Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 9, 2024Editor

Energy Medicine Exchange

Energy medicine exchange is an noninvasive form of healing, offering effective solutions for numerous health concerns without adverse side effects and completely safely.

There are various training programs for Emergency Medicine available, offering various certifications and degrees; however, none are regionally or nationally accredited and do not qualify for student loans.

It is a form of communication

As with any language, our subtle energies that comprise our bodies encode information that shapes our experience. What appears to be an unmoving physical body composed of tissues and cells are in reality dynamic networks of exchanges which constantly communicate between themselves – these exchanges adjust our physical self to meet the thoughts of our minds, embody spirit urgings and enable the flow of energy throughout the body.

Though there are various CAM and TM disciplines, professions, and systems that address human energy fields, it remains rare for therapies addressing them to be integrated into medical education or certified as regionally or professionally accredited practitioners of energy medicine.

EM is an enjoyable, non-invasive (clothing on, hands off or light touching), faster and often more effective way to heal ailments of all kinds, from physical aches, pains and illnesses to mental stress or traumas. It works by balancing energy flows that communicate between your cells so as to avoid dysfunction or disease resulting in disorganization and dysfunction in your body.

It is non-invasive

Energy medicine is founded on the understanding that all aspects of life – physical and nonphysical – possess an underlying subtle energy system, with blocks in this energy flow being responsible for illness. Energy healing techniques offer non-invasive healing solutions that promote wellness on multiple levels.

These modalities range from traditional therapies with cultural rather than scientific backgrounds to cutting-edge clinical modalities like sound vibrations, tuning forks, and certain wavelengths of light therapy – with practitioners exchanging information with patient/clients during these processes.

While research on energy medicine is relatively rare, some studies indicate its efficacy for treating depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, these are small studies and often do not meet current definitions of evidence – so they have not been widely accepted by mainstream medicine.

Many practitioners believe that medical doctors and energy medicine therapists can work together to provide the highest-quality care to patients. Das stated that energy is always present; if someone is sick however, their energy has different frequencies from when they were healthy; she suggested these frequencies can be balanced through therapies like Kinesiology and Quantum Energy devices.

It is non-judgmental

Energy Medicine Exchange members are invited to engage in respectful, nonjudgmental discussions about products and services without advocating them or endorsing any product/service in posts, threads or private messages on this group. Furthermore, energy therapy modalities do not have any endorsement from medical or scientific authorities.

The EME community specializes in supporting ethical practice of Energy Medicine and creating an all-inclusive professional model. Therapists need to possess clear communication skills, an open nurturing stance and nonjudgmental approaches when working with the energy fields of their clients.

It is a form of healing

Energy medicine aims to heal the body’s energy system holistically and utilizes various practices, such as crystal healing, Reiki, and Qigong. While there are no negative physical side effects associated with energy medicine treatments, these practices may also help with mental and emotional wellbeing, reduce stress levels and strengthen immunity – but always do your research prior to selecting any practitioner!

Most energetic healing modalities involve practitioners touching patients directly; others use tuning forks to transmit vibrations. A central theme in most energetic healing techniques is their belief in an invisible energy field known as the biofield that may or may not exist physically – some even having scientific support behind their claim that its existence exists. The biofield is an invisible electromagnetic force field made up of both verifiable fields with standard measurements as well as putative fields without such measurements.

Energy healing modalities come in all shapes and sizes, each offering distinct advantages for healing the body. Some therapies rely on a belief in an unseen force or life force to power living systems, while others utilize traditional practices with cultural relevance. Some biofield therapies may even be combined with traditional medical treatment plans.

At an energy healing session, your practitioner may guide you through a meditation session or check in about how you are feeling before beginning treatment. Once fully clothed, you’ll lie on a treatment bed while they place their hands over various parts of your body – these sessions typically last 60 minutes; after they end you should feel relaxed while experiencing an emotional release through this time.

Practitioners often employ energy awareness techniques to detect imbalances in patients’ energy fields and regulate its flow, as well as remove any blockages which might impede healing processes.

