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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 7, 2025|Editorial

Alternative Therapy Examples

Alternative therapy refers to any treatment not falling under conventional medicine’s purview, often known as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

Some individuals believe complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can help them feel better or manage the side effects of cancer treatment, but it’s essential that when choosing a practitioner they fully comprehend your medical history and have sufficient qualifications.

Chiropractor medicine

Chiropractic medicine is one of several complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Chiropractic therapy uses manipulation techniques such as chiropractor therapy to treat health conditions affecting bones, muscles, ligaments and joints. The goal is to realign the spine while helping the body heal itself with heat/ice packs, massage therapy, exercise programs and relaxation techniques – however these should never replace prescribed medication; but may provide relief in certain circumstances.

Alternative medicine refers to any practice which claims healing properties but lacks scientific plausibility, testability and repeatability. This could include testimonials, anecdotes, religion, tradition, superstition, belief in supernatural “energies”, errors in reasoning, propaganda fraud and other unscientific sources.

Chiropractors are skilled professionals trained to use various forms of manipulations on the spine and other parts of the body in order to treat pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and many other ailments. Aside from manipulation techniques they also employ soft tissue therapy, hot and cold treatments, nutrition guidance counseling for weight loss counseling as well as bracing/taping methods and relaxation methods – some work privately while others may work at general practitioners offices, hospitals or multidisciplinary practices.

CAM encompasses more than 100 healing philosophies, approaches, and therapeutic modalities outside the purview of conventional medicine. It includes nutritional, physiological, physical approaches such as yoga, meditation and hypnotherapy as well as alternative therapies like herbal medicine homeopathy or energy healing.


Alternative medicine has a longstanding tradition in the US and remains widely utilized. While some therapies may be considered safe, other have been proven harmful. Furthermore, certain treatments may interact with conventional medication and cause negative side effects, and often aren’t covered by health insurance plans.

Before using any alternative therapies in place of prescribed medication, a person must consult their medical provider first. Alternate treatments could potentially be dangerous and should never be undertaken without authorization from their physician.


Reiki is one of the many alternative therapies that manipulate energy fields that surround and penetrate the body, such as qi gong, yoga, massage and acupuncture. While research into their effectiveness remains scarce, some alternative therapies may help alleviate cancer-related symptoms as well as side effects of treatment; it is always wise to inform your healthcare provider of any alternative therapies you use; traditional remedies should always take priority over alternative approaches.

Reiki is an alternative medicine based on the belief that your energy field can become affected by illness, and healing may occur through manipulating this energy field by trained practitioners. Reiki practitioners use their hands to identify and repair imbalances in a patient’s energy field; it should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medical care; alternative medicine practices such as Reiki may be combined for greater effect.

Review of studies indicates that Reiki therapy could help alleviate pain, stress and fatigue; however, most studies were small, with people reporting their perceptions of pain prior to and following sessions – an assessment which can be highly subjective; it’s also possible that people felt better simply due to expecting it — a phenomenon known as placebo effect.

Therapeutic (“Healing”) Touch, in which a therapist moves their hands back and forth across the body, has been found to reduce anxiety for those living with certain cancers and increase sense of well-being. A 2021 study of 180 breast cancer patients who received six reiki sessions found their quality of life and fatigue levels improved; it remains unknown if reiki can actually heal or prevent cancer altogether.


Complementary therapy is often mistakenly used interchangeably with alternative therapy; however, it’s important to differentiate the two terms. Complementary therapies should be used alongside conventional medical treatments prescribed by your doctor while alternative therapies may replace or substitute for traditional ones and may provide different benefits. It is a good idea to inform both of your doctors of any complementary or alternative therapies you use so they can ensure they do not conflict with each other.

Healing touch

Healing touch is an alternative therapy practice which uses hand techniques to balance the body’s energy field. As part of biofield therapies – which includes acupuncture and Qigong – healing touch utilizes hand techniques designed to restore balance to an individual’s energy field and restore good health. Practitioners use their hands as sensors to intuitively assess each person’s energy field before making rhythmical movements to correct any imbalances they detect.

Heart-centered interactions between a practitioner and patient create an atmosphere of well-being, which can be essential in treatment. But it is important to keep in mind that this method should not replace traditional medical treatment options; rather it can help alleviate pain, stress, anxiety, as well as stimulate natural patterns of self-healing in the body. It has proven highly successful at relieving chronic illnesses or injuries which have proved resistant to medication treatments.

