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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 14, 2024Editor

What is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner?

Holistic health practitioners serve as health coaches that combine lifestyle changes and traditional medicine treatments, making this type of physician increasingly sought-after as patients demand more from their provider than just prescription pills.

With their comprehensive knowledge and skills in anatomy, physiology, nutrition and complementary/alternative healing practices they possess the experience and knowhow needed to develop tailored holistic treatment plans.

Education and Training

Holistic health practitioners use natural, alternative medicines to help their patients find balance and wellness. They may specialize in areas like acupuncture, yoga, life coaching, naturopathy or nutritional therapy in order to offer patients alternative solutions or treatments for illnesses or challenges they are facing.

Whoever wishes to become certified holistic health practitioners must first choose an accredited school that offers relevant programs. Licensing and certification requirements may also need to be researched for their area of specialization; information can be found online or by reaching out directly to their state’s National Certification Board.

Once a person has finished their education and training, they should seek additional professional development opportunities. Continuing education classes can refresh holistic health practitioners‘ skills when treating patients. If desired, joining a professional association to expand their network and make lasting professional connections may also prove advantageous; membership may provide discounts on professional liability insurance policies and additional perks.

Holistic health practitioners‘ main job is to listen and help their patients find an appropriate treatment plan. They may begin by reviewing medical histories to ascertain any underlying causes for their current symptoms. Next they will perform a full wellness assessment including diagnostic tests such as blood tests, urine tests and MRI scans before creating a personalized treatment plan which may involve both traditional and alternative medicine therapies.

Holistic health practitioners take great care to educate their patients on healthy lifestyle choices. They typically advocate for eating natural, unprocessed food as much as possible and providing nutritional supplements as needed. Furthermore, holistic healthcare practitioners may recommend herbal medicine (using plant extracts rather than pharmaceutical drugs to treat illness) instead of pharmaceutical medications to address health concerns directly – proven effective at treating the root cause instead of only symptoms.


Certified holistic health practitioners possess an innate passion for helping others attain total-body wellbeing. As lifelong learners with unwavering dedication to personal wellness, they possess an impressive repertoire of wellness and healing techniques they can draw upon to assist their clients in feeling better.

Spa practitioners, yoga teachers and life coaches possess extensive knowledge in nutrition and herbal medicine that enables them to advise clients on making informed choices regarding diet and lifestyle for maximum wellness. Being flexible enough to adapt their approach according to each client’s individual needs is of utmost importance when providing services like these.

Holistic health practitioners employ a 360-degree umbrella approach to health to examine all aspects of an individual’s physical, mental and spiritual well-being that interact. This may involve lifestyle modifications like eating well, getting enough restful sleep and engaging in regular physical exercise as well as natural remedies like acupuncture and naturopathy.

To become a holistic health practitioner, you will require extensive training. Education requirements depend on which career path is chosen; for instance, becoming a naturopathic doctor might require several years of medical school study while those interested in more traditional forms of healing such as acupuncture could attend certificate programs specific to this form of healing.

Holistic health practitioners that excel possess an in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and physiology as well as the latest research. They can identify potential barriers to adopting a more holistic wellness approach and offer solutions.

Individuals interested in becoming holistic health practitioners can gain experience working at wellness centers, spas, gyms, and sport training facilities before opening up their own independent practice. Online channels, social media platforms, community programs and community outreach initiatives may be used to market themselves to potential clients. Individuals interested in certification may join the National Association of Holistic Health Practitioners (NAHHP) to build networks, receive support, maintain industry standards and get certification as spa practitioners, holistic nutritionists or life coaches – with various certification options offered such as spa practitioner certification offered from NAHHP membership for certification of spa practitioners, holistic nutritionists or life coaches among others – certification offers variety including spa practitioner certification, holistic health nutritionist certification or life coach certification among many more!


An effective holistic health practitioner must have multiple skillsets in order to provide their clients with an array of treatment options. A practitioner must possess a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology so they can accurately diagnose conditions and formulate treatment plans, while being capable of thinking critically and creatively in order to provide innovative solutions not previously considered by their clientele.

Holistic health practitioners require an in-depth knowledge of nutrition to provide their clients with optimal care. They should recommend that their clients adhere to a diet rich in natural foods, rich in minerals and other vital vitamins; also being knowledgeable of natural healing remedies like herbalism that may be used against specific ailments.