Energy healing has long been seen as an alternative form of medicine, yet more scientific evidence is supporting its efficacy. More healthcare providers are adopting energy healing techniques into their practices – in some instances even using it to supplement traditional therapies and speed recovery times.

June 9, 2024Editor

Biohacking With the Oura Ring

Are You Searching for Wearable Tech to Improve Your Health? Look No Further than Oura Ring

No matter whether it’s tracking days of coffee enemas or reconfiguring your sleep cycle, biohackers know the Oura ring is an essential tool. Here’s how it works:

1. Track your sleep

Oura is best known for its sleep tracking capabilities – among the finest wearable devices on the market. Worn 24/7, its ring gathers data such as heart rate, movement, body temperature, respiration rate and sleep patterns in order to produce a “Readiness” score which provides a holistic assessment of how prepared your body is for each new day ahead.

Oura not only calculates your sleep cycle, but it also tracks heart rate variability (which serves as an indicator of stress levels), skin temperature fluctuations, breathing rates and activity levels – giving a comprehensive picture of how well your body is operating as well as potential changes to improve it.

The ring can even help determine your chronotype, which measures whether or not you prefer being an early morning or late evening person, and which bedtime and wake-up habits work for you. Morning people usually have greater energy during their days if they wake early while evening types can become more energetic in the afternoon and evening hours.

Asserting control of your biology is one of the most empowering acts you can do, and knowing what’s happening within your body at any moment is key to doing that. Oura ring excels in this department due to its focus on sleep monitoring and various vital signs monitoring; and being completely private makes it ideal for biohacking efforts or personal quantification projects.

2. Track your heart rate

Oura’s groundbreaking sleep tracking technology goes far beyond simply recording time spent asleep, tracking breathing rate, skin temperature, REM and deep sleep stages, sleep latency periods and potential disturbances such as sudden high heart rates. This advanced data provides biohackers with ample data that they can use to optimize both their restful slumber and energy levels.

The ring also tracks your body’s overall “Readiness Score,” an indicator of how well-rested you are, and provides personalized daily activity goals based on your health data – an advantage over fitness trackers which often set generic targets that don’t adequately represent individual lifestyle and physical training needs.

A high Readiness Score indicates that you’re feeling well rested and prepared to undertake challenging workouts or exercise regimens, with Oura suggesting an increase in daily activity levels; otherwise it may indicate the need for lighter activities instead of intense ones.

Oura users can utilize highly precise temperature data to leverage their Oura ring in order to identify trends and patterns, which is particularly helpful when trying to detect early signs of illness or detect when conditions flare. One Oura member uses her Oura ring for managing her chronic inflammatory condition while another monitors temperatures during menstrual cycles.

Oura’s temperature tracker has been tested against multiple basal body thermometers, and is considered superior in accuracy. This feature makes Oura an invaluable choice for biohackers, who often make lifestyle and diet modifications that necessitate accurate monitoring of how their bodies are responding to changes.

3. Track your activity

The Oura Ring is more than a piece of jewelry; it’s an effective health and wellness tool, offering deep insights into your personal health metrics. Whether you’re an advanced biohacker looking for peak performance or simply beginning their health journey, the Oura Ring provides key data insights that can help make informed decisions that will enhance wellbeing.

The primary function of the ring is tracking sleep, but it also tracks your heart rate variability (HRV), body temperature and activity levels to provide you with a “Readiness Score”, an indicator of how rested and ready you are for daily activities ahead.

HRV (Heart Rate Variability) is a reliable indicator of your autonomic nervous system’s resilience against stress. By tracking resting heart rate against daily average, Oura Ring can quickly detect early signs of fatigue and enable more efficient work-to-rest ratio management.

Oura Ring stands out from other fitness trackers by not requiring you to wear it on your wrist but can instead be comfortably worn anywhere on any finger (although some users find it most comfortable on middle or ring fingers). Plus, its discreet design won’t interfere with normal use of hands, letting you keep it on all day long without hindering activity or restricting activity.

Oura provides an optional feature called Circles that enables users to share their data with friends and family – this is particularly useful for athletes looking to share recovery progress with coaches. However, should sharing not be your desire, oura offers full privacy settings so that your data remains strictly private.