Mental health professionals use Reiki for treating depression and anxiety as well as improving quality of life of PTSD patients. Furthermore, this therapy has also been found helpful for cancer patients to manage symptoms like nausea and fatigue more effectively; additionally it may even be safe for pregnant women; please check with your oncologist first if planning a session during gestation.

A therapist begins each session by placing her hands above their client’s body, using them as sensors to intuitively assess their energy field. Next, light touch will be applied directly onto their body while hand movements occur above the head and abdomen – typically lasting around 20 minutes with their patient able to sit or lie down throughout.

Studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of healing touch for immune function and surgical recovery, including lower heart rates and blood pressure, reduction of pain, anxiety and stress relief as well as shorter hospital stays for surgical patients.

Plant medicine

Plant medicine is an alternative therapy that utilizes roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds of plants to promote healing and enhance overall health. Often combined with traditional medical techniques for improved results. As part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), plant medicine (commonly referred to as herbal therapy) can also be used for anxiety treatment, depression treatment as well as physical conditions like arthritis or cancer treatment.

Alternative medicine covers a broad spectrum. While some forms have no scientific basis at all, while others are thoroughly investigated and supported by doctors; those without scientific evidence are known as pseudoscience or quackery. Modern medicine utilizes clinical trials with randomized participants that produce repeatable results while alternative medicines often rely on testimonials, anecdotes, testimonials, religion, superstition or beliefs in supernatural “energies”.

Herbal medicine is one of the most prevalent alternative therapies. Dating back millennia, this practice has long been an integral part of traditional medical systems worldwide and many drugs currently in use were originally derived from plants.

Another form of alternative medicine is acupuncture, an ancient Chinese form used for centuries to promote health and cure disease. Acupuncture is founded on the premise that all things in nature consist of five universal elements – space, air, fire, water and earth – with human beings made up of these five universal components whose interaction compose life itself. Acupuncture involves inserting needles at specific points throughout the body for manual healing purposes.

Acupuncture can be beneficial in treating various medical issues, including back pain, headaches and asthma. However, it’s important to remember that it should not replace standard medical treatments; studies have demonstrated that people who rely on alternative therapies instead of conventional medicine experience poorer results than those who stick with their regimens.

Psychedelics are another alternative medicine option that may help reduce stress and anxiety as well as bring spiritual renewal. They work by altering how the brain processes information; the effects can sometimes be difficult to describe and may lead to an altered sense of time or self.

March 7, 2025|Editorial

What is a Hulda Clark Mini Zapper?

Hulda Clark Zappers are small electronic devices designed by controversial alternative health practitioner Hulda Clark that emit low-voltage pulses of energy to kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses.

The device consists of a 9-volt battery, generator circuit and two copper electrodes which the user holds in their hands or places on specific areas of their body. Additionally, its microprocessor controls ensure precise frequency generation.


The Hulda Clark parasite zapper is an electronic battery-powered device that produces low-frequency square waves at a constant frequency, making it an inexpensive yet simple alternative to expensive pharmaceutical drugs and relieving symptoms and conditions in various ways. Hulda Clark created it, believing her device could cure diseases by eliminating parasites and toxins from the body – however this claim wasn’t supported by rigorous scientific studies and later debunked by many experts.

The parasite zapper is powered by a small 9-volt battery and emits low frequency electric current that is inaudible to humans while remaining safe for pets and plants, providing an economical method of eliminating insects in your home. Featuring longwave UV lights to attract flies and mosquitoes towards it before electrocuting them via its high voltage metal grid; making it an effective alternative to harmful insecticides which may harm both people and animals alike.

This unit has been carefully designed to be user-friendly and straightforward to maintain, with a clear lid enabling the user to see any flies or mosquitoes killed by its zapper and an indicator for when batteries need replacing. Furthermore, there is also an important childproof design with a tray underneath to collect dead insects.

A hallmark of the Huda Clark Parasite Zapper is its superior component quality and precision output. Crafted by degreed electronic engineers in an ISO-9002 SMD assembly line to military grade quality control testing and quality control standards. Equipped with an independent precision voltage monitor integrated circuit that offers more feedback than competitive units; keyed battery holder; reverse polarity diode for added protection if any accidental switching takes place; as well as keyed battery holders to prevent battery swapping!

