Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

October 3, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Hair Testing For Food Intolerances

Food intolerance testing typically falls into two categories: scientifically validated ELISA blood tests and bioresonance hair testing. While bioresonance has its ardent supporters, most medical practitioners remain wary due to its lack of scientific validation and high costs.

Undergoing this type of test involves running a strand of hair through several analysis machines such as MARS III to detect stress patterns associated with toxins, emotions, nutrition/vitamin deficiencies, hormone imbalances and metals.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy, in its most basic sense, uses electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and wellness. Proponents believe that all human beings contain energy which must remain balanced for health; bioresonance uses quantum physics principles to balance electromagnetic and biochemical aspects of body balance.

While mainstream medical professionals remain uncertain of bioresonance‘s efficacy, many have witnessed success stories and patient testimonials as proof. Bioresonance provides an intriguing alternative to conventional treatments to promote overall health and well-being.

Bioresonance works on the principle that everyone has their own biofrequency – similar to their fingerprint. A bioresonance machine scans hair samples for these frequencies and provides a report detailing any sensitivities. If necessary, counter frequencies can be released to balance energy in your body, helping restore its strength and stability.

A therapist can then use this data to guide their patients in making holistic health decisions that benefit both themselves and the greater community, including diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications that strengthen immune systems and restore energy.

Bioresonance hair tests may indicate an individual has an intolerance for gluten or dairy, making it possible to eliminate these products from your diet and replace them with supplements or nutritional interventions from their therapist.

ELISA blood testing is considered one of the most accurate ways to identify food intolerances; however, this testing method can be more expensive due to needing more sophisticated lab equipment and having trained personnel conduct these evaluations.

However, this technique poses several risks. First and foremost, it may lead to people delaying seeking medical advice for serious conditions – this can be especially dangerous in cases of growing tumours. Furthermore, misinformation may lead them to believe they are receiving adequate treatment when in reality they may not – potentially delaying appropriate medical attention altogether and even be potentially fatal in certain instances.

Bioresonance may also be misleading to patients as it does not always offer definitive diagnoses or recommend specific therapies. Although bioresonance can help identify food intolerances, it should not be seen as an alternative for more standardized diagnostic tools like an ELISA blood test or clinical assessment tools.

How Does Bioresonance Testing Work?

Bioresonance hair testing sessions utilize electromagnetic frequencies sent out from a machine and received back by different parts of your body, including organs, bones and nerves. The machine then records these reflections to help identify imbalances within your system and treat any health concerns found during testing.

This process analyzes a small sample of hair to compare against a database, searching for frequencies that are too high or low for normal. If it detects anything abnormal, the machine can emit counterfrequencies to help restore balance to your system – an approach known as bioresonance therapy that forms part of bioenergy medicine.

Bioresonance therapy has proven its worth in various cases, though it remains largely unconventional and alternative medicine. For instance, bioresonance has proven its worth in treating fibromyalgia by relieving muscle pain and improving sleep patterns; additionally it has also proven successful at quitting smoking and preventing overtraining syndrome in athletes.

One of the key advantages of bioresonance testing is its noninvasive nature and small sample requirement, making it safe for use by all ages. Furthermore, bioresonance can accurately diagnose food intolerances and allergies that are difficult to identify using traditional methods; it is particularly adept at doing so for food intolerances that are hard to spot using traditional means; however the scientifically validated ELISA blood test provides more accurate identification results when diagnosing food intolerances than bioresonance does.

Bioresonance doesn’t test for IgE antibodies – the standard way of diagnosing food allergies – but has shown its worth when used to detect other intolerances that suppress immune systems, making detection through blood tests more challenging and costly. Furthermore, it’s considerably cheaper than medically valid blood tests.

One drawback of acupuncture testing is the longer wait time; your practitioner must discuss all results in depth with you before giving their findings to you. On average, this process usually takes 60 minutes from start to finish and provides an ideal alternative for anyone wanting a holistic approach to treating their allergies and intolerances.

What Are the Benefits of Bioresonance Testing?

Quantum physics has demonstrated that all substances, including your body and its cells, emit electromagnetic waves with unique frequency patterns or signatures. Bioresonance testing compares your body’s frequencies against a database of known frequency patterns to detect imbalances and recommend corrective actions to restore equilibrium within your system.

Bioresonance testing differs from ELISA blood tests by being noninvasive and painless; just take a sample of hair for testing! A computer program analyses your energy responses to determine any imbalances or inefficient functioning within your body.

