchandise and upgrading stores – satisfying customer needs while keeping the place looking spooky!

December 15, 2024|Editorial

Pulsed Radio Frequency Therapy For Pain

Pulsed radio frequency injection therapy may provide relief from chronic pain conditions. It may be recommended if other injection treatments have not worked or only provided minimal relief.

Under this procedure, local anaesthetic is injected at the site, followed by placement of needle and small electrode as close as possible to your target nerve using fluoroscope guidance.

What is PRF?

Pulsed Radiofrequency Therapy (PRF) is a painless noninvasive therapy which utilizes pulses of electric current to reduce inflammation and repair nerve and tissue damage, relieving symptoms associated with nerve compression or damage in muscles or tendons as well as chronic wounds. PRF can be applied successfully against conditions including muscle and joint pain, inflammation disorders and chronic wounds.

PRF is a relatively complex procedure and its clinical efficacy was only recently established through rigorous randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Chua et al (2011) conducted an exhaustive analysis of published data concerning PRF’s efficacy in managing chronic pain. They located 6 RCTs and 3 observational studies comparing PRF to other treatments such as corticosteroid injection or conventional RF thermocoagulation; their findings demonstrated significant pain relief as well as enhanced function following this form of therapy.

Assumptions about PRF indicate it works by disrupting nociceptive nerve fibers that carry pain signals to the brain, specifically through rapid changing electric fields produced by PRF which alter the transmission of these nerve signals, blocking or interrupting them altogether. Other mechanisms may include reduced release of neurotransmitters like c-Fos, which contributes to pain relief.

Although PRF remains unknown in terms of its mechanism of action, it has proven safe and effective treatment with no noticeable side effects. Your Pain Consultant will discuss this treatment option and its advantages over alternative therapies.

PRF can pose some risks, although these are very uncommon. You may experience occasional mild bleeding around the needle site that usually clears quickly; trauma should be avoided until full sensation and movement return, to protect the area against further injury. Furthermore, infection needs to be treated promptly with antibiotics; in rare instances it could even cause an allergic reaction from using local anaesthetic.

PRF therapy is considered safe, but may not be appropriate for everyone. Your Pain Consultant will discuss whether this approach would work well for you and may offer other alternatives if that proves ineffective.

How does PRF work?

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is a blood-based treatment with an abundance of platelets, fibrin, mesenchymal stem cells and other essential cells. To obtain it, your own blood must be collected in a centrifuge but spun at much slower speed compared with PRP for best results. This allows more beneficial cell types to remain intact within its final product – similar to PRP!

Blood samples taken from patients will then be combined with their own marrow to promote healing and tissue regeneration, before being injected directly into areas where you experience discomfort using a tiny needle with electrode. Once in, fluoroscopy or ultrasound will confirm its exact placement for injection; once administered, PRF will release growth factors which stimulate collagen, new skin cells and blood vessel formation in that area.

As soon as growth factors are released, the area begins to heal naturally, which reduces inflammation and eases your pain. Furthermore, new blood vessels help bring nutrients and oxygen directly to the area to support healing as part of the overall healing process.

Pulsed radiofrequency therapy reduces your pain in another way: by altering how nerves transmit pain signals. Unlike radiofrequency ablation (RFA), which destroys nerve tissue to block its ability to send out pain signals, PRF sends energy currents directly into an irritated nerve to stimulate it into “resetting itself”, thus ending long-term nerve damage and stop sending pain signals outwardly.

Studies of rats’ dorsal root ganglia using PRF electrodes show no thermal damage to nerve axons, while in vitro studies with human embryonic kidney cells and rabbit dorsal root ganglia show the electrode temperature is orders of magnitude less than what would be necessary for cell death.

Pulsed radiofrequency treatment can be utilized to address a wide variety of nerve pain conditions. We typically suggest this procedure for those who have not found relief through conservative measures like steroid injections, diagnostic nerve blocks or other noninvasive therapies.

What are the side effects of PRF?

PRF therapy can be an excellent solution for many conditions, including arthritis. Although not a cure, PRF can relieve discomfort for months or even years while improving surgical outcomes and aiding tissue healing post-op. Furthermore, this noninvasive procedure is both less invasive and cost-effective than surgery or long-term pain medications.

As with any medical procedure, PRF does carry some risks; however, these are typically rare. Possible side effects include infection, bleeding and nerve damage. If severe symptoms develop after receiving PRF treatment, notify your healthcare practitioner immediately.

Pulsed radio frequency therapy offers many advantages over radiofrequency denervation in terms of its ability to reset dysfunctional nerves without harming them. While radiofrequency denervation relies on high heat temperatures for deactivating nerves, pulsed radio frequency therapy uses short bursts of heat in short bursts; thus lowering risks and making treatment of nerve pain more efficient and safer.

PRF can also help reduce inflammation. Inflammation can be painful and stiffening in the back, hips, knees and shoulders, but with PRF’s ability to stimulate new blood vessel production it can ease these discomforts as well as speed the healing process faster than ever.

Platelet-Rich Fibrin can speed the healing process by releasing growth factors that promote cell regeneration and proliferation, increasing nitric oxide levels within your body and thus decreasing pain while increasing mobility.

PRF may take effect within a week of treatment; however, others may take several months. The full effect can depend on a number of factors including severity of injury, post-treatment care instructions compliance rate and general health status. Dr. Attaman and his team are here to guide your journey back to health with confidence – contact us now to arrange an initial consultation session where we are always happy to address your concerns and give advice as to whether PRF might be a suitable solution.

How long will PRF last?

PRF therapy can provide much-needed relief in many areas of the body. Its state-of-the-art approach can effectively address nerve pain in the back, neck, shoulders, arms, legs and head. PRF is often an effective option for people who have not found relief through traditional approaches like injections with local anesthetic and/or steroids injections, medications, physical therapy or other management techniques; it is generally safe and effective option; however it’s essential that patients discuss individual risk factors and health histories with their doctors before making this decision.

As part of your PRF procedure, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area before your consultant administers pulsed radio frequency treatments. After injection you may experience some mild bruising or tenderness at the injection site which should subside after several days; occasionally there may also be an increase in pain following the procedure.

PRF therapy relies on bursts of electrical current that deliver bursts to alter how your tissue transmits pain signals to the brain, also known as neuromodulation. This process does not damage nerves and is thus very safe.

PRF therapy’s effects may last up to 18 months, although everyone experiences them differently. While any local anesthetic numbing may wear off quickly after the procedure, pain relief should become noticeable gradually over several weeks.

Researchers continue their investigation, yet some doctors believe PRF therapy can be an effective tool in treating specific conditions. A case study by Navani et al [21] on occipital neuralgia showed that three rounds of PRF treatments on C1 and C2 dorsal root ganglia resulted in 60% to 70% pain relief at four-month follow-up follow-up.

Researchers have discovered that this treatment not only aids chronic pain relief, but can also enhance bone healing, speed up wound recovery and promote new cell growth. Due to its potential to aid regeneration and treat pain effectively, this technology has been labeled as “a new generation of biological therapies” which could transform medicine.