The Hula Clark Parasite ZAPPER kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungus electrically without harming healthy cells. It can be used anywhere on the body except eyes, appendix, testes and inner ear bones; killing flukes, tapeworm stages and roundworms in three minutes; mites five; bacteria viruses and fungi seven – and has multiple settings which can be programmed according to different organisms.


Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner from Utah, claims her device called the Zapper can cure various illnesses by killing parasites and toxins within the body. It works by emitting low-frequency electric current through its copper handles into your hand and directly into the blood stream where it kills parasites by inverting their negative charges and killing parasites by inducing low levels of electromagnetism in them.

The Zapper can help detoxify and heal the body by producing beneficial ions which improve circulation and blood flow, thus detoxifying and healing itself. It can be used to treat ailments including chronic fatigue, allergies, sinusitis and digestive issues; even treating an underperforming thyroid.

Some claim the Zapper can cure diseases, while others remain skeptical of its efficacy. Hulda Clark made claims supporting its use that were later disproven by independent studies and research institutions. Before using such devices yourself, please seek medical advice first.

No matter the size or style, when purchasing a zapper it’s essential that you select a reliable brand. Search for one refurbished by an expert and consult its user manual before purchasing; additionally reputable companies will stand behind their product and replace any defective units if any arise.

Your zapper can help to eliminate pests like mosquitoes and flies both indoors and outdoors, thanks to its bright light which attracts them before trapping them onto its wire mesh grid and electrocuting them with high voltage. Plus, its compact size makes it convenient to store and use; just be careful that no skin touches it as this could result in burns!

The Hulda Clark Mini Zapper is an affordable alternative to Rife machines that is small, portable, and effective at killing parasites and pathogens quickly and efficiently. Powered by a 9-volt battery and producing a 30-kHz square wave signal. Originally composed of an IC555 timer, an NPN transistor, resistors and capacitors; with upgraded circuit boards and components this version produces superior output capable of quickly killing parasites and pathogens faster and more effectively than its competitors.


A Huda Clark mini zapper generates pulsed square wave signals with positive offset to eradicate parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi. For maximum effectiveness this signal must have at least 30kHz frequency – to do this efficiently the device must also be microprocessor controlled to guarantee precise frequency generation over its long-term operation. Added LED indicators confirm correct output voltage every time you turn it on!

Dr. Clark’s frequency list allows users to program the zapper to broadcast specific frequencies that allow them to target infections or diseases specifically, treating conditions like cancer and arthritis; detoxifying your body; and increasing energy levels.

This device employs copper handles or electrodes to administer low-frequency electricity directly to the body, passing through blood vessels and tissues, striking parasites, bacteria, viruses and toxins within them and eliminating them through immune system action. Furthermore, using this device also increases effectiveness of treatments like chemotherapy and antibiotics.

Although some doctors have expressed disapproval of the Hulda Clark Zapper, many individuals have reported positive experiences using it. Some reported increased energy levels while others experienced improvements with digestive issues like bloating and gas. Furthermore, using it can significantly decrease pain levels while improving quality of life for users.

The Hula Clark Zepper comes in various formats to meet every individual’s individual needs. Some models are smaller and easier to use than others; others feature pre-programmed frequencies designed to target specific pathogens. Furthermore, their easy operation and safety make them great choices for anyone wanting to use one as part of a health remedy plan. These features make the Hulda Clark Zepper an excellent solution.


Hulda Clark was an unorthodox alternative health practitioner who touted her device, the Zapper, as being capable of curing a variety of illnesses. The Zapper is a small battery-powered electronic device which emits low voltage electric current with specific waveform and frequency characteristics in order to kill parasites, bacteria, viruses in the body; it should not replace traditional medical treatments; always seek advice from an MD before beginning use of one of these devices.

Hulda Clark Zappers are known for their advanced micro circuitry and ergonomic custom-molded case. This allows them to produce high-quality units at lower price points than competitors; additionally, their components tend to be more precise for increased accuracy in output.

The Hula Clark mini Zapper stands out by using multiple frequencies for maximum effectiveness, enabling it to target different kinds of parasites more effectively and eradicate them more rapidly. Plus, its lightweight design and portability makes it convenient and effortless to carry wherever you go!

The Hulda Clark mini Zapper offers many advantages that make it a suitable solution for you and your needs. It is lightweight, compact, and equipped with a wire mesh grid designed to trap and kill insects effectively – acting as an efficient bug repellent without harming either humans or pets in its use. Plus, its affordable price point makes this an attractive solution for anyone who wishes to boost their immunity system.