Holistic health practitioners require not only an expansive knowledge of human anatomy, but also superior interpersonal and communication skills in order to effectively listen and respond appropriately to clients’ concerns. Furthermore, they must possess empathy, compassion and the ability to effectively communicate both verbally and written words – as well as be adept at managing stressful situations with ease.

Finally, holistic health practitioners must strive to maintain their own mental wellbeing in order to provide excellent care to their clients. Studies have indicated that stress, anxiety, and other forms of mental health disorders exacerbate numerous diseases and disorders; it’s therefore imperative for holistic practitioners to offer their clients techniques and strategies that will enable them to cope with stressors effectively while maintaining positive attitudes even under difficult circumstances.

As holistic health practitioners seek additional training that they deem crucial to their practice, seeking additional training in areas they deem necessary is often beneficial. Many holistic health students take part in a hands-on industry externship as part of their degree program to gain an idea of what working in their chosen field entails and build experience before opening up their own private practice.


As a holistic health practitioner, it’s essential that you can empathize with and understand the wellness goals of your clients in order to help them get on track and remain motivated. If, for instance, one of your clients wished to gain more sleep or lose weight, for instance, then understanding their difficulties while giving tips as to how they could achieve those goals without feeling overwhelmed is key in reaching them successfully.

Holistic health practitioners aim to offer treatments that address the source of illness, rather than only masking its symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs or surgeries. Their popularity in America has resulted in greater research funding on complementary and alternative therapies.

One with affective empathy can recognize what others are feeling – be it excitement or distress – which is often referred to as affective empathy. An example would be showing kindness toward a loved one in need or sharing laughter at someone’s joke; somatic empathy involves physically sensing how someone else feels like blushing or having an upset stomach.

As a holistic health practitioner, excellent communication and organizational abilities are among the most critical skills. Furthermore, being passionate about natural healing should also be an integral part of being successful at this profession, along with dedication to lifelong learning – including topics ranging from diet and nutrition to spirituality and relaxation techniques.

If you are considering becoming a holistic health practitioner, enrolling in an accredited school is vital to success. Doing so will provide the skills and qualifications to embark on this exciting path, while simultaneously building confidence to practice effectively.

Escoffier students can participate in an externship that blends theory with practical application of their holistic nutritional and wellness knowledge, connecting with leading wellness professionals while building lifelong mentors while earning their degree.

March 14, 2024Editor

Neurofeedback at Home

Home neurofeedback devices can be beneficial in treating sleep issues, anxiety and focus issues; however, prior to using these devices it is wise to consult a healthcare professional or mental-health practitioner for guidance and advice.

Home neurofeedback devices work through an approach known as operant conditioning to deliver real-time feedback to users via online videos or games.


Home neurofeedback devices can help train your mind and enhance mental wellbeing, yet should never serve as a replacement for therapy; rather they should be used along with other wellness treatments like meditation, yoga or exercise to maximize results. Home devices are typically much more affordable than clinical systems and simple to operate.

At-home neurofeedback systems often utilize EEG (electroencephalography) sensors to track brainwave activity. Signals sent back from these sensors reinforce healthy brainwave activity, making neurofeedback ideal for stress reduction, sleep improvement and concentration improvement – as well as being beneficial for parents looking to help their child focus and change behavior.

Neurofeedback at home has become an increasingly popular trend with growing interest in mental well-being. The technology offers flexibility for sessions to fit seamlessly into busy schedules; traditional appointments in clinics often necessitate setting aside a portion of one’s day for visits.

There is an assortment of home neurofeedback devices on the market, ranging from affordable headbands to more costly clinical EEG-based units. When choosing one that meets both your needs and budget, as well as considering any associated costs (depending on which kind of home neurofeedback device it is), it is important to select an option that meets both. You should consider any costs related to it such as training programs or materials needed in order to reap its full benefits.

Many of these devices are portable and don’t require wires or computers for operation, making it easy to take with you on-the-go. They are typically worn on the forehead and provide real-time feedback through an easy interface; some even include apps with virtual dashboards where users can see results more directly.

Cost of neurofeedback at home devices ranges from hundreds to thousands, yet is usually worth investing in as it can significantly lower stress levels and improve memory retention, while simultaneously increasing self-esteem and energy levels.