Bioresonance testing can detect food intolerances and environmental irritants. It also provides insight into low stomach acid levels that could hinder digestion and absorption of nutrients, while parasite identification tests could reveal any parasites negatively impacting health.

Many people use bioresonance to reduce their toxic load, improve overall health and increase immunity. Bioresonance should not replace conventional medicine; rather it serves as an additional form of therapy. If considering bioresonance as part of your health journey, consult with a certified health provider first to make sure the procedure is appropriate for you.

Bioresonance therapy is commonly used to treat conditions such as asthma, gastrointestinal issues and anxiety. It works by resetting electromagnetic frequencies within the body back to their natural frequency – helping restore balance and prevent disease. Although research on bioresonance is limited, small studies have demonstrated its benefits. There have also been concerns that its use might prevent patients from seeking more effective therapies. Concerns have also been expressed over the marketing of bioresonance as an effective cure for various illnesses, and until more rigorous scientific evidence becomes available bioresonance should not be promoted as such. If you want to try bioresonance as part of an initial new patient appointment and indicate your interest for testing when booking, we advise scheduling a 60-minute appointment and informing us that this test interests you at that time.

What Are the Drawbacks of Bioresonance Testing?

Bioresonance testing is an unproven theory that assumes unhealthy cells and organs emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones, and claims an electronic device can detect these frequencies and “change” them back to a natural wavelength, healing the body and curing illness. Proponents of this technology also promote it as helping cancer patients by stopping tumor spread; the Food and Drug Administration has prosecuted numerous sellers for making false claims about health benefits; The American Cancer Society advises people against purchasing these electrical devices (4).

Bioresonance works on the principle that energy wavelengths can be measured through various parts of skin, and that these reflect an individual’s mental and physical wellbeing. Electrodes are attached to skin electrodes that connect with a machine which supposedly measures energy wavelengths being released by organs and cells within the body; test results provide insight into patient conditions.

Home food-sensitivity tests promise to identify your susceptibility to hundreds of foods and ingredients via bioresonance. You simply prick your finger or pluck out a few hairs from your head to send in as a sample, and in days or weeks you should receive digital results that identify potential allergy triggers.

However, this method is far from perfect. Its primary drawback is that it doesn’t provide any reliable way of ascertaining whether a substance causes allergy. Other variables could have an effect on results as well, including hair quality/consistency/method for sampling as well as how your device is programmed.

Concerns surrounding these tests include their high cost and minimal training requirement – making them susceptible to misuse by unscrupulous practitioners. Furthermore, these tests may interfere with medical treatment plans as well as discourage individuals from seeking evidence-based therapies.

Bioresonance testing results may seem promising; however, no scientific evidence corroborating their accuracy and safety (5). Therefore, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider regarding any health concerns or questions you have.

October 3, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Devices For Sleep Disorders

Bioresonance devices use electromagnetic frequencies to promote health and well-being. They may be used alone or alongside traditional medicine treatments.

This therapy relies on an unproven concept: that diseased organs and cells generate altered electromagnetic waves that electronic devices detect; these waves are then reconfigured so as to heal the body.

Allergies and sensitivities

Bioresonance works on the principle that all matter vibrates at different frequencies. Each part of our bodies – cells, tissues, organs and systems) has its own frequency which resonates harmoniously when healthy but disharmoniously in diseased ones – much like when tuning a piano string; bioresonance technology uses electromagnetic waves emitted by these information carriers to identify imbalances within our bodies while aiding natural self-regulating mechanisms that keep everything working well together.

Bioresonance therapy can assist those suffering from allergies and sensitivities by pinpointing allergens that are compromising your energy field. The process involves placing electrodes on your skin that connect to a device which measures energy wavelengths released by your body; once identified, frequencies that contribute positively to health are enhanced while those considered detrimental are reduced accordingly.

Bioresonance therapy helps the body break down substances that irritate it, effectively clearing away allergies. Furthermore, it can treat autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis, by optimizing antioxidant functions that combat free radicals that damage tissue.

Patients who have undergone bioresonance treatment report experiencing positive changes, including improved sleep, more energy and less bloating. Studies indicate its efficacy for treating food and environmental allergies, urogenital dysfunctions, menstrual disorders, prostatitis, low immune defenses, digestive problems such as colitis gastritis liver disorders high cholesterol arthritic pain weight issues hormone abnormalities fibromyalgia insomnia hepatitis migraines among others.