March 7, 2025|Editorial

Physical Therapy Vibration

Physical therapy vibration therapy is an efficient and safe solution that can help patients improve their balance, strength, and flexibility. It can be utilized on either the whole-body or locally.

Study results demonstrated how vibration training helped individuals with spastic cerebral palsy gain balance and decrease spasticity, while simultaneously decreasing delayed-onset muscle soreness 24-72 hours post exercise.

Improves Circulation

Physical therapy vibration involves placing someone either lying, sitting, or standing on a vibrating platform that transmits vibrations into their bodies. Both frequency and amplitude of vibration are adjusted accordingly in order to meet individual patient needs.

Vibrations activate muscle spindles, small sensor-like receptors on muscles that report back to your brain how much your muscles stretch or contract, helping it make decisions about muscle movement. By exercising on a vibration plate, muscle contraction and stretching simultaneously occur simultaneously – increasing both intensity of contraction and blood flow to that area simultaneously, leading to what’s known as “the stretch reflex.”

Studies conducted on WBV revealed that its high frequency vibration can activate the musculoskeletal system to trigger quick, involuntary muscle responses that contract and relax simultaneously, providing neuromuscular training which may increase stability and speed throughout the body, ultimately helping prevent injuries.

Vibrations produced by plates also help increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, since active muscles require more blood to work effectively; for this blood to get through properly it needs to travel via lymphatic systems in order to drain the body properly.

Vibration therapy also plays a significant role in increasing bone density and strength, according to studies conducted on long-term vibration training sessions. Research shows this training to have positive impacts on variables related to blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, oxidative stress, cardiovascular function and endothelial functions as well as endothelial functions.

Studies have also demonstrated that short-term vibration treatments can bring significant improvements in bone mineral density for knees and lumbar spines due to increased blood supply with nutrients that promote osteogenic differentiation, cell communication, and reduction of osteoclast formation.

Research to date indicates that whole-body vibration therapy does not pose any significant adverse side effects, with only occasional cases of muscle soreness and fatigue reported from brief sessions of whole-body vibration. More studies need to be performed in order to pinpoint exactly how vibration induces changes in peripheral and muscle blood flow and oxygenation through its action mechanism.

Relieves Pain

Vibration therapy activates muscle spindles, tiny sensor-like nerve receptors in muscles. When stimulated, these sensors communicate with the brain, telling muscles when to relax, contract, or adjust tension and position accordingly. Since vibrating activates these sensors, vibration therapy may help alleviate pain while improving function and increasing strength.

Vibrating can also help your muscles rebuild themselves. Studies show that vibration increases muscle strength and function among both sedentary individuals as well as those participating in training regimens, and also helps increase proprioceptive function – something especially valuable for people living with chronic low back pain.

Vibration therapy comes in two primary forms: whole-body and localized. When engaging in whole-body vibration, patients either stand, sit or lie on a vibrating platform that transmits vibrations throughout the entire body; this technique may be utilized during rehabilitation after knee or hip replacement surgery, for instance. For localized vibration treatments, your physical therapist may utilize devices which deliver mechanical vibration directly to muscles and tendons in targeted areas.

Both the directionality (horizontal, side-to-side or vertical displacement) and amplitude of vibration are critical factors when it comes to determining its beneficial effects on muscle function, skeletal balance, pain relief or bone density. Studies have shown that lower frequencies and longer usage duration can provide relief from pain while improving tissue extensibility – ideal prior or following exercise sessions – while higher frequency and shorter usage length helps motor unit recruitment for increasing muscular strength while decreasing delayed onset muscle soreness.

Researchers are conducting studies on vibration’s potential benefits for treating various health conditions and injuries, such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. They’re studying how vibration might relieve pain while decreasing stiffness and swelling by stimulating muscle spindles, ligaments and cartilage to determine whether vibration therapy could help ease them.

Although vibration therapy is generally safe and noninvasive, some individuals should avoid its use. Vibration is not advised for individuals recovering from surgery or joint replacement procedures, epilepsy, uncontrolled high blood pressure or open wounds; additionally it should not be administered during pregnancy and to those carrying metal pins and plates in their bodies.

Rebuilds Muscle Strength

Vibration therapy stimulates muscle spindles, the microscopic sensory receptors found on our muscles that send signals back to the brain about how your muscles stretch and move, helping control them more precisely. Vibration therapy has been found to increase stimulation of these receptors for improved muscle function resulting in stronger muscles.