Neurofeedback is a noninvasive therapy proven to improve cognitive functions. It has been successfully employed as a way of helping manage ADHD symptoms, relieve anxiety and stress levels and boost performance among healthy people. Furthermore, Neurofeedback may reduce some neurological disorders’ symptoms such as seizures or autism.

Neurofeedback at home devices provide similar functionality as traditional in-office sessions at an extremely cost-effective price point. There are a range of EEG and non-EEG devices to choose from that provide real-time feedback about brainwave patterns – these devices may display pictures or even sounds to convey this information directly.

These devices are typically easy to use, with just a few wires and sensors to connect. Plus, they’re lightweight and can accommodate most head shapes comfortably – perfect for 10-20 minute sessions five to seven days a week!

Neurofeedback sessions involve sensors being attached to both your scalp and ears which monitor brain electrical activity, with processed signals displayed on a monitor or computer in real time or video form, with rewards given when your brainwaves move toward positive norms. Neurofeedback serves to make you aware of how your mind works so that you can learn to modify it effectively.

Neurofeedback may provide great assistance with many conditions, but it’s essential to be aware of its limitations. Neurofeedback should not be used alone for severe mental health conditions like bipolar disorder or psychosis – other therapies should be combined for maximum benefit. People suffering seizure disorders should avoid neurofeedback without consulting with their physician first. If you want an easy and affordable way to boost cognitive function, try the Muse brain-sensing headband; its range of benefits includes increasing concentration, improving memory recall, meditation enhancement as well as improved meditation results.


When purchasing a neurofeedback device, it is crucial to take note of its safety features and functions. You should look for one with built-in protection against overstimulation as well as guidelines that guide training sessions so as not to overtrain. Furthermore, users should have control over frequency and duration of brainwave training sessions in order to reduce risks of overstimulation that could potentially cause headaches and dizziness.

Neurofeedback devices should be easy to set up and use, with clear instructions for use. Furthermore, the device should be compatible with computers, smartphones or tablets as well as having various training programs to choose from that cater specifically to various purposes – this ensures you make the most out of your device!

As soon as your device arrives, unpack and set it up in a calm environment. Reduce distractions to focus on breathing and relaxing with this device. Conduct trial runs and tailored sessions so you become acquainted with its feedback mechanisms; once comfortable scheduling regular sessions at set times is also advisable.

Neurofeedback devices used at home typically utilize electroencephalography technology (EEG). EEG measures brainwave activity. Mendi uses functional neuroimaging (fNIRS) to monitor brain blood flow and trains users on how to increase prefrontal cortical blood flow, leading to enhanced mental resilience and focus. Mendi is an effective solution for improving focus and attention. However, it is essential to remember that individual reactions to at-home neurofeedback can vary widely and professional advice should always be sought when necessary. Furthermore, people with unstable medical conditions such as developmental disabilities, cognitive impairment and severe substance abuse or addiction should not engage in neurofeedback at home; this includes developmental disabilities and cognitive impairment as well as those suffering from severe substance addiction or abuse.


Neurofeedback used to be reserved solely for clinical settings; however, user-friendly devices have made this technology more accessible. These brain training devices can help people focus and reduce stress while improving sleep, cognitive performance and emotional stability. The best neurofeedback at home devices are user-friendly and affordable – perfect solutions for busy lifestyles with limited free time.

BrainLink Lite is one of the most widely-used neurofeedback at-home devices, monitoring brain activity for biofeedback through exercises on smartphones or tablets. Featuring an ergonomic fit and adjustable head size adjustments, with no sensors or wires that restrict you. Real-time feedback also enables you to monitor your own brain activity as you play games or learn to control behavior more effectively. Mendi is another good device that uses optical sensors to detect changes in blood flow and oxygenation levels and offers comfortable USB rechargeability; great for people wanting to improve concentration or recharge after long days at work!

Home neurofeedback systems comprise of EEG headsets equipped with electrodes and software for monitoring and training brainwaves, offering more customization options and professional-grade experience than wearable EEG headsets or smartphone apps. However, they require more technical expertise for setup and use as well as more space than headsets with clips for your ears only. NeurOptimal is a home neurofeedback device with advanced capabilities, designed for more comprehensive analysis of brain activity than other similar systems. This neurofeedback device measures your brain activity 256 times every second and takes four different measurements, more than most other devices on the market. All information is displayed graphically for easy monitoring of progress and adjustments as necessary.