Bioresonance treatments use a machine known as Bicom to increase electromagnetic waves that may be beneficial and invert them for those that can be harmful, lasting an hour-or-so and possibly needing monthly follow up depending on one’s condition; some may experience temporary worsening of symptoms after each session but these symptoms should diminish within several hours after returning home from therapy.


Bioresonance devices use electrodes to transmit electromagnetic waves that can pick up both “healthy” and “unhealthy” frequencies of cells and organs in the body, then match and cancel out diseased signals through destructive wave interference. Bioresonance has also been promoted as an aid for treating cancer by purveyors who make false claims regarding its benefits; many vendors of these electronic devices have been prosecuted by the FDA for making unsubstantiated health benefit claims while the American Cancer Society warns patients against them (4).

Bioresonance therapy requires patients to lie on a treatment table while an instrument placed against their skin is connected to a computer with various programs and a selector to select potency of nosode (i.e. stomach cancer) potency levels and resonance with selected node; which sends signals for cells within your body to destroy diseased ones.

Bioresonance machines are also useful in diagnosing and treating allergies and sensitivities, based on the theory that certain substances or illnesses can distort electromagnetic frequencies within our bodies, leading to imbalanced electromagnetic waves within us all. Once this imbalance has been identified, counter frequencies are used to “heal” our bodies by emitting counter frequencies that “heal” us while strengthening self-regulatory mechanisms within them.

Another application of bioresonance involves using it to detect and imprint the frequency of medication without experiencing adverse side effects; in one study bioresonance was employed as a means to relieve depressive disorder in those experiencing frequent episodes.

Bioresonance devices make unsubstantiated claims and resemble Scientology’s E-Meter device, used for auditing. Patients should inform their healthcare provider of any supplements or home remedies such as bioresonance treatments they are using – this information allows doctors to make more informed decisions regarding patient care and safety.


Sleep disorders affect millions of people worldwide and can have serious repercussions for health ranging from diminished energy levels and memory impairments, to heart disease. Luckily, there are treatments for insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea that may provide some relief: one such alternative medicine approach is bioresonance therapy which uses concepts from quantum physics to make your self-regulating systems function better in your body.

Your body emits electro-magnetic vibrations or resonance, and when your body is healthy these frequencies should be harmonious. But viruses, bacteria, stress, toxins and inflammation cause cells to resonate at different frequency patterns which the bioresonance machine detects and eliminates using bioresonance technology.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep at night, leading to unrefreshing slumber and feeling of tiredness and lack of energy the following morning. Depression and anxiety symptoms often coexist alongside sleeping difficulties.

Sleep issues may include difficulty falling or staying asleep, difficulty with breathing during sleep (which could be an indicator of sleep apnea), gasping or choking sensations and leg cramps while trying to sleep or wake up; these sensations are all symptoms of insomnia which can also reduce concentration levels and increase accident risks.

If you suffer from sleep issues, the therapist who conducts a bioresonance session will begin by asking you to complete a questionnaire containing pertinent details such as when and why it is difficult for you to fall asleep, leg cramps/twitching sensations occurring both while sleeping or awake etc. They may also inquire as to your sleep history as well as any health problems which may contribute to the severity of symptoms experienced.

Researchers conducted a study which concluded that bioresonance was more effective than manual therapy or point massage in treating fibromyalgia. It worked by soothing nerves and soothing muscle pain while improving lung and airway functioning – important factors when dealing with sleep apnea.

Weight loss

Bioresonance machines work by emitting an electromagnetic frequency that is safe to emit that can detect energy wavelengths coming from your cells, picked up by electrodes attached to the surface of your skin and returned to the device, which then can identify different frequencies that might be misinforming your body about what to eat (for instance foods containing lots of inflammatory oils) and “cancel out” those frequencies with other specific frequencies emitted by the machine–similar to how noise-cancelling headphones work.

Practitioners claim that electromagnetic frequency imbalances may be the result of several factors, including toxins, hormonal disruptions and stress. Bioresonance therapy has been suggested as a solution to correct such imbalances and boost immunity so as to enhance metabolism and facilitate weight loss.

At your first bioresonance therapy session, you’ll lie on an examination table while electrodes are connected to your skin. Your therapist will use a bioresonance machine to send out frequencies meant to match those being produced by your body – which then allows him or her to diagnose and treat any potential factors contributing to weight gain. Following their analysis results, they may design an individual plan lasting several sessions of an hour each.