Vibration therapy not only strengthens muscles but can also strengthen and protect bone density by decreasing bone loss. When combined with weight training, this therapy has been proven effective against osteoporosis while increasing osteoblast cells to build new bones.

Whole-body vibration therapy entails standing on a mechanical platform vibrating at various frequencies and intensities, stimulating your muscles to contract and relax rapidly, which increases blood flow and muscle tone. Localized vibration therapy uses handheld vibrating devices placed near your body.

Both types of vibration therapy have been found to increase muscle strength, with whole-body vibration proving particularly successful at doing so. The vibratory waves travel throughout your entire body stimulating every muscle at once. Furthermore, choosing a device with appropriate frequency and intensity levels will significantly impact performance for optimal muscle care.

Review of randomized controlled trials has demonstrated that vibrational training substantially increases human muscle strength. It can also help combat sarcopenia, an age-related condition which affects the muscle mass and mobility of older individuals, with both whole-body vibration as well as localized vibration helping alleviate any pain caused by neuropathy or incontinence conditions.

Vibration therapy can do more than strengthen muscles; it can also improve balance and coordination by activating more of your muscles to work harder for balance, making you more confident about it overall and possibly even helping avoid injuries if these have been an ongoing struggle for you.

If you are struggling to gain muscle strength or need to build more mass, visit MDM Physical Therapy in Mesa, Arizona for vibration therapy advice tailored specifically towards your health goals. Contact us now to schedule a consultation!

Increases Flexibility

Vibration therapy can be an excellent way to build muscle strength, enhance circulation, decrease pain, and hasten recovery time. For optimal results it should be included as part of an integrated rehabilitation plan devised by a physical therapist or other health care professional.

Vibration technology can also assist in increasing flexibility and balance. When combined with stretching routines, this treatment can loosen tight muscles and increase range of motion – something particularly helpful for people suffering from back or neck pain. Furthermore, including vibration into rehabilitation efforts helps prevent future injuries by strengthening muscle more efficiently than otherwise possible.

Recent research indicates that local vibration may also provide beneficial results, similar to whole-body studies. One such research found that vibratory stimulation of lower leg and foot muscle spindles improved in patients suffering chronic ankle sprain; further, vibratory stimulation activated skeletal muscle fibers for better balance control, thus helping prevent falls.

Studies have also demonstrated how vibration therapy can aid flexibility by decreasing passive stiffness. When applied prior to exercise, vibration can alleviate delayed-onset muscle soreness and even enhance performance after an exercise session has taken place.

Vibration training can be performed either using a full-body platform or targeting specific parts of the body, such as knees and hips. Vibration frequency, amplitude and direction can all be adjusted based on therapeutic outcomes; increasing or decreasing amplitude for more intense vibration or decreasing it for gentler sensation can all help adjust frequency accordingly. Vibration patterns may include vertical, horizontal or multidirectional patterns.

At Vibration Therapy Solutions in Dallas, vibration therapy is an easy and safe tool that can benefit many patients in rehab or athletic performance enhancement. Before embarking on whole-body vibration therapy it is wise to consult a physical therapist or health care provider as some individuals may find the treatment uncomfortable; additionally certain conditions or medical concerns such as pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, pacemakers, neurological conditions like epilepsy and joint or bone disorders should be avoided as whole-body vibration therapy treatment could potentially harm these people.

March 7, 2025|Editorial

Rife Machine For Sale – Spooky2

Spooky2 takes Rife to a whole new level, with enhanced contact and plasma abilities as well as a powerful frequency generator equipped with high power contact output specifically designed to narrowcast DNA.

This signal processor connects directly to a generator’s Out 1 and Out 2 outputs, processing them for specific uses. For instance, it can search your body for frequencies associated with viruses and parasites before transmitting them through DNA or silver-impregnated plasma tubes.

Easily usable

Spooky2 is a frequency healing machine capable of eliminating pathogens and neutralizing heavy metals in your body, as well as alleviating various symptoms, from allergies to autoimmune disease and cancer. With multiple treatment modes that make it easy to use and its simple design making it effortless for users. Furthermore, Spooky2 helps clear bacterial, viral and fungal infections and can detect parasites or any harmful organisms within your system.