Before using an at-home neurofeedback device, it’s crucial to consult with a mental health professional and understand its limitations. Also be sure to follow any training parameters or guidelines established by this individual; those recently suffering a concussion or severe head injury should wait for medical approval from their doctor before using a neurofeedback device.

March 14, 2024Editor

What is Remote Healing?

Even though they’re physically apart, healers can access and provide healing vibrations to clients via energy healing techniques. This is possible due to how powerfully energy fields affect human beings despite any distance barriers.

At a remote session, clients should lie down comfortably with hands open and clothes that provide adequate support.

It is a form of energy healing

Energy healing is a noninvasive energy therapy that can help you rebalance and improve your health. Based on the idea that healing energy can be transmitted with focused intentions, as well as quantum physics principles showing particles can exist simultaneously in multiple states, it allows distance healing sessions to take place comfortably in an environment without distractions – at times convenient to both healer and client regardless of time zones.

During a session, the healer typically requests their client to lie comfortably on a comfortable mattress and close their eyes. He/She may use crystals, singing bowls, cards or any number of objects to tap into healing energy – perhaps using breathwork consciously connecting with energy flows – before setting their intention for sending that energy towards their highest good and communicating that message through language or visualizing a bridge between them at various points in the session.

Though every experience of energy healing varies, most individuals report feeling warm sensations throughout their body, tingling sensations, trance-like states, a lightness or heaviness (like unloading heavy baggage), as well as space and clarity. Sometimes the energy flow may feel intense for short period; this is normal. Once it ends however, its benefits are often felt immediately.

Energy healing offers more than physical benefits; it can also aid your mental and emotional wellbeing. Numerous studies have demonstrated its ability to relieve pain, speed up cellular repair, improve mood and well-being and even lead to decreased anxiety and stress levels. Energy used during energy healing sessions comes from cosmic sources – thus making sessions one with cosmic energies, present everywhere throughout our universe.

Distance energy healing sessions offer an effective solution for either relieving symptoms of specific medical conditions or improving overall wellbeing, both humans and animals alike. You can select your session according to what best meets your needs.

It is a form of communication

Distance healing is an energy-based therapy practiced remotely using various healing techniques. It connects to the universal life force in order to restore physical, mental, emotional, and energetic wellbeing for its recipients. Furthermore, distance healing realigns all energy bodies within an auric field; and helps remove barriers or obstructions to spiritual wellbeing.

Remote healing sessions involve two parties connecting in a peaceful and undisturbed space. Before beginning their sessions, both should establish positive mindsets and clear their energies – this might include meditation or other relaxation techniques – while their healer also prepares by tuning into their energies and focusing on healing the recipient. Selecting an experienced practitioner capable of providing effective sessions is paramount to ensure a positive result.

Distance healing sessions harness the intention and vibrational frequencies of both healer and recipient to transmit healing energy effectively, much in the same way music can bring comfort even when you’re miles from its creators. Through intention alone, distance healing sessions have the power to bring happiness for both healer and healee alike.

At a distant healing session, the healer will tune into their client’s aura and scan their body for any imbalances or disruptions, using healing energy to cleanse their aura and restore equilibrium – providing calmness and lightness for patients who receive it as vibrations from their healer.

Some may question the scientific validity of distance healing; however, research demonstrates its efficacy in improving quality of life. Furthermore, distance healing provides access to healing modalities for those who would otherwise be unable to receive them; also helping break geographical barriers and connect people with various practitioners.

It is a form of healing

Remote healing differs from in-person sessions in that there is no physical manipulation involved; rather, energy is channelled directly from healer to client through their aura, creating an intimate bond and deepening ties to their energies. Furthermore, practitioners can observe body language and facial expressions to guide healing sessions more efficiently.

Distance healing offers numerous advantages. For instance, it provides continuity of support to individuals recovering from chronic illnesses; can help overcome fear and anxiety that impede the healing process; can improve relationships and increase self-esteem; as well as improving relationships and increasing self-esteem. Before engaging in distance healing sessions it is important to carefully vet practitioners by reading testimonials on their website, checking references from friends or family and engaging in self-care practices like meditation, journaling and prioritizing self-nurturing activities prioritization before and after each healing session session – be wary before engaging.