Bioresonance therapy was found to be successful at helping smokers quit and boost the immune system, as well as help them overcome food cravings – something worth keeping in mind for those struggling with weight loss or other health concerns.

However, an investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in 2019 concluded that claims about bioresonance therapy lacked clinical proof. They noted that many papers submitted as evidence did not meet peer-review and didn’t relate to conditions listed in advertisements.

Although bioresonance therapy lacks conclusive scientific proof, it remains an attractive choice for those seeking noninvasive natural therapies as a form of healing. Just make sure to seek a qualified practitioner and approach treatment with an open mind and realistic expectations.

October 3, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Ultrasound for Research

Biologially, our cells emit electromagnetic waves to communicate. Unfortunately, this communication can be interrupted by foods, metals, pollen and dental fillings – creating interference patterns. Bioresonance offers a method for correcting these disturbances.

Low-intensity continuous ultrasound (LICUS) has been extensively studied as a potential delivery mechanism and other medical applications, but its exact effect depends on factors like frequency, intensity, duration and duty cycle.


Bioresonance ultrasound scan is a noninvasive procedure used to identify and correct energy patterns within the body. These patterns may be caused by viruses, bacteria, metals in teeth, pollen, food and chemical pollutants – any of which could disrupt electromagnetic waves that your cells emit and potentially lead to disease. Bioresonance therapy can address interference patterns by correcting them to restore natural cellular harmony within your body.

This new technology employs a soft optoacoustic pad (SOAP) to convert photons into ultrasonic signals, creating focused ultrasonic waves with resolution of less than 0.01 mm; significantly better than the resolution offered by traditional lead zirconate titanate (PZT) transducers which typically produces focused ultrasonic waves at only about 0.1 mm resolution.

Researchers have developed an ultrasound system allowing individuals to use smartphones with special apps to capture images of their own bodies using Doppler ultrasound technology, helping individuals monitor and reduce costly, invasive procedures. Doppler ultrasound measures blood flow and heart rate using transmitting and receiving sound waves and viewing and analyzing them in real time as images can show blood moving through veins and arteries and help doctors detect inflammation – then saving the results as PDF files for later reference.

Elastography, another useful form of ultrasound imaging, measures relative stiffness across different tissues. It’s especially helpful in diagnosing liver fibrosis – an irreversible process in which scar tissue forms on and restricts liver function – and tumor differentiation from normal tissues; color-coded maps of stiffness or black-and-white images with high contrast images showing tumors are displayed on color maps for interpretation.

Functional ultrasound may also be utilized to enhance accumulation of drug-encased nanoparticles in targeted tissues, and increase their uptake into cells. Ultrasound radiation amplifies mechanical energy transporting these particles to their destination tissues for localized accumulation and increased uptake by cells, making this method suitable for noninvasive targeted cell-mediated chemotherapy and cancer immunotherapy applications.


Bioresonance ultrasound therapy is an entirely painless procedure and noninvasive in its nature, making it safe and effective treatment option. In fact, bioresonance therapy may even detect cancerous cells early and halt its spread! Unfortunately, however, bioresonance therapy may cause certain side effects; so prior to trying this form of therapy it’s wise to consult a physician first.

Bioresonance ultrasound technology operates under the assumption that unhealthy cells and organs produce electromagnetic waves with altered frequencies due to DNA damage, making detection possible, while returning these waves back to their regular frequencies can treat illness and improve immunity function. Accordingly, its proponents believe detecting such electromagnetic changes is key in diagnosing disease; using frequency changes back into their original frequencies as treatment can also detect toxins within the body as well as improve immune function.

Bioresonance scans utilize a special device to scan the meridians of your body and detect any imbalances which may be causing problems. It also finds substances like food types, chemicals and allergens which disrupt its natural equilibrium – these imbalances could potentially cause allergies or digestive issues among other symptoms.

While the results of a bioresonance scan do not serve as a replacement for medical advice, many find it useful in pinpointing issues and treating them. It can especially aid with diagnosing autoimmune disorders or conditions not easily identifiable through traditional means as well as suggesting changes to diet that could alleviate symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy can also detect parasites and bacteria in your body, allowing physicians to treat them before they progress into serious diseases. Furthermore, this therapy can identify any intolerance to cosmetics or biological additives as well as any genetic predisposition for certain conditions.