4. Track your temperature

As opposed to earlier Oura Ring versions, this newer device provides feedback on predicted period start dates (though your individual cycle timing remains key). Temperature tracking can provide valuable insights such as whether your body is recovering properly (high readings indicate decreased recovery) or whether training too hard and overexerting yourself (increased stress levels indicated by higher readings).

Though this product does have some drawbacks – such as its bulky size making it unwearable as a wedding ring – it deserves serious consideration. One key advantage is that it combines multiple data points each morning into an overall “Readiness Score,” reflecting your likely performance during the day and taking into account factors like sleep quality, heart rate variability, movement patterns and core temperature.

The Oura ring’s sensors can accurately track your heart rate, body temperature, respiration rate, movement and sleep quality with great precision. Furthermore, its app allows users to create custom tags to track specific aspects such as alcohol intake or visits with in-laws. These metrics provide valuable insight into how certain activities affect your health, and how to optimize them for maximum effect. The ring has helped many users feel more in control and enhance their lifestyles; for instance, Ryan uses it to monitor his health and fitness progress. His Oura ring has inspired him to improve his diet and prioritize rest and recovery. Renee, a nutritionist and wellness coach, uses hers to optimize workouts and prevent overtraining; Oura also assists her in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on her symptoms.

5. Track your nutrition

The Oura Ring monitors your heart rate, body temperature and more – making it an excellent sleep and health tracker for anyone but especially biohackers who wish to improve their fitness, performance and overall well-being. Crafted out of durable titanium material, it stands up well to wear and tear while remaining water-resistant – and comes packaged in an elegant box!

The Oura Ring can help you measure the effects of different foods and supplements on your health, such as alcohol consumption or dining out at restaurants on sleep quality or heart rate. Plus, its app tracks nutrient consumption.

Oura can also be used to track hydration and exercise, with running, yoga and walking detected automatically while more intense activities like barbell training need to be manually started. In addition, Oura measures your calorie burn and estimates how many have been burned depending on your weight and height.

One of the key features for biohackers is being able to track sleep and heart rate variability (HRV). HRV has been linked with various health conditions, such as chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety. Oura app provides you with a daily “Readiness Score”, taking into account factors like sleep quality and heart rate from previous days; then offers suggestions and tips on improving it on each subsequent day.

Biohackers are constantly searching for feedback to enhance their lives and health, and the Oura Ring can provide this in an easily accessible fashion. It will offer an accurate depiction of your wellbeing at any point during the day – providing feedback that’s not intrusive but can give a comprehensive picture.

June 9, 2024Editor

Hulda Clark’s Clark Zapper

Clark provides detailed instructions for making a zapper using $20 worth of Radio Shack parts and an incorrect capacitor value schematic.

Utilizing the Zapper regularly may assist with digestive issues and symptoms, such as bloating. Furthermore, it may provide an instant natural energy boost.


As an alternative to antibiotics, the clark zapper can be an effective tool in killing invading organisms in your body. It works by stimulating your immune system with low-voltage electronic field that mimics natural frequencies found within living things – this could include parasitic organisms in your digestive tract. Though not meant to replace medical care completely, using the clark zapper is safe and non-invasive way of supporting overall wellness.

This device generates low voltage (usually dual polarity 5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V), two copper handles or electrodes for use by users to grip or place on various parts of their bodies during use, as well as various electronic components like 555 timer IC, NPN transistor, resistors and capacitors – various versions can be found online.

Hulda Clark’s Zapper has long been known as the “Zapper.” However, there is limited scientific support for many of her claims regarding its efficacy in treating diseases; most have even been disproven by independent studies.

Studies involving volunteers experiencing symptoms of chronic infections have demonstrated the efficacy of zapper therapy on their bodies’ ability to fight infection by eliminating microorganisms that infiltrate. The results from these trials demonstrated this is true, as the body was more efficient at eliminating invading microorganisms by using it than without it.

Another study explored the effectiveness of zapping combined with nutritional interventions. Results of this trial demonstrated that zapping stimulates immune function to a greater extent than nutrition alone, likely because zapping provides substances that help stimulate the body and enhance immune response – such as biochemical acids or defense mechanisms – making zapper use even more essential when used alongside a nutritional supplement regime.


