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The Benefits of Distant Healing

Unwittingly or not, we all provide distant healing to others through well wishes, prayers, or positive thinking. Studies have proven that energy flows wherever thought goes and this can have both physical and emotional benefits.

This article presents a pragmatic within-subjects pilot study of Reiki Medic-Care, an intervention providing free distance healing to National Health Service frontline healthcare workers.

What is distance healing?

Distance healing entails harnessing vibrational energy to promote someone’s wellbeing without them physically being present. Think of it like an invisible bridge of positive vibes connecting two individuals across physical space and time.

Alternative treatments such as yoga can be an invaluable asset in treating common health issues like muscle pain, anxiety and low energy levels. Furthermore, yoga helps treat emotional conditions like stress and depression more effectively.

At a session, healer and client connect via telephone or Skype and discuss their intentions and focus. By doing this, healing energy can travel across long distances more easily.

Practitioners can send energy directly into certain parts of the body or to an entire system. Clients may be instructed to focus on particular emotions or mental processes as well. It’s often encouraged that clients open up their hearts and release any feelings of resentment or sadness they might be holding onto.

As with other forms of energy medicine, distant healing sessions’ effectiveness varies according to various factors. One recent study, however, has demonstrated that those receiving remote healing experienced reduced medical recurrences and an improvement in mood as a result. These results support previous studies which demonstrate a correlation between spirituality and good health.

Researchers randomly assigned participants to either a healing group or control group in this study. Those assigned to healing received weekly Reiki energy healing sessions from an expert healer while those in control received no such sessions at all. After six months, researchers found that those sent distant healing had significantly less AIDS-related illnesses than their counterparts in both groups and reported less frequent doctor visits and shorter hospital stays than the former group.

Healers should practice energetic protection before every session by visualizing a protective shield around themselves and infusing it with their energy. Both healers and clients should regularly assess their energy levels to make sure that neither is depleting themselves too significantly.

How does it work?

Distance healing sessions don’t involve physically meeting in order for energy healing sessions to take place. Instead, the healer sends energy directly to their recipient using a symbol called the Distant Reiki Healing symbol (also referred to as Reiki Heart Chakra symbol), with this energy traveling across time and space before being received by its intended receiver in order to balance and harmonize their subtle energy body.

Energy healing requires both parties involved to be open and willing. The receiver should feel warm sensations such as warmth, tingling or deep relaxation from both sources; in some instances they may even fall asleep during their healing session, which is completely normal and acceptable.

Distant Healing symbols are widely believed to act as bridges between time and space, providing energy transfer between past, present, and future events. Therefore they can be extremely helpful in breaking longstanding patterns of behaviour that need breaking.

From a scientific viewpoint, this type of healing is supported by quantum physics principles. Quantum physics is the study of how particles behave at both an atomic and sub atomic level; one central tenant of quantum physics is that everything is composed of energy particles which interact instantly and instantly communicate between one another.

Healers must first place healing symbols on various areas of a person’s face and body before asking him or her to lie down and relax for the duration of a healing session, typically one or more hours long depending on individual client needs. Following such sessions it is recommended that individuals drink plenty of water post session in order to flush away any toxins released during healing as well as avoid caffeine or alcohol as these could interfere with its efficacy.

Benefits of distance healing

While many may still believe healing occurs only face-to-face, research has demonstrated that distance energy healing is just as effective if not more so than traditional sessions.

Distance healing sessions involve two parties connecting via phone or Skype and discussing what they would like to focus on for healing purposes. This helps both parties establish an intimate and clear sense of each other’s presence and amplifies energy flows and intentions behind healing processes.

At the beginning of each session, it is vital for both sides to find a quiet and interruption-free physical space where they can relax. Visualising who they are sending healing to strengthens their connection and can focus intent.

This strategy can be extremely powerful as it allows practitioners to reach people they wouldn’t normally be able to access healing services for. Thus, offering physical, mental, and spiritual transformation regardless of location or access restrictions.

Distance healing allows people to enjoy all the advantages of energy healing without taking time off work, making it ideal for busy lifestyles and schedules.

Energy healing is an ancient art that taps into the universal life force to promote balance, harmony and wellbeing. This practice can be used to address various conditions including physical pain, emotional issues, stress anxiety and low self-esteem.

Energy healing has long been used as a way to boost memory and creativity, soothe emotions, balance mind and body, bring clarity and peace, clear toxins out of our systems and increase relaxation. Studies have also revealed how it can assist us with excelling at work or school by increasing memory, creativity and focus, while relaxing more. Studies also show it improves sleep quality – something vital to good health!

How to find a healer

Healers are trained professionals that harness spiritual energy and use it to assist both humans and animals alike. Healers may work both directly or remotely – as individuals or in groups – focusing on sending healing energy outward from themselves into recipients – although remote sessions do not require being in the same physical room with one another due to quantum physics’ principle that energy cannot be limited by space or time and can therefore travel across distances.

At a distance healing session, the healer will go into a state of meditation before passing their hands over your body to detect areas of energy misbalance. They may ask about your health and well-being as well as any medical conditions which might impede their efforts.

Some may experience sensations during sessions, including warmth or tingling sensations and emotional shifts; other people do not detect anything during healing sessions. However, it is important to remember that healing does not serve as a magic bullet and that results may take some time before becoming apparent.

The College of Healing (CoH) provides an online directory of Healers who provide distant healing sessions. To locate one, enter their name in the search box below (not in the general one above), click blue ‘Find Listings’ and scroll through your results.