Although there is no concrete proof that bioresonance therapy can treat any particular medical condition, studies show positive results. Unfortunately, however, some claims made by its promoters are unsupported by scientific research and could potentially be detrimental. Some researchers have even been sued by the Federal Trade Commission for making misleading or false claims regarding bioresonance therapy. Regardless of these concerns, some people have found relief through this type of therapy from symptoms related to fibromyalgia as well as unexplained stomach pain from using it regularly.


Bioresonance is an alternative treatment method used to restore energetic balance in the body. It works by identifying frequency areas which have become imbalanced, and helping bring them back into balance. Bioresonance may be used alone or as part of conventional treatments depending on an individual’s needs.

Ultrasound (US) is an acoustic wave that transmits energy by compressing and rarefying medium particles, penetrating tissues while still needing physical support such as air or water to function correctly. Energy transmission occurs via compression-rarefaction waves with periods equal to or greater than the length of ultrasound transmission medium such as air or water, producing vibration energy at 20 m/s that increases with frequency while decreasing wavelength; US can often be found used for detection purposes or repair of wounds and fractures.

US waves can range in amplitude from zero to approximately 100dB – the range of human hearing. Transmission through skin may be possible as well, though this technique is less frequently employed for medical use; its use for non-medical purposes has become increasingly prevalent.

BICOM devices can help detect and eliminate parasites. As parasites can be difficult to treat with traditional antibiotics, bioenergetic therapy provides an effective and safe means of killing them off. Acupuncture also serves as a noninvasive, holistic treatment option.

The Advertising Standards Authority has conducted investigations of ads claiming bioresonance can treat various conditions. The claims include reading energy from cells in the body and their frequencies to provide insight into organ health – without providing any supporting studies or papers that provide evidence to back this claim up. It is therefore wise to locate an experienced practitioner familiar with bioresonance who understands when and how best to apply this technology.


There are various methods of therapeutic ultrasound research, including low-intensity continuous ultrasound (LICUS). This technique has been widely studied and proven safe. However, when designing such studies it’s essential to pay close attention to several design considerations.

In order to produce results, the acoustic beam must be precisely focused onto a desired area using either a single-channel transducer or multi-element transducer arrays with flexible focus options. Furthermore, intensity modulation may also be necessary depending on the needs of your particular study.

Bioresonance ultrasound devices utilize electrodes to “read” energy wavelengths emitted by your body, then manipulate these frequencies in order to help it heal itself. Unfortunately, evidence for this claim remains scarce – although one 2014 study did find that bioresonance therapy could reduce symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and lead to smoking cessation; however, researchers acknowledged that their experiment was small and uncontrolled.

Concerns have been expressed over claims made by manufacturers of bioresonance devices being misleading, as these devices are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be seen as medical treatments. Indeed, numerous venders of electrical devices for making unsubstantiated health claims were prosecuted by FDA officials; therefore they urge consumers to be wary of such claims before purchasing an electrical device for self-treatment purposes.

As ultrasound waves pass through the body, they interact with both cells and engineered nanoparticles used for drug delivery – known as ultrasound-mediated drug release. This interaction has the potential to overcome physiological barriers which limit effective drug delivery.

Ultrasound can be used to kill cancerous cells without harming surrounding tissues or normal cells, making HIFU particularly useful in targeting deep-seated tumors that cannot be removed surgically and also to stop their spread through lymph nodes.

Therapy of this nature offers numerous advantages, but should only be administered by trained scientists. Unfortunately, many fraudsters utilize this form of treatment and promise their patients false hope with unfeasible promises of curing cancer with this technology.

October 3, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Center

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment using electromagnetic frequencies to heal the body. It’s pain-free and noninvasive; yet its effectiveness is unrivaled, being used successfully against all manner of ailments from allergies to chronic pain.

Electrodes are placed on your skin and connected to a machine emitting electromagnetic waves, which emit electromagnetic signals. These waves are used to identify any imbalances within your body and detect them quickly.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance is a noninvasive, painless treatment designed to restore and heal your body’s energy functions and promote self-healing. It uses electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances within the human body before sending frequencies out that balance discordant frequencies back out in harmony, thus restoring natural balance among energy systems in your body and treating various illnesses such as weight problems, digestive issues, heart conditions, back pain, skin disorders or allergies.