The Hulda Clark parasite zapper is an innovative alternative health device which claims to get rid of parasites and improve overall well-being. While it has gained wide support among those seeking nontraditional solutions for wellness issues, medical practitioners have cast serious doubt upon its safety and efficacy.

A zapper is a small box that consists of components designed to generate low-voltage square waves of positive electrical energy that kill parasites and other unwanted organisms in your body. It typically uses 9V batteries with pulse generator circuits as well as copper handles or electrodes held in hands by users for use; when ready it displays green lights that show its readiness.

While zappers are generally safe devices, it is still wise to purchase from a reputable source. Make sure the manufacturer has performed an oscilloscope inspection and there is no more than 1% negative voltage present – this will ensure the output from your device is truly positive and doesn’t pose a danger to human bodies.

Another issue with the Zapper is its lack of rigorous clinical evidence to back its claims that it cures various illnesses. Clark relied on anecdotal evidence and few exhaustive peer-reviewed studies in support of his claim, though some users report feeling stress relief and increased energy after using it.

Although zappers should never replace professional healthcare, they can be invaluable additions when combined with other alternative therapies and supplements. A regular zap could help alleviate digestive issues by clearing away harmful organisms in the body; furthermore, chronic stress relief is often one of the root causes for such symptoms.

Some users have reported that their zapper has helped them overcome digestive issues, such as bloating and gas. Others have experienced increased energy after using it due to detoxification processes taking place within their bodies that remove harmful organisms such as toxins and microorganisms that build up over time. Furthermore, detoxification techniques may reduce inflammation while improving overall wellbeing.


Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who claimed her device, known as a zapper, could treat various illnesses. The device generates low voltage (5V square wave) that creates a pulse generator circuit with two copper handles or electrodes held by users or placed on various parts of their bodies to produce low frequency square waves for use by pulse generator circuit. Hulda Clark’s original Zapper consisted of 9-volt battery power supply connected to frequency-generating electronic circuit (555 timer IC and NPN transistor), resistors and capacitors as well.

The VariZapper 2.0 is an upgrade on Hulda Clark Zapper designed to offer improved frequencies and user convenience. Equipped with its own rechargeable battery and an alarm feature that alerts you when battery levels become depleted, this device provides increased frequency range and ease of use.

As an added feature, program drivers from Dr. Clark’s list may be downloaded or purchased and easily installed into your zapper to create customized treatments quickly. Other features may include:


The Zapper is an electronic device that emits low-voltage (usually dual polarity) square waves with a frequency of 30kHz to kill germs and parasites, detoxify the body, and ease pain symptoms. They’re easy to use and inexpensive – available through alternative health practitioners or online stores for purchase – although they should never replace professional advice or medical treatments provided by qualified health providers.

There is an assortment of zappers on the market, but some are more effective than others. Some come as small boxes to wear directly against your skin while others feature copper handles or electrodes which you hold in your hands. All zappers connect to a battery supply with their own built-in pulse generator circuit utilizing an IC (such as the 555 timer IC) plus various resistors and capacitors as the source for their pulse generation.

Some zappers can help safeguard your home against electromagnetic fields (EMF). This is especially crucial as some more powerful zappers emit DC currents that could cause harm. To minimise exposure to harmful EMFs, only use a model equipped with an effective filter.

The zapper can help you rid your home of mosquitoes. While it won’t completely eliminate them, its use can significantly decrease their number. Many people also utilize their zapper to kill other insects like spiders and termites.

The new VariZapper 2.0 offers many improvements over its predecessor device, including more precise frequency control from 0.1Hz to 1 million Hz – this represents a substantial advance and will make your zapper more effective. In addition to that, its rechargeable battery saves money over time while its pre-program battery check feature can prevent programs from starting with low battery levels.

This zapper can be used indoors and outdoors, offering a 20-foot protection zone against mosquitoes. Easy to maintain, its production involves degreed engineers on an ISO-9002 SMD assembly line with military-level quality control; plus it features six conductive gel electrodes for hands-free zapping!

