Alternative Therapy Examples
Alternative therapy refers to any treatment not falling under conventional medicine’s purview, often known as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
Some individuals believe complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can help them feel better or manage the side effects of cancer treatment, but it’s essential that when choosing a practitioner they fully comprehend your medical history and have sufficient qualifications.
Chiropractor medicine
Chiropractic medicine is one of several complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Chiropractic therapy uses manipulation techniques such as chiropractor therapy to treat health conditions affecting bones, muscles, ligaments and joints. The goal is to realign the spine while helping the body heal itself with heat/ice packs, massage therapy, exercise programs and relaxation techniques – however these should never replace prescribed medication; but may provide relief in certain circumstances.
Alternative medicine refers to any practice which claims healing properties but lacks scientific plausibility, testability and repeatability. This could include testimonials, anecdotes, religion, tradition, superstition, belief in supernatural “energies”, errors in reasoning, propaganda fraud and other unscientific sources.
Chiropractors are skilled professionals trained to use various forms of manipulations on the spine and other parts of the body in order to treat pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and many other ailments. Aside from manipulation techniques they also employ soft tissue therapy, hot and cold treatments, nutrition guidance counseling for weight loss counseling as well as bracing/taping methods and relaxation methods – some work privately while others may work at general practitioners offices, hospitals or multidisciplinary practices.
CAM encompasses more than 100 healing philosophies, approaches, and therapeutic modalities outside the purview of conventional medicine. It includes nutritional, physiological, physical approaches such as yoga, meditation and hypnotherapy as well as alternative therapies like herbal medicine homeopathy or energy healing.
Alternative medicine has a longstanding tradition in the US and remains widely utilized. While some therapies may be considered safe, other have been proven harmful. Furthermore, certain treatments may interact with conventional medication and cause negative side effects, and often aren’t covered by health insurance plans.
Before using any alternative therapies in place of prescribed medication, a person must consult their medical provider first. Alternate treatments could potentially be dangerous and should never be undertaken without authorization from their physician.
Reiki is one of the many alternative therapies that manipulate energy fields that surround and penetrate the body, such as qi gong, yoga, massage and acupuncture. While research into their effectiveness remains scarce, some alternative therapies may help alleviate cancer-related symptoms as well as side effects of treatment; it is always wise to inform your healthcare provider of any alternative therapies you use; traditional remedies should always take priority over alternative approaches.
Reiki is an alternative medicine based on the belief that your energy field can become affected by illness, and healing may occur through manipulating this energy field by trained practitioners. Reiki practitioners use their hands to identify and repair imbalances in a patient’s energy field; it should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medical care; alternative medicine practices such as Reiki may be combined for greater effect.
Review of studies indicates that Reiki therapy could help alleviate pain, stress and fatigue; however, most studies were small, with people reporting their perceptions of pain prior to and following sessions – an assessment which can be highly subjective; it’s also possible that people felt better simply due to expecting it — a phenomenon known as placebo effect.
Therapeutic (“Healing”) Touch, in which a therapist moves their hands back and forth across the body, has been found to reduce anxiety for those living with certain cancers and increase sense of well-being. A 2021 study of 180 breast cancer patients who received six reiki sessions found their quality of life and fatigue levels improved; it remains unknown if reiki can actually heal or prevent cancer altogether.
Complementary therapy is often mistakenly used interchangeably with alternative therapy; however, it’s important to differentiate the two terms. Complementary therapies should be used alongside conventional medical treatments prescribed by your doctor while alternative therapies may replace or substitute for traditional ones and may provide different benefits. It is a good idea to inform both of your doctors of any complementary or alternative therapies you use so they can ensure they do not conflict with each other.
Healing touch
Healing touch is an alternative therapy practice which uses hand techniques to balance the body’s energy field. As part of biofield therapies – which includes acupuncture and Qigong – healing touch utilizes hand techniques designed to restore balance to an individual’s energy field and restore good health. Practitioners use their hands as sensors to intuitively assess each person’s energy field before making rhythmical movements to correct any imbalances they detect.
Heart-centered interactions between a practitioner and patient create an atmosphere of well-being, which can be essential in treatment. But it is important to keep in mind that this method should not replace traditional medical treatment options; rather it can help alleviate pain, stress, anxiety, as well as stimulate natural patterns of self-healing in the body. It has proven highly successful at relieving chronic illnesses or injuries which have proved resistant to medication treatments.
Mental health professionals use Reiki for treating depression and anxiety as well as improving quality of life of PTSD patients. Furthermore, this therapy has also been found helpful for cancer patients to manage symptoms like nausea and fatigue more effectively; additionally it may even be safe for pregnant women; please check with your oncologist first if planning a session during gestation.
A therapist begins each session by placing her hands above their client’s body, using them as sensors to intuitively assess their energy field. Next, light touch will be applied directly onto their body while hand movements occur above the head and abdomen – typically lasting around 20 minutes with their patient able to sit or lie down throughout.
Studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of healing touch for immune function and surgical recovery, including lower heart rates and blood pressure, reduction of pain, anxiety and stress relief as well as shorter hospital stays for surgical patients.
Plant medicine
Plant medicine is an alternative therapy that utilizes roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds of plants to promote healing and enhance overall health. Often combined with traditional medical techniques for improved results. As part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), plant medicine (commonly referred to as herbal therapy) can also be used for anxiety treatment, depression treatment as well as physical conditions like arthritis or cancer treatment.
Alternative medicine covers a broad spectrum. While some forms have no scientific basis at all, while others are thoroughly investigated and supported by doctors; those without scientific evidence are known as pseudoscience or quackery. Modern medicine utilizes clinical trials with randomized participants that produce repeatable results while alternative medicines often rely on testimonials, anecdotes, testimonials, religion, superstition or beliefs in supernatural “energies”.
Herbal medicine is one of the most prevalent alternative therapies. Dating back millennia, this practice has long been an integral part of traditional medical systems worldwide and many drugs currently in use were originally derived from plants.
Another form of alternative medicine is acupuncture, an ancient Chinese form used for centuries to promote health and cure disease. Acupuncture is founded on the premise that all things in nature consist of five universal elements – space, air, fire, water and earth – with human beings made up of these five universal components whose interaction compose life itself. Acupuncture involves inserting needles at specific points throughout the body for manual healing purposes.
Acupuncture can be beneficial in treating various medical issues, including back pain, headaches and asthma. However, it’s important to remember that it should not replace standard medical treatments; studies have demonstrated that people who rely on alternative therapies instead of conventional medicine experience poorer results than those who stick with their regimens.
Psychedelics are another alternative medicine option that may help reduce stress and anxiety as well as bring spiritual renewal. They work by altering how the brain processes information; the effects can sometimes be difficult to describe and may lead to an altered sense of time or self.