An advertisement by a holistic health clinic stated that bioresonance could help diagnose and treat various conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, heart conditions and allergies. They further stated that this therapy could detect imbalances within the body as well as aid recovery from them. When this ad was reported to the Advertising Standards Authority for investigation it found no support for its claims even though CE Marked devices used by this clinic existed;

Bioresonance machines work on the unproven assumption that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by damaged cells and cancerous tumors differ from healthy tissue electromagnetic oscillations, and that an electrical device can isolate their frequencies to “cancel out” their discordant vibrations through destructive wave interference. Some practitioners also claim this process can help detect toxins, parasites and inflammation or infections within your body.

Bioresonance scans can be useful tools for holistic healthcare practitioners, yet should never replace conventional Western medical tests. Furthermore, their results can be difficult to interpret; thus it is advisable to work with an BH practitioner trained in bioresonance in order to fully comprehend your scan results and restore balance within your body as quickly as possible.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy

All living and nonliving substances vibrate at specific frequencies measured in Hertz. Electronic devices used to break kidney stones in school can detect these frequencies, and then use them to detect imbalances in our energy field and identify sources such as pathogens, toxins or food allergies causing these imbalances.

Bioresonance works on the principle that damaged organs and cancer cells emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones, which are then detected by an electrical device to “cancel out” diseased signals through destructive wave interference (1). Unfortunately, Food and Drug Administration prosecutions against various purveyors of this unproven device for making false claims regarding health benefits (2) have occurred.

Bioresonance therapy is an ideal noninvasive, painless solution to treat many health conditions. Proponents believe it can treat anything from allergies, digestive disorders and chronic pain to hormone imbalances, weight issues and stress related ailments. Furthermore, it’s an ideal tool to use prior to embarking on an intensive detox or cleanse as it can detect any harmful toxins present and help combat their harmful effects (3).

As with other complementary therapies, bioresonance should only be used alongside traditional medical treatments and not in place of them. If you decide to try bioresonance therapy as part of a holistic regiment, inform your doctor about any herbal or other supplements taken as this will allow them to monitor your condition more closely and ensure bioresonance therapy works effectively. If interested, reach out to a qualified practitioner to arrange a consultation session and get started today!

Bioresonance is a holistic therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an all-natural and holistic healing approach that works by tapping into your body’s energy fields. With an innovative system in place, this therapy measures and then restores frequencies back to their original states – thus alleviating symptoms and healing the body at once. Furthermore, unlike many treatments such as medications or surgery procedures, bioresonance doesn’t involve medications or invasive procedures – just non-invasive therapy that offers lasting relief!

Bioresonance therapy is an electromagnetic energy balancer which works to detect imbalances within your body and emit counter frequencies to support its self-regulating mechanisms, helping you eliminate toxins and stimulate cell regeneration while at the same time relieving pain from inflammation or energy imbalances. Bioresonance therapy can be particularly useful for individuals suffering chronic pain disorders or stress disorders and it has even been known to ease premenstrual syndrome symptoms such as hot flushes, irregular menstrual cycles, insomnia and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Holistic health practitioners use bioresonance devices to detect their clients’ stressed systems and encourage healthy lifestyle changes. Furthermore, these practitioners may suggest nutritional changes or supplements to further optimize the results of their scans.

The Bicom-Optima bioresonance machine is an innovative device based on quantum physics that transmits information using electromagnetic waves (hertz). This tool can detect and treat overloads to restore balance to cell activity levels, increase tissue regeneration capacity and accelerate healing within the body itself.

Massage therapy is an accessible and reliable treatment option suitable for all age groups – from infants to adults. It can be used alone or combined with other approaches like massage or herbal medicine; patients may initially experience worsening of their symptoms but this should subside shortly after therapy sessions begin. According to some reports, massage therapy has even helped people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, nicotine addiction or digestive problems.

Bioresonance is a painless therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative holistic diagnosis and treatment approach. According to its principles, electromagnetic oscillations emitted by cancer cells or damaged organs differ from healthy cell oscillations, so an electrical device can detect this difference and use destructive wave interference against them, effectively cancelling out diseased cell signals while leaving only healthy cell signals intact. While such unproved electronic devices have been prosecuted by the Food and Drug Administration and American Cancer Society advise patients against seeking treatments based on unsubstantiated claims.

Bioresonance sessions involve placing applicators on various parts of the head, hands, feet or organ areas while sitting or lying down. A bioresonance machine then collects information about body conditions such as allergies or toxins present and plays this information back through an electromagnetic mat covering spine – this information intended to boost immunity while simultaneously increasing cell regeneration activity.