June 9, 2024Editor

How to Become Holistic Practitioner

Transitioning to holistic healthcare can be an extremely fulfilling career decision; just make sure it truly interests you first!

Holistic health practitioners acknowledge the fact that all aspects of an individual’s life – intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental – contribute to his or her overall well-being. They frequently work in tandem with traditional healthcare providers.

Selecting a Specialty

If you want to become a holistic health practitioner, selecting a specialty will be essential in shaping both your educational and professional journey. Perhaps nutrition, massage therapy or acupuncture is of particular interest? By choosing one area of specialization as part of your plan for developing expertise while offering comprehensive services to clients.

Decide whether you prefer working independently or for an existing facility such as a hospital or clinic, which will have an impactful decision on both your scope of practice and amount of oversight received; working for one may require adhering to their guidelines while independently allows for more freedom and freedom when creating your own rules and working within comfort zone.

No matter your area of focus, it is essential that you understand the fundamental principles of holistic health. This means being familiar with how every system of your body interacts together to support overall wellbeing as well as how alternative healing methods may complement traditional medicines.

Once your education has been completed, you’re ready to embark on your career as a holistic healthcare practitioner. Be mindful to stay within the scope of practice; diagnose or treat conditions outside your expertise. Furthermore, ensure you understand any legal requirements regarding alternative services in your state.

Becoming a holistic health practitioner takes passion. Without that passion, maintaining a positive outlook and motivating yourself to continue education may prove challenging. Furthermore, exploring various areas of specialization could ensure your career goals align with what knowledge and skillsets are available will also prove fruitful.

Holistic health approaches emphasize overall wellbeing for people. This encompasses physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing; since all parts of oneself impact each other directly. Holistic practitioners recognize this dynamic interaction between conventional medical practice and alternative healing approaches and the need to integrate all three in order to foster health in totality.

Getting Started

Beginning a holistic health career requires practical experience under the supervision of experienced professionals. Internships, part-time jobs and volunteering opportunities allow you to apply your theoretical knowledge in practical settings; build client confidence; hone your skills before opening an independent practice; as well as research your state governing body to make sure you possess all required credentials before offering services.

Successful practitioners understand how bodily systems function holistically rather than focusing on individual symptoms, and are dedicated to self-growth and development, an effort which may prove challenging when you have other priorities outside your work life. It’s also vital that they focus on goals while prioritizing client satisfaction for a thriving practice.

Before pursuing a career in holistic health, first decide which form of practitioner you wish to become. There are various possibilities such as becoming a fitness or nutrition coach, massage therapist or herbalist; research all available choices until you find something that matches with your interests, training and personal attributes.

Many holistic practitioners gain valuable hands-on experience by working at wellness centers, spas, gyms, or sport training centers prior to opening up their own private practices. Working at these establishments offers great opportunity to expand your network while forging relationships with health conscious consumers while honing your marketing abilities.

Consider joining a holistic practitioner community and providing your services on a freelance basis to the public. Many of these communities provide training and resources for novice as well as veteran practitioners alike, while helping you find clients and expand your business.

As soon as you’re ready to launch your practice, set clear client goals and prioritize continuous improvement – this will create a great client experience and enable your practice to expand over time.

Texas Woman’s University provides a holistic family nurse practitioner program to prepare you for an advanced healthcare career, providing student access to our online MSN-FNP program that equips them to lead patient-centric care and meet the growing demand for such providers in America. Contact us now to discover more!

Continuing Education

If you want a career in holistic health, education and training are critical components. Acquiring essential skills and knowledge enables you to provide superior client service; for instance if you are interested in becoming a naturopathic doctor or acupuncturist you must enroll in a program offering extensive hands-on experience and mentorship as well as obtain a license or certification specific to the area of practice so as to comply with state regulations while showing professionalism and dedication to your chosen field of practice.

Career choices in holistic healthcare can be challenging, yet its rewards can be enormously satisfying. As a practitioner of this form, you’ll have an opportunity to connect with clients on an intimate level and lead them toward greater wellness – as well as enjoy fulfilling moments like helping people overcome hurdles and achieve their goals.

Holistic practitioners must consider not only physical aspects, but also the emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and environmental components that have an effect on their patients’ wellbeing; diet or exercise alone cannot have that impact.