This device comes equipped with an extensive database of frequencies and presets designed to treat specific diseases and conditions, and also boasts a biofeedback scan function to identify exact frequencies needed for treatment. Setup is straightforward and it works with any generator; novice users will find this device an ideal way to begin healing themselves naturally.

Spooky2 devices come equipped with various accessories that you can choose from for optimal use, including silver gloves, tENS pads, bands and internal electrodes. In addition to that, this system also comes equipped with a straight plasma tube and fingertip plasma plate to facilitate biofeedback scanning. Furthermore, an optional Spooky2 boost 2.0 signal processor can improve performance further – quadrupling power in contact mode while doubling it in remote mode – plus pass through outputs for high quality colloidal silver production.

Spooky2 boasts an expansive database of frequencies and free software updates – two key elements to creating one of the easiest Rife machines on the market. Its intuitive design and budget-conscious price make it an appealing option, making it one of the top choices among many consumers. Plus, its website hosts helpful videos such as an in-depth tutorial for setting up your device!

Spooky2 is available directly to consumers for sale, cutting out middlemen who may charge higher prices. When purchasing through Spooky2, you can enjoy more reasonable pricing as well as reduced shipping and handling costs and free international shipping with a no-risk return policy. In addition, you can ask questions on a forum portal or receive advice from other users, as well as attend weekly live webinars hosted by guest experts hosted by Spooky2.


Spooky2 stands out from other rife machines by employing a plasma tube that transmits frequencies without using carriers, providing greater safety from potential side effects of carriers. Furthermore, its metal construction means no risk to human health is present. Furthermore, Spooky2 features an advanced biofeedback system that quickly finds frequencies appropriate to every pathogen it encounters while being easy to use – connecting directly with computers via USB; plus it comes complete with all accessories in a convenient package.

Spooky2 is a powerful frequency healing machine featuring several treatment modes: plasma, contact, remote and PEMF. Additionally, this device can detect and eliminate heavy metals from your body using its user-friendly software which includes a comprehensive database of DNA Main frequencies, Molecular Weight frequencies and Human Base Pair frequencies to quickly find what frequency(s) may help in any given circumstance. Furthermore, its biofeedback scan function delivers fast results within minutes!

Rife devices work by applying resonance frequencies to microorganisms. Every pathogen has a distinct frequency which when transmitted disrupts them and kills or disables them; additionally, this frequency also helps balance energy fields in surrounding tissue.

Spooky2 integrates Royal Rife concepts with contemporary components to offer an effective solution to today’s health concerns. As it is the only system transmitting frequencies without using carriers, its use may prove especially helpful for humans. Furthermore, its tube design uses 50,000-volt cables connected to an anti-spike plate to prevent dangerous spikes or leaks from occurring.

This device can detect and kill pathogens responsible for diseases and allergies, heal damaged cells and detoxify the body of harmful chemicals – providing a cost-effective alternative to chemotherapy treatments such as radiation. Furthermore, scientific research supports its use alongside testimonials proving its efficiency against various conditions, from treating autoimmune disorders and cancer to treating various other ailments such as autoimmune disorders and cancer. Furthermore, its inexpensive design makes it user friendly while having multiple uses from removing parasites to balancing energy levels.


Spooky2 is an effective tool designed by Rife that uses frequency to kill viruses, bacteria, and parasites in your body. Available on multiple platforms with free updates for software and an extensive frequency database, it’s an economical and effective solution that’s also affordable.

The company offers an impressive variety of products, such as the Spooky2 generator, PEMF coils, cold laser and plasma tube. Their website contains an in-depth user guide with video tutorials and blog. Furthermore, a Spooky2 members forum boasts a friendly and supportive community for customers to access support services through. Located in Arizona with an excellent reputation for ethical business practices that prioritize people over profit by keeping costs low while investing in research efforts – they even invest back into furthering research!

Spooky2‘s signature product, the Plasma Tube, was used by Rife in his 100% successful cancer clinical trials and remains one of the only devices on the market capable of applying his original frequencies directly and directly without using carriers, helping eliminate unwanted side effects.

Utilizing a Spooky2 plasma tube is simple. Simply connect and attach it to your skin before selecting a frequency. After this step is completed, the machine will begin pinging your body, recording any hits it detects and correlating these with their associated frequencies so you can find and treat any problem areas more effectively.