Distance healing offers numerous advantages to both humans and animals alike. Rachel Bolton is a skilled healing practitioner whose method has proven its efficacy at creating positive change within physical beings. Her holistic approach often results in multiple ailments being addressed simultaneously.

To achieve maximum effectiveness from your distant healing session, it’s essential that you find a safe and quiet space where there will be no distractions. Once seated comfortably for at least an hour or more, expect to feel tingling, see colors or even fall asleep during this experience.

To maximize the healing process, it is best to prepare for each session by eliminating stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, drinking plenty of water beforehand to flush out toxins from your body, refraining from engaging in arguments with others and focussing on negative emotions, practicing mindfulness meditation or using other relaxation techniques like breathing to calm both mind and emotions and clearing your aura before each session.

It is a form of therapy

Distance healing is an energy therapy practice that can be done from the convenience of your home, making it ideal for those unable to travel or attend in-person sessions. Distance healing allows clients to receive holistic treatments and improve overall wellbeing; your therapist will tune into your energy field, sending positive vibrations that remove negative blockages while opening up channels of new energy flow.

Distance healing has been shown to be safe and effective when used appropriately, improving quality of life for cancer patients while decreasing pain, inflammation and slowing cellular ageing while increasing emotional wellbeing and helping alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, this approach could potentially decrease side effects associated with chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

At a distant healing session, both healer and recipient select an undistracted space in which to connect. The healer will spend some time tuning into their energies and setting intentions before beginning; on the other hand, receivers should take time to relax, prepare mentally and emotionally for the session by engaging in activities such as breathing exercises or relaxation techniques, in order to open themselves up fully to receiving healing energy from healer.

Energy is an invisible force that transcends physical boundaries. This makes distance healing possible, providing a link between healer and receiver regardless of location or proximity. Intention is key when engaging in distance healing as it amplifies vibrational energy to facilitate positive transformations.

Intentions can be as straightforward or detailed as “I wish for healing” or “I am ready to let go of old beliefs”. Adding love and compassion will further amplify their impact, creating a solid energetic base for healing processes.

Distance healing offers personalized assistance for specific health or emotional imbalances, creating continuity that transcends distance or time to produce more extensive and sustainable transformations.

March 14, 2024Editor

The Best Hand Cream to Reverse Aging

Your hands are often exposed to harsh environments when shopping, washing dishes or browsing social media; but with the right hand cream they can remain soft, supple and youthful-looking.

This overnight serum features Retinol capsules and targeted Retinol to brighten sun spots and re-elasticise skin, while shea butter moisturizes. No wonder it has earned such widespread acclaim!

1. Retinol

Retinol, a fat-soluble form of vitamin A, is well known for its anti-ageing benefits. It works by altering the structure of keratinocytes found in your skin to slow down aging processes while simultaneously helping smooth and firm your complexion, while decreasing fine lines and dark spots. Furthermore, Retinol promotes cell turnover which is particularly useful for hand skin.

This hand cream contains retinol and vitamin E to reduce dark spots and wrinkles on your hands, while shea butter hydrates them for the same effect. In addition, its formula includes peptides from daisy flower extract which firm and improve the texture of hands.

If you want to try retinol but are worried about irritation, opt for one with “encapsulated” or “time-release technology”. This will help buffer its entry into your skin and may reduce redness, irritation or dryness. Alternatively, retinaldehyde provides less potency vitamin A which may be gentler.

Another highly-rated hand cream, this highly rated option contains hyaluronic acid to plump and smooth your skin’s appearance, along with antioxidants, shea butter, and jojoba oil for nourishment and moisture.

This hand cream combines both retinol and AHAs to reduce signs of aging on your hands. It has a lightweight texture with an enjoyable fragrance; consumers report their hands feeling soft and moisturized without sticky feeling afterwards – ideal for sensitive skin types or those new to retinol products.

2. Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid, or AHA, is an alpha hydroxy acid that works to loosen the glue-like substance that holds dull and dead skin cells together on the topmost layer of skin, revealing fresher, healthier-looking skin underneath. Glycolic acid also stimulates new cell generation while brightening complexion. As its molecular structure is smaller than any of the other AHAs it penetrates easily into skin pores to address both dryness and pigmentation – therefore making this ingredient available across a range of anti-Aging treatments and products ranging from gentle OTC products to stronger chemical peels or chemical peels in offices.