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, demand is expected to increase for professionals working in holistic health fields like naturopathic doctors and acupuncturists through 2032. Their professions should experience above-average growth rates.

Though holistic health practitioners can work without formal education, most employers require at least an associate degree in the relevant field. Gaining practical experience by participating in internships or volunteering opportunities within your niche field is also key.

Once you possess the required qualifications, you can either establish your own holistic wellness practice or join an existing one. When starting a practice from scratch it’s essential to focus on marketing strategies and setting clear business goals; prioritizing client satisfaction while keeping abreast of industry trends are also key components.

Holistic health practitioners generally can expect to earn higher than average wages in similar positions; however, you should factor in costs such as rent, insurance and supplies when setting up their practice.

Getting Licensed

As more individuals take an active interest in their health and wellbeing, many are searching for holistic approaches that address total body well-being. As opposed to fitness coaches who primarily address physical aspects, holistic practitioners offer tools and encouragement necessary for meeting personal health goals while simultaneously encouraging self-care to maintain good health.

First and foremost, becoming a holistic health practitioner involves receiving proper education and training. From certificates to associate degrees, strong educational backgrounds are necessary for success in this field. Furthermore, licensure and certifications provide additional assurances of compliance with state regulations while giving your practice credibility with clients.

Gaining practical experience through internships or volunteer positions is equally as essential. Working under a seasoned holistic health practitioner will allow you to put your theoretical knowledge into action in real-life settings, building confidence when dealing with clients as well as building the essential relationships needed for a thriving career in holistic healthcare.

Enhance your skills and knowledge by enrolling in additional classes or workshops. Continuing education courses not only keep you abreast of emerging treatments and techniques, but they can also add value to your resume and increase earning potential – particularly important for holistic health practitioners wishing to retain their licenses.

Selecting your specialty is another key component to becoming a holistic practitioner. Select one that aligns with both your personal and professional goals to ensure you can provide clients with top-quality care while continuing to learn and evolve in this field. As holistic health encompasses various practices, take time to find one that fits you; after making this choice it is vital that you gain practical experience by working in wellness centers, spas, gyms or sports training centers before opening your own practice.

June 9, 2024Editor

Spooky2 Home Treatments – How to Use Spooky2 Remote and Contact Modes

Spooky2 is a frequency-based healing system, used alongside conventional medical therapies. Many users report significant health benefits ranging from increased energy levels and pain relief.

However, in order to use this device safely and effectively it is crucial that one understands its limitations and contraindications as well as performing regular maintenance on it.

What is spooky2?

The Spooky2 Rife System is an electronic frequency generation device for home treatments. It works by converting electricity into microwave frequencies used to stimulate and rejuvenate cells within the body, relieving pain while speeding healing time. Furthermore, Spooky2 comes equipped with various modes of operation and frequency sets that can be created.

Spooky2 software is easy to use, featuring a comprehensive help guide, and can be downloaded free from its website. After installing, run the installer and follow its instructions: confirming settings before copying files to your computer and clicking Finish once installed; this process will also automatically install drivers for the Silicon Labs 5M generator if they have not already been installed as well as creating a shortcut of Spooky2 application in Windows Start Menu.

Once installed, launch Spooky2. By default, Simple View is displayed upon first opening; to switch over to Details View simply click the Details Button.

Use the Clear Button to quickly and efficiently delete all Search Term results and filter items from your Conditions List, thus returning both simple and detailed views back.

Spooky2 provides users with a visual representation and control for a physical generator connected to it, up to 127 in total. Each grouping of generators is called a Channel; these can be customized into various frequency sets to create different frequency patterns.

How does spooky2 work?

Spooky2 software is at the core of our powerful and versatile Rife system, controlling up to 126 generators simultaneously and independently. John walks us through its basics as we run programs or presets remotely or contact mode.

Before opening Spooky2, check that your hardware is connected correctly and that it recognizes your generator (it should do so by showing its name in the lower-right corner of the window; see image below). When this occurs, Spooky2 will show the name of this device on screen (see image).