Spooky2 accessories such as its Pul Generator are widely renowned. Used for biofeedback scans and GX scans of biological samples like urine, saliva, or blood, as well as sending scalar energy through DNA, it provides an affordable alternative to more costly spark discharge systems. In addition, Spooky2 also has a Cold Laser Wrist designed for biofeedback and cell repair that can be worn around your wrist for added support.

Customer support

Spooky2 is an intuitive frequency healing machine powered by Rife technology that makes frequency healing easy to use for any individual or family looking for alternative approaches to treating disease. It can quickly identify and eliminate microorganisms from the body while offering extensive support, making it an excellent option. Furthermore, Spooky2 features plasma therapy, contact therapies, remote therapies, PEMF treatments as well as remote therapies – perfect for anyone looking for alternative methods of disease cure! Additionally it boasts several treatment modes ranging from plasma, contact, remote and PEMF therapies!

Spooky2‘s user-friendly interface and easily updatable database makes it an effective system to use. Users can quickly create custom frequencies and remedies with it, or use its advanced search function to easily detect diseases and symptoms; just type their name into the search box to quickly locate appropriate frequencies.

Many have experienced dramatic improvements in their health after using spooky2 rife machines, with symptoms dissipating or becoming less severe – in some cases even curing serious illnesses such as cancer. To achieve optimal results from using your Spooky2 machine, follow its treatment plan for at least three months; should any issues arise, the Spooky2 team would be more than happy to assist you!

This company provides an array of products and services, such as free online seminars and workshops. Furthermore, their large online community enables users to share their experiences with the machine while customer support staff respond within 24 hours when users submit questions.

This machine is an effective means of eliminating microorganisms from your body and detoxifying heavy metals. The device works by measuring electromagnetic resonance frequencies of pathogens and creating frequencies designed to disarm or kill them – similar to how sound can vibrate glass or ultrasound can break up kidney stones. Furthermore, this machine also assists with identifying and eliminating toxic heavy metals from your system.

Spooky2 machine can be used with a plasma tube to directly deliver high-energy frequencies into the body, and is compatible with popular Clark zapper. Additionally, its unique amplitude modulation technology increases intensity for more effective frequencies; furthermore it can generate multiple frequencies simultaneously so as to perform Holland 11th harmonic technique.

March 7, 2025|Editorial

Energy Medicine Practitioner Salary

Energy healing encompasses an expansive selection of therapeutic modalities and techniques, from Reiki to acupuncture. These practices use electromagnetic fields to facilitate clients feeling better while healing their bodies.

These holistic health careers are becoming more sought-after as traditional healthcare practitioners increasingly incorporate them into their treatment plans, but many energy medicine practitioners operate independently from medical colleagues.

Education and Training

Training requirements for energy medicine range from self-study to comprehensive graduate degree programs, and from holistic practitioners using various holistic healing techniques to promote relaxation, reduce stress and alleviate pain to energy medicine programs offering courses like Reiki, chakra balancing, acupressure and meditation among many others. Once complete an energy medicine program students will be prepared to practice energy healing independently or within wellness centers, hospitals, gyms or private practices.

Energy healing practitioners must adhere to an ethical practice when treating clients. If a client comes in seeking treatment for something outside of the scope of an energy healer’s expertise, he or she should refer them on to another specialist within their network who could better assist. This practice of upholding boundaries is key part of an energy healer’s ethical practice and must always be observed.

An energy healer must also ensure they possess sufficient liability insurance in order to safeguard themselves and their clients. Many insurance providers offer specific policies tailored for energy workers; their terms and conditions will depend on your provider. Furthermore, an energy medicine practitioner should take the time to build relationships with doctors in their local community in order to convince them to add their services as part of patient care plans.

If a doctor agrees to allow an energy healer into their office, it is imperative that they are aware of how this will impact medical malpractice insurance coverage. Energy healing services tend to be seen as separate services from what doctors provide – it is imperative that insurance providers understand this distinction so as to not create confusion over who is responsible for treating their patient.

Eden Energy Medicine was established by Donna Eden and offers a certification program that equips individuals with the skills and techniques to mobilize nine energy systems, such as the meridien system, aura, radiant circuits, five rhythms, triple warmer, Celtic weave and basic grid. This unique system of energy medicine addresses all areas of need in an individual and is widely recognized worldwide; additionally this training demonstrates how these powerful healing methods can complement traditional medical treatments.

