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Spooky2 Biofeedback Scan – Discover the Best Frequencies to Use With Rife

spooky2 biofeedback scan

No matter your profession or interest in alternative healing solutions, the Spooky2 system provides an appealing entryway into frequency healing technology.

Generator circuitry sends out frequencies which stress, injure, or kill pathogens before recording changes in electrical signal to detect these hits. The scanner then correlates these stresses with its frequency database in what’s known as reverse lookup.

What is a Biofeedback Scan?

Biofeedback is a training program with the purpose of teaching people to control involuntary physiological processes – both mental and physical. Biofeedback devices provide powerful yet simple means of doing just that, making bioscans easy and painless; simply put your hand in a hand cradle while scanning runs – this allows the device to communicate with your natural energy field to read responses; during the process you won’t feel anything; rather advanced software shows you exactly what frequencies your body reacts to from each scan frequency inputted by scanner.

Bioscans measure your body’s response to various frequencies. While it doesn’t diagnose or treat, bioscans can provide invaluable insights into how stress impacts you; for example, by detecting viral, bacterial, fungi, nutritional deficiencies, vitamin levels, hormone levels or food sensitivities.

Bioscans involve inflicting a frequency sweep onto the body via either a non-damped cardiac monitor (GX) or sample digitizer (Spooky2 Pulse), and this signal causes it to “scream”, or react, as measured by stress events recorded by your scanner. Your scanner then correlates each event to its specific frequency cause by noting its appearance in your scan results list.

Every object emits its own vibrational frequency – like its own fingerprint. Biofeedback software can scan for millions of these frequencies to locate any that resonate with your own energy field, like fingerprints. Unfortunately, biofeedback may miss some potentially dangerous frequencies due to stealth strategies employed by pathogens that try to escape detection by your immune system – while loud screamers might get hit and eliminated, more serious organisms might remain undetected due to all the other bacteria being killed simultaneously.

How Does a Biofeedback Scan Work?

Biofeedback scans provide an electro-dermal reading of energy frequencies within your body and compare these against vitamins, neurotransmitters, hormones, foods and other substances to pinpoint imbalances that might be occurring energetically in your system. While biofeedback readings cannot replace medical advice given by physicians, they provide extremely close correlations to physical, spiritual and emotional ailments experienced by many people.

Biofeedback is a form of training which teaches people how to control what are usually involuntary functions such as brain activity. Studies of rt-fMRI biofeedback have demonstrated that individuals can learn to alter region-specific brain activity using this practice (Caria et al, 2007; deCharms et al 2004; Hamilton 2011 and McCaig 2009).

The Spooky2 scan utilizes your body’s electromagnetic field to identify any patterns in its energy flow, taking advantage of your unique morphogenic field’s frequency before comparing it against its database and displaying results on screen when there is a match; once detected, data about any problem frequencies will be saved so they can be addressed later.

Spooky2 offers an innovative diagnostic tool, Reverse Lookup, for combatting pathogens. Simply run a frequency through your scalar generator, and it will return a list of any organisms which have died as a result of being exposed to that particular frequency – giving you a chance to use those frequencies on other spooky2 devices to completely eradicate any remaining pathogens and their offspring.

Dr. Debbie recommends doing a biofeedback scan each month until a patient feels their function has been restored and balanced, or for up to six months thereafter. Patients can arrange an appointment by calling or emailing IHS office and asking to be added to the bio-feedback scan schedule. Once the bio-feedback scan is complete an IHS staff member will send the patient their ROF document and Recommended Supplement Schedule via email; at that point the Patient can either order products online through IHS website, or call/email the IHS office with list of products needed so an invoice can be created specifically for them.

What is a Biofeedback Scan with Spooky2?

Spooky2 biofeedback scans allow you to identify the optimal frequencies to use with your Rife device. Rife frequency technology suggests that specific pathogens resonate with and are destroyed by specific frequencies; Rife machines sweep various frequencies through your body while recording any stress responses as they occur and correlate those stressors to specific frequencies which caused them. They then construct programs using those frequencies in order to eliminate or neutralize problems identified during their scans.

Spooky2 offers four methods of biofeedback scanning. The Pulse Scan can be used for scanning an entire body by monitoring changes in heart rate to track how your body responds to each frequency scan frequency; an increase in heart rate indicates a sympathetic resonance with one frequency that stresses out your system, recorded by Spooky2, and saved for later use as part of Rife devices.

Spooky2 offers both a TENS Scan and Sample Digitizer Scan that require generators compatible with these accessories. While TENS scan is more flexible as it can be used remotely, plasma, or contact mode; sample digitizer scan allows the user to move freely during scan sessions which makes them much more suitable for those who find sitting still too uncomfortable for long.

The Sample Digitizer Scan is compatible with both new genx and standard scalar generators and represents one of the most advanced biofeedback scans, as it allows users to detect pathogens within biological samples such as urine, saliva and blood. Unlike TENS or Pulse Scan systems which only detect changes in electrical signal frequency by scanning samples directly for changes, this advanced biofeedback scanner detects pathogens directly by recording any electrical changes produced from them and recording changes directly to produce its electrical signal output directly.

Reverse Lookup can help identify new pathogens not yet listed in the database, often because of biowarfare lab engineering or mutation that alters their frequency enough for new frequencies to be necessary in combatting them.

How to Do a Biofeedback Scan with Spooky2

Spooky2 biofeedback scans expose your body to a range of frequencies that alter electric field pressure, altering skin conductivity and heart rate, as well as skin conductance and heart rate. Spooky2 detects these field changes and records them for later analysis – this allows us to match stress events to their respective frequencies (known as hits in Rife terminology). Once complete, the frequency list saved from your scan can help address imbalanced energy frequencies later.

Spooky2 searches its database for frequencies to devitalize pathogens when hits are identified, an process known as Reverse Lookup. If no results come back during Reverse Lookup, that indicates either it was created specifically in biowarfare laboratories and has never been dealt with, or existing pathogens that have evolved to resist Rife frequencies are now resistant to their devitalizing frequencies.

Spooky2 makes biofeedback scans easy: simply connect the Sample Digitizer to Out 1 of one generator of GenX and place your DNA sample inside. Open the control tab, click generator button, tick “Overwrite Generator”, start generator, runtime channel button will turn green – simple as that!