At launch time, when launching software for the first time, choose either “YES” to accept its terms of license agreement, or NO to decline and proceed with Setup. If you select YES, Setup will install the program into Spooky2 directory on your C: drive by default and create a shortcut on Windows Start Menu for it.

Once Spooky2 has successfully installed its files, it will prompt you to confirm its setup settings. If you would like to change where its files will reside by browsing for another folder option or clicking Browse and selecting another path via clickBrowse.

Click Finish to complete the installation. Please read carefully through the Readme screen before continuing with Spooky2 use.

Spooky2‘s Presets tab enables you to set up factory and shell presets that can be run either remotely or directly with plasma tubes in contact mode. If using shell presets, select which programs they will run as well as adjust other options such as frequency sweep duration and voltage factor for Out 2 (see below).

According to your preferences, you can also create custom presets. This feature makes setting up custom combinations of programs easily accessible in the future by giving each preset a descriptive name and saving it to Spooky2 Custom Database.

What is the spooky2 remote?

The Spooky2 Remote is a small magnetic device designed to connect with the boost cable or antenna connector on your generator. Powered by either USB or AC adapter (not included), its rechargeable lithium battery powers it for multiple uses including activating its Amplitude and Frequency Wobble feature and switching LED indicator lights on and off when required; its LED indicators indicate when programs are running, DNA samples are being used, or there may be problems with frequency output by your generator.

Samples of DNA may be taken from nails, saliva, buccal skin cells, hair or blood and placed into the Spooky2 Remote’s sample holder for processing. A program then runs that uses these samples as carrier waves to transmit frequencies needed for treatment; then both amplitude and frequency wobble features are activated so more information is transmitted in each transmission.

Indicator Lights

Indication lights are designed to only illuminate when a program is running and your generator is connected to your computer, protecting you from accidentally running it too long or doubts over whether you connected properly. This feature helps ensure you don’t forget what generator you connected!

If the Terrain Protocol LED indicator lights stop illuminated while running it, this may indicate that either your generator is overheating or that there was temporary loss of connectivity between you and it – both are common scenarios for very high frequency programs. If this occurs to you, make sure you drink plenty of water and adjust future session length accordingly.

What is the spooky2 software?

Spooky2 is an advanced multi-function Rife treatment system, offering plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser and audio frequencies in one powerful Rife machine. Use it to fight pathogens, heal your body and detoxify toxin accumulation as well as creating superior colloidal silver solutions.

This program offers an expansive frequency database that enables you to search and select frequencies, as well as create custom databases of your own choice. Furthermore, it boasts an extremely useful biofeedback scanning function which searches for the ideal frequencies to target specific problems, then correlates each stress event detected by its sweep with the frequency that caused it. Furthermore, it lets you monitor how your generator is functioning by showing its electrical waveform passing through each output of your machine.

The Spooky2 software comes equipped with a BNC-to-alligator clips cable, and you can order an extended cable to facilitate hands-free contact sessions. Furthermore, it supports purchasing a signal processor to quadruple generator power in Contact mode. TENS pads, silver gloves, bands, socks and internal electrodes can all be utilized with this device for electrotherapy treatment. Other possibilities include the creation of a Clark Zapper device as well as electromagnetic field therapy treatment devices. Spooky2 software is updated for free, with support forums and Facebook groups where users can discuss their experiences using it. In addition, the company offers a money-back guarantee. Spooky2 makes an affordable alternative to more complex Rife machines.

How do I use spooky2?

Spooky2 Central comes equipped with special USB and BNC filter cables that connect the generator to a computer, and is best used with factory preset (R) or Shell Preset programs, such as Terrain Detox Protocol, Big C Protocol, Morgellons and Lyme Protocol etc. Once frequency sets are selected, DNA samples should be placed into Spooky2 Remote along with LED lights illuminated for healing or killing mode, depending upon what your purpose of treatment may be – faster results should be visible sooner!

If you need to connect a plasma tube, hand cylinder, or any other contact accessory to Spooky2 Generator, simply connect its cable connector into one of its appropriate ports on Spooky2. After everything is secure and connected, launch the software and click Start; Spooky2 will then automatically install drivers for its generators.