Work Environment

An environment conducive to energy healing practice is necessary for its success. Energy healers use various techniques to access and manipulate body energies for physical, emotional and spiritual balance – often drawing upon holistic practices like Eastern meditation practices, Chinese medicine, homeopathy or Reiki; also incorporates Kinesiology – which assesses energy flows by monitoring muscle responses –

Alternative medicine has seen rapid expansion as people seek holistic approaches to wellness. A number of holistic health practices, including acupuncture, herbal remedies and energy healing have gained widespread acceptance and recognition – creating more career opportunities than ever for specialists who specialize in this type of healthcare.

As demand for alternative healthcare approaches continues to rise, some states are beginning to explore ways of regulating energy healing practices. Furthermore, medical professionals are beginning to recognize their value when used alongside conventional treatments.

Energy healers provide their services to a diverse clientele, including individuals seeking relaxation and stress relief, patients suffering from chronic illness or injury, and those looking for spiritual growth. Sessions usually take place in a quiet and comfortable setting while clients remain fully clothed – they may experience emotional releases as blockages are released; this should be considered normal part of energy healing’s process.

Health care practitioners who employ intuitive or energy healing methods in their practices must take extra steps not to breach their license, which could result in professional discipline from licensing boards. Working within traditional medical practices as part of a team may reduce risks. A trained energy healer could even help direct patients towards appropriate traditional treatment options and assist them in finding more cost-effective therapies, which could speed up recovery times while decreasing overall costs of care.


Energy medicine practitioners tend to enter this field more out of a calling than career ambition. Their desire to help others heal can be both personally and professionally rewarding; however, it’s essential to be aware of any possible risks when working in this form of healing.

As an energy healing practitioner, you may use various therapeutic modalities and techniques that aim to channel healing energy into clients’ bodies. From traditional herbal medicine practices to modern energy healing modalities such as therapeutic touch or Reiki healing techniques, your aim should be to facilitate their body’s natural ability to heal itself – these practices may provide relief from anxiety attacks to chronic pain management or side effects from cancer treatment.

Educational requirements for energy medicine practitioners depend on which modality you specialize in; for instance, herbalists typically hone their craft by creating powdered supplements and tinctures from botanicals, while contributing towards natural and holistic approaches to healthcare by encouraging people to play an active role in their healthcare decisions.

Kinesiology is an energy healing discipline that uses muscle testing to assess energy flows in the body and restore balance through holistic wellness solutions. To be a successful practitioner of this holistic wellness modality, one may require special training or certification in this area.

Some states mandate that individuals providing energy healing services be licensed in order to ensure quality and safety for clients. Licensing also helps protect professional reputation while guaranteeing adequate insurance coverage to provide your services.


Certified energy medicine practitioners enjoy the satisfaction of helping clients relax, unwind and heal emotionally while increasing overall energy and vitality. You could choose among various modalities – Reiki or Healing Touch are just two such examples – or become certified in Kinesiology which identifies imbalances in body energy flows and patterns through muscle testing.

Eden Energy Medicine provides energy healers with one of the most comprehensive training available – developed by Donna Eden herself as one of the pioneers of her field, Donna is internationally-recognized for being at the forefront of Eden Energy Medicine development. You will learn to analyze energy flows within client bodies using energy tests, before employing various techniques to balance those flows to optimize harmony and promote healing.

Although some energy healers work as independent contractors, others partner with traditional medical practitioners. This practice has become more and more widespread as medical community has recognized alternative modalities’ effectiveness for many patients as a complement to treatment plans. If you decide to partner with clinical health practitioners and provide alternative modalities services as part of their treatments plans, professional liability coverage must also be obtained prior to engaging in any work activities that might cause liability issues for yourself and them.

For those wishing to practice energy medicine independently, there are a variety of schools and courses offering certification in energy medicine. When selecting your certification program, make sure it fits in with both your professional goals as well as personal ones; select something which gives you tools for developing skills, building self-confidence, and creating a thriving business.

Melissa Dawn is a master certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, best-selling author, and speaker who empowers executives and high-level leaders to lead with heart, not solely strategy, so they can navigate change effectively while inspiring their teams for lasting impactful change.

Energy medicine is an ancient practice that employs various techniques to clear and balance a person’s energy fields, enabling them to naturally heal themselves and move forward in life. Unlike traditional medicine which addresses disease by treating symptoms directly, energy healing encompasses the totality of an individual – physically, emotionally, spiritually. Furthermore, it’s safe, gentle, non-invasive modality which can easily fit into existing healthcare practices.