Like your face, the skin on your hands may also be susceptible to dark spots, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. To combat discoloration on hands as with face, look for hand creams containing lightening ingredients (like licorice extract, arbutin or kojic acid). Since glycolic acid increases sun sensitivity it is best used before bed and apply sunscreen liberally when heading outdoors.

Supergoop’s anti-oxidant serum offers another great way to keep your fingers looking youthful by combatting signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Packed with moisturizing oils such as grapeseed oil and vinolevure to hydrate skin while shea butter soothes it, plus AHAs for brightening and smoothing complexions, this treatment promises results!

Garshick’s and over 1,400 Sephora customers alike love this luxurious hand cream for its three key benefits. Shea butter adds moisture, chemical SPF 50 protects from UV rays, while the abundant supply of humectants (glycerin in particular) draws in water to form your skin barrier and humectants help your body keep it hydrated. In addition, allantoin, often used in scar treatments to decrease redness and itchiness on its surface is present too!

3. Retinoids

Vitamin A-derived ingredients such as retinol are widely considered the holy grail of anti-aging skin care, possessing immense restorative powers to address crepiness, dark spots, rough skin and wrinkles on hands. Retinols break down upon contact with light so it is recommended they be applied at nighttime only.

This formula combines three of the most effective retinoids for hands: retinyl esters and retinaldehyde (which act as precursors of retinoic acid) along with vitamin A to improve uneven skin tone and texture, while soothing shea butter and mango seed butter offer soothing benefits. Vitamin A works to correct uneven tone and texture issues while the other two provide less irritation – creating an effective hand cream which brightens dark spots, smooths wrinkles, firms skin with peptides from daisy flower extract while soothing shea butter and mango seed butter provide soothing soothing benefits!

Alongside exposure to sun and oxidative damage, another cause of dry and wrinkled hands is loss of natural moisture. To combat this trend, this formula features humectants which attract and lock-in moisture as well as strengthening skin barriers (shea butter, glycerin and aloe vera are included in its ingredients list), along with botanical extracts that calm redness and irritation on sensitive skin.

This rich and creamy hand cream provides all the benefits of retinoids in one product. Retinoids combine exfoliating glycolic acid with antioxidant-rich green tea for maximum skin rejuvenation, with lightening ingredients such as licorice extract, arbutin and kojic acid to fade dark spots and hyperpigmentation on hands.

4. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is an exceptional skin care ingredient with many advantages. As a disaccharide biopolymer naturally present in your body and surrounding bacterial cell walls, this ingredient has also been synthetically produced for joint health purposes, scalpel-free cosmetic eye surgery procedures, and skin care applications.

Hyaluronic acid can help plump fine lines and wrinkles, add moisture and retain water, strengthen skin barrier function more effectively and boost hyaluronic acid levels that naturally decrease with age, leading to crepey skin with fine lines or dry crepey skin that’s crepey, crepey and crepey, but products containing HA have proven very successful at increasing hydration for an impressive softening effect.

Hand creams containing alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic acid can also help exfoliate dry, flaky skin while stimulating cell turnover for smoother complexions. This product does both, while also including green tea and blackberry antioxidants to provide skin protection as well as rich blend of oils including rose essential oil for added hydration.

Another option for hand care is this moisturizing hand cream made with hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which was the top performer in GH Beauty Lab’s hydration test. Packed with shea butter, cocoa butter and peptides to reduce wrinkles on hands as well as lightening ingredients like arbutin, mulberry extracts and kojic acid that fade age spots, it was an outstanding performer overall.

This moisturizer is the ideal choice for anyone with rough, calloused hands. With its rich texture, fast absorption rate and budget-friendly price point. Birnur Aral from GH Beauty Lab Executive Director says its copper peptide content helps build collagen over time while remaining budget-friendly.