Some studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy in alleviating pain. While its effects can be temporary and not always complete, bioresonance does not treat the source of it – for instance a stress disorder may be at play here; yet bioresonance may still relieve symptoms while providing relaxation and providing some sense of peace.

Bioresonance therapy offers many advantages to its practitioners, including no damage to body tissues and cells and being noninvasive and drug free. Furthermore, this form of healing may help identify and remove toxins from your system as well as balance lymphatic flow by relieving congestion in lymphatic system channels; pathogens that contribute to illness can also be identified and eliminated using this approach; plus it strengthens immunity while aiding self healing processes.

Bioresonance is a natural therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an electromagnetic frequency-based natural approach to treating imbalances in your body. The process involves placing electrodes on your skin that connect to a machine that emits electromagnetic waves; when these waves reach your body they reflect back in the form of signals; strong and clear signals indicate healthy cells whereas muted signals could indicate some sort of energy disturbance in your system.

Bioresonance machines use different frequencies to cancel out negative signals that interfere with healing, including cancer, chronic fatigue and allergies. By doing this, they’re able to treat an array of ailments like cancer, chronic fatigue and allergies effectively.

Energy Healing can also be used to address emotional imbalances such as stress, anxiety and depression by harmonizing the body’s electromagnetic fields and increasing emotional stability. Furthermore, it can assist with hormone issues like premenstrual pain or irregular periods by harmonizing body’s electromagnetic fields and increasing emotional stability.

Bioresonance works on the premise that diseased or cancerous cells emit electromagnetic oscillations that differ from healthy cells, making identification possible of which organs have been disturbed and emit frequencies to cancel out these signals – thus restoring equilibrium within your body. Based on Royal Rife and Hulda Clark’s work and utilized throughout Eastern countries for centuries – this holistic therapy promotes healthiness as part of an overall healthy lifestyle approach.

October 3, 2024|Editor

Bio Resonance Therapy Machine

Bioresonance therapy uses BICOM devices to send electromagnetic vibrations through your cells and remove excess electromagnetic energy, helping your cells heal themselves while also clearing away excess electromagnetic stress. However, it should be noted that this therapy cannot cure diseases.

BICOM devices use saliva or mucus secretions as input information and filter it through internal filters that amplify healthy frequencies while attenuating unhealthy ones.

It is non-invasive

Bio Resonance Therapy Machine is an innovative noninvasive solution to restore body balance using electromagnetic vibrations. Electrodes placed on the body measure energy wavelengths to detect any imbalances and counterbalance them with beneficial frequencies – perfect for treating fatigue, allergies, digestive problems, insomnia or any other toxicity-induced issues that cause health issues; typical symptoms being fatigue, allergies, digestive problems and insomnia. No side effects occur with treatment so no surgery may ever be needed! It even reduces cell inflammation while improving immunity systems!

The Bioresonance machine operates by transmitting an electromagnetic field into your body in order to identify imbalances or toxins, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and any imbalances between cells in your body that interfere with harmonious interactions and remove harmful substances or microorganisms from your system. Once identified, its information is displayed on a screen of its device which then sends healthy vibrations directly into those unhealthy cells for them to work together more harmoniously removing any harmful substances or microorganisms from the body – all while being completely safe! Used globally since 1977 as an aiding diagnosis health issues while encouraging healing efforts by aiding healing by sending strong electromagnetic fields through various parts of your body, its power has proven its success time after time for years after all other methods have failed!

At each session, your therapist applies electrodes to your hands and feet which are connected to a Bicom machine that measures your energetic vibrations. Your therapist then applies an appropriate frequency which cancels out negative energies while stimulating self-healing processes within your body – and with immediate results after only one session!

Bioresonance is a form of regulatory medicine similar to homeopathy and acupuncture, designed to balance your natural energies so as to prevent diseases or health problems resurfacing in future. It offers a safe alternative to more invasive procedures like surgery or chemotherapy treatments.

Bioresonance therapy differs from other modalities like Iridology in that it doesn’t analyze individual cells or identify disease pathologies, instead focusing on imbalances within our bio-field which cause illness. Many health ailments are simply the body’s natural defense mechanism against toxins or imbalances – by balancing energy fields through Bioresonance therapy we can find solutions that address their roots cause of the issue.

It is safe

Bio resonance therapy machine uses safe, non-invasive technology to detect and correct imbalances in the body’s energy field. The machine works by emitting electromagnetic signals directly into the body before analyzing their signals to emit counter frequencies that help restore balance and restore equilibrium. It’s an invaluable way of diagnosing and treating health problems while also being great for disease prevention; unlike many treatments that come with side effects.

