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What is Rife Light Therapy?

rife light therapy

Everything on Earth vibrates at a certain frequency or vibration rate, and doctor Royal Raymond Rife conducted many experiments that revealed microorganisms possess specific mortal oscillatory rates which when amplified can debilitate them or collapse their membranes until death occurs – in other words vibrating them to death.

Non-invasive frequency therapy uses specific frequencies to target harmful microorganisms and is an ideal addition to holistic wellness practices. Read on to gain more knowledge of this treatment option.

It’s Non-Invasive

Rife machine therapy is non-invasive and uses no harmful chemicals or radiation – an ideal choice for people looking for non-drug ways of managing pain or treating diseases.

This device emits low-energy radio waves that are absorbed by cells within the body. Supporters believe repeated exposure can reduce chronic pain, accelerate healing processes and even eradicate cancer altogether.

Royal Raymond Rife made several discoveries during the 1930s that ultimately led him to create his Beam Ray device, which would produce frequencies designed to destroy harmful microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. Rife’s work rested on his conviction that everything vibrated at different rates or frequencies. His experiments demonstrated that specific organisms have specific mortal oscillatory rates (MORs) at which they died – Rife’s machines could identify these frequencies and deprive microbes from them.

Under the supervision of a trained practitioner, Rife frequency therapies can offer safe and effective solutions for treating various autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

At the Cancer Center for Healing, their experienced practitioners help patients find the appropriate combination of treatments to meet their wellness goals – such as including Rife machine therapy in their holistic treatment plans to facilitate body’s natural healing processes.

Rife machine therapy as an adjunctive therapy to existing medications and treatments may offer additional advantages such as reducing inflammation, stimulating cell regeneration, and strengthening immunity.

At the Cancer Center for Healing, our practitioners can discuss your medical history, current health condition, and desired treatment goals to determine whether rife machine therapy may be a suitable approach to your wellness journey. If you would like to explore its potential benefits further, get in touch with us now so we can arrange a consultation appointment and start helping you on the road toward optimal wellness! We look forward to supporting you along this path to optimal wellness!

It’s Painless

As cancer care becomes increasingly complex, patients are turning toward less invasive, non-toxic treatments as a solution. Rife frequency therapy provided by the Cancer Center for Healing in Irvine, California, is a holistic treatment option that works to eliminate harmful pathogens and foster healing within the body. Rife machine therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with cancer cells, breaking them apart and killing them off. Royal Raymond Rife made an incredible discovery through his research, when he observed that all micro-organisms have specific frequencies which resonate, which could be used to kill them. Rife’s experiments demonstrated this fact by amplifying their natural frequencies until their natural frequencies vibrated out, killing viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus and other microorganisms through vibrational death.

Rife machines were often greeted with doubt in the early 1900s; however, more recent research is proving their efficacy. Low-energy radio waves emitted by this technology are believed to help heal our bodies by balancing immunity and decreasing inflammation levels, relieving pain relief as well as helping chronic fatigue sufferers with migraines.

After experiencing Rife machine therapy, many have reported feeling better within just a few sessions. These positive results have encouraged more and more people to give Rife machine therapy a try; its positive results serve as an encouragement for others to explore this form of holistic treatment, which works especially well when combined with other holistic modalities like acupuncture.

While further study is necessary to understand the true benefits of Rife machine therapy, many have discovered its value as an alternative chemotherapy treatment option. Rife machine therapy has proven helpful for alleviating some side effects from Taxol chemotherapy drugs that impact immune function and cause side effects like fatigue, nausea and vomiting; or as complementary therapy alongside surgery or radiation. Rife machine therapy offers safe and effective relief from their side effects.

It’s Effective

Rife frequency therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies that emit electromagnetic pulses to target and destroy cancerous cells, as well as to support natural healing processes within the body. People who have undergone this alternative treatment for cancer have reported improved health and an overall increased sense of well-being after participating in Rife frequency therapy sessions.

This noninvasive therapy relies on bioresonance theory, which holds that unhealthy and diseased cells have different electromagnetic properties from healthy ones; this difference can be detected with electromagnetic radiation of appropriate frequency; using this energy, unhealthy cells can be destroyed while healthy ones “normalized.”

Royal Raymond Rife conducted research in the 1920s and 1930s that involved creating compound microscopes capable of magnifying microorganisms up to 30,000x magnification. He discovered that many microorganisms had specific frequencies or vibration rates that resonated with them, killing them off. Rife created the RIFE machine in order to target those frequencies with electromagnetic waves aimed at eliminating microbes that had become chronic problems, yet AMA suppressed his discoveries.

Rife technology is still widely utilized today to promote healing and treat chronic illness, while offering non-invasive pain relief. Combining ancient healing technologies with modern science, this non-invasive treatment has long been seen as an effective form of cancer therapy.

Clients begin their session in a comfortable chair and place their feet on specialized footplates. Next, they hold two plasma glass tubes which produce radio wave forms (RF), penetrating deeper than traditional electrode-based treatments which only cover the surface layer of skin.

RF frequencies are carefully tuned to only affect harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites without harming healthy cells or tissues. This allows RF therapy to effectively eradicate organisms responsible for conditions like candida, arthritis, Lyme disease and typhus; improve blood flow; strengthen immunity systems – as well as boost overall immunity – making rife an invaluable addition to holistic treatment plans addressing root causes instead of only symptoms of these illnesses.

It’s Safe

Rife machines employ frequencies to effectively target harmful microorganisms and enhance natural healing processes in the body. These frequencies are non-invasive, non-interfering with any other cells or systems and penetrate deep into tissues of the body – targeting microorganisms that would be hard to reach with traditional approaches alone. Therefore, frequency therapy like Rife machines is so effective at restoring balance and increasing immunity system health.

Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife machine during the 1930s. As both an electrical engineer and scientist, Rife built one of the first compound microscopes with high magnification, enabling him to experiment with frequencies on bacteria and viruses placed under his microscope on slides under magnification. Through experiments conducted using various frequencies he discovered certain frequencies could shatter cell walls of organisms without harming other parts of their cells, as well as match cancerous tumors’ resonant frequencies for destruction.

As a result of his discoveries, the medical establishment attempted to silence him and the work that he was doing. He was denied funding from the International Cancer Institute, discredited research was disproved, equipment destroyed in fires or lost; leaving little trace of his discoveries or of their significance. Yet anecdotal evidence points towards him being one of the greatest scientists and medical researchers of his era.

Modern scientific studies have verified Rife’s invention was spot-on; light frequencies used in his invention could effectively shatter harmful organisms’ cell structures without harming any other part of their cells, making them inevitability non-survivable for survival – making rife therapy particularly useful against diseases caused by Borrelia bacteria such as Lyme disease.

Rife therapy does not always yield immediate results, and sessions must typically continue in order to see real changes. Our clients report feeling renewed after receiving multiple sessions; others are surprised at how quickly their symptoms improve; but please remember these are anecdotal reports, not guaranteed outcomes.
