Using Muscle Energy Technique For SI Joint Physical Therapy
MET enhances musculoskeletal health by mobilizing joints, stretching tight muscles and fascia and relieving pain. Furthermore, it promotes relaxation and restores alignment; all through reciprocal inhibition: one muscle relaxes after its antagonist contracts.
The Gillet test, standing forward flexion test and seated forward flexion test are three tried-and-tested ways of evaluating SI joint dysfunction. They measure PSIS displacement relative to sacrum.
MET is a gentle manual therapy technique
MET is a manual therapy technique that employs natural body reactions to relax muscles and improve function, such as stretching. Physical therapists utilize it in tandem with myofascial release or joint manipulation as part of their treatments; its uses involve gentle isometric contractions involving the patient’s own muscle energy to lengthen muscles by relaxing them as it lengthens them; this also allows it to treat other parts of the body like neck and arms.
After positioning their patient to address the area of discomfort, therapists guide them into performing voluntary contractions of muscles specific to that problem area. Once stretched to its maximum potential, a counter force applied by their therapist helps relax them further – this process is known as reciprocal inhibition and an integral component of MET treatment methods. Therapists utilize knowledge about both their client’s past history and present condition to provide the most effective care plan possible for any given issue.
Muscle energy techniques aim to optimize musculoskeletal health through mobilizing joints, stretching tight muscles and fascia, relieving pain, improving blood circulation and lymphatic flow as well as increasing lymphatic drainage. They rely on harnessing natural responses such as autogenic inhibition and reciprocal inhibition for relaxation – methods which are safe and non-invasive for the patient.
One of the primary sources of sacroiliac dysfunction is hypermobility of an SI joint, resulting from loose ligaments in that joint and its abnormal movement resulting from loosening ligaments. This excess movement can cause discomfort to arise in low back, pelvis, and legs areas of your body.
Physical therapy programs for hypermobile SI joints tend to focus on strengthening abdominal and back muscles that support the joint, teaching various movements that reduce impact on it and providing medications such as antidepressants, pain relievers and antibiotics if necessary.
MET is effective in treating sacroiliac dysfunction
Sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction is a frequent source of low back and leg pain, often stemming from injury or sacrum bone abnormalities. SIJs are complex joints consisting of bone, joint cartilage, muscle, ligament structures that provide stability while transferring weight from trunk to lower extremities. SIJ dysfunction may cause imbalanced mobility of lower extremities resulting in pain in buttocks, groins, hips, knees and feet as well as impair your walking and running abilities.
There are various treatments for sacroiliac joint pain, among them Manual Electromyography Therapy (MET). This form of manual therapy involves carefully positioning an area of the body and asking patients to contract muscles against resistance in order to lengthen shortened muscles, relieve spasms, and decrease tone in tight muscle groups. It’s often combined with core strengthening exercises in order to achieve more positive outcomes.
MET is a relatively new approach for treating SIJ issues, yet has already demonstrated promising results in terms of relieving pain and enhancing mobility among patients with SIJ dysfunction. Furthermore, this form of physical therapy may be suitable for individuals who cannot tolerate other forms of physical therapy and combined with dry needling and kinesio taping to treat chronic SIJ discomfort.
One study compared MET with Mulligan mobilization and placebo treatment on subjects with SIJ dysfunction. The results demonstrated that both treatments were successful at restoring sacROiliac motion; however, only thrust manipulations proved more successful at improving mobility than MET manipulations.
The Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) is a large, complex joint that transfers weight between the upper body and lower body. Due to its anatomy and innervation, SIJ pain can often contribute to lower back discomfort. SIJ pain is often seen limiting everyday activities such as walking or running and should be treated promptly to avoid further complications like osteoarthritis or muscle spasm. Unfortunately, symptoms associated with dysfunctioning SIJs can often be hard to pinpoint without prior medical diagnosis, including symptoms associated with spine or pelvis conditions such as back or hip issues.
MET is effective in treating low back pain
Back pain is one of the primary reasons for medical visits and disability worldwide, making treatment challenging to find that is both cost-effective and safe. According to new research published in Cochrane Collaboration, MET may be highly effective at decreasing back pain intensity. The study involved randomized controlled trials that compared MET with other treatment approaches such as no treatment, sham MET, exercise, manual therapies, ultrasound and electro-therapies. Studies included those experiencing both acute or subacute low back pain as well as chronic low back pain in these studies.
MET is an active technique where patients perform muscle effort against resistance in order to mobilize joints, loosen tight muscles and fascia, facilitate relaxation, restore alignment and provide pain relief. MET works through post-isometric relaxation and reciprocal inhibition; when one muscle relaxes after isometric contraction by its counterpart muscle. Both mechanisms have been proven effective at decreasing joint stiffness while improving circulation and lymphatic flow – two benefits MET can bring to bear on any joint disorder or illness.
MET is performed either on a padded treatment table or chair, depending on the functional level of each patient. They lie comfortably while performing an isometric contraction against a resistance provided by their therapist; after which, their therapist can assist the patient to relax into their newly gained range of motion while passively moving the area back into its regular position. It forms part of osteoopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) used to treat pelvic, SI joint and upper extremity issues.
Muscle energy technique (MET) is an easy, noninvasive solution for treating SI dysfunction and low back pain. Additionally, MET may also be beneficial in treating other musculoskeletal disorders such as neck pain and sciatica; combined with ultrasound, electrical stimulation, heat or massage. For best results it should only be performed by physical therapists who are proficient in providing this therapy.
MET is effective in treating neck pain
Rehab Associates utilizes Manual Energy Therapy (MET), a gentle manual therapy technique, as part of our physical therapists’ treatments to address neck pain and stiffness. Your physical therapist at Rehab Associates uses this gentle manual therapy technique as part of their treatment to correct alignment deficits that could be contributing to your discomfort and dysfunction in the neck region. In addition, studies have also shown it to improve posture while increasing cervical range of motion; our physical therapist will use exercises and techniques designed specifically for you so you can move freely without restrictions or discomfort.
Recent findings of a recent study suggest that medical electrotherapy (MET) may be superior to other manual treatments in relieving non-specific neck pain for patients. Unfortunately, quality was generally poor across included studies with vast variations in patient demographics making its results difficult to interpret.
One study explored the effectiveness of myofascial release therapy on myofascial trigger points in the trapezius muscle. Patients receiving either myofascial release therapy or MET were compared with one another using various measures, such as visual analogue scale, neck disability index and pressure pain threshold threshold; ultimately, MET proved superior over myofascial release for improving VAS, NDI and lateral cervical flexion range of motion (ROM).
Another study examined the efficacy of Mechanical Entrainment Therapy (MET) vs Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) therapy on 45 patients suffering mechanical neck pain. Group A, Group B or control groups were randomly selected; after four weeks of treatment MET proved more successful at decreasing pain levels while improving cervical range of motion than PNF therapy.
Physical therapists at our practice can perform diagnostic tests to pinpoint whether or not your SI joint is at the source of pain. For instance, reproducible arm pain may signal foraminal stenosis or radiculopathy.
The MET technique can be performed alongside other manual therapies, including McKenzie Method and muscle energy technique for SI joints. Our physical therapists are skilled experts at administering this gentle practice and can include it into your treatment plan to maximize outcomes.