All living or inanimate substances vibrate at various frequencies measured in Hertz. A computer program can identify electromagnetic vibrations and their characteristics to help identify problems that compromise our overall health, such as allergies or viral infections, while simultaneously helping identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies within the system and improve overall wellbeing.

Bioresonance therapy has gained in popularity recently, yet remains controversial in terms of effectiveness and safety. This article will look into its science as well as examine if it really is safe. Bioresonance therapy is a painless non-invasive technique proven to strengthen healthy cells within your body while simultaneously balancing their activity, something which could otherwise disrupt self-regulation mechanisms that protect against illness and disease.

At each session, a patient holds two brass cylinders while a machine sends signals directly onto their skin – similar to muscle testing or kinesiology; these signals are computerised and much faster. Once sent, these signals are analysed by software which determines if they align with their natural frequency – if so, the machine prints this data onto disk and stores it into its database.

The BICOM device then separates these wave patterns into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious (unhealthy) components, with harmonious waves being boosted to strengthen natural functions while disharmonious waves are inverted to reduce any negative impacts – helping the body rebalance cell vibrations to promote healing and promote overall well-being.

It is effective

Bioresonance therapy works by manipulating the electromagnetic fields and frequencies within your body to restore balance and accelerate self-healing. It’s an integrative therapy, combining ancient herbal remedies with modern technology for maximum effect. Furthermore, this noninvasive and chemical-free therapy uses electromagnetic signals to reach each cell of your body to correct asymmetry frequencies for maximum health outcomes resulting in an even and balanced body structure.

Biological stressors can derail our body’s energy system. These include smartphones and Wi-Fi access points as well as pollution, environmental chemicals, food consumption and even medications taken. Stressful circumstances can overburden our bodies’ natural self-healing mechanisms, leading to allergies, chronic illnesses and digestive issues. Bioresonance uses resonance-response techniques to identify and treat imbalances within the body. Similar to Kinesiology and muscle testing, electroacupuncture works by reading electromagnetic vibrations within your body before transmitting those vibrations to a computer and comparing their frequencies with various substances found within the body. If one substance matches up perfectly with something else within your body’s frequency patterns, the machine will record this and produce a report.

Bioresonance therapy uses a device that reads frequencies and separates them into harmonious and disharmonious components, then boosts harmonious waves before sending them back into the body, inverting disharmonious waves before returning them, thus mitigating their negative effects and producing impressive results. Studies have shown it to improve symptoms related to allergies, fibromyalgia, health conditions such as Parkinson’s, depression and unexplained stomach pain – along with helping alleviate those of unknown origin.

The Mora Nova device is an excellent way for patients to begin bioresonance therapy. Safe for use by both children and adults alike, its non-invasive therapy offers benefits against many ailments while its easy usage does not require additional equipment – its safety being validated through medical studies as well as CE certification.

It is affordable

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment that uses electromagnetic waves to balance the body’s energy. It has become an integral component of many holistic practices’ treatments for various conditions and may help decrease medication usage while simultaneously improving overall health. Bioresonance can detect allergies, chronic pain and other difficulties that are hard to pinpoint while being both cost-effective and convenient alternatives to traditional medicines.

BICOM Bioresonance Therapy Equipment is a medical device that utilizes biophysics technology to assess patient physical state and identify imbalances within their bodies. It operates under the assumption that every organism, living or non-living, produces its own resonance frequency that, when altered or disrupted, can lead to disease. Through bioresonance technology, this BICOM equipment listens for weak electromagnetic frequencies produced by its patient body that coincide with any pathogens found, then transmits those frequencies back into cells where they kill bacteria.

This method has been rigorously studied over years, and proven accurate. Used by researchers all around the world and considered an established medical approach, this diagnostic technique may complement other tests or treatments by helping identify early symptoms and uncovering any potential causes.

In addition to its ability to detect disease, the BICOM system can also identify food intolerances and other metabolic issues. As consumers increasingly look for alternatives to medication with adverse side effects, BICOM therapy providers in the UK offer consultations for an initial fee of around PS90.

BICOM machines differ from conventional medical machines in that they are inexpensive and offer rapid results. Their software automatically generates complexes to help enhance body functions quickly; for example, in short period of time this device can reduce fatigue, stimulate immunity and even enhance sleep quality – not to mention being affordable and simple to maintain!