What Can Bioresonance Detect?
Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive technique that scans electromagnetic wavelengths within the body in order to identify imbalances and is widely accepted as complementary medicine across Europe and the UK.
German technology developed specifically to identify harmful frequency patterns which could contribute to health issues and then counteracts those frequencies to keep your body functioning optimally.
Food Intolerances
Many individuals struggle with digesting certain foods or ingredients found in food, whether this be due to lacking digestive enzymes like lactase or sensitivities such as salicylates (found in aspirin) in it. An intolerance will usually manifest itself within hours after eating something offending such as headaches, nausea, tiredness or constipation – though it should be differentiated from an allergy which may manifest with more serious symptoms like swelling of face or rashes.
Bioresonance testing can identify intolerances and toxins affecting your body, as well as their severity. A machine measures electromagnetic frequencies of materials found within them before comparing them against your own energy fields; any discrepancies will allow the machine to help restore natural frequencies within your system – known as bioresonance therapy.
Bioresonance testing goes beyond food intolerances to identify pathogenic infections present in your body that could potentially cause disease. Furthermore, this test can determine if symptoms have a genuine source or are simply psychosomatic, helping you take effective treatment measures.
Bioresonance can not only identify pathogenic infections, but it can also detect nutritional deficiencies. It does this by comparing electromagnetic frequencies from your hair with those from foods, vitamins, minerals and metals – this allows it to pinpoint any deficiencies or imbalances before providing effective remedies for them.
Bioresonance therapy has the ability to help treat an array of illnesses and conditions, such as fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma, eczema, cancer and autoimmune diseases. It may also assist in weight loss, smoking cessation and healing after training too hard by targeting areas that need strengthening or balancing in your body. Bioresonance provides an invaluable opportunity to gain a comprehensive overview of your health while pinpointing areas requiring attention for long-term improvements – with sessions typically lasting 60 minutes each session providing ample opportunity for discussion about results as well as answering any queries regarding them!
Low Stomach Acid
Body’s secretions of stomach acid when we eat aid digestion and absorption. If our levels drop too low, this may result in symptoms like bloating, gas and an upset tummy. Furthermore, adequate acid levels are needed to activate pepsin and hydrochloric acid enzymes for disinfection purposes and stop harmful bacteria entering other parts of gastrointestinal tract.
At healthy levels, stomach acid helps protect against leaky gut syndrome – in which intestinal permeability allows toxins into the bloodstream – leading to autoimmunity and other serious health issues, according to Zellner.
Low stomach acid levels could be an indicator of other health issues such as nutritional deficiency or infection; Bioresonance can detect such imbalances and pinpoint their source.
Zellner believes stress to be one of the primary contributors to low stomach acid. Under stress, our bodies often divert resources not essential for immediate survival – including digestion – into areas not vitally essential right then and there, including gastric acid production; over time this may result in decreased production leading to decreased stomach acid.
Bioresonance treatment can help rebalance and educate the body to increase stomach acid production, alleviating symptoms associated with low stomach acid production while improving digestion. Treatment might involve making lifestyle or dietary adjustments or supplementation with bitter herbs or digestive bitters to support better digestive function.
Bioresonance therapy may also assist in treating other GI conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, reflux and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which encompasses Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Treatment options can include dietary and lifestyle modifications to decrease inflammation such as increasing consumption of fibre-rich foods high in protein, zinc and vitamin B6; relaxation techniques, meditation or mindfulness-based programs as a means to alleviate stress-induced symptoms like pain or tiredness that cause IBD symptoms; these therapies can aid healing the intestinal lining while decreasing inflammation leading to improved GI function overall.
Nutrient Absorption
Bioresonance sessions utilize a device to measure electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your body to evaluate their balance, which may reveal vitamin or mineral deficiencies or acidity issues within your system. Bioresonance also provides great insight into which symptoms may be legitimate while others might just be psychosomatic; making this an invaluable asset when treating multiple ailments at once.
Bioresonance can detect issues related to nutrient absorption by your small intestine absorptive cells and provide insight into its causes, so if there are issues, bioresonance can pinpoint them and ensure your body receives all of the essential vitamins and minerals it requires for good health.
Bioresonance tests can also reveal whether there are parasites hiding in your system that are damaging to both body and mind; finding and eliminating them could make an immense difference to overall well-being.
Every cell and organ within our bodies emit energy that can be detected using bioresonance. When healthy, their frequency remains consistent while disease-ridden organs may emit altered waves which are then detected by bioresonance devices. Once identified, this device can match and cancel out abnormal frequencies to help restore health back into our systems.
Bioresonance machines also detect pH levels within your body, which is essential to optimal health. An increase in acidity has been linked to numerous health issues; keeping this balanced is vital to decreasing disease risks and feeling at your best.
Bioresonance therapy has proven itself an incredibly useful treatment option for treating many different conditions, from allergies and autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, overtraining syndrome and even fatigue syndrome. With its ability to diagnose and address numerous physical issues at once, Bioresonance is quickly gaining in popularity among healthcare professionals and patients alike.
Bioresonance Therapy employs frequencies emitted by your cells to detect pathogens, bacteria, viruses and parasites. Each cell emits its own frequency signature depending on their state of health – healthy ones vibrating at one frequency similar to how piano strings vibrate; unhealthy ones send out misleading signals to your immune system that result in illness or disease.
Parasites come in all forms and shapes, and they can have serious negative impacts on our physical and mental wellbeing. Most intestinal parasites come from eating contaminated food or water in areas with poor sanitation – such as developing countries – while others get them from not taking proper care in caring for their pet (petting it often enough and touching its poop), or from touching its feces if petting them too often – this is how most people contract nematode worms that live inside dog skin to feed off of blood circulation – spreading through slave trade as typhoid and cholera could easily spread from area to another area!
Internal parasites can interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as cause other symptoms including weight loss resistance, fatigue, joint pain, rashes and an overall feeling of unwellness. Therefore it’s crucial that you recognize which symptoms may be parasitic as opposed to psychosomatic so you can treat them accordingly.
Bioresonance can help identify which foods and supplements are supporting your body in fighting off parasites it might be harboring, as well as which vitamins and minerals it’s lacking, so that appropriate supplements can be added accordingly. Herbs can also provide natural defense support by way of dried extracts (capsules, powders or tea), glycerites or tinctures (but those with histories of alcoholism should avoid tinctures as these contain alcohol); using herbs can balance digestive system health while strengthening immunity levels and elevating mood naturally.