5. Retinoids and Retinoids and Hyaluronic Acid

Retinol stimulates cell turnover to improve skin radiance and stimulate collagen production for plump, smooth skin. Unfortunately, however, retinol may dry out your skin causing flakiness, redness and irritation – Hyaluronic acid acts as the perfect counterbalance by providing hydration and supporting overall healthy skin by acting as a humectant. If using any products containing retinol consider layering it with hyaluronic acid serum first in order to prevent dryness while helping it get working more effectively –

Glycolic acid works similarly to retinol in that it promotes cell turnover and reverses signs of aging; however, due to its unique mode of action, glycolic acid may be suitable for less sensitive skin types and doesn’t need as much time for adaptation as retinoids; in fact, applying glycolic acid before applying retinol product may even increase penetration!

Dr. Lal suggests looking for a hand cream with both exfoliant and moisturizing components, like Goldbond Crepe Corrector Hand Treatment which includes both. Urea can help smooth skin while its combination of peptides and niacinamide offers anti-ageing benefits; additional moisturizers like shea butter, jojoba oil and mango seed butter also helps.

For those seeking an intensive retinol formula, she suggests the Dr. Barbara Sturm Super Anti-Aging Hand Cream as a night-time treatment option, targeting wrinkles and dark spots with peptides from daisy flower extract while providing moisture through fatty acids while protecting from environmental damage with antioxidants.

Dr. Batra advises those with more sensitive skin to opt for gentler products containing retinol-infused formulas, like Night Watch Gentle Retinol Drop Serum which has 0.2% of Retinol to target fine lines and discolorations while bisabolol and Vitamin C soothe and brighten.

March 14, 2024Editor

Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice

Complementary and alternative therapies refer to healing philosophies and approaches not included in the primary health care system, such as holistic approaches and psychoneuroimmunology research which indicates how mind, body and spirit interact.

Even though Registered Nurses (RNs) should not be expected to provide intensive therapies, having some knowledge of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies is still valuable for nurses.


Many of the complementary and alternative medicine therapies utilized by nurses as complementary and alternative medicines have spiritual roots. Nursing has an established tradition of accepting spiritual values and beliefs into care delivery; yet due to technology and an increased focus on medical science delivery, many spiritual elements of holistic healing have become less prominent over time. Current Joint Commission standards mandate nurses assess patients’ spiritual needs in patient-centric care plans; thus nurses need to reclaim this part of holistic healing for patient safety’s sake.

Psychoimmunology and neurobiology research supports the theory that thoughts, perceptions, and feelings influence immunity, mood, and recovery from illness. Nurses should become familiar with various approaches to wellness that promote mental, emotional and physical well-being such as visualization, imagery, music therapy massage hypnotherapy support groups as well as available dietary supplements/herbs that may improve general health.

Immigrants from different parts of the world bring with them various traditions, including health care practices that fall under what Americans refer to as complementary and alternative therapies (CALT). Common CALT practices in America include acupuncture, meditation and herbal preparations while other cultures employ techniques that we would consider unconventional such as soul retrieval, kampo medicine, curanderismo or psychic surgery.

Nurses need to understand how these treatments are utilized and their efficacy. But there can also be potential hazards and ethical concerns from using complementary and alternative therapies, including those from complementary and alternative medicine practices that fall outside their scope of practice or questionable therapies, which could harm both patients and nurses themselves. Furthermore, using such techniques without adequate education or training could put both at risk.


Complementary or alternative therapies encompass an array of practices. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), complementary or alternative medicine therapies fall into various categories including mind-body therapies, alternative health care systems, biological-based therapies, manipulation/body-based therapies and energy therapies. Nurses should become familiar with all available therapies so that they may discuss with their patients which ones they may utilize or consider using.

Registered nurses have long employed holistic techniques in their practices. Due to its holistic philosophy and approach to patient care, nursing has proven an ideal environment for employing alternative/complementary methods that address mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of patient care.

Nurses have conducted extensive research on therapeutic techniques like guided imagery, music therapy, massage, humor therapy and animal assisted therapy that provide a more holistic and integrated approach to client care.

Nursing modalities typically serve as complementary therapies, meaning they supplement biomedical therapies rather than replacing them. However, alternative therapy may also be applied as an umbrella term and indicate when therapy replaces one of them entirely.

Some modalities can be beneficial, yet misapplication may harm both nurses and patients. According to NCCAM, harm may arise when complementary/alternative treatments are applied inappropriately, for conditions for which they were never intended – including inappropriate combinations of therapies like combining acupressure treatment with pain medications.

