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How to Build a Radionics Wishing Machine

If you want fast results, lasting solutions and permanent positive change quickly and permanently, Power Radionics technology offers an edge. The Chi Generator(r) within your machine provides you with an edge over any advanced practitioner, shaman or magician who don’t use this powerful equipment!

For successful action at a distance, all practitioners need to generate Chi energy – traditionally by walking in circles, chanting barbarisms or killing chickens.

How it works

Traditional radionics and magic required considerable work to bring about its results, often faltering due to a lack of the energy necessary for powering up thought forms and keeping them alive. With Power Radionics device’s Chi generator(r), this issue has been resolved completely!!!

Experienced traditional practitioners understood the necessity of tapping into energy properly for any action taken remotely to be effective, such as radionics machines of the traditional variety or any form of action at a distance. Without it, any effort would likely fail due to not receiving sufficient power (known as magick or prana energy).

The Power Radionics device can enhance both your own chi and that of anyone using it! Furthermore, it produces significant quantities of orgone energy which helps accelerate manifestation and can accelerate results faster. Orgone energy has far greater effects than that produced by Reiki practitioners and similar healing techniques.

Radionics wishing machines allow you to create precise links between your target of operation and what you are directing energy towards with unmatched precision, using radionics device settings as anchor points for emotion resulting from your wishes to remain as long as the machine remains active.

This technology, using both traditional radionics wishing machines and the Power Radionics device, holds the key to fulfilling wishes long after you stop visualizing them – some call this advanced magic or techno-shamanism! Unfortunately, however, the United States Federal Government doesn’t want us to know about this amazing modern technology!!!

Getting started

Your radionics box (commonly referred to as the Wishing Machine) serves as an electronic voodoo machine. Connect an image or mental memory of what you wish for with its frequency settings on your device, then transmit this desire out into the world via your device’s output – an orgone generator (Chi Generator(r)) capable of amplifying action remotely.

Traditional practitioners, shamans and magicians know that no magick or distant action can take place without an ample supply of Chi energy – this was one of the reasons they guarded this ancient technology like it was an invaluable jewel!

Now with my Chi Generator(r) and Power-Radionics(tm) machine, the secrets of ancient magic can finally be experienced by anyone! With powerful orgone generators and radionics software combined into modern equipment, creating and fulfilling wishes has never been simpler!

Some have called this form of technology so powerful that some refer to it as advanced magic or techno-shamanism! Unfortunately, the United States Government DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THIS AMAZING SECRET MODERN TECHNOLOGY!!!

Many traditional esoteric schools instruct their students in creating trend-links that are often complex in nature, which requires considerable concentration and skill in order to produce an impactful thought form.

Our RAD 2400 HD Wishing Machines and Power Manifestation radionics software make this task much simpler. These machines optimize the effect of trend links, generate appropriate thought forms and supply strong Chi energy.

Utilising the RAD 2400 HD series and the Power Manifestation radionics program, you can do everything a shaman, magick master or traditional practitioner would!

The dials

Building a radionics wishing machine can take many forms. Some people like using boxes with plates and dials mounted to one surface of the case while others spread them out so that they are easily reachable. No matter your method of choice, however, precision and consistency must always be key when programming your wish; using the appropriate rate for every visualization ensures you send out sufficient energy into the universe to fulfill them.

Affirmations can be an extremely effective tool for manifesting your desires, from wealth and health to anything else you desire. The key is using them correctly with faith that your desires will manifest – the universe is an expansive source, but you have the ability to shape its realities with your words.

The Wishing Machine is an electronic device that emits signals into deep space to accelerate the manifestation of your desires, as well as an Emitter of Frequencies believed to stimulate Law of Attraction. The Wishing Machine has been around for 100 years, proving to be an extremely effective means for materializing dreams – thousands of people have already used this innovative device successfully and it has become an integral part of many people’s lives.

For those who don’t feel confident constructing their own wishing machines, commercially available ones exist that can help. You can find these online and can program them for specific intentions such as manifesting a job or home. Plus they’re quite affordable – proven effective too!

Once you are ready to use your wishing machine, simply place a picture or written intention of your goal between two brass plates. Next, set each dial according to how many visualizations you wish to connect. For instance, if you wish to manifest a new job, set one dial to “new job,” another one to “home,” etc. Repeat this process until all desired goals have been connected and make sure you stay focused while listening to instrumental music without lyrics in order to remain calm.

Getting your wish

No matter your financial goals or other desires – be they more money, better work opportunities, increased sales for your business or reconnecting with past loved ones and friends – the wishing machine can help make them happen. But to achieve true success requires three essential ingredients – right mindset, proper technique and the correct tuning of wishes – each being vitally important components in their own way; failing any of them could spell failure regardless of how strong your intent, traditionalist connections or spiritual training might be.

Tune your intention into a wishing machine using an input pad made of copper where you place a photo or piece of paper with your desire written on it, along with knobs for finding an optimal frequency to meet that goal. Once found, rub your finger along the pad until it sticks firmly against it and that indicates you have found the ideal frequency to meet it. When your goal has been successfully attained, store away your tuned-up wishing machine away until its fulfillment!

This device can be utilized for almost any purpose in life. It works similarly to communication gadgets where deep space recognizes frequency as an interaction point. Many have realized their dreams through this invention for years.

Another fantastic feature of this device is that it contains an orgone generator for faster results. Orgone is an energetic substance that channels life energy from the Universe similar to what a Reiki healer does, making this feature all the more useful as it will provide your desires with plenty of energy that makes manifesting them much simpler. As this wishing device is the only one with this feature built-in it makes this powerful.