Harm can also result from nurses failing to take an accurate medical history and failing to recognize that certain therapies could be potentially hazardous, like when an Ojibwe woman used boiled bark as a treatment for foot gangrene.


Massage therapy has long been an ancient healing art that is now offered in hospitals and clinics around the world. Massage provides an effective relaxation technique that relieves pain while increasing circulation to relieve anxiety and depression, reduce cortisol (stress hormone) levels while increasing oxytocin (love hormone). Massage can therefore be useful for managing conditions like chronic stress, insomnia, fibromyalgia, migraines and many others.

Nurses play an essential part in bringing complementary therapies into health care systems. Nurses have extensive anecdotal experience and research conducted on complementary therapy practices; therefore they provide leadership for integration within Western biomedical models of health care.

Massage utilizes various techniques, such as effleurage (light pressure), friction, tapotement (kneading), and vibration. Essential oils may also be added to massage oil in order to increase relaxation and increase effectiveness of treatment.

Massage can provide both rehabilitative and preventive care for pregnant women or after surgery, and as part of their nursing practice – such as during childbirth or to encourage new mothers to hold and interact with their infants during the first months after birth. Massage therapy is widely utilized in hospice settings as well as units dedicated to mental health problems; nursing assistants or unpaid volunteer practitioners sometimes perform it for these units; massage is also often utilized by private practices and community health settings like home care programs or physician offices for such purposes.


Acupuncture, an ancient form of Chinese healing rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, works by balancing the flow of vital energy – known as qi or chi – along pathways known as meridians. Treatment typically involves placing fine needles at specific points on the body to balance this vital energy flow and alleviate chronic conditions like back problems and nerve issues like shingles rashes or carpal tunnel syndrome; migraines; fibromyalgia or menstrual cramps. Acupuncture fits within this holistic whole-person approach by targeting emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing at once.

Nursing has a rich tradition of employing complementary and alternative therapies, dating back to Florence Nightingale who advocated their use in her hospital. Some such techniques include hot and cold application, massage therapy, nutritional supplement use and hot/cold application therapy. Nursing research has focused on these therapies with many being subject to clinical trials with positive results.

At the same time, nurses must keep in mind that not all complementary and alternative therapies have been subjected to rigorous scientific testing, notes Ruth Lindquist of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nursing Practice book co-editorship. Accordingly, when suggesting therapies that have not yet been scientifically verified they must proceed with caution when making recommendations. “Nurses must use caution when suggesting particular therapies without scientific backing,” Lindquist states.

Lindquist cautions nurses to be aware that many complementary and alternative therapies may interact with conventional medications, including herbs with potential to increase antidepressant and blood-thinning effectiveness. Before initiating any complementary or alternative therapy plan, a nurse must notify her doctor as well as be informed if their hospital permits or supports such practices.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine encompasses an expansive array of practices, products, and beliefs outside the traditional Western biomedical model. Also referred to as integrative or holistic medicine, herbal therapies may be used alongside conventional medical treatment to address illness and disease. Many practitioners believe herbal remedies offer an alternative solution that has positive results for body, mind, and spirit health.

Nurses may provide complementary and alternative therapy as part of an integrated plan of care for their patients, including complementary and alternative medicine therapies. It is crucial that they are competent at administering such methods, knowing whether they fall within the scope of nursing practice, as well as understanding if these therapies interact with any medications or supplements the patient might already be taking.

An important consideration in complementary and alternative therapy is cost. Individuals from more privileged societies tend to be better able to afford these methods and gain more access to them than others; nurses should be sensitive to this ethical principle by making sure all clients can access recognized complementary and alternative therapies when appropriate for their condition.

Studies of clinical and academic nurses’ attitudes regarding complementary and alternative therapies revealed that both groups agreed that using multiple forms of these approaches is effective (Siedlecki, 1998). Nutrition therapy, music therapy and herbal therapy were frequently utilized. Both groups also lacked awareness regarding other techniques like touch therapy and hypnosis that might also prove beneficial for treatment.

Nurses must recognize that even though complementary and alternative therapies are considered “natural,” they can still have adverse side effects when administered incorrectly. Nurses should be mindful that taking herbal supplements, for instance, could interfere with existing medication or lead to serious reactions for certain individuals.